Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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BASIC Source File
397 lines
SUB Top.Menu (sel, sel$(), fgc, bgc, hlc, topline, dis.time, dis.date, scn.blank, msg$, bgc$)
'Initilize Routine Varables
DIM a(20) ' maximum number of top selections allowed
month.data$ = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"
start: S$ = ""
a = 0
' Clear The Screen Using The Character in bgc$
' Using The Colors Specified in fgc,bgc this will print the bgc$
' Character to all locations on the screen.
COLOR fgc, bgc
FOR i = 1 TO 25
PRINT STRING$(80, bgc$);
'Initilize Line# 25 (The Help Line)
'This will init the Help Line to reverse colors specified in fgc,bgc.
'Line 25 is where the Help messages are displayed for the Selections
'The Message Strings are passed via the SEL$(x,10) string of each selection
LOCATE 25, 1
COLOR bgc, fgc
COLOR fgc, bgc
'Read the Selection Names that where passed in array SEL$(x,0)
'Store the length of each one in the array A().
'Get the 1st character of each SEL$(x,0), and build a string of them,
'this string is used to make top row selections based on letters.
'Read them until SEL$(x,0) is a Nul (0) length.
i = -1
i = i + 1
a(i) = LEN(sel$(i, 0))
z$ = LTRIM$(sel$(i, 0))
S$ = S$ + UCASE$(LEFT$(z$, 1))
LOOP WHILE sel$(i, 0) <> ""
' Setup the SEL variable to the correct value based on the number of
' selections that are to be displayed in the menu.
sel = i - 1
' Print the Message thats in MSG$ on the top line of the menu.
' If no message (MSG$=""), then make top line a line
' else center the message in MSG$ on the top line.
LOCATE topline + 1, 3
COLOR fgc, bgc
t = INT((75 - LEN(msg$)) / 2)
IF t * 2 + LEN(msg$) < 75 THEN f$ = STRING$((75 - (t * 2 + LEN(msg$))), "─") ELSE f$ = ""
PRINT "┌" + STRING$(t, "─") + msg$ + f$ + STRING$(t, "─") + "┐";
'Initilize 2nd line of Menu
'Print blank line as 2nd line
'then display Selection Names on line 2
'The names are in array SEL$(x,0)
LOCATE topline + 2, 2 'print blank line
COLOR 0, 0
PRINT " ";
COLOR fgc, bgc
PRINT "│" + SPACE$(75) + "│";
LOCATE topline + 2, 5 'print selection Names
COLOR fgc, bgc
FOR i = 0 TO sel
PRINT sel$(i, 0);
'Print 3rd line of Menu ( bottom of box)
LOCATE topline + 3, 2
COLOR 0, 0
PRINT " ";
COLOR fgc, bgc
PRINT "└" + STRING$(75, "─") + "┘";
' Setup varables
subsel = 1
subnum = 1
zold = 2
S = 0
x = 5
' Display submenu for the new Selection Name of SEL number
GOSUB dis.sub
'Display New Selection Name highlited on selection bar
lp: oldx = x 'update variables
x = 5
FOR i = 0 TO S 'Calculate new Selection position
x = x + LEN(sel$(i, 0))
x = x - LEN(sel$(i - 1, 0)) 'fix x to equal location
'start of NEW selection Name
COLOR fgc, bgc 'put OLD selection Name back to
LOCATE topline + 2, oldx 'original color
PRINT sel$(olds, 0);
COLOR hlc, fgc 'Select NEW selection Name
LOCATE topline + 2, x 'with highlite color
PRINT sel$(S, 0);
' Print the message for the New Selection Name centered on line 25
' The string is taken from SEL$(x,10)
' Based on the current value of S.
t = INT((80 - LEN(sel$(S, 10))) / 2)
IF t * 2 + LEN(sel$(S, 10)) < 78 THEN f$ = STRING$((78 - (t * 2 + LEN(sel$(S, 10)))), "─") ELSE f$ = ""
LOCATE 25, 1
COLOR bgc, fgc
PRINT SPACE$(t) + sel$(S, 10) + f$ + SPACE$(t);
COLOR fgc, bgc
' Wait for KEY to be pressed and....
