Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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935 lines
After sorting through several Turbo-Pascal libraries (to many
at that), and adding some custom utilities I came up with several
standard libraries for myself. Then I purchased Turbo DataBase
Toolbox and was very impressed with its ease of use. After
incorporating my libraries and completing about one third of the
first full sized DBMS application I realized that the code I was
writing would have to be written over and over for every
application I would generate in the future. Somewhere in my
early computer days I was taught that computers are best used for
any repetitive tasks. Sooo, I took that first DBMS and used it's
format to create the TurboGenerator.
There are many routines contained in the Library that are
not called from TurboGen. You could cull them out of your
finished products. I have tried to keep the original code as
intact as possible, but modified to work within the structure of
TURBOGEN. At any rate you should study the libraries and become
aware of what is there so you don't end up reinventing the wheel.
Some people have commented about the time required to convert
function keys into their common names as opposed to using the
decimal or other non-string values. I have used this method in
the interest of finished code readability. Mainly for the person
using TurboGen and needing to study his final code. The
technique used here makes the code read like a novel even to a
non-pascal programer.
Having worked with several 4th level development packages I
stole the best (to me at lest) features of each and included them
into this package. TurboGenerator will create Turbo Pascal
source code to handle - User IO, File IO and error checking the
format of which is defined by way of a user designed screen.
During the screen design phase the user paints the screen with
background and field descriptors. The TurboGenerator takes over
and creates record structures, variables, procedures and
functions for displaying background, current data, as well as
data entry/updating. The file IO handlers create code designed
to maintain keys, locate records, add new records etc.
One of the utilities that I developed/modified is designed to
allow real time processing of function keys. The concept is one
of a data screen format which allows the user to wander to any
AVAILABLE field on the screen for entry/update. During this
interaction function keys are used to perform such task as cursor
movement, calling help, paging forward or backward through the
file, etc. The data entry routine handles some of the basic
input/editing function. You can write custom code to allow
function keys to trigger any type of procedure or function
The crossreference utility was a standard lister/crossref
utility but I was always waiting for the crossref to print even
when I didn't need a new one. So while I was making that
selectable I worked out a VERY BASIC handler for indenting. This
works for the way I indent, and can be very useful in locating
errors. This is not a complete indenter. However if the
capabilities are kept in mind while writing custom code it will
work very well. I know many of you will turn a eyebrow at the
wide print option. I just can't stand trunicated lines on a
listing, wasting all that blank paper on the right margin. And it
makes many sections of INDENTED code easier to read.
When I was forced to do windows (I fought like crazy, we all
make mistakes) I turned to the Public Domain PibTerm library I
got somewhere. Sorry but I really can't remember where for sure
so I better not give somebody false credit. At any rate the
routines in PibMenus and Pibscreens are really not bad to work
with. They execute smoothly and are not hard to finger-out. So
I used them when designing my Menu generator, after some
So now lets say you
have created code for a data file, with a menu, and help screen.
How to put it all together. Either use include commands or block
copy/read them into one file. It really matters little except if
working with more than one data file. You will notice that each
data code file created has the compiler directives, include
statements, etc. in it. Well we cannot duplicate that and some
other work. Well rather than complicate your life at run time we
simply create everything you might need and let you delete or
selective copy as you wish.
This selective copy was used to solve the OUTPUT/ Report
generator needs. Which you will notice are missing from the
system. I have two problems with every report generator I ever
look at:
1. They are so basic they don't let you do the job.
2. They are so complex you spend to much time designing
your report.
a. When done they run very slow.
After considerable thought hairpulling and other inspiring
efforts I have concluded that I can do no better than anyone else
has todate. Therefore I will continue to write my reports in
source code for speed and flexibility. We can expedite things
here a bit though. If you look at the procedures generated for
displaying records on the screen you can see that you can copy
fields as needed and change the output device as needed. Well
that's some help anyway.
