Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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POWERKIT Documentation
November 1988
Version 1.90
Copyright 1987-88 by John H. Brooks.
All rights reserved.
Permission is granted to
distribute copies of this documentation.
DISCLAIMER: This software is sold "as is." No warranty is given, either
express or implied, that any specific POWERKIT feature will work on any
particular machine. The manufacturer will not be liable for any damage
caused by the use of POWERKIT.
The names of hardware and software products, and companies mentioned in
this document are trademarks or service marks of the respective companies.
To registered users, version 1.90 is a FREE upgrade.
FORWARD: Welcome, I'll be brief. I'm asking you to please pay for POWER-
KIT if you use it. At $12.95, I believe the price is fair. Give POWERKIT
a good workout, then remit to:
DENVER, CO 80204
(303) 595-4218
SUPPORT FOR POWERKIT: Since there are so many different video cards,
versions of PC/MS-DOS, flavors of the BIOS ROM, hardware configurations,
all calling themselves "PC (or AT) compatible," the "non-guarantee" above
is regrettable but necessary. Obviously, you won't buy POWERKIT if it
doesn't work on your machine, but if you could spare a few moments to let
me know what would not work, and what kind of machine you have, I'll do my
best to get POWERKIT to work on your machine. As many registered users of
POWERKIT have already discovered, I intend to have POWERKIT be one of the
best supported SHAREWARE (or commercial, for that matter) programs in the
INSTALLATION: Type "PK" at the DOS prompt. You may also type some optional
instructions to POWERKIT (described in detail later) after the "PK".
INTRODUCTION: POWERKIT is small, about 2700 bytes of it stay in memory. If
each of POWERKIT's tasks were to be done by separate "COM" programs,
many thousands of bytes would be used. Almost all of POWERKIT's
operations may be controlled from the command line (the DOS prompt or
a line in AUTOEXEC.BAT), with a keyboard "hot" key, or from a pop-up
"1-2-3" style menu, even while you are inside another program. Many
can be disabled, if your favorite utility program does the same thing.
After all, POWERKIT uses very little memory.
Page 2
You will like the way POWERKIT handles your keyboard. A key, when
pressed, starts to repeat after a waiting period whose length you set,
accelerates smoothly at a rate you set to a top speed you set, and
when released, "stops on a dime." Keystrokes also may be made to
repeat very slowly, or to repeat not at all. POWERKIT's AutoPilot
lets you teach your machine how to do a repetitive task, while you sit
back and relax. If that's not enough, add an extra large keystroke
buffer and an ability to view what's in it, a way to route printer
output to your screen, an escape hatch from programs that falter, a
screen blanker, a floppy disk motor early shut-off, a way to protect
your machine from prying eyes and mischievous fingers (even at
bootup), a few other things, and there's HOOK.
HOOK is unique. HOOK will open up many of those programs that won't
let your "can't live without" pop-up utilities pop up. HOOK will do
other things too (see /K)eyboard redefine, and KEYPAD 5, H, page 9).
LESS EXPERIENCED PC USERS: Don't be put off by the wealth of more or less
technical data which follows. You already know how to get POWERKIT
working and if you read how to get the help menus (see /U1 farther down
this page) you may never have to read anything else about POWERKIT.
COMMANDING POWERKIT: Most POWERKIT parameters may be set by including them
after the "PK" when you call POWERKIT, and several MUST be set from
there. For example, typing:
will set the floppy disk motor to shut off after 1.5 seconds (15
tenths), the wait before repeating a keystroke to 1/2 second (5
tenths), the display to switch off after 2 minutes (if no keys have
been pressed during that time), the keystroke repeat speed to a
maximum of 110 keystrokes per second, and replaces KEYPAD 5 with F10
(68 is the decimal scan code for F10) as the HOT key. The commands
may be entered in any order, in lower/UPPER case.
The following commands can be given ONLY from the command line of
/U1 is for NEW USERS who would like to have a menu to remind them of
POWERKIT's many options. /U1 tells POWERKIT, as it is being loaded, to
attach an interface to itself which will allow it to communicate with
a public domain program called SlashBar. Slashbar is a program that
pops menus of the user's choice onto the screen whenever the "ALT" and
"/" keys are pressed simultaneously. SlashBar, and its complementary
program, MAKEBAR (MAKEBAR creates the menus SlashBar pops up), was
written by R.L. Hummel, who wrote a description of SlashBar and its
operation in the May 26, 1987 (vol. 6, # 10) issue of PC Magazine.
