Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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3DDEMOS.ZIP 3-d solid-modeling animations for CGA display
3DM.ZIP 3D animation program by Dale Gass
96COL.ZIP Allows 96 columns on IBMPC-compatible screens
A3E_100.ZIP JHSoft's ANSI ASCII Avatar Editor
ADDRV140.ZIP Advanced Cyrillic drivers for EGA/VGA & keybd.
ADDRV14U.ZIP Advanced Ukrainian driver for EGA/VGA & keybd.
ADVID105.ZIP Faster video output with CGA/EGA/VGA
ANSI.ZIP PC Mag's fast TSR replacement for ANSI.SYS
ANSI_ESC.DOC Reference for ANSI escape sequences
ANSI137.ZIP Fast memory-resident ANSI.SYS replacement
ANSIDR30.ZIP ANSI screen drawing pgm, good for BBS sysops
ANSILTR2.ZIP ANSI Letter templates for The Draw 3.10/3.20
ANSIMS10.ZIP ANSI Mouse: Drawing program (requires mouse)
ANSIPAIN.ZIP AnsiPaint, ANSI screen drawing program, v2.1
ANSIT100.ZIP ANSI.SYS replacement driver benchmark utility
ASCR35.ZIP Russian characters on screen in any video mode
BBL_V_1.ZIP Big Block Letter (billboard) display dev drvr
BILBD110.ZIP Make computer screen look like a billboard
BL.ASM Blank the screen to REAL top line. MASM src
BLANK.ZIP Screen blanking utility with MASM source
BLANK16B.ZIP Screen blanker
BLANK332.ZIP Blank v3.32, timed/manual screen blanker
BLANKOP.ZIP Screen saver for all IBM PC compatibles
BLINK120.ZIP TSR simulates non-blinking cursor
BLNKET11.ZIP Screen blanker - scrolls message/time
BLOCKCUR.ZIP Control your true (hardware) cursor
BORDER.ZIP Set screen border color using BIOS rtns, w/src
BOSSKY13.ZIP Capture screen to disk/display captured screen
BRITELN.ZIP TSR makes prompt line reverse video
BUFFIT30.ZIP Memory resident screen scrollback utility v3.0
BURNO231.ZIP Screen blanker v2.31 works on diff. video bds
CAPBUF.ZIP TSR captures any text screen to disk
CGA.ZIP CGA simulator for HERC (from New Zealand)
CGA10.ZIP Run CGA programs on Herc Monochrome systems
CHANGE.ZIP Change DOS bkground and fground screen colors
CLEAR.ASM Fast clear screen function, Assembler code
CLSH.ZIP Screen blanker, saves original screen display
COLJST20.ZIP Adjust VGA text colors. 262,144 possibilities
COLORIZE.ZIP Adds color to games
COLORNUM.BAS QBasic demo: setting VGA display bkgnd color
COLORS.ZIP Change text colors in DOS and programs
COLORSRT.ZIP Displays screen attributes in HEX/DEC/OCTAL
COLOURS.ZIP Control screen colors in DOS and programs
CONCPY11.ZIP Copy screen output to file & still see it
CRT31.ZIP Set CGA foreground, background, border colors
CRTALIGN.ZIP Video test pattern generator to align monitor
CS.ZIP Use CGA programs with Hercules card
CTYPE.ZIP PC Mag's change cursor size & shape utility
CURS_ON.OFF Turn cursor on or off
CURSBLOK.ZIP TSR turns cursor to solid block
CURSESP.ZIP Unix Curses window lib for TurboC++/BorlandC++
CURSOR.MOR More info on unblinking cursor
CURSOR.ZIP Set cursor shape and style
CUTPAST4.ZIP TSR adds text cut and paste to any program
CYLON4.ZIP Set your cursor - 4 different choices
CYRILIC2.ZIP Add Russian characters to PC display
DCURSES2.ZIP Unix Curses window lib for MSDOS (MSC & TC)
DFE104.ZIP Create or modify custom EGA/VGA display fonts
DHPRTSCR.ZIP Fix for CRLF bug in IBM-PC ROM bios PrtSc rtn
DOSCLIP.ZIP TSR adds cut and paste facilities to MS-DOS
DRIP21.ZIP Clear screen in fashion like water dripping
DSCRNV12.ZIP Screen saver with selectable delay
DTEST.ZIP ANSI driver performance test for EGA/VGA disp.
