Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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C/C++ Source or Header
776 lines
* RDIR.C : A resident directory lister. This shows how to access DOS from
* within a Turbo C resident program. To completely recompile this
* code you must have MASM or a compatible compiler. Unfortunately
* everything but trapping the BIOS Disk service software
* interrrupt could be done in Turbo C. See code commentary.
* To activate the program once loaded, press Ctrl and Alt together.
* I know this combination gets in the way of SideKick, but I don't use
* sidekick <grin> and this is meant as a tutorial anyway. If you would
* like to change this combination see Hot_Combo in the source code.
* Next, enter the pattern for the directory search followed either by
* Enter or Ctrl-Enter. Enter will not include directories. Ctrl-Enter
* will include directories. Directories are displayed in white where
* other files are displayed in cyan. Hidden and system files are included.
* The page up and page down keys may be used to see other parts of large
* directory listings.
* Written by Dean D. McCrory
* For Turbo C 1.00
* May 14, 1987
* Compile with:
* masm -mx bioshand.asm;
* masm -mx intvid.asm;
* tcc -N- rdir.c bioshand.obj intvid.obj
* The -N- switch turns stack checking off which is a definite requirement
* for writing ISRs. Have fun <grin>.
#include <dos.h>
#include <dir.h>
#include "intvid.h"
/* function prototypes */
int main (void);
unsigned prgsize (void);
void exit (int);
char far * getdosbusy (void);
void interrupt timer_handler (void);
void do_click (void);
void interrupt special_handler (void);
void interrupt keyboard_handler (void);
extern void interrupt biosdisk_handler (void);
void interrupt break_handler (void);
void list_directory (char);
void set_screen (void);
void get_pattern (void);
void display_entries (void);
void find_entry (void);
void sc_putsa (int, int, char *, int);
void sc_putca (int, int, char, int);
void sc_repvca (int, int, char, int, int);
void sc_rephca (int, int, char, int, int);
void sc_savbox (int, int, int, int, char *);
void sc_resbox (int, int, int, int, char *);
void sc_rptpos (int *, int *);
void sc_setpos (int, int);
char far * sc_cca (int, int);
int getkey ();
/* Define the structure which will be attached to interrupt d0 so we can
determine if rdir is already loaded */
typedef struct s_rdir_cfg
char iret; /* iret first, just in case */
long * signature; /* signature string */
} t_rdir_cfg;
/* Suppress some library functions to conserve space */
_setargv () {}
_setenvp () {}
/* defines for various things, in alot of these things we are looking right
into the BIOS data area. See Peter Norton's Guide to the IBM-PC or
your Tech. Ref. for an expanation of these data items. */
#define Screen_Ram ((char far *) 0xb8000000L) + (*(int far *) 0x0000044eL)
#define Display_Page (*(char far *) 0x00000462L)
#define Iret 0xcf /* for iret in int d1 just in case */
#define Intr 0xd1 /* interrupt for install checking */
#define Timer 0x1c /* timer interrupt number */
#define Keyboard 0x09 /* keyboard hardware interrupt */
#define Special 0x28 /* special interrupt 28h */
#define Critical 0x24 /* hardware critical interrupt 24h */
#define Break 0x1b /* bios ctrl-break interrupt */
#define BiosDisk 0x13 /* bios diskette services */
#define NotOk 1 /* already installed return code */
#define Ok 0 /* success return code */
#define Shift_Bits ((char far *) 0x00000417L)
#define Hot_Combo ((*Shift_Bits & 12) == 12) /* Our hot key combo */
#define Box_Row 4 /* row of box */
#define Box_Col 4 /* column of box */
#define Box_Hgt 17 /* height of box */
#define Box_Wdth 70 /* widht of box */
#define Box_Attr 0x4f /* attribute of box border */
#define Box_Incr 14 /* number of columns between start of filenames */
#define Pat_Size 64 /* size of a pattern string */
#define Norm_Attr 3 /* attribute of normal files */
