Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
727 lines
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Title TABS - Align ASCII File
Comment | Version 2.1, Oct 14, 1986
TABS Command
Purpose: Replace blanks with TAB character(s); or expand TABs.
Format: TABS [d:[input.ext]] [d:[output.ext]] [/D]
Remarks: Any TAB characters found are first expanded. If TABS
appear within quoted strings - out of context - they will
not be expanded.
The /D option may be used to remove TABs from a file,
The maximum logical record size is 255, see MAXREC equate.
Defacto tab columns are 9,17,25,...
Written by Vernon Buerg for the IBM PC using DOS 2.
For public domain use.
Notes: Version 1.6 includes a correction for the use of wildcards
to name the output file the same as the input file if only
a drive was supplied for the output file name.
Version 1.7 fixes a problem regarding the EOF character. It
now considers the EOF as the end of a file and will no longer
copy data after that point. Also, if wildcards are used, all
matching files are processed.
Version 1.8 cleans up the messages displayed.
Version 1.9 requires the ouput file on a different drive,
or in a different path.
Version 2.0 improves performance, adds EOF to end of file.
Version 2.1 ignore EOF (1Ah ) in input files.
----------------- |
CSeg Segment Public Para 'CODE'
Assume CS:Cseg,DS:Cseg,ES:CSeg
Org 100h
Tabs Proc Far
Mov CS:Stk_Top,SP ;Save stack ptr to insure return
Call ChkVer ;Check for DOS 2
Call Alloc ;Get maximum I/O buffers
Call GetFile ;Get file names
Call OpenIn ;Open input
Call OpenOut ; and output
Call Inform ;Display "cooking" message
Call GenTab ;Generate tabs
Call Flush ;Empty the output buffer
Call Close ;Close files
Call Next ;Get next matching file
Jz Again
Sub AL,AL ;All done
Jmp Short Exit
Error: Mov SP,Stk_Top ;Insure proper return
Call PrintS ;Print any message
Mov AL,1 ;Set ERRORLEVEL to 1
Exit: Mov AH,4Ch
Int 21h ;Return to DOS
; Constants, equates, and work areas
BufLen Dw 0 ;I/O buffer size
MinCore Equ 512 ;Minimum of one sector
Maxrec Equ 255 ;Longest logical record
S_Quote Equ 34 ;Single quote
D_Quote Equ 39 ;Double quote
Tab Equ 9
LF Equ 10
CR Equ 13
EOF Equ 1Ah
Stopper Equ 255
Sw Db 0 ;Number of blanks skipped
Qsw Db 0 ;Quote switch
Detab Db 0 ;Non-zero for detab function
Stk_Top Dw 0 ;SP at entry
Msg1 Db CR,LF,'Input failed to open, '
Input Db 76 Dup (0),0,Stopper ;Drive:path\name.ext
IHandle Dw 0 ;Input file handle
Ilen Dw 0 ;Input block length
Iptr Dw 0 ;Offset to next char
In_Ptr Dw 0 ;Seg offset
Msg2 Db CR,LF,'Output failed to open, '
Output Db 76 Dup (0),0,CR,LF,Stopper
OHandle Dw 0 ;Output file handle
Olen Dw 0 ;Bytes in output buffer
Optr Dw 0 ;Offset to next char
Out_Ptr Dw 0 ;Seg offset
Spaces Db 8 Dup (' ')
FilePtr Dw Offset Input ;Addr of file name part
NewPtr Dw Offset Output ;Spot for output file name
DTA Db 48 Dup (0) ;DOS data transfer area
; Messages
Version Db 'TABS - Version 2.1 - V.Buerg',CR,LF,CR,LF
Db 'Usage: TABS infile outfile [/D]',CR,LF
Db ' o infile and outfile may include drive and path names',CR,LF
Db ' o use ending /D to expand tabs to spaces.',CR,LF
Db ' o Oct 14, 1986; public domain.',Stopper
Sorry Db CR,LF,'Wrong PC DOS Version',Stopper
Msg3f Db CR,LF,'Read error',Stopper
Msg40 Db CR,LF,'Write error or Disk full.',Stopper
Msg4a Db CR,LF,'Not enough memory',Stopper
Msg4e Db CR,LF,'No matching file(s) found',Stopper
InformD Db 'de-'
Cooking Db 'TABS:',9,Stopper
Mark Db 9,'-> ',Stopper
NewLine Db CR,LF,Stopper
Code2 Db 'File not found ',Stopper
Code3 Db 'Path not found ',Stopper
Code4 Db 'Too many files ',Stopper
Code5 Db 'Access denied ',Stopper
; Replace blanks with tabs
GenTab Proc Near
Loop: Call GetRec ; Get a record, length in CX
Jnc Init_Rec ; Was it end of file?