EVAFONT.ZIP EGA/VGA font designer; handles 8x8, 8x14, 8x16
EXPLO210.ZIP DOS/Windows fireworks screen saver w/fractals
FCON200.ZIP Fansi-Console enhanced kbd/scr driver, 3/28/88
FCONSDOC.ZIP Documentation for Fansi Console
FFLASHER.ZIP Screen saver with password and message display
FHPRTSC.ZIP Herc-Epson graphics screen printer (w/ASM)
FLIPFLOP.ZIP Flip back and forth between color & mono disp.
GNUTCAP.ZIP GnuTermcap for MSDOS/MSC-src & small model lib
GRABASC.ZIP Memory resident text screen grabber
GRABB394.ZIP Creates .EXE files from console screens
GRBTXT12.ZIP Grab screen text, cut & paste w/mouse to kybd.
H43EMU10.ZIP EGA 43 line mode emulator for Hercules cards
HERC_EPS.PAS Print Hercules screen on Epson printer. TP src
HERCAP10.ZIP Capture Hercules graphic screens to disk
HERCB21.ZIP BIOS & CGA emulator for Hercules graphics card
HERCSV13.ZIP Screen blanker for Hercules Graphics card
HERCSV20.ZIP Screen blanker for Hercules Graphics card
HERCULES.ZIP Hercules Mono Graphics utilities
HERKULES.ZIP HiRes 90x45 text mode driver for Hercules disp
HGCIB202.ZIP Run CGA programs on Hercules card. v2.02
HPRTSC.ZIP Herc-Epson graphics screen printer (w/ASM)
IM17.ZIP C/E/VGA/Herc 3D stars scrn saver w/visual eff.
INFBAR15.ZIP TSR ruler displays exact (X,Y) screen position
KUTSGL10.ZIP Cuts and glues text to word processor
LAMNETH.ZIP Redirect PrintScreen to print to a disk file
LANSI1.ZIP Menu-driven ANSI screen file (.ANS) viewer
LASTSCRN.ZIP TSR: Store scrn for later recall w/color v1.01
LETTERS.ZIP Design your own EGA/VGA video display fonts
LOGGER.ZIP Logs output of most programs to file
LOOK120.ZIP Browse text file up to 120 columns/CGA
LRUS31.ZIP Cyrillic screen/keyboard driver for EGA/VGA
MOWED.ASM Set video modes, assembly language source
MXXDRV10.ZIP Custom Font/Video mode control TSR for EGA/VGA
NAB16.ZIP Selective screen capture to file/kbd/printer
NANSI.TCP Unix termcap for NANSI.SYS
NANSI33.ZIP Fast replacement for ANSI.SYS console driver
NNANS992.ZIP Enhanced/fast ANSI.SYS driver/TSR, with source
NOCURCUR.ZIP Simple program info to turn cursor on/off
PC_BW.ZIP Utility for BW monitor on CGA cards
PCBAO11.ZIP PC-Board ANSI optimize removes un-needed code
PCCURS14.ZIP Unix-compatible version of Curses screen mgmt
PCMOUS10.ZIP Cut and paste for textmodes of 286/386/486 PCs
PDCURS20.ZIP Unix-compatible curses screen handler (source)
PHOTO.ZIP TSR EGA/CGA/TEXT screen capture & replay
PIPEV20.ZIP Redirect console output to a disk file
PROMPTR1.ZIP 47 illustrations for DOS prompt (customizable)
PRTSCR1.ZIP PrtSc text & graphics (thru EGA), w/C,ASM src
PSPLUS.ZIP TSR: Shift-PrtSc saves to disk or printer
QRULER21.ZIP Memory resident ruler bar
QWIKANSI.ZIP A fast ANSI.SYS replacement
READSCRN.ZIP Compares string on screen with command line
SAVER10.ZIP Screen saver. Rearranges parts of the screen
SAVSCR.ASM Blank screen after no activity
SCAP250.ZIP Screen capture utility, all or part of screen
SCNDRW20.ZIP Color screen drawing editor w/block operations