#define Dir_Attr 15 /* attribute of directories */
#define Name_Size 12 /* size of each file name when displayed */
#define Per_Screen 5 * (Box_Hgt - 2) /* number of dir entries in box */
/* Defines for key values as returned by getkey () */
#define Page_Up_Key 329
#define Page_Dn_Key 337
#define Escape_Key 27
#define BackSpace_Key 8
#define Enter_Key 13
#define Ctrl_Enter_Key 10
#define Break_Key 256
char box_buf[Box_Hgt * Box_Wdth * 2]; /* buffer for saving screen */
int old_row, old_col; /* row and col of cursor */
int current_entry; /* last dir entry read */
int entries_to_skip; /* first entry on display */
char pattern[Pat_Size]; /* pattern for dir searches */
int attrib; /* attrib for dir searches */
struct ffblk ffblk; /* file-find block */
int key, status; /* last key, and last ff status */
t_vidreg regs; /* global regs structure */
char far * ptr; /* general purpose far pointer */
char far * buf_pos; /* another of the same */
int next_line; /* used by screen stuff */
int need_key; /* 1 == need to get key in get_pat */
/* Our configuration structure... nothing in it but the signature */
t_rdir_cfg rdir_cfg =
Iret, (long *) "rdir"
void interrupt (* old_timer) (); /* previous timer interrupt vector */
void interrupt (* old_keyboard) (); /* previous keyboard int vector */
void interrupt (* old_special) (); /* previous int 28h vector */
void interrupt (* old_biosdisk) (); /* previous bios disk svc vector */
void interrupt (* old_critical) (); /* previous int 24h vector */
void interrupt (* old_break) (); /* pervious int 1bh vector */
char far * old_dta; /* disk transfer address save area */
static char far * dosbusy_fl; /* dos maintains this */
char biosbusy_fl = 0; /* I maintain this */
static int request_fl = 0; /* 0 - no request
1 - request made
2 - request being serviced
int main ()
t_rdir_cfg far * cfg_ptr;
/* get old configuration information (mayebe) */
cfg_ptr = (t_rdir_cfg far *) getvect (Intr);
/* check to see if we are already installed */
if (*cfg_ptr->signature != *rdir_cfg.signature)
/* we were not installed so install ourselves */
old_timer = getvect (Timer);
old_keyboard = getvect (Keyboard);
old_special = getvect (Special);
old_biosdisk = getvect (BiosDisk);
setvect (Timer, timer_handler);
setvect (Special, special_handler);
setvect (BiosDisk, biosdisk_handler);
setvect (Keyboard, keyboard_handler);
setvect (Intr, (void interrupt (*) ()) &rdir_cfg);
dosbusy_fl = getdosbusy ();
keep (Ok, prgsize ());
return (NotOk);
/* prgsize ()
* Calculates the program size by looking at __brklvl which is set to
* the end of initialized and uninitialized data whithin the data segment
* at program startup. __brklvl is then changed as memory space is
* malloc'd. __brklvl is decremented as malloc'd areas are free'd.
* ** This function should work in Tiny, Small, and Meduim models **
unsigned prgsize ()
extern unsigned __brklvl; /* current top of heap == sbrk (0) */
extern unsigned _psp; /* lowest segment address occupied */
return (_DS + (__brklvl + 15) / 16 - _psp);
/* exit ()
* Rewrite exit for memory conservation. This exit () does not close files
* or flush buffers, which is fine in this case because we have no open
* files or buffers which need to be flushed.
void exit (status)
int status;
_exit (status);
/* getdosbusy ()
* Gets the Dos busy flag through interrupt 34h. This Dos function returnes
* the busy flag address in es:bx. This is an UNDOCUMENTED feature of Dos,
* however it has worked in Dos versions 2.11 - 3.30 for me.
char far * getdosbusy ()
struct SREGS sregs; /* segment registers */
union REGS regs; /* normal registers */
regs.h.ah = 0x34; /* get dos busy flag address (UNDOCUMENTED) */
intdosx (®s, ®s, &sregs);
return (MK_FP (sregs.es, regs.x.bx));
/* timer_handler ()
* This function intercepts the hardware timer interrupt. It checks the
* request flag set by the keyboard handler and if set pops the directory
* function up only if it is currently "safe" to do so.
