Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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88 lines
|AutoZoom:Push & hold KEYPAD 5,push KEY |
| Press & release KEYPAD 5, press KEY |
|_At beep enter other chars. if needed |
|P|rinter output to screen on/off |
|G|et new HOT key -- replaces KEYPAD 5 |
|D|isplay off after 1-60 min, 0=disable |
|L|ock machine with 0-4 char. password |
|V|iew keystrokes in buffer on/off |
|H|ook prog, CAPS ON=use new scan codes |
|R|un-on curb, A=nulls, B=fibs, # = 0-9 | <- CAPS = ON keeps other plan active
|A|utoPilot, repeat up to 16 keystrokes | <- =================================
|F|ast repeat, 5-255 reps/sec, 0=no rep | | ANY key stops and erases |
|S|low repeat, 1-255 seconds per repeat | | RIGHT SHIFT stops and saves |
|W|ait 1-60 tenths second before repeat | | KEYPAD 5, RT SHIFT-A erases |
|___ ^ Wait = 0 disables W S F A and R | | KEYPAD 5, A, CAPS=ON, one rep.|
|ESC|ape when machine locks up | =================================
COMMANDS executed from the CONFIG.SYS file: For example, the line:
DEVICE=POWERKIT.OBJ /b35/M15/W5/d2/f110/g68
^ blank space
will set the keystroke buffer size to 35, the floppy disk motor to shut off
after 1.5 secs. (15/10ths), the wait before repeating a keystroke to 1/2
sec. (5/10ths), the display to switch off after 2 minutes, the keystroke
repeat speed to 110 keystrokes per second, and replaces KEYPAD 5 with F10
(68 is the decimal scan code for F10) as the HOT key. The commands may be
entered in any order, in lower or UPPER case.
* /An, n = 0 to 10, # of fake keystrokes plan A sends between real keystrokes.
* /Rn, n = 0 to 10, # of "lies" run-on plan B tells between keystrokes.
* /Bn, n = 15 to 255, sets the number of keystrokes held by the extended
keystroke buffer
* /Cn, n = 0 to 25 (1 = TOP), sets the cursor at row "n" after installation.
/C0 clears the screen and sets the cursor at the top of the screen.
* /Dn, n = 0 to 60, sets the time, in minutes, of no keyboard activity until
the display dims. n = 0 disables display blanking.
* /Fn, n = 0 to 255, sets the repeat speed, in # of repeats per second.
* /Gn, n a decimal scan code, sets the HOT key.
* /H)ook program, see POWERKIT.DOC
* /In, n = a decimal scan code, sets the high byte of the extended ascii code
SlashBar (or another menu generator) uses to get POWERKIT's attention.
* /Jn, n = a decimal scan code, sets the low byte of the ascii code above.
* /K)eyboard redefine, see POWERKIT.DOC
* /L)ock machine at bootup, see POWERKIT.DOC
* /Mn, n = 0 to 255, sets the time in tenths sec. until the floppy disk motor
turns off. n = 0 causes POWERKIT not to change the floppy disk motor shut-
off parameter.
* /P1 routes output sent to the printer, to the screen.
* /Tn activates blanking of HERCULES brand display adaptors.
n = 1 -- Checks for Hercules adaptor. If present, activates blanking.
n = 2 -- Uses Hercules blanking technique without checking.
* /Wn, n = 0 to 60, sets the wait period, in tenths sec., before repeat
begins. /W0 turns off all features associated with W, S, F, A, and R
* /Xn changes the rate at which the repeat reaches top speed.
n = 0 -- Repeat begins at full speed
n = 1 -- Repeat reaches top speed quickly
n = 2 -- (Default) Repeat same as in version 1.1
* /Y0 disables the Scroll Lock key handler in POWERKIT.
* /Z1 replaces POWERKIT's soft "beep" with the much louder "system beep".