The libraries provided are the same code used to develop
TurboGenerator. You could use it to develop your own generator
just in case my idea of good is not your idea of good. I have
tried to keep the routines in the libraries intact with regard to
author and giving credit. Please look carefully at these files
and give credit where credit is due.
You will require the following in order to run TurboGen.
1. IBM-PC or Clone.
2. Dos 2.11 or above (MS or PC)
3. RAM .?? depends on how many fields you have defined.
4. Turbo Pascal Version 3.x
5. Turbo Database Toolbox.
Files used
TurboGen.com - Main program
TurboGen.000 - Main program overlay
*.TGS - TURBOGEN Screen file (ASCII)
*.FLD - Screen field list.
*.GEN - Output file from TurboGen (Data)
*.MNU - Output file form TurboGen (Menu)
*.HLP - Output file from TurboGen (Help)
CrossRef.com - CrossReference Main Program
CrossRef.000 - CROSSREFERENCE overlay
*.FMT - Output from crossref formated output.
Starting TurboGenerator
Copy TurboGen onto harddisk directory or onto a working
At harddisk directory or with working floppy in default drive
TurboGen will comeup with its signon screen....
You will have to provided a file name and indicate the type
of code you wish to generate.
When the screen is complete turbo will do it's stuff. You
will have to check each chapter for what kind of stuff will be
After completeing a task the program will return to a system
Data file code generation
After providing a file name and pressing <D> for Data for the
type of code TurboGen will clear the screen and wait for you to
design your screen.
Do not be alarmed about seeing only a cursor on this screen.
We have granted you the entire screen to work on. This
eliminates TurboGen from having anywhere to display current
cursor coordinates, helps, etc. If you feel the need for online
help just press F9 the help key. You will be presented a list of
control keys and their purpose. We will describe these keys in
just a few moments.
Simply move the cursor (with the arrow keys) to the
starting location for your text. Then type the text you
wish. You will see it appear on the screen.
After moving the cursor to the exact starting location
for a field press F1 to define a field. A window will
open into which you will describe the field being
defined. As such:
Field Name:
You are given 10 characters to create a
unique field name (
unique for this record). If not using record structure then it
is your job to know about dups from other code you may want to
use. If 10 spaces is not enough then make do and edit the
finished code.
Record Name:
This is really for future expansion of
the system. We hope to allow building
more than one record construct on the
screen and the proper fields will be
listed within the proper record(s).
Right now all fields are listed under one
record. Which is the contents of record
name in the first field on the screen.
x,X are strings; X force uppercase on
I is integer;
R is real;
B is Boolean;
Ok so I don't have very many data types
available, but when you think about it
compound structures are made up of these
simple ones. And what we are really
wanting out of TurboGen is the
housekeeping code anyway. Just make a
dummy for any compounds you need then
edit code before creating that data file.
We do expect to modify the system in the
future to allow more flexibility in this
The number of characters allowed. Must
be greater than 0. For boolean this will
be set to 1 for you and this field
The number of decimals for real fields.
Only used if type is R.
Does user have to press a key to indicate
field completion or does the system
advance to next field after receiving
LENGTH characters?
After completing the last data item on this window the system
will save your field somewhere in it's confines and remove
the window showing your original screen with a new addition.
You will see a line of underscores representing your defined
field. There are LENGTH number of underscores starting at
the location you placed the cursor on before pressing F1.
Field editing is very limited with this version. I hope to
return to this issue and greatly enhance. But for now you
place your cursor on the FIRST underscore of a defined field
and press F1. This will display the field as last defined.
You are able to alter any data item....but you cannot alter
the screen location for a field. (I said I'd get back to
Well your field is now added to the list and you may proceed
to another location on the screen for background or field
design work.
