Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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File List
496 lines
Filename Type Length Date Description
16550A.ARC B 26410 890506 Toggle 16550 UART FIFOs on and off
16550S.ZIP B 5943 900411 Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas source
16550S13.ZIP B 10166 910329 Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas source
1PR2A.ARC B 2092 890518 Swaps LPT1 and LPT2 printer ports
34INSTAL.ZIP B 3695 900319 Adds DOS support for COMM ports 3 and 4
387.ZIP B 24147 900523 Software emulation of 80387 coprocessor chip
387SXBUG.ZIP B 5436 910315 Check for bad 386sx motherboard
486SLO.ZIP B 1272 920716 Slows down progs which run too fast. 486 only
704K.ZIP B 1425 910425 Increase RAM from 640K to 704K on some PCs
87TEST.ARC B 15726 900208 Performs diagnostic check on math coprocessor
A20OFF.ZIP B 3875 911021 Turn address line 20 on/off with C&T chip set
A20TEST.ZIP B 4728 901222 A20 address line enable/disable/status display
ABORT.ARC B 3968 860330 Memory resident program to abort runaways
ADDMEM25.ZIP B 24661 920409 Increases available memory on EGA/VGA machines
ADDPATH.ARC B 1868 871212 Add directory to PATH without SET PATH=
ADDPATH1.ARC B 16196 890706 Add directory to PATH without SET PATH=
ADDPORT.ARC B 10274 900115 Adds COM3/COM4 ports to DOS equipment list
ADDRAM10.ARC B 28797 890518 Add DOS RAM using EMS 4.0
AL.ARC B 4138 890829 Non-resident alias util uses environment vars
ALARM400.ARC B 45453 871121 Alarm - tunes, messages, more
ANSI_SYS.ARC B 14289 881117 Tutorial on use of ANSI codes
ANSISET.ARC B 19686 871123 Set colors & do key reassignments via ANSI.SYS
ANTIBOOT.ZIP B 756 911004 Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL key sequence on a PC
APATH23.ZIP B 8224 920415 Add/delete elements of PATH on the fly
APPENV21.ARC B 6895 891023 Append text to environment variables, v2.1
ASKSYS.ZIP B 2176 910807 PcTch Jrnl's multboot w/timeout for DOS & OS/2
ASYNC_CE.ARC B 30277 870831 COMM port driver
AUTOCN2G.ZIP B 137055 920511 Reboot with up to 50 different AUTOEXEC/CONFIG
AUTODATE.ARC B 9344 870625 V.Buerg's v1.0 set time/date without clk/cal
AUTOSAVE.ARC B 16384 880523 Timed file save in any application
AUX2.ARC B 3800 890524 Makes the AUX driver talk to the COM2 port
AUXIL15.ZIP B 2072 920121 Device driver redirects AUX output to CON
BART.ZIP B 229 911104 Change DOS prompt to a drawing of Bart Simpson
BATPOWER.ZIP B 38405 900427 Yet another selection of 'standard' utilities
BCLOCK.ZIP B 34255 900917 Time program with large clock face
BCU100.ZIP B 212848 920113 Bob's Combined utilities, like Norton's
BDOZEN90.ZIP B 195577 900624 ButtonWare's Baker's Dozen utils, 1990 version
BESTUTIL.ZIP B 55248 900427 Assortment of the miscellaneous utilities
BF_171A.ZIP B 198663 910127 Back & Forth: Switch between tasks, 1 of 2
BF_171B.ZIP B 347234 910127 Back & Forth: Switch between tasks, 2 of 2
BIGPATH.ARC B 13442 880115 Expand DOS's PATH
BIOS_ASM.ARC B 64348 880118 Public domain generic PC BIOS (MASM source)
BIOSVER.BAS A 772 870704 Report your PC's BIOS version
BLRUT33.ZIP B 133242 900522 Backup, list, and reformat utilities
BOOST.ARC B 27095 890625 Program to turn on/off Turbo mode
BOOT142.ZIP B 84480 910730 Multiple CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT with DOS 5.0
BOOTANY.ZIP B 35908 910122 Allows booting from any partition on hard disk
BOOTEX10.ZIP B 1859 920421 System reboot examples, with C & ASM src
BOOTMA33.ZIP B 147766 920708 Multiple boot configuration utility
BOOTSLOW.ZIP B 15767 910915 Slow down old self-booting programs
BREAK.ZIP B 3593 920312 Inhibit CTRL-C in DOS but not in program
BSET11.ZIP B 9997 910226 Set parent envir. variables up to 1023 chars.
BTRSTD15.ZIP B 29774 911109 Counts the hours your PC is working, nonresid.
BUG386.ARC B 8520 871119 Check 80386 CPU for early version bugs
BURNIN43.ZIP B 98649 901203 PC system exerciser and diagnostic tool, v4.3
BUSY1.ARC B 8927 891108 'Busy' symbol demo in C and assembler
CALCQF.ARC B 41341 880914 Calculate and set CPU refresh rate
CAM262.ZIP B 112951 920319 Config/Autoexec Manager v2.62
CBOOT40.ZIP B 14426 900402 CBOOT Deluxe v4.0 beta: TSR re-booter/program
CHECK87.ASM A 1592 850330 Check for 8087 processor
CHGENV.ZIP B 19200 900424 MS-DOS environment editor, add/delete/change
CHGENV20.ZIP B 21552 910810 DOS master environment sort/full screen edit
CHGPATH.ARC B 6570 880629 Change path (add or delete), w/C source
CHIPS.ARC B 11676 881126 Identifies CPU and coprocessor chips
CHKCOP22.ZIP B 10757 901125 Math coprocessor test util. from Intel Corp.