Jmp Done
Sub BX,BX ;Output column
Mov Sw,BL ;No blanks yet
Mov Qsw,BL ;No quotes yet
Or CX,CX ;Any data in record?
Jz Null ; no, just CR-LF
Set1: Mov SI,Offset Rec ;Look for blanks and
Wloop: Lodsb ; replace strings of blanks
Inc BX ; with tab characters
Cmp AL,D_Quote ;Don't count blanks
Je Chk2d ; within single or double
Chk1: Cmp AL,S_Quote ;Insert TABs for any
Je Chk3d ; blanks skipped before
Chk3: Cmp Detab,0 ;Leave expanded record as-is
Jne Check ; if de-tabbing
Cmp AL,' ' ;Tis a blank?
Jne Check ; no, see if eof
Test Qsw,3 ;Within quotes?
Jnz Check
Inc Sw
Test BL,07h ;Ready for a tab?
Jnz Tloop ; no, keep going
Mov AL,Tab ; yes, send one
Jmp Copy
Xor Qsw,1 ; a quote
Chk2: Cmp Sw,0 ;Must re-insert
Je Check ; any blanks skipped
Jmp Insert ; if not enough for a TAB
Xor Qsw,2 ; quoted strings
Jmp Chk2
Check: Cmp Detab,0
Jne Copy
Test Qsw,3 ;When a non-blank is
Jnz Copy ; encountered, insert a TAB
Cmp Sw,0 ; if there were blanks
Je Copy ; before it
Dec DL
Test DL,07h ;If the non-blank is not
Jnz Insert ; in a TAB column, then
Push AX ; keeps all the blanks
Mov AL,Tab
Call PutChar
Pop AX
Copy: Call PutChar ; and write it
Mov Sw,0 ;Ind not blank
Tloop: Loop Wloop
Null: Mov AL,CR ;Append CR
Call PutChar
Mov AL,LF ; and LF
Call PutChar
Jmp Loop
Insert: Push AX ;Insert any blanks that
Mov DL,Sw ; didn't line up on
Blanks: Cmp DL,1 ; a TAB column
Jb None
Mov AL,' '
Call PutChar
Dec DL ;Decr insert count
Jmp Blanks ; and continue
None: Pop AX ;Get char back
Jmp Copy
Done: Ret
GenTab Endp
; Build a logical record with TABs expanded
GetRec Proc Near
Sub DI,DI ;Target record offset
Mov Qsw,0 ;Quote indicator
Get1: Call GetChar ; Build up a logical record
Jc GetEof ; End of file?
Cmp AL,CR ; Looking for a CR or LF
Je Get1 ; as end-of-record
Je Get7
Cmp AL,EOF ; Ignore EOF control char
Jne Get1e
Mov AL,' '
Get1e: Cmp AL,S_Quote ; Don't expand tabs
Jne Get2 ; found within a
Xor Qsw,1 ; quoted string
Get2: Cmp AL,D_Quote
Jne Get3
Xor Qsw,2
Get3: Cmp AL,Tab ;Is it TAB?
Jne Get5 ; no, pass it
Test Qsw,3 ;Within quotes?
