Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
240 lines
;Written by Kim Kokkonen, TurboPower Software
;Released to the public domain
;Version 1.01 11/14/88
; save BP register since some int 10 BIOS handlers trash it
col equ (byte ptr 0)
row equ (byte ptr 1)
ofst equ (word ptr 0)
segm equ (word ptr 2)
ToDos macro ;Transfer control to DOS
jmp dword ptr Int21CS
ToApp macro ;Transfer control back to caller
clc ;Clear error flag
ret 2 ;Return with flags intact
data segment word public
extrn SaveInt21 : dword ;Previous $21 vector
extrn WindPos : word ;Cursor position in window
extrn WindLo : word ;Top left corner of window
extrn WindHi : word ; and bottom right corner.
extrn WindAttr : byte ;Attribute with which to
; display all characters.
data ends
code segment byte public
assume cs:code,ds:data,es:nothing
public SetCsInts
public NewInt21
Int21CS dd ? ;Old interrupt 21 in code segment
; Save ints in code segment
SetCsInts proc near
les ax,SaveInt21
mov Int21CS.ofst,ax
mov Int21CS.segm,es
SetCsInts endp
; Handle interrupt 21 to trap output calls
NewInt21 proc far
cmp ah,2 ;Just get functions that go to StdOut
jz DispOut
cmp ah,6
jz DirectOut
cmp ah,9
jz StringOut
cmp ah,40h ;Or maybe to StdErr
jz BlockOut
DispOut: ;DOS function 2
push ax
mov al,dl ;Character to write in AL
call WriteChar ;Write via video BIOS
pop ax
ToApp ;Return successfully
DirectOut: ;DOS function 6
cmp dl,0FFh ;Console input?
jnz DispOut ;Jump if not
ToDos ;Else transfer to DOS
StringOut: ;DOS function 9
push ax ;Save AX
push bx ;Save string index
mov bx,dx ;DS:BX -> string
mov al,[bx] ;AL = next character to write
cmp al,'$' ;Terminator?
jz StringOut2 ;Exit if so
call WriteChar ;Write it
inc bx ;Next character
jmp StringOut1 ;Loop
pop bx
pop ax
ToApp ;Back to application
BlockOut: ;DOS function 40h
cmp bx,1 ;To StdOut?
jz BlockOut1 ;Jump if so
cmp bx,2 ;To StdErr?
jz BlockOut1 ;Jump if so
ToDos ;Else let DOS handle it
jcxz BlockOut3 ;Get out if none to write
push ax
push bx
push cx ;Save loop counter
mov bx,dx ;DS:BX -> stuff to write
mov al,[bx] ;Next character to write
call WriteChar ;Write it
inc bx ;Next index
loop BlockOut2 ;Loop for all the characters
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov ax,cx ;Wrote all the characters
ToApp ;Back to application
NewInt21 endp
; Write a character to current position via BIOS
; Entry: AL is character to write
; Must preserve all but AX
WriteChar proc near
push bp ;some versions of int 10 BIOS trash BP
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
mov bx,seg data ;set up ds
mov ds,bx
cmp al,7 ;Bell character?
jz BiosWriteDone ;Don't write
mov dx,WindPos ;Current cursor pos in DX
cmp al,8 ;Backspace?
jz BackSpace
cmp al,9 ;Tab?
jz Tab
cmp al,10 ;Line feed?
jz LineFeed
cmp al,13 ;Carriage return?
jz Carriage
call WriteOne ;Write one normal character
BiosSetCursor: ;Position cursor
xor bh,bh
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov WindPos,dx ;Save new cursor position
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop bp
Carriage: mov dl,WindLo.col ;Move to left edge
jmp BiosSetCursor
LineFeed: cmp dh,WindHi.row ;Room to increment row?
jb LineFeed1
mov ax,0601h ;Scroll up one line
mov cx,WindLo
mov dx,WindHi
mov bh,WindAttr
int 10h
jmp BiosWriteDone
LineFeed1: inc dh ;Increment row
jmp BiosSetCursor ;Set cursor
Tab: mov cl,dl
sub cl,WindLo.Col ;Characters beyond left edge
add cl,8
and cl,0F8h ;To next tab stop
add cl,WindLo.Col ;Window coords
sub cl,dl ;Spaces to write
xor ch,ch ;CX = spaces to write
Tab1: mov al,20h ;Write spaces
push cx
call WriteOne ;One at a time
xor bh,bh
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov WindPos,dx ;Save new cursor position
pop cx
loop Tab1 ;Do all of them
jmp BiosWriteDone
BackSpace: cmp dl,WindLo.col ;Beyond left edge?
jbe BiosWriteDone ;Exit if not
dec dl ;One left
xor bh,bh
mov ah,2 ;Position cursor
int 10h
mov WindPos,dx
mov cx,1 ;Write character
mov bl,WindAttr
mov ax,0920h ;Write a space
int 10h
jmp BiosWriteDone ;Done now
WriteChar endp
; Write one character and update cursor variable
WriteOne proc near
mov cx,1 ;Write character
mov bl,WindAttr
xor bh,bh
mov ah,9
int 10h
cmp dl,WindHi.col ;Below right border?
jb IncCol ;If so, just increment column
cmp dh,WindHi.row ;Room for CR/LF?
jb IncRow ;Jump if so
mov ax,0601h ;Scroll up one line
mov cx,WindLo
mov dx,WindHi
mov bh,WindAttr
int 10h
dec dh ;Compensate for inc to follow
IncRow: inc dh ;Next row
mov dl,WindLo.col ;First col
dec dl ;Compensate for inc to follow
IncCol: inc dl ;Increment column
WriteOne endp
code ends