CLK226.ZIP B 14597 920812 TSR which displays time and date on screen
CLKDEV14.ZIP B 37122 910729 Keep DOS time in synch with battery clock chip
CLKPROGS.ARC B 7383 890330 Collection of DOS system clock set/get pgms
CLOCK.ARC B 61812 881120 Put a clock on console display
CLOCK10.ZIP B 13176 901203 On-screen clock; TSR or linkable to C programs
CLOCKON.ZIP B 9840 901129 Resident upper right corner clock and alarm
CLUTL199.ZIP B 16043 920716 Five handy command line utilities, v1.99
COM3_4.ARC B 5760 890515 Device driver adds COM3/4 that MS-DOS forgot!
COMHELP.ARC B 79604 871230 Comprehensive comm/tutor and UART tester
COMHEX42.ARC B 42129 890124 Serial communications display program
COMMENT2.ARC B 7265 880829 Echo comments from CONFIG.SYS
COMP.ARC B 5161 880829 Load and unload device drivers after bootup
COMSND14.ARC B 37565 890105 Send arbitrary characters to COM port from DOS
CONED28.ZIP B 70616 920518 CONfig EDitor, boot multiple configurations
CONFIG10.ARC B 15514 890315 Use multiple CONFIG.SYS files at will
CONVRT12.ARC B 17558 891129 Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin/ASCII converter
COUNT.ZIP B 6032 920312 Execute a specified command after X reboots
CPATH20.ZIP B 12357 900413 Extend PATH to more than 128 characters
CPCUG.ZIP B 154949 900427 A powerful collection of utilities
CPU24_11.ZIP B 36425 910713 Extensive burn-in test of major PC components
CPUID593.ZIP B 13640 910702 Identify system CPU 8086/8088/286/386/486sx/dx
CPUTEST.ARC B 9977 890706 Determine processing speed of your CPU
CRITERR.ZIP B 8213 900419 Pop-Up DOS Critical Error handler
CRITT130.ZIP B 14080 920409 TSR: Safely escape Abort/Retry/Ignore error
CRON16.ZIP B 74752 911109 Timed command dispatcher; like Unix cron
CRON28.ZIP B 49880 920312 Timed command dispatcher; like Unix cron
CRUNCH10.ARC B 7406 900112 Run compressed COM/EXE files, save disk space
CSHEL131.ZIP B 36086 900731 C-Shell for MS-DOS, some features of UNIX
CSVS.ARC B 49927 871216 'Computer Shopper' clone validation tester
CTLENABL.ARC B 2473 880516 Enable ^U and ^W in DOS 2.x and 3.x
CTMAP099.ZIP B 53965 910831 Mem extender: 286/386/SX using C&T DRAM ctlrs
CTRL_ALT.ARC B 17673 900120 Save memory, swap TSRs to disk (Biologic)
CTRLALT.ARC B 68989 871231 Programmer's TSR sidekick w/asm source
CUCKOO.ZIP B 8464 920211 Cuckoo clock time/date display with ASM source
CUFND1.ZIP B 41519 911005 Colorado Utilities fast file & text find v1.0
CUSET1.ZIP B 25731 911005 Colorado Utils set file attributes/date/time
CV100.ZIP B 15221 910126 CoreView v1.0: Search/scan/display PC's memory
CZCM11B.ZIP B 11078 901229 Driver allows various mixes of COM ports 1-4
DABUTIL2.ZIP B 205219 910131 Disk and file utilities featuring EVENTMAN
DAILY260.ZIP B 7808 920713 Runs an external program once a day
DANIX102.ZIP B 101451 901128 14 UNIX-like utils including man, ls, ptime
DANTOOLS.ARC B 142866 870718 Fine unix-like utility collection
DATECH30.ARC B 36896 890621 Intelligent date/time set for PC w/no clock
DBOOT11.ZIP B 33296 911224 Reboot with different CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT
DCOM20.ZIP B 38487 911005 Captures COM port input. Requires two ports
DCSETENV.ARC B 11146 890302 Set environment variables from command line
DDOSAID.ARC B 13838 880612 Double DOS utility programs & helps
DDPC250.ZIP B 17204 911213 Multiple hard disk parker and screen saver
DEMM.ARC B 9574 880620 Extended memory stats/diags
DESETP12.ZIP B 26610 910908 Shows or sets the PATH environment variable
DEVIC104.ZIP B 7250 920530 Load and unload device drivers after bootup
DEVLOD.ZIP B 18240 911230 Dynamic load of device drivers after boot-up
DIAGERR.ARC B 22210 880105 Memory res MSDOS error codes w/ASCII source
DIAGS.ARC B 49121 880206 PC diagnostics and instructions
DICE402.ZIP B 45207 910628 DOS command editor displays commands, has help
DIRCMDR1.ZIP B 17695 910713 Menu config. util. for DOS5 DIRCMD variable
