Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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416 lines
Copyright 1989 by Threshold Computer Associates
All Rights Reserved
Version 1.10
Copyright 1989 by Threshold Computer Associates, all rights
October 30, 1989
Glen Allen, Virginia
Sprint is a registered trademark of Borland International, Inc.
Word is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines
1 - Disclaimer and License . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 - Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3 - Version History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4 - General & Technical Information . . . . . . . . 3
5 - Program Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
6 - Installing HelpMaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
7 - Executing HelpMaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
8 - Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Order Form
Threshold Computer Associates (TCA) hereby disclaims all
warranties relating to this product, whether express or implied,
including without limitation any implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. TCA cannot
and will not be liable for any special, incidental,
consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or
any other reason, even if TCA or an authorized TCA agent has been
advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall
the liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the
license to use the software, regardless of the form and/or extent
of the claim. The user of this program bears all risk as to the
quality and performance of the software.
HelpMaster is a Shareware product. As such, it is made
available to the general computing public for evaluation. Users
are licensed to operate HelpMaster on their personal computers
for the purpose of test and evaluation on a trial basis for a
limited trial period. It is not possible to reasonably define
any definitive limits of a fair and equitable time period for
evaluation, therefore it is left to the user's judgement and
sense of fair play as to the time required to make a decision as
to its usefulness. If the user decides the program is not of
sufficient merit to warrant purchase through registration with
Threshold Computer Associates, the program should be removed from
their personal computer. Otherwise, if the program is deemed
useful and is in regular use on the user's personal computer
system, registration with TCA is required.
Registered users are those users that elect to pay for
HelpMaster and register that payment with TCA. By virtue of
registration and payment for the program, registered users are
granted a license to continue to utilize the program on their
personal computer for as long as they choose. This license
authorizes the user to use the program on any personal computer
system he or she may own so long as the program is operated on
only one computer system at a time.
- 1 -
HelpMaster is sole property of Threshold Computer Associates.
The Shareware version may be freely copied and transferred to
individual parties for evaluation purposes. It may be posted on
Bulletin Board systems (BBS) for electronic access as long as NO
FEE is charged for its distribution except for private BBS
operations that charge a regular user subscription fee. Computer
information services such as Compuserve (CIS), GEnie, etc., are
authorized to post this product for subscriber access.
HelpMaster may NOT be distributed on diskette by any disk
distributor/vendor that charges more than $10.00 for the diskette
upon which the program and attendant files are recorded without
written consent from Threshold Computer Associates.
HelpMaster is a fully functional Shareware product.
Shareware is a computer program distribution/marketing method
that permits potential buyers to thoroughly try the program prior
to purchase. It is NOT free and it is NOT in the Public Domain.
If, after evaluating the program, you find it to be useful enough
to use it on a regular basis, you are expected to pay for it by
registering with TCA. The registration fee is $15.00.
You may register HelpMaster by mail with check or money order
Threshold Computer Associates
10831 W. Broad Street
Suite 237
Glen Allen, VA 23060
The Shareware version of HelpMaster provides help screens for
Borland Sprint, DOS, and Microsoft Word. Registered users can
choose 2 additional packages at the time of registration and for
$2.00 each thereafter. If we do not currently support a
requested program, we will refund your money or you may supply a
layout of the help screen(s) and we will create them for you at
no additional charge. Additionally, registered users will
receive the latest version of the program at time of
A representative of TCA can be contacted on CIS via PPN
74206,3572 (please use EASYPLEX).
This Shareware version of HelpMaster may be freely copied and
passed on to other individual users for their evaluation. The
Shareware version consists of the following files:
HM.EXE - HelpMaster executable file
HM.DOC - HelpMaster Documentation
DOS%%.000 - DOS help file
SP%%.* - Borland Sprint help files
WORD%%.* - MicroSoft Word help files
- 2 -
Additional help files may be purchased from Threshold
Computer Associates and are NOT Shareware and MAY NOT be
distributed by the purchaser without prior written consent from
Threshold Computer Associates.
One of the great strengths of the Shareware concept is the
interaction between the program author and the users. Many of
the features contained in HelpMaster are the result of user
input. If you have a problem evaluating this program or desire to
make a suggestion, comment, or complaint, please do not hesitate
to contact us. It is not necessary that you be a registered user
to contact us for technical support. Technical support will be
available through the U.S mail, or CompuServe via PPN 74206,3572.
1.00 - 09/26/89
Initial Beta test release.
1.10 - 10/30/89
Initial Shareware release.
HelpMaster will work with PC/MS DOS version 3.0 or higher and
has been tested on the following machines:
NEC Powermate 1 Plus
PC Network Turbo PC/XT
HelpMaster is a Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program
designed to add online help capabilities to any software package.