You may have already noticed that the system checks for
duplicate names FOR THE CURRENT SCREEN only. This means that
if you are incorporating several other sections of code,
TurboGen has no way of knowing variable usage in the foreign
If you are doing a row(s) or column(S) of fields within a
screen. We have provided a vehicle for quickly creating
all the fields necessary IF THE FIELDS WILL HAVE EXACTLY
THE SAME TYPE (r,i,x,X,b). You can also use this
technique to create the fields then alter the type
declarations to be arrays, then search&replace the field
names with the array names. In any event you place the
cursor on the first underscore of the field you wish to
replicate. Pressing CTRL-F1 will reward you with a
window asking which direction and count you require.
Then fields appear on the screen. If you look at these
fields TurboGen has used the cursor location appended to
the first char of the source field as the field name....
Move the cursor to the first underscore of field to
delete and press F1 as if you were going to edit the
field. Blank out the field name and press <ESC> key.
Pressing F2 will open a window into which is printed a
list of the currently defined fields. 15 fields at a
time are listed.
System will write the background text to filename.TGS and
any fields defined will be written to filename.FLD.
Filename being the filename provided at startup. You
will see the underscores for defined fields disappear
from the screen. When they reappear the process is
complete and you may proceed.
This function key will present a small window with the
current filename in it. If the
filename is correct press return. If not correct then enter A
EXISTING *.TGS file. You do not enter the extension. The
filename given becomes the current default file. The TGS files
are ASCII files but the system only loads files with TGS
extensions. After finding (or not finding) the background screen
file, TurboGen looks for the filename.FLD (fields) file. If
found that is also loaded and the fields therein will appear as
underscores on the screen. This IF EXISTING construct allows you
to create ASCII screen files with any editor. Then pick up that
file with TurboGen and add fields as needed.
This will print the background screen text (screen dump).
It then lists all defined fields showing cursor
locations, name, type, length, decimals and confirm to
the current list device.
Ctrl-S creates a new blank line at the current cursor
location. All lines on or below the current cursor
location are moved down one line with the bottom line
moving into that big lost line in the sky (text and
Ctrl-D moves the current cursor line to that big lost
line in the sky and raises all lines below, up one.
Which of course creates a blank line on the bottom of the
Want to start all over, Press F8. The current file and
code type remain the same.
HELP (F9);
This is a toggle. The bottom (25th) line will show a new
definition for the function keys. Pressing arrow keys to
move the cursor will draw a line in the Double Line
Graphics characters. Pressing the proper function key
will provide the corners, junctions etc.
The INS and DEL keys are to Insert / Delete the character
under the cursor. These keys can allow you to move a
field somewhat on the screen. When used along with Ctrl-
S and Ctrl-D you can do quite a bit of screen editing.
But still not the best it can be.
When you are happy with your creation and want to generate
some code, press the End key. I hope you have saved your
creation. Although not a requirement it will save time if you
have to modify a screen for some reason. If you find yourself
modifying a screen don't forget to adjust for any custom code you
may have provided to the first version. Or simply block copy the
new background, display and get procs into the old code. Your
code will be found in the file filename.GEN.
If you find yourself at the design screen and wish to abort
without writing code to a file. Just press CTRL-END.
The TOOLBOX requires several constants be declared and
before compiling you should extract the record structure,
create a short program to report the SIZEOF(record) as
described in the TOOLBOX manual. Then take this size to
the SETCONST.PAS program and create an include file for
the constants needed. I just block read this into the
program file just before the ACCESS.INC include
statements. If you are fuzzy about what is going on here
you had better read your TOOLBOX manual a bit more.
These constants are VERY IMPORTANT to the proper
execution of your program.
Turbogen creates a file of *.SIZ which you can use for
the above sizeof task. However, this file has it's own
record structure and if you have changed the record
constructs in your main code then those same changes have
to be made here. I use this SIZ file only on the simple
one record one file screen I set up. Another note of
interest is to run this SIZ file through Turbo (RUN) for
any system you create which will deal with more than one
data file. In other words check the sizeof on all record
constructs and keys for those records. You'd be surprise
the number of times systems have gone out to lunch
because someone added that little extra data file and it
dictated a change to the b-tree constants but was not
actually checked......