DISKWIZ.ARC B 81854 881115 Disk file and printer management program
DMC20.ZIP B 40112 910416 Load and unload device drivers and TSR's
DO.ARC B 7957 871003 String commands together on the command line
DOAT.ARC B 4213 880911 Execute command at specified time
DOSAMATC.ARC B 93354 851022 Multitasking utility
DOSCLOCK.ARC B 1980 900119 Displays clock only while at DOS command line
DOSIX30A.ZIP B 43397 900705 UNIX-like utils: DF, DU, HEAD, RM, TOUCH, WC
DOSMAX15.ZIP B 19739 920512 Load MS-DOS (3.1 through 5) into UMBs
DOSNX20E.ZIP B 175162 920926 DOSNIX v2.0e: Unix-style utilities for MS-DOS
DOSXT142.ARC B 18325 880728 Dos Extender: Alias, History, colors, and more
DPATH30.ZIP B 6113 910331 Set a PATH for programs' access to data files
DRAIN.ARC B 27493 880402 Water in disk drive simulator (humor)
DRAMFAST.ARC B 29880 881111 Decrease DRAM refresh rate - better CPU speed
DRVINS11.ZIP B 12298 901206 Load and unload device drivers after bootup
DSKUTL11.ZIP B 75976 910831 Unix-like utils chmod/cp/du/find/mv/page/ls/rm
DT.ARC B 5134 880829 Send date/time to screen or file
DTIME.ARC B 11508 890519 Display time and date, with Turbo C source
DTKCLK11.ARC B 31980 890717 Programs to handle DTK clock/calendar board
DTSAV3.ARC B 2693 880107 Save system date/time to file
DUALBT43.ZIP B 19095 920617 Boot multiple operating systems from same disk
DUMPEM.ZIP B 18655 911005 Display/edit expanded, extended, normal memory
EATMEM11.ZIP B 27141 911209 Reduce available memory for testing programs
EDCONFIG.ARC B 17904 890217 Device driver for point and shoot CONFIG.SYS
EE.ZIP B 10252 910324 DOS Master Environment variables editor
EE2.ARC B 5376 870613 Edit environment while in DOS - F1 for help
EED10.ZIP B 7415 911230 Easy to use full-screen environment editor
EEMRAM21.ARC B 23525 890427 Expand DOS RAM to 736K w/Enh. or LIM 4.0 mem.
EISAC141.ZIP B 48198 920922 Generates EISA .CFG files for ISA based cards
EM200.ZIP B 66192 920529 EVENTMAN 2.0: Run programs at scheduled times
EM87V1_3.ARC B 13073 900306 8087 math coprocessor emulator for AT or 386
EMS40V11.ARC B 34615 900222 Driver: use extended memory as EMS 4.0 memory
EMSUIT11.ARC B 94681 900223 Utilities for manipulating EMS RAM
EMUL87.ARC B 14655 891204 TSR emulates 8087 math processor (286/386 req)
ENV.ARC B 6725 880614 Keep environment full size for child processes
ENV.ZIP B 13805 910124 Edit current or master environment variables
ENVEDIT.ZIP B 19521 900320 Interactive DOS environment editor
ENVRPT.ASM A 6798 850128 Examine env., give return code for BAT inquiry
ENVSERCH.C A 1797 850812 Search environment for text
EP15.ARC B 20480 890731 Edit DOS PATH environment variable
EPATH1.ARC B 3012 881013 Edit DOS path environment variable
ERR_RET.ARC B 12012 891113 Display error code returned by program on exit
EU1_00.ZIP B 76102 920812 Eldar Utilities: Set of system/file/disk utils
EXEC.ARC B 5077 880911 Assembly how-to relocate .EXE files
EXEC.DOC A 1082 840512 Doc for EXEC 1/2/3.ASM
EXEC1.ASM A 7356 850319 Callable DOS EXEC routines
EXEC2.ASM A 5807 840512 Callable DOS EXEC routines
EXEC3.ASM A 5885 840512 Callable DOS EXEC routines
EXECSW13.ZIP B 25968 910109 Swaps calling program into expanded memory
EXECTEST.ASM A 1867 840920 Test EXEC 1/2/3.ASM
FASTL124.ZIP B 38182 920328 Loads pgms into EMS/XMS for later fast execute
FASTS101.ZIP B 73744 910126 Edit/select AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS on bootup
FATAL14.ARC B 21551 900117 Trap DOS critical errors & handle them better
FCII_2_1.ARC B 118996 900117 File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 1 of 3
FCII_2_2.ARC B 132936 900117 File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 2 of 3
FCII_2_3.ARC B 111498 900117 File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 3 of 3
FDK.ARC B 36438 880528 Automatically create DOS filters
FFLIP216.ZIP B 100940 920530 FastFlip 2.16: Fast multiple program swapper
FIFO11.ZIP B 8816 910424 Report type of UART (8250, 16550, etc.)