SCR2TC20.ZIP Convert TheDraw files to format used by TC2.0
SCREEN.ASM Set screen color text/background/mode
SCRIPT11.ZIP Saves console output to a file
SCRNCOLR.ASM Set screen color text/bkgnd/mode from cmd line
SCRND121.ZIP ScrnDisk 1.21: Copy text screens to file (TSR)
SCRNSAV2.ZIP TSR screen saver for PS2 systems
SCROLLK.ASM TSR: Scroll lock key control for video display
SD277.ZIP Tool for designing screen displays, v2.77
SDSGNR.ZIP Easily design text screens, port into C code
SIMCGA40.ZIP Use CGA pgms in monochrome with Hercules board
SIZEIT.ZIP TSR movable horizontal & vertical screen ruler
SNIPPR26.ZIP TSR to save part of screen to disk/print/keybd
SOS310.ZIP Save/restore text screens to/from mem or disk
SP10.ZIP Screen-to-keyboard paster, v1.0
SPS20.ZIP Selective PrintScreen, prints selected block
SPS21.ZIP Make PrtSc print parts of screen, many options
SS3.ZIP ScreenSave3: TSR screen blanker, MONO/CGA/EGA
SSAV1291.ZIP Screen Saver TSR 12/91 update. Selective
STATL411.ZIP Kbd & disk status on 26th line (CGA/Mono only)
SV.ZIP Utility to display screen image files
SWAP.A86 Swap between B&W and color
SWAP.ASM Swap between B&W and color
SWEARS10.ZIP Beta test version of Unix 'curses' for MS-DOS
SWPMON.ZIP Swap monitor screen when using 2 monitors
TANRESET.ZIP Resets Tandy 640x200x16 video mode to CGA
TDRAW451.ZIP TheDraw v4.51: ANSI/ASCII screen designer
TELEPORT.ZIP Cut and paste data between programs
TERMCAP.ZIP Unix-style termcap functions for PC w/C
THEFAST6.ZIP Screen display speed-up utility, v1.06
TSDEMO15.ZIP Turbo Pascal grahics demos by Timo Salmi
TWOMON.ZIP Two programs for two monitor support
TXTCAP20.ZIP Capture text screens to disk
TXTSHW30.ZIP Creates customized text screen presentations
UCGA10.ZIP CGA simulator for the Hercules Graphics card
UNBLIN20.ZIP Unblink, set block/underline cursor (Biologic)
UNBLINK2.ZIP TSR to turn cursor blink on and off
USE2CRTS.ZIP Copy contents of color screen to mono screen
USEANSI.ZIP Short tutorial on using the ANSI.SYS function
VDRIVER.ZIP Create DOS drivers with Lattice C
VGA_HERC.ZIP Use VGA & Hercules mono displays at same time
VICTORY.CQR How to unblink the cursor (squeezed file)
VIDEO_CO.ZIP TSR-choose forground/background colors + mode
VIDEO29.ZIP Change number of lines on CGA/EGA/VGA display
VIDMODE.ZIP Pgms to set 25/43/50 line video modes, w/src
VIDSAVE.ZIP Restores 43 or 50 line video mode on pgm exit
VIDSPD30.ZIP Video speed performance tester, ver. 3.0
VIZ423.ZIP VIz v4.23 BIOS & DOS video acceleration util.
VIZMK20.ZIP Benchmark of video I/O speed
VMOIRE18.ZIP Screensaver works with ET4 an many other VGA's
WARPDRV.ZIP Fast ANSI.SYS replacement w/optional features
WAS062.ZIP Scroll screen backwards - uses EMM, w/ASM src
WBIOS.ASM TSR, add window functions to BIOS
XFLASH1.ZIP Elim. CGA scroll flash w/o snow, w/ASM source
XPS12.ZIP Selective screen print utility
ZANSI_12.ZIP ANSI.SYS replacement, faster than NANSI, w/ASM
ZAVT11.ZIP Enhanced MS-DOS ANSI/AVATAR console driver
ZENO25.ZIP Speeds up some screen writes by 100% or more