' Display Current TIME if variable Dis.Time is not equal to 0.
' Display Current DATE if variable Dis.Date is not equal to 0.
' if screen blank is ON (scn.blank=1) then blank screen if no key is
' pressed for 3 minutes
get.key: blk.time = VAL(MID$(TIME$, 4, 2))
a$ = INKEY$
IF dis.date = 0 THEN GOTO dtime 'Display Date
month$ = MID$(month.data$, (((VAL(DATE$) - 1) * 3) + 1), 3)
LOCATE topline + 1, 4
PRINT CHR$(16) + month$ + " " + MID$(DATE$, 4, 2) + "," + MID$(DATE$, 9, 2) + CHR$(17)
dtime: IF dis.time = 0 THEN GOTO chk.blank 'Display Time
tx = VAL(LEFT$(TIME$, 2))
am$ = "Am"
IF tx > 12 THEN tx = tx - 12: am$ = "Pm"
t$ = CHR$(16) + RIGHT$(STR$(tx), 2) + ":" + MID$(TIME$, 4, 2) + " " + am$ + CHR$(17)
LOCATE topline + 1, 69
chk.blank: IF scn.blank = 0 THEN GOTO key.loop 'blank screen
IF VAL(MID$(TIME$, 4, 2)) > blk.time + 2 THEN GOTO blk.scrn
key.loop: LOOP WHILE a$ = ""
'Process the key that was pressed
IF LEN(a$) < 2 THEN GOTO reg.key 'if the key is an
'extended key (len>1)
'then process as cursor key
'else check for other key
a = ASC(RIGHT$(a$, 1)) 'check for cursor keys
IF a <> 77 AND a <> 75 AND a <> 72 AND a <> 80 GOTO get.key
olds = S
IF a <> 77 AND a <> 75 GOTO get.updnkey
IF a = 77 THEN S = S + 1 'check for left/right keys
IF a = 75 THEN S = S - 1
IF S > sel THEN S = 0
IF S < 0 THEN S = sel
c = S
subsel = 1
subnum = 1
GOSUB dis.sub
get.updnkey: 'check for up/down cursor
IF a = 80 THEN subsel = subsel + 1
IF a = 72 THEN subsel = subsel - 1
GOSUB update.sub
reg.key: a$ = UCASE$(a$) 'else make the key
'Upper Case
IF a$ = CHR$(27) THEN sel = -1: EXIT SUB 'check for escape key
'if the key is 'ESC' then
'return with SEL= -1 (neg.1)
ret: IF a$ <> CHR$(13) GOTO test.num 'if key is ENTER then
sel = (S * 10) + subnum: EXIT SUB 'return with selection
'number in SEL
'else test for number Key
test.num: 'if not a valid # key test
q = VAL(a$) 'for letter key
IF q >= 1 AND q <= cv AND q <= 9 AND q > 0 THEN
subsel = q
GOSUB update.sub
a$ = CHR$(13): GOTO ret
test.ltr: IF c <> 0 THEN 'test for first letter key
c = c + 1 'if c<>0 then add 1 to c
c = INSTR(c, S$, a$) 'and test for match
IF c <> 0 GOTO tr 'this allows multilble
END IF 'selections with the same
c = INSTR(S$, a$) 'letter to be selected as
IF c = 0 GOTO get.key 'round-robin type
tr: olds = S
S = c - 1
subsel = 1
subnum = 1
GOSUB dis.sub 'go display new Sub menu
GOTO lp 'and go display new Selection
'* * * * * * * * Subroutine To Display NEW Sub Menu * * * * * * * * * *
' Clear old submenu box to back ground character (BGC$)
' and display NEW sub menu
dis.sub: 'init variables
i = 0
a = 0
xtemp = x
'clear old submenu box to back ground character