FILEC15.ZIP B 19564 920807 TSR to add filename completion for COMMAND.COM
FILES102.ZIP B 2354 911004 Increase DOS max. open files from command line
FIX27.ZIP B 1084 901126 Reclaims wasted environment space from TSRs
FIXBEEP.ARC B 1777 871015 Change the obnoxious IBM beep
FIXTIM10.ZIP B 8722 911210 Compensate for inaccuracy in on-board clock
FREE402.ARC B 5632 870608 Shows free memory, and percent of use
FRNTND41.ZIP B 23763 901018 Point and Shoot front end for any program
FSERVER.ZIP B 30142 901026 Point and Shoot front end for any program
GETERROR.ARC B 3211 880716 TSR tells ending errorlevel of last program
GETMEM.PAS A 2185 851117 Get 'size of memory' available to current pgm
GETNAME.ARC B 7185 880808 Find prog name in memory
GETTIME.ZIP B 21862 901223 Set system clock from US Naval Observatory
GO51.ZIP B 43539 900503 Nick Shaw's 7-in-1 utility for IBM-compatibles
GRBAG220.ZIP B 79765 900505 GRABBAG v2.20: 33 DOS utilities in one program
GU11.ARC B 169314 900116 The Grund Utilities, version 1.1
HIMEM278.ZIP B 6806 911122 Microsoft's MS-DOS XMS driver, v2.78, 11/11/91
HIMOV214.ZIP B 118067 910622 Upper Memory Manager for 286/386 systems
HITAKEY.ZIP B 2614 901231 Pauses in CONFIG.SYS to catch error messages
HLPMST11.ARC B 31488 891113 TSR pop-up help for any application
HOT_36.ARC B 4336 890101 Replace Ctrl-Alt-Del (w/ASM src)
HOTDOS.ARC B 7680 861105 Allows instant access to DOS
HOURS15.ZIP B 31798 911219 Counts hours your PC is working, nonresident
I_AND_C.ARC B 20949 891105 'Inspect and Change', debugs TSR programs
IACA101.ZIP B 15945 920428 Pass information from CONFIG.SYS to AUTOEXEC
IDCLOG20.ARC B 9811 890625 Memory resident time logging facility
IDCUTILS.ZIP B 77141 900808 Gary Conway's assorted utilities, 07/16/90
IDRV01.ZIP B 16369 920410 Install/uninstall device drivers after bootup
IDT.ARC B 59430 890511 Internal DOS table viewer, w/C source
IED_EED.ZIP B 16084 901017 Full-screen environment editor for use w/ms_sh
INSTAL14.ZIP B 68398 921114 User-friendly installation utility
INT_UTIL.ARC B 14025 870110 How to work with INT vectors
INT24.ARC B 11008 870927 New Int 24H ('Critical Error') handler
INTDSP21.ZIP B 30465 910818 Interactively call DOS/BIOS interrupts
INTERC2.ZIP B 36603 911011 Traces software interrupts
IOMON2.ZIP B 35644 920426 IO Monitor 386 control watches COM ports
IOVIEW.ZIP B 6125 910719 Diagnostic - view of PC's I/O ports in action
IP122.ZIP B 9907 920330 Serial interrupt and port verification program
IPCA12A.ZIP B 12953 911012 Uses last BIOS bytes as a mini-SET utility
IRQR.ZIP B 5221 910719 Report status of IRQ channels,w/TP4 & MS C src
IS_CON10.ZIP B 4267 911224 Report if handle is associated with console
JAMBO10.ZIP B 11359 911231 Device Driver can increase upper memory
JBALARM.ZIP B 23945 910831 Alarm/reminder w/multiple sounds. Works w/WIN3
JOBS32.ARC B 9191 890611 JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 1 of 3
JOBS32A1.ARC B 160201 890611 JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 2 of 3
JOBS32A2.ARC B 182014 890611 JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 3 of 3
JOYREAD.ZIP B 4917 920320 Reads & displays Joy Stick buttons/pots status
KEEPER.ARC B 12742 880807 Replay last 10 commands (PCMag v4 #15)
KGB104.ZIP B 6571 920422 Monitors some DOS funcs, creates history w/src
KZAP22C.ZIP B 30913 911111 Kill-O-Zap 2.2c disk/RAM/file hex editor (TSR)
LAST200.ARC B 11928 880320 A programmer's Pop-up utility
LAUNCH13.ARC B 16409 891113 Run a program in the background
LDRES.ARC B 6676 880829 Makes most any .COM file into a TSR
LO11.ZIP B 11335 911117 Hard disk parker/screen saver. Small. v1.1
LOG3.ARC B 24064 870516 Another system utilization tracker
LOWMEM.ARC B 6891 890715 DOS low memory map, very detailed
M.ZIP B 4171 900614 List memory resident programs
M_M_KIT.ZIP B 130378 911231 DOS 5 Utilities to optimise upper memory
MASTRDOS.ARC B 59120 871103 Dos Shell w/comm terminal & more
MAXIMIZE.ZIP B 43980 910331 Maximizer memory manager, like QEMM. DEMO
MAXMENU.ARC B 12808 890716 Front end menu for 386MAX/386MAX Professional
MC.ARC B 19456 871119 Multiple choice, (multiple partitions)
MCF100.ZIP B 70172 921022 MCONFIG v1.00: Multiple Configuration Manager
MCPDIAG.ZIP B 11672 910713 Co-processor diagnostics utility from Intel
MDOSP401.ZIP B 118784 911116 MultiDos Plus: Real-time multitasking for DOS
MEMRES41.ARC B 23381 880829 Load/release TSRs - with ASM source
MEMSIM32.ARC B 37753 900308 Simulates LIM EMS 3.2 expanded memory via disk
MEMSIZ.ASM A 2584 851001 Report free RAM
MESSAGE.ZIP B 52855 921111 Send msgs thru COM port between PCs, TSR w/src
MIN_MEM.ZIP B 15852 901123 Frees up memory by swapping TSRs to disk
MINLOAD.ARC B 3482 880924 Determine amount of mem. needed to load a pgm
MIPS.ARC B 7808 880228 Nice CPU speed comparison util w/graphics
MIRFIX.ZIP B 3547 911004 Bug fix for DOS 5's MIRROR command