There are different schools of thought on this and
my mind is made up. At least this is what I find safest. You
see the Toolbox manual and most database environment provide you
with a method of opening files and if the file does not exist
then one is created. Well I have had some problems with clients
losing large data files because some off the wall error caused
the application to think the file was not there and made a new
empty one. OUCH! Yeah I know the program is suppose to know the
difference between no file and drive not ready or some other such
error, and why not ask the user for permission before making that
new file. I have tried them all and still some fluke causes an
accident. From: the programer never expected a FAT table error so
didn't trap it, to the user didn't know, when he answered your
prompt, that the file would be erased.
In light of these hairpulling (I ain't got much hair
left.) sessions I have adopted the following for my file
creation and opening procedures.
First time a piece of code is run the open
command is altered to a make command. Then the
command is changed to an open command. If the
make is nowhere in the code how can we remake a
file? Now after initial debugging and testing
the make is again reissued to create blank empty
usable data files. Then a decision has to be
made. Do we give the user blank files to work
from or, create a special utility program which
will make files as needed but NOT BE AVAILABLE
during normal running. There are times when you
may need one or the other and times when some
other course will be needed but I have written
hundreds of DBMS applications and have found the
need to create data files in only one
application. And that creates to a scratch file
for independent processing and later merging into
the master file. Therefore we still never make
the master file within the runtime code.
Another of those things that I want to cleanup is the
methods employed to handle keys. I made a decision to
handle only strings in this version. Too many other
functions to cleanup. Then I would go back and allow
integer as well as string key fields. Well I haven't
gotten back in yet, but I will. So here are the rules
for now.
1. The first field on the screen is assumed to
be your key.
2. The key field should be string type only.
Now that I have laid those limitations on ya lets take a
closer look at them. Number 1 is not carved in solid rock as
you are generating source code so if you want multiple fields
in your key then just move things around in the source a bit.
Number 2 says you should define it as string type. Once
again you can go into the source and tickle any way you like.
JUST KEEP YOUR KEYS STRINGS. If you take a look at the
source you will see Turbogen created a global variable
called <filename>KEY of the length of field number 1. This
is the real file key and any changing you make to field IO
should end up here as string data before file IO.
Now with your source code generated, the toolbox constants
set (correctly), load turbo and compile & run the code (hint:
Then don't forget to change the make to an open or just leave
it until initial testing is complete in case you have to change
your record structure. If you do that then you didn,t do your
Generate each one separately. Then write or pick one piece of
code as the main program. Modify the Generated code so as not to
duplicate the includes etc, make it an overlay and include into
the main program. Then use TurboGen to generate a MENU to
control access to each datafile overlay. This works if you do not
need common access to each.
If common access is needed then proceed as above because you
still will do data entry/updating on a file by file basis for
most files. Like the customer file. You will add/update/delete
customers from this overlay. But during Invoice entry you may
need access to the customer record by customer number to properly
address invoice and check customer balance or status. In this
case you
can do basic file maintenance from the overlay. Except you
should pull out the CUSTOMER_FIND procedures, and the customer
record declarations and place them in the global area of the main
program. Now when you need to locate a customer simply input
customer number pass it to the customer find proc which either
loads the record or clears out the customer record buffer on a
not OK condition. This way you have file records global to all
your code and still allow individual file updating to be off on
Toolbox Constants;
Toolbox includes;
File1type record =
field1 : string[??];
fieldN :
File2type record =
field1 : string[??];
fieldN :
file1 : file1type;
file1key : string[??];
file1file : datafile;
file1index: indexfile;
file2 : file2type;
file2key : string[??];
file2file : datafile;
file2index: indexfile;
(*$I Globtype.GEN *)
Any specialized record location and retrival for files 1 & 2
that might be needed by all.
