Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
167 lines
TITLE 'TEE - tee junction for DOS pipes'
;From Dr Dobbs Journal, Apr 85
;Author: A. K. Head, 6 Duffryn Place, Melbourne Australia 3142
; reformatted and error handling added by Ray Duncan
; TEE reads from the standard input (redirectable) and
; outputs to both the standard output (redirectable)
; and a file, e.g.: DIR | TEE C:\MYDIR\FILE.EXT | SORT
; [Toad Hall Note: The above example does NOT work (is not sorted).]
; The file can be CON, LPT1, etc. If it is CON, then
; keyboard Control-S pauses the display as usual.
;(Excerpt from the 16-Bit Software Toolbox column by Ray Duncan,
; same issue)
;TEE - A standard filter in Unix systems, is used in a pipe to make
; two copies of the standard input, directing one to a file and
; the other to the standard output (which might also be redirected
; into a file). Where you normally would use a filename, here you
; can use any logical device such as PRN: or CON:. For example,
; you could enter the command:
; [Toad Hall Note: The above example DOES work.]
; This would direct the output of the directory command to the SORT
; filter and thence to TEE, which would send one copy of the sorted
; listing to the disk file C:SORTED.DIR and the other copy to the
; standard output (console, in this case). This version of TEE
; doesn't support the Unix switches -i (ignore interrupts) or -a
; (append to previous contents of a file).
; - Toad Hall Tweak
; - Typed in from Dr Dobbs listing
; - Slightly tweaked
; David Kirschbaum
; Toad Hall
; kirsch@braggvax.ARPA
COMMAND equ 80H ;buffer for command tail
BUFLEN equ 16384 ;buffer length, alter to taste
CR equ 0DH ;ASCII carriage return
LF equ 0AH ;ASCII line feed
;FF equ 0CH ;ASCII form feed
EOF equ 01AH ;End-of-file marker
;TAB equ 09H ;ASCII tab code
BLANK equ 20H ;ASCII blank
;DOS 2.x pre-defined handles
STDIN equ 0000 ; standard input file
;STDOUT equ 0001 ; standard output file
STDERR equ 0002 ; standard error file
;STDAUX equ 0003 ; standard auxiliary file
;STDPRN equ 0004 ; standard printer file
org 100H
Tee proc near ;TH was FAR, but no reason for that
xor ax,ax ;TH clear msb
mov si,COMMAND ;TH address of command string
cld ;TH insure fwd
lodsb ;TH snarf length of cmd tail, bump SI
mov cx,ax ;TH length in CX for counter
mov di,si ;TH point DI to command string+1
mov dx,si ;TH DX needs COMMAND+1 later
Tee1: ;squeeze out leading spaces
lodsb ;TH snarf cmd line char
cmp al,BLANK ;a space or less?
jbe Tee2 ;yep, skip it
stosb ;TH stuff in command buffer, bump DI
loop Tee1 ;go until it's exhausted
;TH cx is already 0 from the Tee1 loop
mov [di],ah ;make ASCIIZ string
mov ah,3CH ;create output file
; xor cx,cx ;TH attribute=0
; mov dx,COMMAND+1 ;command string
int 21H
jb Tee6 ;can't create file
mov handle,ax ;save token for file
Tee3: mov ah,3FH ;read standard input
; mov bx,STDIN
xor bx,bx ;TH 0 = STDIN
mov cx,BUFLEN
mov dx,offset buffer ;TH was LEA
int 21H
jb Tee4 ;read error
mov nchar,ax ;save length of read
or ax,ax ;anything read in?
jz Tee4 ;nope, end of file, exit
mov cx,ax ;TH nr chars read = nr to write
mov ah,40H ;write to file
mov bx,handle
; mov cx,nchar
int 21H
jb Tee7 ;write error
; cmp ax,nchar ;did we write all we read?
cmp ax,cx ;TH did we write all we read?
je Tee3 ;TH yep, read again until EOF
;Bug report says this count may be short 1 if DOS hit a Ctrl Z EOF
;in a file. Let's check...
mov si,offset buffer ;point to buffer
add si,ax ;short char count = buffer ptr
cmp byte ptr [si],EOF ;Is that char the EOF?
jne Tee7 ;nope, some other write error
;else just close up w/o error
Tee4: mov ah,3EH ;close output file
mov bx,handle
int 21H
Tee5: mov ax,4C00H ;terminate, ERRORLEVEL 0
int 21H
Tee6: mov dx,offset err1 ;'Can't create file'
mov cx,ERR1LEN ;length of err msg
mov ah,40H ;display error msg & exit
mov bx,STDERR
int 21H
mov ax,4C01H ;terminate, ERRORLEVEL 1
int 21H
Tee7: mov dx,offset err2 ;'Disk is full'
mov cx,ERR2LEN ;length of error msg
mov ah,40H ;display error msg & exit
mov bx,STDERR
int 21H
mov ah,3EH ;close output file
mov bx,handle
int 21H
mov ax,4C02H ;terminate, ERRORLEVEL 2
int 21H
Tee endp
nchar dw 0 ;nr of chars actually input
handle dw 0 ;token for output file
err1 db CR,LF,'Tee: Cannot create file',CR,LF
ERR1LEN equ $-offset err1
err2 db CR,LF,'Tee: Disk is full.',CR,LF
ERR2LEN equ $-offset err2
buffer equ $ ;data is read here from standard input
Cseg ends
end Tee