MMCLK12.ZIP B 23782 900803 Real time clock card driver, MM58167A chip
MNUBT222.ZIP B 18289 920624 Select conf. from menu in config.sys w/booting
MOREHAND.ZIP B 9698 910610 Allows programs to open more than 20 files
MORERAM1.ARC B 5530 881028 Utility to skip memory test on boot-up
MP.ZIP B 10015 920831 ModPath: Modify MS-DOS search path, w/TC src
MSDTIME.ARC B 12347 880829 Day, hour, and free bytes in English
MSH21.ZIP B 512147 920821 Mi-shell, a programmer's shell, Ver 2.1
MSUTIL13.ZIP B 55305 921007 Assorted system & batch utils including SWITCH
MS_SH200.ZIP B 271145 920521 ms_sh, Stewartson's ksh-like shell for MS-DOS
MULTASK.ARC B 16384 861031 2 program multitasker
MULTC21E.ZIP B 5083 910814 Choose multiple configuration files on bootup
NBSCOM12.ARC B 52736 900201 Set PC's time from NBS's telephone time svc
NEW14H.ARC B 7016 880911 DOS-extension add functions to comm routines
NEWBEEP.ARC B 22068 881222 Change sound of PC's beep
NEWBELL.ASM A 1629 850518 Replace DOS bell with shorter one
NMI.ARC B 6976 881027 Thorough RAM test utility. Safe
NOSHARE.ZIP B 1297 910329 Small replacement for 'SHARE' for DOS4.0 users
NP100.ARC B 7502 890201 Indicates when you are shelled to DOS - remind
NS_16550.ZIP B 39783 911104 Test 16450/16550/16550a serial chips w/source
NS16550.ARC B 3550 891105 Checks to see if NS16550AN serial chip is used
OBSKIT15.ZIP B 224478 920121 Obs Toolkit: Collection of 9 powerful utils
OMSWITCH.ARC B 5739 891002 Change DOS switch character, with 'C' source
ONCALL.ARC B 116381 880724 Resident Program Manager - Up to 40 TSR's
OPSYS204.ZIP B 65399 920330 Boot up to 100 different system configurations
PARAPASS.ARC B 9415 880626 Pass parameters to programs
PARINT.ASM A 7222 860119 Trap memory parity errors
PASSW11.ZIP B 10540 921117 Password driver for CONFIG.SYS, w/src
PATHADD.ARC B 10715 890716 Add directory to PATH
PATHFIND.ARC B 6889 900113 Searches for files in DOS's PATH
PC1HRDSK.ADD A 4533 880327 How to add a hard disk to the PC1 computer
PC2TIME.ARC B 13235 871027 PD clone of DoubleDOS
PCC.DOC A 1491 920312 PC-Choices installation (for PCC.ZIP)
PCC.ZIP B 753552 920312 PC-Choices object-oriented 386 operating syst.
PCLOCK21.ARC B 46423 880523 Protect hard disk even from floppy boot
PCMAP.ARC B 4736 870718 Install/Remove/Map TSR's PC Mag v6 #14
PCSNTRY2.ZIP B 64911 920406 PC-Sentry v2.00b: Security for PCs & networks
PDAILY.ARC B 11933 880612 Patriquin's execute a program once a day
PECHO11.ZIP B 13239 920521 ECHO replacement with printf syntax
PEEPOK12.ZIP B 10660 911012 Peek/poke utility with binary and hex display
PEP.ZIP B 118055 910414 Painless Event Processor (program scheduler)
PF271.ZIP B 40231 920715 Port Finder: Display info/swap LPT & COM ports
PGRAP207.ZIP B 112095 911230 Unix-like tools (grep,tab,untab,print,tolower)
PH_UTILS.ARC B 352310 890907 Phil Herron's collection of utilities
PICNIX31.ARC B 155841 880525 Unix-like commands for PC's (1 of 3)
PICNIX32.ARC B 167903 880525 Unix-like commands for PC's (2 of 3)
PICNIX33.ARC B 125589 880525 Unix-like commands for PC's (3 of 3)
PK191.ARC B 39829 890311 Many-feature keyboard/cursor/enhancer
PKII_112.ARC B 67063 890311 TSR keyboard utility. Many features
PMAP210.ZIP B 33147 910706 Chris Dunford's memory mapper; handles EMS/XMS
PMK32.ZIP B 205576 910326 Professional Master Key utilities - v3.2
POPDOWN.ARC B 4840 880924 Pop down to DOS from any running program
POPEDIT.ARC B 45019 890226 Create/edit/save mem-resident pop-up screens
PORT11.ZIP B 28998 910516 I/O port debugging tool, with C source code
PORTFIND.ARC B 8093 890714 Locate & install serial & par. ports, COM3&4
PORTS13.ZIP B 19486 911012 Permits reading and writing to hardware ports
PORTST11.ZIP B 44433 920214 Diagnostic program for serial/parallel ports
POWKT173.ARC B 32777 880921 Keyboard speedup, screen blank, unhang, more
PRINTENV.ARC B 4739 890507 Prints environment variables, all or named
PRMPT5.BAT A 111 870914 Top-screen status w/DOS prompt
PROCTYPE.ARC B 4873 881030 ASM routines to determine processor type
PRODO10.ARC B 6439 890904 Stack program commands on DOS command line
PROF.ZIP B 15848 911027 EXE & COM pgm profiler, uses pgm's map file
PRTSCR.ARC B 258 871114 Enable/disable Shift-Printscreen
PUFF307.ZIP B 36064 911024 TSR pop-up directory and text file browser
Q387V30F.ZIP B 112885 921026 Q387 math accelerator/co-processor emulator
QDRAM.ARC B 59551 880907 Checks and sets best refresh rate
QEMMMENU.ZIP B 29824 901123 Menu shell for QEMM v5.0 and MANIFEST
QINFO30.ZIP B 44790 911004 Displays free mem & disk space for all drives
QVCMM.ARC B 11645 880829 Visual memory mapper - looks at all TSRs
RALLOC.ZIP B 2942 910329 EMS/XMS fixes for QEMM-386 5.00/5.10/5.11/5.12
RAMTEST.ARC B 8104 870805 RAM test program, Conventional, EMS, EEMS
RAMTST30.ARC B 69821 880829 Brown bag's RAM test: mother board/emm/abv bd
RBSETNV1.ZIP B 73959 910107 Set/add/insert/delete/change environment vars.