void interrupt timer_handler ()
static int in_fl = 0;
/* if the following statement is NOT coded, the 8259 blocks all hardware
interrupts including the keyboard interrupt. Since we wait for a key
in list_directory (), this causes the PC to lock up. This one took
a while to figure out */
outportb (0x20, 0x20); /* send eoi to 8259 */
if (! in_fl)
in_fl = 1; /* we are in our ISR */
if (request_fl == 1) /* has there been a request for popup? */
if (! *dosbusy_fl && ! biosbusy_fl)
list_directory ('T');/* call the directory lister */
do_click (); /* click to let user know we are trying */
in_fl = 0;
(*old_timer) (); /* chain to previous timer handler */
return; /* return from ISR */
/* do_click ()
* I guess I got lazy here. I wanted to just output a short click like
* sidekick does when it can't pop up because Dos is busy. At any rate,
* the function is here if I want to implement that type of thing.
void do_click ()
/* special_handler ()
* This interrupt is called from Dos at times when it is "safe" to use Dos
* functions. It seems to be called constantly when waiting for keystrokes
* at the Dos prompt. Here, we don't have to check the Dos busy flag
* because it is ALWAYS ok to call Dos from this point.
void interrupt special_handler ()
static int in_fl = 0;
(*old_special) (); /* chain to previous int 28 handler */
if (! in_fl)
in_fl = 1; /* we are in our ISR */
if (request_fl == 1) /* see if rdir has been requested */
list_directory ('S'); /* ok, list the directory */
in_fl = 0;
/* keyboard_handler ()
* This is what starts the whole ball rolling! First we call the old
* keyboard handler, then check for our hot key. If our hot key has been
* pressed, we toggle our internal request flag. Next, if the request
* flag is set and it is safe to enter dos, we call the directory lister.
* If Dos is busy, this request must be handled by either the timer interrupt
* or the special int 28h interrupt
void interrupt keyboard_handler ()
static int in_fl = 0;
(*old_keyboard) ();
if (! in_fl)
in_fl = 1;
if (Hot_Combo && request_fl != 2)
request_fl = ! request_fl;
if (request_fl == 1 && ! *dosbusy_fl && ! biosbusy_fl)
list_directory ('K');
in_fl = 0;
/* critical_handler ()
* This is only active while in list_directory (). Its purpose is to avoid
* the possibility of the user entering a pattern on a floppy drive with
* no floppy in the drive. If we did not trap this interrupt, Dos could
* terminate our TSR which would probably crash the system.
int critical_handler ()
return (0); /* ignore the error */
/* break_handler ()
* Again, this is only active when in list_directory (). The purpose is
* the same as critical_handler () except we are trapping the BIOS Ctrl_Brk
* key.
void interrupt break_handler ()
return; /* ignore the break */
/* list_directory ()
* This is the actual routine which lists the directory. It can be called
* by either the keyboard_handler (), timer_handler (), or the
* special_handler (). It does not care which. While looking at this code
* you may notice the heavy use of global variables instead of autos; this
* is becuase we my be popped up from somewhere in DOS... we are using the
* default (current) stack and we don't know how much there is, therefore
* we should use as little as possible!
void list_directory (type)
char type;
request_fl = 2; /* currently servicing the request */
need_key = 1;
/* save and set critical error handler */
old_critical = getvect (Critical);
harderr (critical_handler);
/* save and set ctrl-break handler */
old_break = getvect (Break);
setvect (Break, break_handler);
/* save and set the disk transfer address */
old_dta = getdta ();
setdta ((char far *) &ffblk);
/* eat any type-ahead keys */
while (bioskey (1))
bioskey (0);
set_screen ();
sc_putca (Box_Row + 1, Box_Col + Box_Wdth - 1, type, Box_Attr);
