Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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ONLINE SUPPORT FOR POWERKIT: If you have a modem, you can get prompt answers to
your questions, and download some interesting files by contacting me at (303)
377-6725. This is one of a family of BBSes operated by COMS, Creative Online
Management Systems. You need not be a registered user to use this service.
POWERKIT version 1.5 differs from version 1.1 in the following ways:
* POWERKIT's screen blanker no longer ignores EGA cards.
* Machine cannot be "unlocked" without the password.
* POWERKIT's "beeper" has been replaced by the system "beeper".
* Screen blanking is disabled while AutoPilot is engaged.
* AutoZoom: Pressing any key while holding down keypad "5" causes
the key to repeat at the rate you have selected.
* AutoPilot's buffer has been increased to 16 keystrokes.
Two new switches, to be set from the DEVICE=POWERKIT.OBJ line in
CONFIG.SYS, or from the command line of POWERKIT.COM, have been added.
* /Xn changes the rate at which the repeat reaches top speed.
n = 0 -- Repeat begins at full speed
n = 1 -- Repeat reaches top speed quickly
n = 2 -- (Default) Repeat same as in version 1.1
* /Y0 turns off warning beep when "PAUSE" (HOLD, CTRL-NUM LOCK) is enabled.
POWERKIT version 1.6 has the following changes:
* POWERKIT now boots up "instantly", the "pause" has been replaced by a
switch that tells POWERKIT the clock tick rate of "semi-compatible" machines.
* Two new "run-on curb" methods have been added.
* POWERKIT now has "1-2-3" style pop-up menus to guide the new user.
The pop-up menus are generated by the public domain program SlashBar (c)
1987, Ziff-Davis. SlashBar is described in PC Magazine, vol. 6 # 10, by
its author, R.L. Hummel, and can be downloaded from PC Magazine's BBS
(212) 696-0360, (415) 598-9100, and many other places. The interface to
SlashBar can be detached from POWERKIT when the user has become familiar
with POWERKIT's KEYPAD 5 commands, or when the several thousand bytes used
by SlashBar and the interface are needed to allow a large application
program to load.
* Several control switches have been added.
POWERKIT version 1.71 has the following changes:
* Machine can be locked with a password on bootup ("kid-proofs" your
machine from kids of all ages).
* The PrtSc key handler in POWERKIT has been removed (use KEYPAD 5, P).
* AutoPilot now can go faster. It also used to "miss" a keystroke occasionally.
* POWERKIT.COM will recognize if it (or POWERKIT.OBJ) is already resident.
* POWERKIT recognizes more EGA adaptors, and a bug was fixed that prevented
EGA cards from turning back on after blanking.
* Cursor is placed near the bottom of the opening screen (reset it with /Cn).
* POWERKIT's "hot" key and AutoZoom's "hot" key have been combined. A
version that has the old "hot" key will still be available on request.
* Bug fixed in Plan "B" run-on curb.
* /Z1 replaces POWERKIT's soft "beep" with the much louder "system beep".
* /M0 causes POWERKIT not to change the floppy disk motor shut-off parameter.
* /Tn activates blanking of HERCULES brand display adaptors.
n = 1 -- Checks for Hercules adaptor. If present, activates blanking.
n = 2 -- Uses Hercules blanking technique without checking.
Due to the peculiar action of int 10h while the CONFIG.SYS file is being
processed, you may not see messages displayed by other device drivers loaded
after POWERKIT in CONFIG.SYS. The cursor will reappear as soon as COMMAND.COM
takes control.
* /Cn, n = 0 to 25 (1 = TOP), sets the cursor at row "n" after POWERKIT.OBJ is
installed. /C0 clears the screen and sets the cursor at the top of the screen.
POWERKIT v1.72 -- fixed bug in Hercules blanking -- added a NO REPEAT option to
AutoPilot -- small change in run-on curb plans A and B -- eliminated plan C
POWERKIT v1.73 -- fixed problem PK had with 101 key enhanced keyboards --
run-on plans A and B can be active at the same time (if CAPS=ON when plan is
set) -- changed the function of the "/R" switch -- eliminated "/O" switch,
added "/A" switch
* /An, n = 0 to 10, # of fake keystrokes plan A sends between real keystrokes.
* /Rn, n = 0 to 10, # of "lies" plan B tells between keystrokes.
POWERKIT v1.75 -- Deleted AutoZoom -- added Shell to DOS (type "exit" at a DOS
prompt to return to your application) -- HOT key press cancels a POWERKIT com-
mand at any stage -- KEYPAD 5, ESC no longer (always) dumps POWERKIT -- extend-
ed # of available hot keys by adding a shift key mask (CTRL, ALT, etc. are
called shift keys) -- beeps when any key is pressed while "PAUSE" (HOLD) is en-
abled -- AutoPilot now executes the commands and characters you give it while
you are defining the MACRO -- can delete a saved AutoPilot MACRO while CAPS=ON -
- beeps when you enter too many characters for a KEYPAD 5 command (it means you
probably have made a mistake and should press KEYPAD 5 again to cancel command)
* /En, n = 65 to 90 (ASCII codes for A-Z), drive where COMMAND.COM is (root dir)
* /Qn, n = 0,1,2,4, or 8, for HOT KEY ALONE, or RIGHT SHIFT, LEFT SHIFT, CTRL,
or ALT, plus HOT KEY, respectively. HOT KEY set by "/Gn".
POWERKIT v1.75D -- Fixed runaway INSERT key -- made POWERKIT more BIOS ROM
independent -- fixed problem shell to DOS had with some display adaptors (shell
to DOS still won't work if there is not enough room in memory) -- added /N
switch to force shell to DOS to work, no matter what display adaptor is used.
* /Nn, n = 0 or 1
n = 0 -- forces shell to DOS to use current active display page
n = 1 -- forces shell to DOS to use different display page
POWERKIT v1.75f -- Moved POWERKIT's "PAUSE" feature from the PAUSE key, back
to the scroll lock key.
POWERKIT v1.81b -- Fixed a bug in KYBDBUFR.OBJ.
POWERKIT v1.90 --
* PK can now tell if it's been loaded anywhere, even up in extended memory.
* /C has been changed to /O
* /Cn, n=0 or 1, toggles CAPS/SHIFT LOCK. Keypad 5, C does this also.
* /Sn, n=18 to 255, speeds up the machine (the higher n, the faster)
* Keypad 5, Y toggles the Scroll Lock key handler.