Jnz Get5 ; yes, pass it as-is
Get4: Mov Rec[DI],' ' ;Expand embedded tabs
Inc DI ; with blanks
Test DI,0007h
Jz Get1
Jmp Get4
Get5: Mov Rec[DI],AL ;Build the record by
Inc DI ; copying each character
Cmp DI,Maxrec ; or TABs expanded to blanks
Jae Get6
Jmp Get1 ; no, continue
Get6: Clc
GetEof: Mov CX,DI ;Final record length
Get7: Cmp Rec-1[DI],' ' ;Omit trailing blanks
Jne Get6
Dec DI
Jz Get6
Jmp Get7
GetRec Endp
; Extract one char from record
GetChar Proc Near ;Read char into AL
Read1: Cmp Ilen,0 ;Any in buffer?
Je Read ; no, read next block
Mov SI,Iptr ; yes, get offset in buf
Mov Iptr,SI ;Offset for next one
Dec Ilen
Read: Push CX
Mov BX,IHandle ;Read a block of data
Mov CX,BufLen ; into Input (segment) buffer
Mov DX,In_Ptr
Mov Iptr,DX
Mov AH,3Fh
Int 21h
Pop CX
Mov Ilen,AX ; and length
Jc Read3
Or AX,AX ; Anything read?
Jnz Read1 ; yes, pick it up
Stc ; no, return EOF
Read3: Mov DX,Offset Msg3f ;Say I/O ERROR
Jmp Error
GetChar Endp
; Block output records
PutChar Proc Near ;Write from AL
Mov DI,Optr ;Offset in buffer
Mov Optr,DI ;New buffer ptr
Dec Olen ;Full buffer?
Jz PutChars
Call Write ; yes, write it
PutChar Endp
Write Proc Near
Push CX ;Write full buffer
Mov CX,BufLen ;Buffer size
Write3: Push AX
Push BP
Push BX
Push DX
Mov BX,OHandle ;Get file handle
Mov BP,CX ;Save size requested
Mov DX,Out_Ptr
Mov Optr,DX
Mov AX,BufLen ;Reset buffer size free
Mov Olen,AX
Mov AH,40h ;Write the block
Int 21h
Jc Writer ;Write OK?
Sub BP,AX ;Wrote all data?
Jz Write2 ; yes, good
Writer: Mov DX,Offset Msg40 ; no, say I/O error
Jmp Error
Flush: Mov AL,EOF ;Append EOF for funny programs
Call PutChar
Push CX ;Write data left over
Mov CX,BufLen
Sub CX,Olen ;Any left in output?
Jnz Write3
Pop CX
Write2: Pop DX
Pop BX
Pop BP
Pop AX
Pop CX
Write Endp
; Open input file
OpenIn Proc Near
Mov DX,Offset Input
Mov AX,3D00h ;For input
Int 21h
Jnc Openi
Mov DX,Offset Msg1
Jmp OpenErr
Openi: Mov IHandle,AX
OpenIn Endp
; Open output file
OpenOut Proc Near
Mov DX,Offset Output
Sub CX,CX ;Normal file attribute
Mov AH,3Ch ;Create a file
Int 21h
Jnc Openo
Mov DX,Offset Msg2 ;Oops, can't open output
Jmp OpenErr
Openo: Mov OHandle,AX
OpenOut Endp
; Determine why OPEN failed
OpenErr:Cmp AL,2 ;AL has reason code
Jb Opene
Cmp AL,5
Ja Opene
Sub BX,BX ;Get offset to reason
Mov BL,AL ; text for open failure
Mov CL,4
Call PrintS ;Say OPEN FAILED
Mov DX,Offset NewLine
Call PrintS
Lea DX,Code2-32[BX]
Opene: Jmp Error
; Close input/output
Close Proc Near ;Close files
Mov BX,OHandle ; output
Mov AH,3Eh
Int 21h
Mov BX,IHandle ; input
Mov AH,3Eh
Int 21h
Close Endp
; Get file names from command line
GetFile Proc Near ;Get file name(s)
Mov SI,80h ;Point to command line
Sub CX,CX ;The PSP may contain one or two
Or CL,Byte Ptr DS:[SI] ; filenames separated by blanks
Jnz GetF0
GetUse: Mov DX,Offset Version ;None, display usage message
Jmp Error
GetF0: Mov DI,Offset Input ;Target is infile for
Inc SI ; first command operand
GetF1: Lodsb ;Copy command line to file names
Cmp AL,' ' ; by skipping leading blanks
Jne GetF1a ; until a CR is found
Loope GetF1
JCXz GetUse ;If all blank
GetF1a: Cmp AL,CR ;Is it CR, end of line?