When configured properly, HelpMaster will remain invisible
behind all other software running on your PC. When you need help,
simply press the "hot key" combination you have chosen, and
HelpMaster will pop up the help window! There's no need to tell
HelpMaster what program is running, it will figure it out and
access the proper help screens.
The HelpMaster program may reside in any directory. The help
files (those files with extensions numbered from 000 to 015) must
reside in the same directory as the executable portion of the
program which is running at the time help is requested. The DOS
help file (DOS%%.000) should be placed in the root directory.
- 3 -
The "hot key" used to bring up a particular help window is
determined by the file name extension as follows:
Extension Hot Key
--------- -------------------------------
000 Default
001 Right-Shift
002 Left-Shift
003 Left-Shift+Right-Shift
004 Ctrl
005 Ctrl+Right-Shift
006 Ctrl+Left-Shift
007 Ctrl+Right-Shift+Left-Shift
008 Alt
009 Alt+Right-Shift
010 Alt+Left-Shift
011 Alt+Right-Shift+Left-Shift
012 Ctrl+Alt
013 Ctrl+Alt+Right-Shift
014 Ctrl+Alt+Left-Shift
015 Ctrl+Alt+Right-Shift+Left-Shift
HelpMaster can be configured to pop up any number of seconds
after the "hot key" is pressed. For example, you could have a
help file for all the CTRL functions of your program and
configure HelpMaster to pop if the CTRL key is held for 3
seconds. You could then use the CTRL key as usual in your
program, but if you forget one of the CTRL functions, simply hold
the key down a little longer, and voila! HelpMaster pops up the
help you need! Do the same for the ALT and SHIFT functions! You
say your program doesn't use CTRL, ALT or SHIFT functions? No
problem, you can still use HelpMaster to pop up your help
screens, simply choose a key combination you like, and assign the
proper extension to the help file, and you are all set! You say
you don't want to have to remember the "hot key"? No problem,
just use the 000 extension and type any of the hot keys! If
HelpMaster can't find a help file for the key(s) pressed, it will
look for a file with the 000 extension. Now you can trash all
those keyboard templates, HelpMaster has made them obsolete!
If you do not own Borland Sprint or Microsoft Word but would
like to see what the help screens look like and how HelpMaster
would interract with one of your programs, simply rename the
SP%%.* and/or WORD%%.* help files as follows:
aaaaaa%%.nnn where:
aaaaaa = program name
%% = MUST be %%
nnn = extension for appropriate
hot key as defined above
HelpMaster's executable file is named HM.EXE. HelpMaster may
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be executed by entering the file name at the DOS command level or
called from a .BAT file or DOS shell. There are several command
line parameters supported. A command line parameter is a string
of characters that follows the program name. Here is an example:
C:\> HM /d2
The command string is NOT case sensitive. In this example,
DOS will load and execute HelpMaster and HelpMaster will set the
delay for pop up at 2 seconds (if the /d parameter is not
specified, the default pop-up time is 3 seconds). Other
execution parameters are:
/q - Remove HelpMaster from memory (must be
the last TSR loaded).
/s - Suspend HelpMaster
/r - Resume HelpMaster
We recommend that you execute HelpMaster from your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that it will be ready to help you regardless
of what program you are running. Note: HelpMaster will not pop
up over a graphics screen. Attempting to do so will result in an
error tone from the program.
HelpMaster will always inform the user (with an error tone)
if it is unable to pop up for one reason or another. The two most
common reasons for errors are attempting to pop over a graphics
screen, or HelpMaster is unable to find the help file for the key
being pressed. The cure for the first problem is self-evident.
The second problem may be caused by one of two things:
1) The program under execution has no help file for the
key being pressed. If there should be one, or if
you'd like one, please contact us immediately.
2) The help files have been placed in the wrong
directory. Please be sure that the help files (those
files with names in the form of xxxxxx%%.nnn [where
xxxxxx is the program name and nnn is a number from
000 to 015]) are in the same directory as the EXE or
COM file currently running.
If you receive an error tone for which you cannot determine
the cause, or HelpMaster does not perform correctly, please
contact us as soon as possible so that we may solve the problem.
While our testing has shown this to be a very "well behaved"
TSR, it is in the nature of some TSRs to interact poorly with
others. If you are experiencing problems with HelpMaster that
cannot be explained by (1) or (2) above, before contacting us,
try making HelpMaster either the first or last TSR loaded in your
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Version 1.10
O r d e r F o r m
State:_____________ Zip:_______
Phone: Day: (____)____________
Night: (____)____________
( )I have enclosed $15.00. Please enter my registration for
HelpMaster and send me help files for the following 2 programs:
1) ___________________________ Version:_______
2) ___________________________ Version:_______
( )I am a registered user of HelpMaster, please send me help
files for the following program(s) at $2.00 each:
1) ____________________________ Version:_______
2) ____________________________ Version:_______
3) ____________________________ Version:_______
4) ____________________________ Version:_______
5) ____________________________ Version:_______