There are many places you can obtain a copy of SlashBar, including PC
Magazine's own BBS, (212) 696-0360 or (415) 598-9100.
Assuming you have obtained a copy of SLASHBAR.COM, some modifications
must be made to it. But don't worry, they only need be made once, and
they are easy to do. Make sure that DEBUG.COM, SLASHBAR.COM, and
SLASHMOD.TXT (included in this package) are on the same diskette,
then, at the "A>" prompt, type:
Page 3
A>debug slashbar.com <slashmod.txt
The modification allows SlashBar to communicate with programs (any
programs, not just POWERKIT) that are loaded "beneath" SlashBar. With
that task completed, see that POWERKIT.MNU (included in this package)
is on the same diskette as SLASHBAR.COM, and at the "A>" prompt, type:
A>slashbar powerkit.mnu/2000
Press "ALT" and "/" at the same time and watch POWERKIT's menu pop
onto the screen. The beauty of using SlashBar for POWERKIT's menus
(besides being my tiny contribution to standardization of program
interfaces) is that SlashBar need not be loaded when you are using a
huge application program that takes up virtually all available memory,
all memory, except perhaps for the 2.5k POWERKIT needs. SlashBar,
together with its menu buffer, uses several thousand bytes.
For you that register POWERKIT, send an extra $2.50, and receive the
latest version of POWERKIT, and a utility program that adds POWERKIT's
commands to any other "BAR" (menu) file you use with SlashBar.
/In, /Jn sets the high byte and low byte, respectively, of the "ex-
tended" ASCII code SlashBar (or any other menu program) uses to get
POWERKIT's attention. With SlashBar, the high byte "must" be zero.
The default low byte is 30 (1Eh), which is CTRL-6 (SlashBar doesn't
recognize KEYPAD 5). These switches were provided in case CTRL-6
means something to one of your programs, and you wish to write your
own "BAR" file (using MAKEBAR.COM), or use the utility provided to
registered users (see /U1, page 2).
/An, n = 0 to 9 (or thereabouts) tells POWERKIT the number of phony
keystrokes to insert between each "real" keystroke. This is a means
to curb repeating key overshoot in especially recalcitrant programs.
/Rn, n = 0 to 9 (or more) tells POWERKIT the number of times to "lie"
to an application about the status of the keystroke buffer. Its
purpose is the same as /An above. See page 8 for further details.
/Cn, n = 0 or 1 toggles CAPS/SHIFT LOCK (see KEYPAD 5, C, page 10)
When ON, and when CAPS is ON too, pressing a SHIFT key will NOT pro-
duce a lower case letter.
/En, n = 65 to 90 (these are the ASCII codes for A-Z), sets the drive,
floppy, ram, or hard, where POWERKIT looks for COMMAND.COM when it
exits an application program and allows you to load and run another
program, format a disk, etc. COMMAND.COM must be in the "root" dir.
/M)otor off after 1 to 255 tenths seconds. This command has nothing
to do with speeding up floppy disk input or output, it merely allows
the computer to turn off the floppy disk drive motor after so many
tenths of a second. I included this command in POWERKIT to let you get
back to work more quickly after a disk access (the keyboard sometimes
won't work while the drive motor is on). Also, it is not always safe
to remove a disk from the drive while the motor is on (stray magnetic
fields produced by the motor could garble the data on your disk). If
you tell POWERKIT nothing about motor shutoff, POWERKIT will set it to
one second. /M0 makes POWERKIT ignore motor shut off.
Page 4
/Nn, N = 0 or 1, forces shell to DOS to use current active display page
(n = 0), or change to a new display page (n = 1). Also see page 10.
/On, n = 0 to 25 (1 = top of screen), sets the line on which the
cursor will appear after POWERKIT completes its initialization. The
default is line 25. If you don't like that "CURSOR VANISH?" message,
set /C25 (or any other setting) to make it go away. /C0 clears the
screen and puts the cursor at the top of the screen.