RDSTDERR.ARC B 6295 880306 Redirect STDERR to a file, with src
REBOOT.ARC B 5394 880214 Forces system reset
REBOOT.ASM A 2033 850320 Warm boot
REBOOT.BAT A 19 840518 Part of REBOOT.ASM
REBOOT.DOC A 326 840518 Doc for REBOOT.ASM
REBOOT.SEQ A 74 840518 Part of REBOOT.ASM
REBOOT13.ARC B 11647 881204 Switch CONFIG.SYS and auto reboot
RECFG32.ZIP B 60627 900505 Select up to 20 AUTOEXEC/CONFIG.SYS on bootup
RECON23.ZIP B 93905 900424 Manage various AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS
RECONFIG.ARC B 15488 870222 Use multiple CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files
REDIR.ZIP B 7951 900803 Combines STDERR with STDOUT for redirection
REDVIEW3.ZIP B 6719 920824 View redirected output on screen, w/ASM source
REMM431.ARC B 14780 891002 AST expanded memory driver REMM.SYS v4.31
REMTSR.ARC B 1937 880829 Remove TSRs from memory
RESET.ARC B 2709 870417 Reboot from different configs/autos
RESET11.ARC B 3256 880911 Reboot using different AUTO/CONFIGs
RESETTSR.ARC B 813 890213 Removes TSR's from memory
RESPRO12.ARC B 10341 880829 Memory resident manager disable/reactivate TSR
RESTART3.ZIP B 15481 921117 Select different autoexec/config's on reboot
RITM11.ZIP B 30717 911210 TSR which will correct CMOS clock error
RJMFILEC.ZIP B 12389 910124 TSR provides filename completion w/hotkey
RSTLKIT1.ZIP B 51991 910523 28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 1 of 2
RSTLKIT2.ZIP B 209792 910523 28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 2 of 2
RT302.ZIP B 56776 901223 Tests for bad memory chips (extended/expanded)
RTDX090.ZIP B 32660 900419 DOS shell for timed program execution
RTIME.ARC B 12007 870727 Time a program's exececution w/c SRC
RTS12.ZIP B 9071 901028 Toggle RTS for COM1 to COM4 ports
S_TOOL.ARC B 5178 881216 Magnuson's wildcard expansion utility
SAFARI2.ARC B 23550 880806 Explains reason for 'Abort, Retry, etc
SANSINT2.ZIP B 33672 901230 Port utility - poll ports rather than use IRQs
SAVEPATH.ZIP B 12344 900826 Save/restote current/previous
SCENV100.ZIP B 5092 911021 Removes wasted environment space for TSRs
SCOPE140.ZIP B 109137 911216 Use PC as comm protocol analyzer/line scope
SCOUT55.ZIP B 137865 921031 Super TSR disk manager, v5.4 - fmt/mv/cpy/etc
SCT_EM55.ZIP B 141578 921031 Memory resident file/disk manager, runs in EMS
SD_300.ZIP B 144739 920106 StupenDos v3.0 disk/directory management util.
SEARCH11.ARC B 6992 881011 Search, like PATH for program data files
SELECT.ZIP B 9152 910109 Select from multiple AUTOEXEC files on boot-up
SENDCOD2.ZIP B 5450 921012 Send hex values from cmd line to STDOUT
SETBEEPL.ARC B 425 890503 Now you can specify the length of PC's beep!