while (get_pattern (), key != Escape_Key && key != Break_Key)
attrib = (key == Enter_Key ? FA_HIDDEN | FA_SYSTEM : FA_HIDDEN |
entries_to_skip = 0; /* start at beginning of dir list */
current_entry = -1; /* have to do a find first */
display_entries ();
need_key = 0; /* for next time into get_pattern */
key = getkey ();
switch (key)
case Page_Up_Key:
if (entries_to_skip - Per_Screen >= 0)
current_entry = -1;
entries_to_skip -= Per_Screen;
display_entries ();
case Page_Dn_Key:
if (status == 0)
entries_to_skip += Per_Screen;
display_entries ();
case Escape_Key:
need_key = 1;
case Break_Key:
need_key = 1;
while (key == Page_Dn_Key || key == Page_Up_Key);
/* restore critical error handler, break handler and dta address */
setvect (Critical, old_critical);
setvect (Break, old_break);
setdta (old_dta);
/* restore the screen, and cursor position */
sc_resbox (Box_Row, Box_Col, Box_Hgt, Box_Wdth, box_buf);
sc_setpos (old_row, old_col);
/* request has been filled, and now no request is active */
request_fl = 0; /* no request made */
/* set_screen ()
* This function sets up the initial screen for list_directory ()
void set_screen ()
/* save area on screen */
sc_savbox (Box_Row, Box_Col, Box_Hgt, Box_Wdth, box_buf);
sc_rptpos (&old_row, &old_col);
/* draw our box */
sc_repvca (Box_Row + 1, Box_Col, '\xb3', Box_Hgt - 2, Box_Attr);
sc_repvca (Box_Row + 1, Box_Col + Box_Wdth - 1, '\xb3', Box_Hgt - 2,
sc_rephca (Box_Row + Box_Hgt - 1, Box_Col + 1, '\xc4', Box_Wdth - 2,
sc_putca (Box_Row, Box_Col, '\xda', Box_Attr);
sc_putca (Box_Row, Box_Col + Box_Wdth - 1, '\xbf', Box_Attr);
sc_putca (Box_Row + Box_Hgt - 1, Box_Col, '\xc0', Box_Attr);
sc_putca (Box_Row + Box_Hgt - 1, Box_Col + Box_Wdth - 1, '\xd9', Box_Attr);
/* get_pattern ()
* This gets the pattern from the user. The result is put in the global
* variable pattern. The only editing key is backspace.
void get_pattern ()
static int pos;
static char * ptr;
for (pos = Box_Row + 1; pos < Box_Row + Box_Hgt - 1; pos++)
sc_rephca (pos, Box_Col + 1, ' ', Box_Wdth - 2, Norm_Attr);
sc_rephca (Box_Row, Box_Col + 1, ' ', Box_Wdth - 2, Box_Attr);
pos = Box_Col + 2;
ptr = pattern;
*ptr = '\0';
sc_setpos (Box_Row, pos);
if (need_key)
key = getkey ();
need_key = 1;
switch (key)
case BackSpace_Key:
if (pos > Box_Col + 2)
sc_putca (Box_Row, pos, ' ', Box_Attr);
*--ptr = '\0';
case Escape_Key:
case Enter_Key:
case Ctrl_Enter_Key:
if (key >= 32 && key <= 127 && pos < Pat_Size + Box_Col + 2)
sc_putca (Box_Row, pos, key, Box_Attr);
*ptr++ = key;
*ptr = '\0';
while (key != Escape_Key && key != Enter_Key && key != Ctrl_Enter_Key &&
key != Break_Key);
/* if they didn't type anything, or the last character was a directory
separator, or a drive specifier, make the pattern *.* */
if (pattern[0] == '\0' || *(--ptr) == '\\' || *ptr == '/' || *ptr == ':')
strcat (pattern, "*.*");
/* display_entries ()
* Displays or redisplays the directory entries.
void display_entries ()
static int entries_to_display;
static int row;
static int col;
static int attr;
static int len;
entries_to_display = Per_Screen;
row = Box_Row + 1;
col = Box_Col + 1;
/* First skip to the start of the current page */
while (current_entry < entries_to_skip)
find_entry ();
/* For every possible entry on the screen: either display the filename
or display blanks */
while (entries_to_display--)
if (! status)
attr = Norm_Attr;
if (ffblk.ff_attrib & FA_DIREC)
attr = Dir_Attr;
sc_putsa (row, col, ffblk.ff_name, attr);
len = strlen (ffblk.ff_name);
sc_rephca (row, col + len, ' ', Name_Size - len, attr);
find_entry ();
sc_rephca (row, col, ' ', Name_Size, Norm_Attr);
if (++row > Box_Row + Box_Hgt - 2)
col += Box_Incr, row = Box_Row + 1;
/* find_entry ()
* Finds the next entry based on the current entry. If current entry is
* -1 then a findfirst () is assumed to be needed, else a findnext () is
* executed.