/K)eyboard redefine, from its name, you might think is a replacement
for ANSI.SYS. It is NOT, it is a supplement to ANSI.SYS and the other
similar keyboard redefinition programs. For the technically inclined,
ANSI.SYS redefines the keyboard by replacing the (extended) ASCII code
generated by one key, with the extended ASCII code generated by a dif-
ferent key. However, some programs don't even bother to look at ASCII
codes, so /K)eyboard redefine (used with HOOK, see page 9) works by
replacing the "scan" code generated by one key with the scan code of a
different key.
From here on the going gets kind of tough for awhile, so I'll go slow-
ly. There is a type of program let's call a KIM, a Keyboard Interrupt
Monopolizer. If you own SIDEKICK, or a similar program, and you tried
to call it up by pressing CTRL-ALT (or some other HOT key) while in-
side another program, and it either wouldn't pop up or your machine
froze, that program you were inside was a KIM. KIM's have other prob-
lems, too. The older KIM's have no way of recognizing the larger key-
boards that come with many of the newer PC compatibles, except for the
keys corresponding to the old 83 key "standard PC keyboard." This
means you can't use that nice separate cursor keypad while working
within the KIM, for example. POWERKIT's /K)eyboard redefine, in
conjunction with the HOOK command could help you with that problem.
/K)eyboard redefine takes two forms. One, you can put pairs of scan
codes on the "PK" command line; a "/" then the decimal scan
code you wish to redefine, followed by "/" plus the decimal scan code
you wish it to be, repeating this for each key to be redefined. For
example, what you see below makes the keyboards of TANDY 1000's or
2000's work just fine inside most KIM's:
^ NOTE: no slash needed for first number
Obviously, you need to know something about scan codes to do this,
which leads to the second way /K can be used. Putting /K on the
"PK" command line, followed by nothing at all, or followed by another
POWERKIT command (like /k/h, for example) causes POWERKIT to help you
find the scan codes. First, the machine will start its normal boot-up
procedure. When it loads POWERKIT, a beep will occur, and the display
will read:
Press key to be changed, ESC to quit:
Press a key, and its scan code (in decimal) will appear behind the /k,
you will hear another beep, and the display will show:
Press key to change to:
Page 5
The XX above represents the scan code of the first key pressed. Press
a second key; its scan code will appear as /kXX/YY. Another beep, and
the "Press key to be changed, ESC to quit:" prompt will reappear. In
this way you can tell POWERKIT which keys you want redefined. For
example, to get that long line of redefined scan codes shown above (on
a TANDY 1000), do the following (keypad means the numeric keypad):
up arrow keypad 8 fixes up arrow key
down arrow keypad 2 fixes down arrow key
left arrow keypad 4 fixes left arrow key
right arrow keypad 6 fixes right arrow key
HOME keypad 7 fixes HOME key
F11 up arrow makes F11 print ` and ~
F12 left arrow makes F12 print \ and |
INSERT right arrow changes INSERT to grey +
DELETE down arrow changes DELETE to grey -
keypad ENTER ENTER fixes keypad ENTER
keypad . DELETE changes keypad . to DELETE
ESC saves scan codes and exits
(inside a KIM, keypad 0 will probably act like INSERT)
In general, for any extended keyboard, you can use the first five
sequences above for the ARROW and HOME keys, and in addition:
END keypad 1 fixes END key
PG UP keypad 9 fixes PG UP key
PG DN keypad 3 fixes PG DN key
INSERT keypad 0 fixes INSERT key
DELETE keypad . fixes DELETE key
ESC exits
POWERKIT has enough room for 15 redefined keys. After all this, the
line on the display starting with /k will show the necessary scan
codes to put on the "PK" command line before you next run the KIM; but
there is no need to reboot the computer now, just write down the /k
line for future reference. POWERKIT has saved these codes, and after
you do just one more thing, you can load the KIM and have your
keyboard work properly. That final task is to activate HOOK while the
CAPS key is turned ON. HOOK is activated by KEYPAD 5, H. See page 9
for a complete discussion of HOOK. Turning on HOOK with CAPS ON tells
POWERKIT to feed the new scan codes to the KIM.