Overlay file1.gen
overlay file2.gen
(* main menu driver here *)
Error Handler
The error handler is located in the Library2.GEN file. It is
broken into two different procedures. Ioerror and Data entry
error sections. There is an interrupt 24 error handler that
pibscreen uses but I have not had time to make full use of this
great vehicle.
Now the two error handlers are broken up so you can tickle
the data entry errors as you see fit. You should not have to do
much to the file IO handler. But for each application you should
change the application dependent error messages as you see fit
then call showerror pointing to the proper numbered message.
Take a quick look at the code and this should be clear.
Menu Generation
This is about as straight forward as we can get.
Enter your filename at the signon screen and press M for menu
type code.
Then simply fill in the menu data screen.
This is the menu title text string which appears
within the box frame surrounding the menu. If
you do not wish a title just leave blank.
This sets up lots of different loops both during
code generation and during menu runtime. It is
simply the number of items on the menu. DO NOT
COUNT QUIT. The quit is handled for you by the
Just the upper left corner of the menu window.
The width and height are automatically handled by
Pibmenus. BUT you do have the ability to
override this by altering the HEIGHT & WIDTH
variables within the finished menu code. If you
make these variables non zero then Pibmenus will
use your values and not it's own.
Which menu item to highlight when menu is first
called. You may notice that the code resets this
default value within it's own loop. Well this is
because of a problem with a not so close clone in
my domain. That machine does not allow my full
use of the screen saving options in Pibscreens.
Since I can't stack screens, and need windows, I
just reactivate windows already on the screen.
This only makes sense if the menu picks-up where
the user left off.
This brings up a point the library provided can
be modified to do some real impressive windowing
and screen saving work. But this is real RAM
expensive so you may want to try it before you
commit yourself. This system assumes a RAM
shortage and does not stack screens. This is in
keeping with a DBMS which needs data area not
stacked screen RAM. But since RAM is cheap why
not. Check the help screen chapter for more
information on saved screens.
After completing the Menu Data Screen press <END> and you input
the menu text for each menu item followed by the actual call made
for that menu item. You do this for each menu item up
to your number of menu items.
The quit option on menus is automatically handled for you as the
Menu count +1 item on the menu.
When you have entered the last menu item and associated call,
TurboGen will write your menu to Filename.MNU. Which you include
as necessary.
You should take a short look at the menu code before including or
using. You should note that TurboGen has created a DUMMY
procedure for every menu call you provided. A dummy procedure is
simply the procedure name with a begin/end.
This is to allow the proper compliation of the menu code and
apparent oper DATA but no real work is done until the dummy
procs are replaced or completed.
The menu you created will be in the file filename.MNU. With
filename being the file name you entered at startup. That same
file name is used in creating the menu procedure.
Assume you entered MAIN as a filename at TurboGen startup.
Your menu code would be located in the file MAIN.MNU.
The main procedure within that file is called MAIN_MENU.
So to use you simply include into your application with:
(* $I MAIN.MNU *)
Then when needed, you access your menu by:
Help Screen Generating;
I am one of those programers who feels strongly that a
software package should carry it own help ONLINE. Well there are
several was to do this and most of the time you can give one hell
of a lot of help with an entire screen of data. This help screen
generator is just that ONE SCREEN. If you want pages or
scrolling then use some of the text file access methods mentioned
in many of the books and articles on Turbo. Or use TurboGen to
make a datafile of help records. Which are displayed in a
This is a add-on that helps with that one page help screen.
Just start TurboGen and after giving a file name press H for help
code generation. You will be presented a blank screen. You may
not define any fields here. Just enter background text as in
data file generation. When screen is complete you press <END>
and your code will be written to filename.HLP.
The procedure is called HELP_filename. This procedure will
handle the display of and processing of - Press any key to
continue. Which is used to allow the user time to digest the
help screen.