Je GetF5 ; yes, terminate infile name
Cmp AL,'/' ;Or option string?
Je GetF1c
Cmp AL,' ' ;Ending blank?
Je GetF2
Loop GetF1a
Jmp GetF5
GetF1c: Mov AX,0FF00h ;Terminate fname operand
Lodsb ;Get option letter
Cmp AL,'D' ;Set /D option for detabbing
Je GetF1d
Cmp AL,'d'
Jne GetF3
GetF1d: Mov Detab,Stopper
Jmp GetF6
GetF2: Mov AX,0FF00h ;Terminate fname operand
Lea DI,ES:Output ;Process second fname
GetF2a: Lodsb
Cmp AL,' ' ;Skip intervening blanks
Jne GetF2b
Loope GetF2a
JCXz GetF6 ;If no operand
GetF2b: Cmp AL,CR ;Is it CR, end of line?
Je GetF5 ; yes, end of name
Cmp AL,'/' ;Or option string?
Je GetF1c ; yes, copy it
Cmp AL,' ' ;Or ending blank?
Je GetF2c
Stosb ;Copy second operand
Mov NewPtr,DI
GetF2c: Lodsb
Loop GetF2b
GetF5: Mov AX,0FF00h ;Append zero and dollar sign
GetF7: Cmp Input,0 ;Any input name?
Jne GetF8 ; yes, try output name
Jmp GetUse ; no, display usage
Call Find ;Find first matching file
GetF8a: Cmp Output,0 ;Any output name?
Jne GetF9 ; yes, further check name
Cmp Input+1,':' ;Make sure don't over-write
Je GetFo ; the input file
Jmp GetUse
GetF9: Cmp Word Ptr OutPut+1,003Ah ;If just a drive is given
Jne GetFp ; for the output
Mov DI,Offset OutPut+2 ;Skip over drive
Mov Newptr,DI
Jmp Short GetFo ; and copy as outfile name
GetFp: Cmp Word Ptr Output+1,'\:' ;Drive and path?
Je GetFs ; yes, append infile name
Cmp Byte Ptr Output,'\' ;Just a path?
Jne GetFend ; no, outfile is a filename
GetFs: Mov DI,NewPtr ;Append path delimiter
Mov AL,'\'
Mov NewPtr,DI
GetFo: Mov CX,74 ;Copy the input filename
Mov DI,NewPtr ; after the outfile spec
Mov SI,FilePtr
Rep Movsb
GetFile Endp
; Find first matching file, just cuz I'm lazy
Find Proc Near ;Find first matching file
Mov DX,Offset DTA ;Set data xfer area
Mov AH,1Ah
Int 21h
Mov DX,Offset Input ;Input path\filename.ext
Sub CX,CX ;Search for first normal file
Mov AH,4Eh
Int 21h
Jnc Find1
Find0: Mov DX,Offset Msg4e ;Say NO MATCHING FILE
Jmp Error
Find1: Or AL,AL ;Set ZF for return
Jnz Find0 ; if none found
Mov DI,Offset Input
Cmp Byte Ptr [DI+1],':' ;If drive was supplied
Jne Find2 ; leave it in file name
Add DI,2
Find2: Cmp Byte Ptr [DI],'\' ;If path was supplied
Jne Find4a ; try to leave it in Input name
Mov SI,Offset Input+75
Mov CX,76
Find3: Lodsb
Cmp AL,'\' ;Find the last separator
Je Find4 ; which is the filename spec
Loop Find3
Find4: Mov DI,SI
Add DI,2
Find4a: Mov FilePtr,DI ;Save addr of filename part
Find5: Mov CX,13 ;Copy found name to Input name
Mov DI,FilePtr
Mov SI,Offset DTA+30 ; after drive and first path name
Find7: Lodsb
Cmp AL,0 ;Don't want crud in message
Loopne Find7
Find9: Mov AL,Stopper
Sub AL,AL ;Set good return code
Next: Mov AH,4Fh ;Get next matching file
Int 21h
Or AL,AL ; any more?