/L)ock machine at bootup, like /K above, takes two forms. Putting /L
on the line with no parameters will show the (decimal) scan codes of
the keys you press, until you press ESC, to use in a password that
will have to be entered before the machine will continue booting up.
Using parameters with /L will define the password. For example:
^ NOTE: no slash needed for first number
will define the password "ABCD". The password may contain up to eight
Page 6
keystrokes. This password will protect only against children or
casual meddling. However, on a machine with a hard disk, and with
some additional hardware/software changes, this password could provide
one more "layer" of protection for "sensitive" data. BE SURE to put
ECHO OFF in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file when using this feature.
/Qn, n = 0,1,2,4, or 8, for HOT KEY ALONE, or RIGHT SHIFT, LEFT SHIFT,
CTRL, or ALT, plus HOT KEY, respectively (HOT KEY set by "/Gn" or from
the keyboard, see page 10). When n is not zero, the designated shift
key must be pressed at the same time as the HOT key. This switch was
added to increase the number of possible HOT keys.
/Sn, n = 18 to 255 is a speedup factor. It does this by stretching
the time between memory refreshes in your machine. It works on IBM
PC's and AT's, and a few clones that are SO COMPATIBLE, they even use
the same refresh interval. Modern memory chips no longer need to be
refreshed as often as the IBM machines do it. /S255 should work on
any machine whose memory chips have been manufactured in the last five
years. If not, lower n in /Sn, until it does work. The speedup is 5%
on 4.77 Mhz machines (PC's), up to 20% on some 12 Mhz AT clones.
/Tn enables an algorithm that blanks HERCULES brand display adaptors.
If you have an Hercules "compatible" adaptor, it probably can be
blanked without invoking this command.
/T1 -- Tests for an Hercules adaptor. If present, enables blanking.
/T2 -- Activates Hercules blanking without testing first.
/Vn, n = 91 to 255, is the number of timer ticks your machine makes in
5 seconds. The default is 91.
/Xn adjusts the the time it takes repeating keystrokes to get up to
top speed, (a speed you can set according to your own taste, see
KEYPAD 5, F page 7).
/X0 -- Repeating keystrokes start out at top speed.
/X1 -- Repeating keystrokes accelerate smoothly, but quickly, to their
top speed.
/X2 -- Repeating keystrokes accelerate rather more slowly than with
the /X1 setting. This is the default setting.
/Y0 turns off POWERKIT's Scroll Lock key handler (see page 10).
/Z1 -- Turns on the much louder "system beep" and turns off POWERKIT's.
OTHER COMMANDS that may be put on the "PK" command line are:
/D)isplay off
/F)ast repeat
/G)et new HOT key
/O)vershoot plan A, B, or C, 0 for A, 1 for B, 2 for C. (used to be /P)
/P)rinter output to screen, 0 (off) or 1 (on).
/W)ait before repeating
Note that when defining the HOT key here, the (decimal) scan code of
your designated HOT key must be used. Note also that when HOOK is
placed here, and you wish it to be used with /K)eyboard redefine, make
sure the CAPS key is ON while your machine is booting up.
Page 7
descriptions of the POWERKIT commands accessed from the keyboard.
First, the "5" key on the numeric keypad (SHIFT KEYPAD 5 when NUM LOCK
is "on") must be pressed, RELEASED, then the indicated COMMAND key
pressed and released. If the command needs more input (numbers or
letters), enter them when you hear a beep. Press ENTER when finished.
If you press KEYPAD 5 by accident, press it AGAIN to cancel.
KEYPAD 5, ESC: Sometimes can bring you back to the DOS prompt from a hung or
crashed program. When KEYPAD 5, ESC does succeed, when you have pre-
cious unsaved data on a ramdisk for example, POWERKIT will have earned
its keep.
NOTE: A few programs have their own escape routines. If they exist,
they are invoked by either CTRL-BREAK or CTRL-C (usually).
KEYPAD 5, W: At the beep, entering a number from 1 to 60, followed by ENTER,
will set the delay before keystrokes begin to repeat to that many
tenths of a second. Enter zero if you wish to go back to your old,
sluggish keyboard. But then, POWERKIT tasks associated with KEYPAD 5
W, F, S, A, and R will no longer work.
