Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
Text File
263 lines
; 1/8/89
; Written by Tom Streeter (75216.2530). This replaces the versions uploaded
; to Compuserve on 11/17/88 and 10/15/1988.
; This is an experimental set of macros to allow for simple onscreen
; outlining. Modifications, elaborations, and improvements to this should
; be relatively simple, and are encouraged.
; Sprint's lack of an onscreen outliner, i.e. an outliner that automatically
; numbers and letters text on screen in classic outline fashion, is a major
; drawback. There's much to be said for a word processor like Sprint that
; doesn't jump on the WYSIWYG bandwagon; if you're concerned with the actual
; words you write instead of how pretty they look on paper, then WYSIWYG
; features can just get in the way. Onscreen outlining, however, is not
; necessarily a WYSIWYG feature; many of us use them for organizing our
; thoughts, notes, etc. in a convenient way on the screen just to help us
; think. We never intend to print the outlines on paper.
; So I created the following set of macros. To load, press Alt-U, M, L,
; and select "Outline.SPM." To get the outliner menu, either press
; Alt-Shift-X and type "OtlMenu," or assign the menu to a key. (A routine
; for assigning the menu to Alt-O is included below, along with one to
; add it to Sprint's main menu; just "uncomment" them.) To create
; an outline, open a new file with a single, default ruler at the top.
; (The outliner assumes the file has a default ruler, and won't work
; unless the tabs are set at 5.) Create each outline
; entry by indenting the beginning of the entry using the Shift-Tab key
; (NOT Sprint's ruler). Indent one tab for main headings, two for
; subheadings, and so on, up to four indents. Once you have created one or
; more entries, you can call the outliner menu and select "Insert
; Numbering." I couldn't figure out a way to generate Roman numerals using
; Sprint's macro language, so running the outliner macro inserts numbers
; before first level headings, capital letters before second level
; headings, numbers again for third level headings, and lower case letters
; for fourth level headings. You can add entries by simply starting a new
; line, and you can move existing entries around by cutting and pasting
; them as you would in a normal Sprint document. Just run the "Insert
; Numbering" function to get the numbers and letters back into their proper
; order.
; OTHER FUNCTIONS: selecting "New Entry" from the menu creates a new entry
; immediately below the one the cursor is currently in, and at the same
; level. (It's handy for making lists.) "Promote Entry" moves the current
; entry to the left one notch and changes the outline numbering
; accordingly, and "Demote Entry" does the reverse. "Hide" is a simple
; imitation of the hide function on other outliners. Basically, it sets
; the ruler's right margin to 255 characters, which effectively "flattens"
; all the entries to one line, allowing you to see all (or most) of your
; outline on screen at once. "Show" restores things to normal. "Remove
; numbering" does just that, but it also promotes all entries to the first
; level. (This is necessary if you want to sort the outline elements.)
; Running "Insert Numbering" restores things to the way they were.
#define firstlevel
#define secondlevel
#define thirdlevel
#define fourthlevel
; Error checking--makes sure this is an outline file, i.e., that it has ^G's
set themark
r toruler
f ('^G' csearch) || {
to themark
error "** Warning: Not an Outline File."
to themark
; Central routine--inserts #s based on column placement of ^G's
set themark
message "\n Numbering Outline"
0 -> firstlevel
0 -> secondlevel
0 -> thirdlevel
0 -> fourthlevel
; Go to top of outline and insert a default ruler.
r toruler
readruler 5 settab writeruler 0 -> modf
while (search "^G^G") {del} ; delete all extra ^G's (they build up
r toruler ; sometimes in heavily re-worked outlines).
f while ('^G' csearch) { ; Look for all Shift-Tabs.
if column = 5 { ; If they are indented 5 spaces,
0 -> secondlevel ; insert a first level number.
0 -> thirdlevel
0 -> fourthlevel
delete tosol
firstlevel put "%3d"
insert ".^I"
else if column = 10 { ; If they are indented 10,
0 -> thirdlevel ; insert a second level letter.
0 -> fourthlevel
delete tosol
insert "^I "
(secondlevel+64) insert
insert ".^I"
else if column = 15 { ; If indented 15, third level.
0 -> fourthlevel
delete tosol
insert "^I^I "
thirdlevel put "%d"
insert ")^I"
else if column = 20 { ; If indented 20, fourth level.
delete tosol
insert "^I^I^I "
(fourthlevel+96) insert
insert ")^I"
else return
to themark
NewEntry: ; Create a new entry.
r ('^G' csearch)
if (column = 5) {
f to ispara
insert "^J^I^G"
if (column = 10) {
f to ispara
insert "^J^I^I^G"
if (column = 15) {
f to ispara
insert "^J^I^I^I^G"
if (column = 20) {
f to ispara
insert "^J^I^I^I^I^G"
set themark
readruler 255 -> rightmargin writeruler
to themark
set themark
readruler 65 -> rightmargin writeruler
to themark
set themark
r toruler
f while ('^G' csearch) {
delete tosol
insert "^I"
to themark
set themark
r ('^G' csearch)
if (column = 5) {
error "Cannot be promoted."
if (column = 10) {
delete tosol
insert "^I^G"
if (column = 15) {
delete tosol
insert "^I^I^G"
if (column = 20) {
delete tosol
insert "^I^I^I^G"
to themark
set themark
r ('^G' csearch)
if (column = 20) {
error "Cannot be demoted."
if (column = 15) {
delete tosol
insert "^I^I^I^I^G"
if (column = 10) {
delete tosol
insert "^I^I^I^G"
if (column = 5) {
delete tosol
insert "^I^I^G"
to themark
menu "On Screen Outlining" {
"Insert Numbering" OutLine,
"New Entry" NewEntry,
"Promote Entry" Promote,
"Demote Entry" Demote,
"Hide" Hide,
"Show" Show,
"Remove Numbering" Flatten
; Uncomment the following to add the outline menu to Sprint's Main Menu.
; SprintMenu :
; menu "Sprint" {
; "File" FilesMenu,
; "Edit" EditMenu,
; "_",
; "Insert" InsertMenu,
; "Typestyle" TypeStyleMenu,
; "Style" StyleMenu,
; "Layout" LayoutMenu,
; "Outliner" OtlMenu,
; "_",
; "Print" PrintMenu,
; "Window" WindowsMenu,
; "Utilities" UtilitiesMenu,
; "Customize" CustomMenu,
; "_",
; "Quit" ExitEditor
; }
; Uncomment the following to assign the outline menu to the Alt-O key.
; ~O : OtlMenu