Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Text File
498 lines
Purpose: Displays all (or selected) directory entries
in double columns, sorted in alphabetical
Format: DDIR [d:][path][filename[.ext]]
Remarks: If no parameters are specified, DDIR will
list all files in the current directory. Use
of the global characters ? and * in the
filename and extension parameters is
If more than one screenful (50 entries) is
required, the display pauses at the bottom,
showing the message, "Press any key to
Notes║ 1. Because DDIR.COM loads a secondary
command processor, it will not operate
under the Run option of WordStar and
possibly with some other programs that
normally allow calling up external
programs. For the same reason, it
cannot be automatically reinvoked using
the F3 key when at the DOS command
DOORS John Dickinson
Purpose║ Permit≤ switchinτ betweeε tw∩ simultaneously
connecteΣ display≤ withou⌠ leavinτ an
applicatioε prograφ anΣ thereb∙ losinτ the
content≤ oµ thσ alternatσ screen.
Format║ DOOR╙ (load≤ memor∙-residen⌠ program)
<Alt-Right Shift> (toggles between screens)
Remarks: When the second screen display is invoked by
pressing Alt-Right Shift, DOORS begins by
copying the first screen to the second. The
first screen display remains resident on that
monitor, for reference, but the focus of your
work shifts to the second screen, on which
you may continue working. If you then
subsequently switch back to the first monitor
(by pressing Alt-Right Shift again), the
second monitor's current contents will remain
on its display but will initially be copied
to the first monitor.
Since the monochrome display cannot support
40-column text or color graphics modes, DOORS
can only be used with your color monitor set
for 80-column text mode. In addition toè switching between monochrome and color text
modes, however, DOORS permits you to store
a screen from either a monochrome or a high-
resolution EGA text display to the other
monitor, though you must toggle back to re-
sume your work on the display from which
you started.
Notes║ 1. DOORS.COM may not work with
"compatibles" that do not use the same
keyboard interrupt structure as the PC.
Further, as with all memory-resident
software, it may not be compatible with
all programs.
KEEPER Steven Holzner
Purpose: Stores and displays the last ten commands
entered for immediate reexecution without
Format: KEEPER (loads memory-resident program)
<Ctrl-N> (toggles window display)
Remarks: KEEPER can store command lines of up to 50
characters each in length. After loading,
normally via your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, and
pressing Ctrl-N (the default trigger key; see
Option 1), the last 10 command lines are
shown in a window in the upper right-hand
corner of the display. If you wish to
execute one of the commands shown, move to
its line with the Up Arrow and Down Arrow
keys; the line currently selected blinks.
Pressing Ctrl-N again will reissue a blinking
command or, if no stored command line has
been selected, will return the display to
Notes║ 1. KEEPER is not compatible with a number
of application programs (e.g., XyWrite)
that take over the keyboard interrupts.
Option 1: The default trigger key is Ctrl-N. Should
this be inconvenient, you can use the
KEEPER.BAS program to recreate KEEPER.COM
with a different trigger key. From the DOS
prompt simply enter
and the program will prompt you for your
choice of trigger key. After the KEEPER.COM
file is created in this way, it is a regular
DOS command and is not run under BASIC.èKEY-FAKE Charles Petzold
Purpose: Supplies the series of keystrokes needed to
initialize an application program on boot-up.
Format: KEY-FAKE ["xyz"] [nn] [0] [@F]
Characters typed within a pair of single or
double quotes ("xyz") are normal ASCII-
character keystrokes. Numbers (nn) not in
quote marks are ASCII decimal codes, e.g., 13
(Enter), 26 (Ctrl-Z), or 27 (Esc). Numbers
preceded by @ are the extended ASCII decimal
codes (128 through 255) generated by the Alt
keys, cursor keys, Ins and Del keys, and the
Function keys (e.g., @61 is the F3
keystroke). The 0 is used with programs that
check the keyboard buffer (it tells such
programs the buffer is clear, so the programs
will treat the succeeding keystroke
Remarks: KEY-FAKE is of greatest use in batch files
used to call up application programs. For
example, to enter Lotus's 1-2-3 and set it
for File Retrieve, the following .BAT file
would be appropriate:
KEY-FAKE 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 "/FR"
This takes you past the necessary initial
carriage returns and /FR command without
having to type them in each time.
Similarly, if each time you enter BASICA you
want to have a blue border, blue background,
and yellow letters, you would create a batch
file, B.BAT, containing the lines
KEY-FAKE "COLOR 14,1,1" 13 "CLS" 13
Notes║ 1. The keystroke sequence stored by KEY-
FAKE is limited to 124 characters and
must be on one continuous command line.