Jnz Nexted ; no, just return
Mov Qsw,0 ;Re-initialize
Mov Sw,0
Mov AX,BufLen
Mov Olen,AX ;Reset buffer counts
Mov Ilen,0
Mov AX,Out_Ptr ;Reset buffer ptrs
Mov Optr,AX
Mov AX,In_Ptr
Mov Iptr,AX
Mov AX,Offset Output ;Was output name supplied?
Cmp AX,Newptr
Jne Next1
Mov Output,0 ;Reset output file name
Mov CX,8 ;Clear message prefix
Mov SI,Offset Spaces
Mov DI,Offset InformD
Rep Movsb
Mov Cooking,CR
Mov Cooking+1,LF
Mov DI,NewPtr ;Copy input name as output name
Mov CX,13
Mov SI,Offset DTA+30
Next7: Lodsb
Cmp AL,0 ;Don't want crud in message
Loopne Next7
Mov AL,Stopper
Jmp Find5 ; yes, copy the name
Nexted: Ret
Find Endp
; Display "cooking" message
Inform Proc Near
Mov DX,Offset Cooking
Cmp Detab,0
Je Inform1
Mov DX,Offset InformD
Inform1:Call PrintS
Mov DX,Offset Input
Call PrintS
Mov DX,Offset Mark
Call PrintS
Mov DX,Offset Output
Call PrintS
Inform Endp
ChkVer Proc Near
Mov AH,30h
Int 21h ;Verify DOS 2.0 or later
Cmp AL,2
Jae Chk9
Mov DX,Offset Sorry
Jmp Error
Chk9: Ret
ChkVer Endp
PrintS Proc Near ;Print string like Int 21h (9)
Push BX ;DX points to string
Push SI
PS1: Lodsb
Cmp AL,Stopper ;String ends in a hex FF
Je PS9 ; so can display dollar sign
Cmp AL,0 ;Ignore zeros
Je PS1
Mov AH,2 ;Display to standard device
Int 21h
Jmp PS1
PS9: Pop SI
Pop BX
PrintS Endp
; Allocate up to 32K per buffer by modifying memory
; to use all of the 64K allowed for a COM program.
; This is more complicated than using data segments
; for the buffers, but has the advantages of allowing
; for variable buffer sizes depending upon the amount
; of memory available. It also allows DS and ES to remain
; static. Besides, the COM version is under 2K bytes.
Alloc Proc Near ;Get I/O buffers
Mov CX,PgmSize ;Program size in paragraphs
Mov BX,Word Ptr DS:[2] ;DOS ending seg address
Mov AX,CS ;My starting seg address
Sub BX,AX ;Paragraphs for this COM program
Sub BX,CX ; less code size
Add AX,CX ;Next available segment addr
Cmp BX,Maxcore ;Can only use 64k
Jbe Alloc0
Mov BX,Maxcore
Alloc0: Mov In_Ptr,AX ;Seg addr for input buffer
Cmp BX,MinCore ;Enough just to run?
Jb Alloc1
Sub BX,32 ;Size less stack and PSP
Alloc2: Sar BX,1 ;Paras for each buffer
Mov Out_Ptr,AX ;Seg addr for output buffer
Mov CL,4
Shl AX,CL ;Convert to bytes
Mov BufLen,AX
Mov Olen,AX
Cmp AX,Minpara ;Have enough?
Jb Alloc0 ; nope, bye
Mov DX,DS ;Convert ptrs to offsets
Mov AX,In_Ptr
Mov In_Ptr,AX
Mov Iptr,AX
Mov AX,Out_Ptr
Mov Out_Ptr,AX
Mov Optr,AX
Alloc1: Mov DX,Offset Msg4a ;Not enough memory
Jmp Error
Alloc Endp
Tabs Endp
Rec Db 0 ;Current record
PgmEnd Equ $+MaxRec
PgmSize Equ (PgmEnd-Cseg+256)/16 ;Cseg and stack length
Maxcore Equ 4096-PgmSize ;Max I/O buffer size, paras
Minpara Equ 32
Cseg Ends
End Tabs