KEYPAD 5, F: At the beep, entering a number from 5 to 255, followed by ENTER,
will set the maximum speed a keystroke repeats to that many repeti-
tions per second, give or take 2 reps./second. The actual repetition
rate will be determined by how fast the application program can handle
keystrokes (ANSI.SYS slows the repeat rate, for example). Enter zero
and the keyboard will work like an old-fashioned typewriter keyboard
(no auto-repeat, a more comfortable mode for those with disabilities).
NOTE 1: Use KEYPAD 5, S (see below) for 1 rep./sec, or slower.
NOTE 2: Some repeat speeds are smoother than others. This is deter-
mined by the tick rate of the system clock. For most PC compatibles,
5, 10, 19, 37, 55, 74, 92, 110 reps./sec. are the smoothest. Also,
adding 2 or 3 lies/rep. (KEYPAD 5, B, 2 or 3) smooths things out.
KEYPAD 5, S: At the beep, entering a number from 1 to 255, followed by ENTER,
will repeat a keystroke (or a sequence of keystrokes) every that many
seconds. This is used mainly with AutoPilot (KEYPAD 5, A below).
KEYPAD 5, A: Activates AutoPilot. At the beep, enter up to 18 keystrokes that
you want repeated, then press ENTER. If you want an ENTER keystroke
to be part of the sequence, press RIGHT SHIFT-ENTER. After ENTER is
pressed, the sequence will repeat, unless CAPS = ON, in which case the
sequence will execute only once (but will be saved for possible re-
use), like an ordinary MACRO. To stop (and erase) the repeating se-
quence, press any key. However, if you want to save this sequence,
press the RIGHT SHIFT key, which stops the action and saves the
keystroke sequence. To reactivate AutoPilot (using these keystrokes),
press KEYPAD 5, A. If CAPS = ON as you press, AutoPilot will stop af-
ter doing the sequence only once. To erase a keystroke sequence that
has been saved by pressing RIGHT SHIFT, without restarting AutoPilot,
NOTE: Because of the peculiar nature of the programs we have dubbed
KIM's (page 4, or see KEYPAD 5, H, page 9), there are actually two
AutoPilot routines. Therefore, an AutoPilot sequence that has been
Page 8
defined outside a KIM won't work inside a KIM, and vice versa. Use
KEYPAD 5, A, with CAPS turned ON, to destroy saved keystrokes before
"hooking" and entering a KIM, or before leaving a KIM. PRESSING and
RELEASING the CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT keys will count as ONE of the six-
teen permitted keystrokes while inside a KIM, while these key presses
DON'T count against the sixteen when outside a KIM.
I am certain that AutoPilot will be used in ways I could never dream
of. If you must dump your "KEY" program to load a large application,
AutoPilot will be there to restore some of its function by using
AutoPilot together with the at least rudimentary MACRO capability
most application programs now have. A single PG DN keystroke can be
set to repeat at a comfortable pace, to let you read a document in
your word processor without touching the keyboard. To snoop through
the BIOS ROM using DEBUG's UNASSEMBLE command, set the keystrokes to
U, and RIGHT SHIFT-ENTER. When something interesting appears, press
RIGHT SHIFT, examine it more closely, then continue snooping with
KEYPAD 5, A. Suppose you would like to eliminate an entire column of
a table in one of your applications. You know the application has a
very slick method of doing this, but you can remember only how to
eliminate one line of the column at a time. You can go to the user's
manual, or it might be quicker to go to AutoPilot, enter the single
line commands, plus a DOWN ARROW keystroke.
KEYPAD 5, R: At the beep, enter A or B. This sets the "plan" to use to inhib-
it repeating key overshoot, when inside certain programs. Plan "A"
inserts unusable "null" keystrokes between each "real" keystroke. How-
ever, some programs are just too smart for their own good and discard
these null keystrokes before they can fill its buffer and prevent
"run-on". Hence the need for Plan "B". Plan "B" tells the program a
"little white lie", but it's "for its own good". It sends a "no key-
stroke in buffer" report back to the program, several times, before
sending the "true" message. You can use these two plans together. If
CAPS = ON when choosing a plan, the values for the other plan will not
be erased. After entering A or B (after the second beep), enter the
number of null keystrokes (or fibs) to insert between each "real"
keystroke, then press ENTER.