SETENVJW.ZIP B 21771 910708 Set environment variables, v1.6, w/ASM source
SETPGMS.ARC B 33059 890130 Environment utilities DOS 3.1 - 3.3
SETPTH14.ZIP B 13325 900406 Set PATH to more than 127 characters
SETTIME.ASM A 2077 860613 Set time via DOS call
SH1_111.ARC B 98228 871224 Unix-like DOS shell with novel features
SHELL35.ARC B 50688 861104 UNIX System V emulator for MS-DOS
SHELL452.ZIP B 4281 920624 Convert DOS 4 DOSSHELL menus to DOS 5
SHOWDEVS.ARC B 10143 890321 Show all active device drivers, w/'C' source
SHOWDT11.ZIP B 12843 910528 Shows date and time without prompt to change
SHOWTD.ZIP B 13199 900826 Show time/date with many options inc. clock
SHROOM20.ZIP B 20974 920819 ShellRoom v2.0: Swap program from MEM to disk
SIL2.ARC B 8622 900120 Silence PC speaker
SILENCE.ARC B 4512 871115 Turns PC speaker on and off
SIREN.ARC B 10512 900120 Make siren sounds on PC speaker
SLASH2.ZIP B 8422 920424 Chg switch-char from /. DOS 5 & earlier. w/doc
SLIKMODE.ZIP B 8973 910416 New MODE: Set baudrate to any rate w/C src
SPKRSYS.ARC B 5610 871114 Device driver for speaker
SPOON1A.ARC B 55392 881008 Spoon Path v1a: menued 4.5k TSR path extender
SPRAY.ARC B 2903 890801 Copy contents of memory to printer/disk file
SPRST161.ZIP B 23547 920819 Like MS-DOS's 'set' command, with additions
SRS236.ARC B 104784 871108 STILL RIVER SHELL Version 2.36
STACK.ARC B 53576 880422 Stack DOS commands from the DOS command line
STACK26.ZIP B 49860 900810 Command line recall/edit, with pop-up window
STEPDOS.ARC B 33607 881126 Step through executing program tracking INT21H
STIME.ZIP B 40502 901028 Calls Naval Observatory to set AT system time
STOP20.ZIP B 10716 901203 Time the execution of other programs
STPFCB12.ZIP B 8623 910603 Replacement for DOS' file locking SHARE.EXE
STTIME.ARC B 4912 880829 Very small 'Call the Observatory' pgm set time
SUMACS.ARC B 31616 870825 Make your own Sidekick-like programs
SUPERV22.ARC B 58880 870722 Enhanced BIOS interrupt 14 comm support
SWAP.ARC B 17452 890325 Swap main and expanded memory when SHELL'ed
SWAP100.ZIP B 38967 900419 Routines to allow swap of app to disk or ems
SWAP12.ARC B 6656 890528 Swap from one application to another
SWAPCOM.ARC B 990 890321 Swap COM1 with COM2
SWAPDS.ZIP B 38564 901109 SWAPDOS: Swap two programs in memory
SWAPPORT.ARC B 1832 890321 Swap LPT1 with LPT2
SWELL100.ARC B 44598 890710 Allows full use of RAM when shelling to DOS
SWITCHAR.ARC B 4424 880710 Using '/' in pathnames
SWITCHAR.ASM A 6111 850708 DOS call to find '/'
SWITCHAR.PAS A 1197 850712 DOS call to find '/'
SYSCFG30.ZIP B 112632 910428 Maintains multiple AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS
SYSGN132.ARC B 30191 891211 Configuration utility(autoexec.bat/config.sys)
SYSPROF3.ARC B 83757 890622 BIOS-call profiler (nr of calls & time spent)
SYSUP101.ZIP B 24103 910825 System up time program for DOS and Windows3
TEE11.ARC B 3172 880921 Redirect output to std out & screen v1.1 8/88
TEE9201.ZIP B 2750 920320 Tee filter for MS-DOS (w/ASM src)
TESS_5.ARC B 38272 890628 TesSeRact TSR package for Turbo Pascal 5.0
TESS_A.ARC B 22528 890628 TesSeRact TSR package for Assembler (MASM)
TESS_C.ARC B 45312 890628 TesSeRact TSR package for TC 1.5 or MSC 5.x
TESS_D.ARC B 69760 890628 Documentation for TesSeRact TSR package
TESTX33.ZIP B 6739 901223 Utility to test extended memory, 396, 496, 486
TIMEBOM2.ZIP B 13058 910521 TSR executes command/program at specified time
TIMEIT.ARC B 14508 880808 Check time it takes to run a program
TIMER.ASM A 13827 891217 Explains problems w/BIOS timer tick & fixes
TIMER1.ARC B 12288 871209 Elapsed program execution timer
TIMERUN3.ARC B 12226 900120 TSR executes DOS commands at a specified time
TIMGEN10.ARC B 49818 891101 Provides time service to other PCs with TIMSET
TIMSET60.ZIP B 95617 901216 Sets system clock to Naval Observatory
TLB_A211.ZIP B 161985 920812 The Last Byte Mem Mgr: Advanced utils and docs
TLB_T211.ZIP B 28420 920812 The Last Byte Mem Mgr: Pgm tests compatibility
TLB_V211.ZIP B 200732 920812 The Last Byte Mem Mgr: Basic utils and docs
TLB_W211.ZIP B 3686 920812 The Last Byte Mem Mgr: What's new in ver. 2.11
TMAP110.ARC B 6573 880829 Memory control block mapper ver1.10
TMBOOTV2.ARC B 10358 891210 Reboots computer at a specified time
TND.ZIP B 11906 920626 Cmd line display date/time Mon/Tues/AM/PM/etc.