Keystrokes not supported by PC BIOS
(e.g., Alt-Home) cannot be stored.
2. Programs such as XyWrite II that get
keyboard information directly from the
hardware keyboard interrupt will bypass
KEY-FAKE. KEY-FAKE will also not work
well when you are on-line using aè communications program.
3. KEY-FAKE is memory resident, but can be
executed multiple times in the same
session without reloading. However, if
nested batch files cause it to be re-
invoked before its initially stored
keystroke sequence has been exhausted,
the remaining initial keystrokes will be
LOCK (and UNLOCK) Steven Holzner
Purpose: Encrypts a file, rendering it unreadable to
anyone who does not know the user-chosen
passphrase. Complementarily, using the same
passphrase, de-encrypts the file.
Format: LOCK [d:][path]filename[.ext] [d:][path]
UNLOCK [d:][path]filename[.ext] [d:][path]
Remarks: The user-selected passphrase can be up to 64
characters in length; the programs prompt you
to supply it. Files to be LOCKed and
UNLOCKed must be less than 62K in length. If
you do not supply new filenames for the
locked and unlocked files, the programs use
the default filename FILE.LOC.
Example: You have a file of student course evaluations
named CONFY on drive C: that you wish to mail
to a colleague in encrypted form. You put a
formatted floppy disk in drive A:, and at the
C> prompt you enter
When the program asks for a passphrase, you
enter VERITAS.
The CRIMSON file on the disk will be
unreadable. When your colleague--who must,
of course, be told the passphrase you have
used--puts the disk in his machine, he types
UNLOCK CRIMSON GUIDEè When prompted, he supplies the passphrase
VERITAS, and his file GUIDE will be identical
to your original file CONFY.
Notes║ 1. LOCK and UNLOCK do not delete any files,
original or encoded.
2. Requires DOS version 2.0 or later.
NO Charles Petzold
Purpose: Excludes specified files in a subdirectory
from the action of a command.
Format: NO filespec Command [parameter]
Remarks: NO.COM is designed for situations in which
you want to apply a command such as DELete or
COPY to all the files in a directory except
one or two (or a class of) files. For
NO *.BAS COPY *.* A:
copies all the files in your current
subdirectory to drive A: except for those
that have a .BAS extension.
To exclude more than one file (or category)
you must use a separate NO command for each
on the command line. Thus,
deletes all files in the current directory
except those with .ASM or .COM extensions.
Notes║ 1. NO.COM should not be used in conjunction
commands. This is because NO operates
by temporarily setting the "hidden" file
attribute bit on the files to be
excluded from the main command, then
unhiding the files after the main
command has been executed. Since the
DOS BACKUP/RESTORE operation acts on
hidden and unhidden files alike, NO.COM
cannot be used to exclude files from
restore the supposedly excluded files as
hidden, overwriting the originals.
è 2. While NO.COM provides full path support
(and so requires the use of DOS 2.0 or
later), it is a good policy when using
NO to use CHDIR to make the directory
that contains the files on which you
wish to operate the current directory.
For example, suppose you are in your
root directory, one of whose subdirec-
tories is \BASIC. If you were to enter
the command
you would not delete all the files in
the \BASIC subdirectory except those
with a .BAS extension, as you might have
intended to do. To do this from the
root directory you would have had to
This complete filespec would tell NO
that it had to protect files in the
\BASIC, not in the current (i.e., root)
If you follow our recommendation and
NO *.BAS DEL *.*
thus making \BASIC your current
directory before you start deleting, you
will then clean out all but the .BAS
files, just as you intended.
3. Should a parity check error, power
outage, or system crash occur during the
brief period between the times NO hides
and subsequently unhides the protected
files, those files will subsequently
seem to have disappeared. They are not
lost; only hidden from a DIR listing.
Use ATTR.COM (included in this set of
utilities) to change their hidden
è ONEKEY Steven Holzner
Command (after running .BAS version) No. 20
Purpose: Reassigns a designated series of keystrokes
to a user-selected keystroke.
Format: ONEKEY
Remarks: ONEKEY is a memory-resident keyboard macro
program. While written in assembly language,
it is presented here with a BASIC interface
that need be run only once, but which
facilitates entering the trigger keys you
want to use and the sequences of keystrokes
they will replace. ONEKEY will accept up to
30 different trigger keys, each of which will
replace up to 50 keystrokes.
When you load and run ONEKEY.BAS in BASIC,
you will prompted to "Type the key to be
replaced." This will be a key you use as a
trigger: Ctrl-N, Alt-Z, F1, or the like.