COLOR fgc, bgc
FOR i = 1 TO cv + 2
LOCATE topline + 4 + i, zold - 1
PRINT STRING$(aold + 7, bgc$)
'fix the 'shadow' line of the top box
LOCATE topline + 4, 1
COLOR fgc, bgc
PRINT bgc$;
COLOR 0, 0
COLOR fgc, bgc
PRINT STRING$(2, bgc$);
'find the length of the longest submenu title to be displayed
'and store in A. If there is no Submenu for this Selection then
'return, Else Display NEW Submenu
i = 1
DO WHILE (sel$(S, i) <> "") AND (i < 10)
IF LEN(sel$(S, i)) > a THEN a = LEN(sel$(S, i))
i = i + 1
cv = 0
IF i = 1 THEN RETURN 'no Submenu
'Display new SubMenu
aold = a 'init variables
cvold = cv
cv = i - 1
cvold = cv
x = 5
'calculate cursor position
FOR i = 0 TO S
x = x + LEN(sel$(i, 0))
'fix cursor position to
'start of selection string
x = x - LEN(sel$(i - 1, 0))
'if starting position + longest string found > 77 then adjust
'start position.
'if starting pos. < 4 then set it to 4.
IF x + a > 77 THEN z = 72 - a ELSE z = x - 3
IF z < 4 THEN z = 4
zold = z
'Print NEW SubMenu
COLOR fgc, bgc
LOCATE topline + 4, z
PRINT "┌" + STRING$((x - z) - 1, "─");
LOCATE topline + 4, x
PRINT "┘" + SPACE$(LEN(sel$(S, 0)) - 2) + "└";
b = x + LEN(sel$(S, 0)) - 1
n = z + a + 3
xx = (n) - (b - 1)
IF xx < 1 THEN xx = 0
PRINT STRING$(xx, "─") + "┐";
FOR i = 1 TO cv
LOCATE topline + i + 4, z - 1
COLOR 0, 0
PRINT " ";
COLOR fgc, bgc
PRINT "│";
PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(i)) + ". " + sel$(S, i) + SPACE$(a - (LEN(sel$(S, i)) - 1)) + "│";
LOCATE topline + i + 4, z - 1
COLOR 0, 0
PRINT " ";
COLOR fgc, bgc
PRINT "└" + STRING$(a + 4, "─") + "┘";
LOCATE topline + i + 5, z - 1
COLOR 0, 0
PRINT STRING$(a + 6, " ");
x = xtemp
'* * * * * * * * Subroutine To Display NEW title in Submenu * * * * * * *
' restore previous title to normal colors
' and display NEW tile in High-lite Color (HLC)
COLOR fgc, bgc
IF subsel > cv THEN subsel = 1
IF subsel < 1 THEN subsel = cv
'restore previous title
LOCATE topline + subnum + 4, z + 1
PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(subnum)) + ". " + sel$(S, subnum);
'print new title
LOCATE topline + subsel + 4, z + 1
COLOR hlc, fgc
PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(subsel)) + ". " + sel$(S, subsel);
subnum = subsel
COLOR fgc, bgc
'* * * * * * * * Subroutine To Blank the Screen * * * * * * *
SOUND 600, 3
SOUND 400, 3
COLOR 0, 0
x = 1: y = 1
ox = x: oy = y
LOCATE ox, oy
COLOR 0, 0
blk2: x = INT(RND * 25)
y = INT(RND * 80)
IF x > 25 OR y > 60 OR x < 1 OR y < 1 THEN GOTO blk2:
COLOR fgc, bgc
PRINT "...Press Any Key...";
t = VAL(MID$(TIME$, 8, 1))
tlp: IF t = VAL(MID$(TIME$, 8, 1)) THEN GOTO tlp
a$ = INKEY$
IF a$ = "" GOTO blk1
GOTO start