void find_entry ()
if (current_entry == -1)
status = findfirst (pattern, &ffblk, attrib);
status = findnext (&ffblk);
/* The following functions are used to write to the screen. They do write
directly to screen RAM so they will cause "snow" on some CGA systems */
/* sc_putsa ()
* Write a string with the given attribute at row, col
void sc_putsa (row, col, string, attr)
int row;
int col;
register char * string;
int attr;
/* calculate pointer to screen RAM */
ptr = sc_cca (row, col);
/* write each of the characters in string to the screen RAM */
while (*string)
*ptr++ = *string++; /* write the character */
*ptr++ = attr; /* write the attribute */
/* sc_putca ()
* Write a single character with the specified attribute, at row, col
void sc_putca (row, col, ch, attr)
int row;
int col;
char ch;
int attr;
/* calculate pointer to screen RAM */
ptr = sc_cca (row, col);
*ptr++ = ch;
*ptr = attr;
/* sc_repvca ()
* Repeat the given character length times with the specified attribute
* starting from row, col in a vertical direction.
void sc_repvca (row, col, ch, length, attr)
int row;
int col;
char ch;
int attr;
/* calculate pointer to screen RAM */
ptr = sc_cca (row, col);
next_line = 80 * 2 - 2;
while (length--)
*ptr++ = ch; /* write the character */
*ptr++ = attr; /* write the attribute */
ptr += next_line; /* move to the next line */
/* sc_rephca ()
* Repeat the given character length times with the specified attribute
* starting from row, col in a horizontal direction.
void sc_rephca (row, col, ch, length, attr)
int row;
int col;
char ch;
int length;
int attr;
/* calculate pointer to screen RAM */
ptr = sc_cca (row, col);
while (length--)
*ptr++ = ch; /* write the character */
*ptr++ = attr; /* write the attribute */
/* sc_savbox ()
* Saves the screen image into buf. Row, col specify the upper left hand
* corner of the box, height and width specify the number of rows and
* columns to save.
void sc_savbox (row, col, height, width, buf)
int row;
int col;
int height;
int width;
char * buf;
/* calculate pointer to screen RAM */
ptr = sc_cca (row, col);
buf_pos = (char far *) buf;
width *= 2;
while (height--) /* while we still have rows to do */
movedata (FP_SEG (ptr), FP_OFF (ptr), FP_SEG (buf_pos), FP_OFF
(buf_pos), width);
buf_pos += width;
ptr += 160;
/* sc_resbox ()
* Performs the opposite function of sc_savbox ()
void sc_resbox (row, col, height, width, buf)
int row;
int col;
int height;
int width;
char * buf;
ptr = sc_cca (row, col);
width *= 2;
buf_pos = (char far *) buf;
while (height--)
movedata (FP_SEG (buf_pos), FP_OFF (buf_pos), FP_SEG (ptr), FP_OFF
(ptr), width);
buf_pos += width;
ptr += 160;
/* sc_rptpos ()
* Reports the current cursor row and column values. These values are
* placed in the integers which are pointed at by row and col. I had to
* use my own intvid () routine here instead of int86 because int86 reserves
* some space on the stack for temporary vars. It also assumes that the
* current ss (stack segment) is the same as ds (data segment). This is
* not true in this case, so they end up writing to random places in memory
* and usually crash the machine. Be carefull with using library routines
* within an ISR.
void sc_rptpos (row, col)
register int * row;
register int * col;
regs.h.ah = 3;
regs.h.bh = Display_Page;
intvid (®s, 1);
*row = regs.h.dh;
*col = regs.h.dl;
/* sc_setpos ()
* Sets the cursor positon at row, col.
void sc_setpos (row, col)
register int row;
register int col;
regs.h.ah = 2;
regs.h.dh = row;
regs.h.dl = col;
regs.h.bh = Display_Page;
intvid (®s, 0);
/* sc_cca ()
* Calculates a far pointer into screen RAM based on row, col.
char far * sc_cca (row, col)
int row;
int col;
return (Screen_Ram + row * 160 + col * 2);
/* getkey ()
* Gets a single key from the keyboard (waits for one if necessary). If the
* key is a special key (low byte is 0) the returned value is 256 plus
* the scan code (high byte). If it is normal key, just the ASCII code is
* returned.
int getkey ()
static unsigned key;
key = bioskey (0);
if (! (key & 0xff))
key = (key >> 8) | 256;
key = key & 0xff;
return (key);