Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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═════════ Turbo 5.0/4.0 stay-resident demonstration package ══════════
TP-TSR 2/11/89 Richard W. Prescott
This package illustrates a method for writing TP4/5 interrupt
routines with sufficient power and flexibility to support
sophisticated resident applications. The interrupt hook and
return procedures are written in assembly language, however the
remainder of the application can be written entirely in Pascal,
can use up to 64K stack, and can Chain or Return from Interrupt
from any point in the Pascal Code. All source code is provided,
and all assembly source code is contained in the Units CONSOLE and
DOS21_0A which are provided in both source and compiled form.
Users without an assembler can redesign everything but the
interrupt hook and return procedures.
Files provided in this package:
README (This file)
DOS21_0A.PAS Interrupt Unit (Pas/Asm Source)
DOS21_0A.TPU Interrupt Unit (Compiled w Turbo Version 5.0)
DOS21_0A.TP4 Interrupt Unit (Compiled w Turbo Version 4.0)
CONSOLE.PAS CRT-type Procedures & Functions (Pas/Asm Source)
CONSOLE.TPU CRT-type Procedures & Functions (Compiled w Turbo 5)
CONSOLE.TPU CRT-type Procedures & Functions (Compiled w Turbo 4)
CPATH.PAS Simple resident program (Pascal Source)
CPATH.EXE Simple resident program (Compiled)
CMDQ.PAS Command editor program (Pascal Source)
CMDQ.EXE Command editor program (Compiled)
The sample interrupt Unit provided installs an interrupt handler
for the DOS function 0Ah (Buffered Input), which is the function
used by COMMAND.COM and DEBUG.COM to request keyboard input.
Routines are provided to return (IRET) to the calling program or
to Chain to the next program in the interrupt chain. These
routines can be invoked from any point in the service routine.
Simple and obvious modifications can be made to the interrupt unit
to create handlers for other functions and/or interrupts.
The programs CPATH and CMDQ provide concrete examples of resident
programs using the DOS21_0A Interrupt Unit. CPATH is the shortest
program I could think of which nonetheless uses the interrupt unit
to do something at least slightly useful. It checks the current
disk drive, and if it is 'C' or greater, writes the current
directory path (e.g. C:\TURBO> ) before chaining to the original
interrupt routine to service the input request. The advantage
over the $p $g method described on p595 of the Turbo 4.0 Owner's
Handbook and on p317 of the Turbo 5.0 User's Guide is that CPATH
does not cause the noticable pause between each DOS command when
the active drive is a floppy disk drive. It assumes that most
users do not use subdirectories on their floppy disks.
CMDQ is a more ambitious undertaking which provides all the
features of a basic command line editor with command recall. It
is written in a modular fashion and is heavily commented so that
you may easily customize it to your liking. The basic edit key
configuration is compatible with CED by Chris Dunford and NDOSEDIT
by Jack Gersbach: use the Up Arrow to move back through previous
commands, and Down Arrow to move forward again. While any command
is displayed, use Home, End, Left, Right, Ctrl Left, and Ctrl
Right to move around, and Esc, Ctrl Home, Ctrl End, Backspace, and
Delete to delete all or part of a line. Insert toggles between
insert and overwrite mode, and Enter, from any position on the
line, executes the command. Refer to the comments in CMDQ.PAS for
a further description of what each key does.
Note that neither CPATH nor CMDQ could be written using the built-
in "Interrupt Procedure" provided in Turbo version 4/5, since it
does not provide for chaining to the previous interrupt vector.
For those interested in designing interrupt units for other
applications, two features of the present unit are worth noting.
First, since it is impossible for DOS to be active at the time of
the interrupt which results in a call to our Pascal code, we can
make full use of DOS functions (including WRITELN, FindFirst, etc)
within the Pascal code of the service routine. Handlers for
interrupts other than $21 must either insure that DOS is not
active when they "wake up", or avoid using DOS function calls
within the handler. Second, since these programs are active at
EVERY function 0A request, there is no need for a separate
Interrupt $16 or $09 routine to check for a "Hot Key". Programs
which do install more than one interrupt handler must provide a
separate stack area for each handler, or use the caller's stack.
The Units CONSOLE and DOS21_0A were compiled and assembled using
Turbo Pascal Version 5.0 and TP&Asm Version 2 ß. TP&Asm provides
an integrated compile-time assembler within the Turbo development
environment (and the command line compiler TPC). The result is an
ASSEMBLY Development Environment which is identical to your PASCAL
Development Environment, and which allows you to mix assembly
language sections freely within your Pascal code and to make
simplified assembly references to all Pascal variables. It
provides fast assembly with no additional disk access, and reports
assembly syntax errors on the standard Turbo error line with
cursor placed on the error. It accepts the standard syntax of
both MASM and A86, but also provides certain enhancements such as
the placement of named data in the Code Segment which is used in
the interrupt unit DOS21_0A.
TP&Asm Version 2.0 will be available from me for $49 plus $3 P&H.
The current Beta Test Version 2 ß is available now for $39 plus $3
P&H, with a free upgrade to 2.0 when it becomes available.
A sharable Memory Mode version called TP&Asm-M is also available.
TP&Asm-M provides the same assembly language capabilities as TPA,
but is intended only for assembly language development within the
Turbo 4.0 or 5.0 integrated environments, and therefore does not
have the capability of compiling to disk. (You can of course read
and save Pascal and Assembly SOURCE files with both programs).
The TP&Asm-M distribution disk can be ordered from me for $5 plus
$3 P&H, with the $5 being credited toward subsequent registration
of TP&Asm or TP&Asm-M. It can also be downloaded from the IBMPRO
or BPROGA forums on CompUServe. Look for TPA2-A.ARC and TPA2-R.ARC.
To order TP&Asm, please send a check or money order payable to:
Richard W. Prescott
724 Sauk Ridge Trail
Madison, WI 53705
Please include the following information:
1. Full Version number of the Turbo Pascal compiler you now use.
2. Your registration number for that compiler.
3. If you obtained TP&Asm-M from a bulletin board:
3a. Area code and phone number of that bulletin board
3b. Full Version number of the TP&Asm-M version you have
3c. Directory Date of the README file
The source and compiled code in this package is copyrighted as
indicated. You may share this package and/or upload it to
bulletin boards as long as no fee is charged. You may of course
make modifications to these programs for your own use, and you may
distribute these modifications with the package. The original
unmodified files must all be present.
Registered owners of TP&Asm may distribute programs using any of
the source code or compiled units in this package in original or
modified form. Please give appropriate credit.
If you distribute programs written using TP&Asm, please help me
spread the word by including a statement like the following:
This program was compiled and assembled using
Turbo Pascal Version xxx and TP&Asm Version yyy.