TOAD8253.ARC B 8192 880902 Tweak RAM refresh rate [ASM]
TOADEXEC.ARC B 5522 880630 EXEC programs [ASM]
TOADMOD1.ARC B 4949 890427 Set COM 1-4 to 19200/38400/57600/115200 bps
TONE100.ARC B 5250 900201 Makes tone to aid computer audio troubleshoot
TOP121.ZIP B 345546 921031 Top v1.10: DOS command enhancement utility
TRKMEM10.ZIP B 11141 920906 Memory usage tracker for DOS programs
TRYST.ARC B 30021 880829 A good tutorial on computer boot up
TS5DOS10.ZIP B 17244 920911 Timo Salmi's programs for MS-DOS 5 (or 4.0+)
TSRCOM34.ZIP B 75275 920312 TSR memory managmt utils (MARK/RELEASE/MAPMEM)
TSRSL104.ZIP B 211913 911216 TSR task-switcher for DOS. Swaps to disk/EMS
TSRSRC34.ZIP B 75334 920312 Source code for TSRCOM v3.4 pkg. (TASM, TP6.0)
TSRWRK32.ZIP B 79415 900809 Mark/Release TSR management pgms, with ASM src
TSS22.ARC B 55737 880915 Total system statistics, ver 2.2
TST0831.ZIP B 20736 900906 Provide hotkey shell to DOS for progs w/o it
TSTSR13.ZIP B 40882 921011 Terminate Stay Resident utils by Timo Salmi
TSUTIL36.ZIP B 130145 921018 Timo's utils sysinfo, dirw, dtetimal, timelog
TSUTLB20.ZIP B 87065 920321 Timo's utils touch, chars, dire, setgra
TSUTLC18.ZIP B 91534 921104 Timo's utils dirf, dirinfo, doubles, split
TSUTLD20.ZIP B 84616 921107 Timo's utils bigcurs, keyrate, caps, switchar
TSUTLE19.ZIP B 73747 921008 Timo's utils lock kbd, mailsplit, tdel, cmos
TYME.ARC B 1604 881220 Displays time/date in readable format
U.ASM A 17768 890103 Remove the TSR program, DOSEDIT, from memory
U.DOC A 406 890104 Two line description of U.ASM
UARTBUG.ZIP B 10405 910521 UART and COM port debuging tool, TSR
UDATE.ZIP B 20071 901203 Displays the date and/or time in any format
UMAX120.ZIP B 11784 911216 Umax v1.20: Utility to test upper-memory block
UMBDR520.ZIP B 29297 920211 UMB provider/base memory expander for DOS 5
UMBMEM.ZIP B 18682 920320 Provides DOS 5 upper memory blocks on 386/486
UMM03.ZIP B 14958 920212 Upper Memory Manager v0.3 - Provides UMBs
UNDOC2EH.ARC B 2455 890215 Demo of undocumented interrupt service 2Eh
UPDATE11.ARC B 1697 880911 DOS system clock date updater
UPTIME.ZIP B 2796 910320 Time in days/hours/mins/secs since system boot
USE5.ZIP B 8212 910713 Add/delete from PATH w/o retyping entire path
USNOTIME.ARC B 3072 870822 Set your system clock to US Naval Obsv. time
UTILS1.ARC B 2376 890910 Misc. utilities by E. Miller
UXUTL162.ZIP B 377591 900804 Unix-like utilities for use with MS_SH shell
V20TIMER.ARC B 5376 861015 Checks speed of NEC V 20 chip
VEAL0989.ARC B 66607 890903 Craig Veal utility programs
VEUM.ARC B 34777 880801 Allows use of HD as Expanded Memory
VIDCLK.ARC B 5479 880911 Configurable on-screen clock
VINTRO.ARC B 51840 851019 Intro & tutorial to NEC V20/30 - C/G Req'd
VMIX278.ZIP B 191765 920825 Multitasking/multiuser environment for 286/386
VRAM40.ARC B 27896 900120 Break 640K RAM limit, simulate expanded memory
VTYPE.ARC B 12126 880829 Enhanced DOS 'type' command with options
VU_XM1C.ZIP B 36202 900602 286 extended memory peeker using LOADALL
WATCH102.ZIP B 10995 901123 Tracks exec time of a pgm/method of DOS return
WCPU041.ZIP B 6664 920510 CPU-identifier (386dx/sx,486dx/sx,RapidCAD...)
WCPU043.ZIP B 15337 921008 CPU-identifier (386/486/dx/sx) & NPU, w/source
WHOAPC.ARC B 17063 890223 WHOA! slows down PC or AT, v1.0
WILDCARD.ARC B 10680 880801 Add wild cards to progs that don't have them
WIZARD.ARC B 97280 881220 Program Wizard - hard disk menu and file mgr.
XANADU20.ARC B 20044 900202 Xanadu utils v2.0 HOTDIR/PCSTAT/QUICKCRT/SFIND
XLIST232.ARC B 97208 900122 Hard disk manager for DOS, ZIP, and ARC files
XLOCK132.ZIP B 61033 911111 Security system, prevents unauthorized access
XPACK.ZIP B 140846 901017 Balena's collection of programmer utilities
XPATH39.ZIP B 20389 911224 Xpath 3.9, DOS Path Extender for DOS 5.0
XPORT21.ZIP B 30205 920121 Fast PC-to-PC RS232 serial line file transfer
XSPAWN34.ZIP B 41379 910521 X Spawn v1.34 EMS memory swapping program
Z10.ZIP B 142602 900427 General purpose utilities from Scott Pazur
ZAP33.ZIP B 34466 901017 Multi-purpose file handler/disk utility