You may never use this command. The majority of programs use the
keystroke buffer supported by the BIOS (delineated by the two words at
40h:80h). POWERKIT sees to it that, while a key is repeating, this
buffer never contains more than one keystroke. Hence, overshoot is
However, KIM's (see pages 4 or 9) and some non-KIM's maintain their
own keystroke buffers and couldn't care less that your cursor keeps
moving after you release it. Experiment with combinations of KEYPAD
5, F (repeat speed) and KEYPAD 5, R, A, B, and n. Overshoot may not
be eliminated, but is almost always reduced. For example, setting
KEYPAD 5, F to 92 and KEYPAD 5, R to "A,3" eliminates overshoot in
QuickBASIC 3.0, a non-KIM which, nevertheless, keeps its own 8 key-
stroke buffer. Setting KEYPAD 5, F to 37 and KEYPAD 5, R to "A,5"
only reduces overshoot in QuickBASIC 2.0, a KIM which must be "hooked"
(see page 9), and which keeps a 16 keystroke buffer. BRIEF (v2.01)
works fine with POWERKIT's default setting (2 fibs, 0 nulls), but on
slower machines, your cursor will move faster using 1 null, 0 fibs.
NOTE: Some programs object mightily to the null keystrokes Plan A uses
Page 9
to control overshoot. PC-Write (and LIST), for example, sounds like a
moonstruck cricket when nulls are set to greater than zero. These
plans may also be used to make repeats look smoother.
KEYPAD 5, H: The HOOK command is designed to outwit those application programs
I call Keyboard Interrupt Monopolizers, or KIM's for short. You prob-
ably have a KIM in your library. It's a program such that after you
load it, your favorite pop-up utilities won't work until you exit it.
Activate HOOK just before you load the KIM. If you hear a beep when
the KIM starts to execute, then HOOK probably has intercepted the pro-
gram successfully and your pop-ups (including POWERKIT) should work.
Deactivate HOOK after you leave the KIM by entering KEYPAD 5, H again.
No beep this time.
FOR ADVANCED USERS: If CAPS LOCK is ON when you invoke HOOK, the KIM
will be fed SCAN CODES determined from the table developed from data
entered with the /K)eyboard redefine command. See page 4 for a dis-
cussion of this command. This solves most of the problems many KIM's
have with keyboards possessing more than the standard 83 "PC" keys.
Some keyboards omit either the "make" or "break" signal when the
lights (called LED's) in the CAPS or NUM LOCK keys are turned off or
on. These keys will still have to be pressed four times to put them
through a complete cycle (while inside a KIM).
SAD NOTE 1: No "keyboard macro" program (these programs usually have
"KEY" somewhere in their name) that I am aware of will work inside a
KIM, even a "hooked" KIM. AutoPilot produces a (repeating) keyboard
macro and that is why two separate AutoPilot routines were necessary.
SAD NOTE 2: POWERKIT will not "hook" some KIM's. These are KIM's that
do not use DOS services to attach themselves to interrupts. Also,
hooking a non-KIM will sometimes hang the machine.
QuickBASIC APPLICATIONS: Programs compiled with any QuickBASIC
compiler, and which use the ON KEY command, must be "hooked" before
pop-up utilities will work properly.
KEYPAD 5, V: Opens (and closes) a view-port into the keystroke buffer. Your
most used applications probably have become so familiar to you, you
know long beforehand what comes next and what you want to do about it.
However, distractions occur and you can "lose your place" while typing
"blind" into the keystroke buffer. At these times a view-port is use-
ful. The view-port expands and contracts according to how many unused
keystrokes are left in the buffer. Reenter the command to close the
KEYPAD 5, L: Lets you blank the screen and lock up the keyboard. After
pressing KEYPAD 5, L, the screen will blank (if you haven't disabled
blanking). At the beep, just press ENTER if you want no password pro-
tection, or enter up to a four keystroke password, then press ENTER.
To get your machine back, PRESS and RELEASE the RIGHT SHIFT key and
reenter the password. Incidentally, your machine will go on computing
while locked, if no keyboard input is needed.