When you enter this key, you will be
prompted, "The command that replaces this key
is." Here you enter the string of keystrokes
the selected trigger key will execute.
Remember to include all necessary carriage
returns, spaces, and control characters, just
as you would enter them at the keyboard.
When you type Ctrl-End (not a carriage
return) to terminate this sequence, you'll be
prompted for the next trigger key, and so on.
When you have typed in as many macros as you
want, type Ctrl-End when asked for a trigger
key. It takes BASIC about half a minute to
create the ONEKEY.COM file.
Once created, ONEKEY is a regular DOS
command; you enter it at the DOS prompt (or
as a line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file), not
from BASIC.
Notes║ 1. Memory-resident utilities such as ONEKEY
are often incompatible with programs
(XyWrite is one) that themselves take
over the keyboard interrupts. You must
simply experiment to see if ONEKEY can
be used with your software.
2. Requires DOS 2.0 or later.
èPR (Print) John Dickinson
Purpose: Prints the standard ASCII files of program
listings according to a standard formatted
Format: PR [d:][path]filename[.ext]
Remarks: PR.COM formats the program listing into 80
columns, expands ASCII tabs, adds a seven-
line header and a blank footer, and prints 55
lines of the listing on each 66-line page.
The header contains the filename, page
number, and date and time the program was
last saved.
Notes║ 1. The listings photoreproduced in PC
Magazine's Programming/Utilities column
are printed using PR.COM.
PRSWAP John Dickinson
Purpose: Converts IBM text-graphics characters into
ASCII characters that can be printed by non-
graphics printers.
Format: PRSWAP
Remarks: The IBM text-graphics characters (non-
standard ASCII 176-223 and 254) programmers
often use to make their screen displays look
more attractive cannot be handled by many
printers. PRSWAP.COM is a memory-resident
program that translates these characters into
presentable-looking ASCII substitutes.
PRSWAP should be loaded only once until you
power down or hit Ctrl-Alt-Del. If you
intend to use it regularly, the best place to
put it is in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
SNAPSHOT Steven Holzner
Purpose: Saves your current screen and up to three
additional prefabricated screens for
immediate display without leaving an
application program.
Format: SNAPSHOT (loads memory-resident program)
<Ctrl-N> (stores current screen)
<Ctrl-F> (displays stored screen)
<Ctrl-A> (displays screen A.DAT)
<Ctrl-B> (displays screen B.DAT)
<Ctrl-C> (displays screen C.DAT)è Remarks: SNAPSHOT is a memory-resident utility that is
incompatible with programs (such as XyWrite)
that take control of the keyboard interrupts.
While written in assembly languge, it is
presented here with a BASIC interface that
need be run only once, but which facilitates
entering the trigger keys you will use to
store the current screen, recall it, and to
recall up to three screens you can prepare
with an ASCII word processor and store under
the filenames A.DAT, B.DAT, and C.DAT.
When you load and run SNAPSHOT.BAS under
BASIC you will be prompted for the required
key selections. Thereafter the program will
create SNAPSHOT.COM (it takes about two
minutes), which is a regular DOS command.
Option 1: If your regular word processor is WordStar,
before running SNAPSHOT.BAS you should edit
it as follows:
1. In line 30, change the checksum shown from
51461 to 51462.
2. In line 430, change the third number (just
to the left of the -2) from 0 to 1.
The purpose of these changes is to provide a
"stripper" function so that WordStar files
will be readable from other applications.
Purpose: Displays 26th-line status indicators for the
NumLock, CapsLock, and ScrollLock toggle keys
on IBM monochrome, CGA, and Compaq monitors.
Format: STATLINE (loads memory-resident program)
Remarks: STATLINE converts the normal 25-line text
mode display into 26 lines, using the
additional line to show a # sign for NumLock,
an up arrow for CapsLock, and a double-
pointed arrow for ScrollLock.
On a monochrome display, where insufficient
memory is available for a full 26th line,
two-thirds of that line is used by STATLINE;
the remainder echoes the first portion of the
top line of the regular display.
è This utility is not compatible with the IBM
enhanced graphics adapter (EGA) and is best
suited for use with the color graphics
adapter (CGA) and with Compaq displays.
Notes║ 1. STATLINE is a memory-resident utility
and is known to be incompatible with a
number of keyboard macro programs.
Assembly language programmers will be
particularly interested in the extensive
discussion of the problems of co-
residency contained in the original
article (PC Magazine, Volume 5 Number
13), and in the .ASM listing that shows
how to reprogram the 6845 video