KEYPAD 5, D: At the beep, entering a number from 1 to 60, followed by ENTER,
sets the display to turn off after one to sixty minutes of keyboard
inactivity. KEYPAD 5, D, 0 disables screen blanking. Blanking is im-
portant for monochrome displays, to preserve their phosphor coatings.
Page 10
POWERKIT's default setting is screen blanking DISABLED. See page 6,
/Tn, for instructions on enabling Hercules brand MGA card blanking.
KEYPAD 5, G: At the beep, press the key you wish to use to signal POWERKIT.
Some call this a HOT key. Use KEYPAD 5, G before you load a program
to which KEYPAD 5 means something. The keys LEFT and RIGHT SHIFT,
CTRL, ALT, CAPS, NUM LOCK, and HOLD won't work as HOT keys. Also, if
NUM LOCK is ON, you must hold SHIFT, then press the HOT key.
KEYPAD 5, C: Toggles a feature that, when ON (beep), and when CAPS is ON too,
pressing a SHIFT key will NOT produce a lower case letter.
KEYPAD 5, Y: Toggles POWERKIT's SCROLL LOCK key handler on/off. POWERKIT turns
the Scroll Lock key into what (I think) it should have been all along.
Pressing the key will freeze a scrolling display until you press SCROLL
LOCK again, allowing you to examine its contents at your leisure (now
that's a whole lot easier than CTRL-NUM LOCK, isn't it?). A beep will
tell you when the display has been frozen, and beeps will greet your
every key press, until you press SCROLL LOCK again. Toggle it OFF,
when a program has its own designs on the SCROLL LOCK key.
KEYPAD 5, P: Directs output normally destined for the printer, to the screen.
This is handy when no printer is available and you must use a program
that demands a printer be attached (when you are using a PC compatible
laptop away from the office, for instance). It also lets you preview
the formatting of a document without wasting a lot of time and paper,
if you don't have a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) text editor.
Pressing KEYPAD 5, P a second time turns off this feature.
NOTE: I always boot up with /P1 on the "PK" command line, because it's
easy to activate Print Screen inadvertently, with no printer online.
KEYPAD 5, E: Exits an application program, and puts you at the DOS prompt.
There, you can perhaps do some little thing that you forgot to do be-
fore you entered the application (like format a new disk if the disk
you are using is full, and the application wants to write more data).
To return to the application, type "exit" at a DOS prompt. If you have
a graphics adaptor (CGA, EGA, etc.), POWERKIT exits to a different dis-
play page, so as not to mess up your screen. With a single page adap-
tor (MDA), there is no choice, sorry. However, a less confusing dis-
play will result if you place the cursor at the bottom of the screen
prior to exiting to DOS. See also the switch, /N on page 4.
POWERKIT has to find COMMAND.COM in order to do this little trick, and
it is not very smart, it looks for COMMAND.COM only in a "root" direc-
tory (the directory you are in when you type "B:", say, at the DOS
prompt). The default is the "root" directory on drive "A", but you can
change this drive at bootup with the "/E" switch (see page 3). CAUTION:
Don't shell to DOS at the DOS prompt, and especially, NOT at bootup.
application programs don't work well together occur because the other
program is trying to do some of the same things POWERKIT is doing,
such things as enlarging the keystroke buffer, blanking the screen, or
speeding up the cursor. When this happens, disable the contested
function, either in POWERKIT or in the other program (in the case of
POWERKIT's extended keystroke buffer, simply don't enable it).
Page 11
Finally, you must change POWERKIT's HOT key if it means something to
the other program.
101 KEY ENHANCED KEYBOARDS: I have completely rewritten POWERKIT's keyboard
handler to make it compatible with most (90%) 101 key keyboards. How-
ever, if it doesn't work with yours and you would like it to, there is
a 101 key enhanced keyboard driver (about 2k bytes) that WORKS with
POWERKIT, included in this package.
ONLINE SUPPORT FOR POWERKIT: If you have a modem, you can get prompt answers
to your questions (several times a day), and download some interesting
files by contacting me on a CCIE (Compatible Computer Information Ex-
change) BBS. The phone number is: (303) 377-6725. You need not be a
regis-tered user to use this service.
That's it, you're on your own. Enjoy POWERKIT and please don't forget to send
DENVER, CO 80204
(303) 595-4218
or 595-4074