Simtel MSDOS 1993 November
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Simtel MSDOS CDROM, October 1993. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Zmodem file transfer protocol
path: \msdos\zmodem
ASTR201.ZIP ANSI text view & strip utility for YAM/ZCOMM
AVGZ20.ZIP DSZ log analyzer displays file xfer statistics
CEXYZ100.ZIP Free FOSSIL or direct XYZmodem protocol module
CLASSICZ.ZIP Classic ZCOMM: Non-graphic vers. of ZCOMM.EXE
DSZ_ANSI.ZIP Adds color to DSZ modem pgm (needs ANSI.SYS)
DSZ0503B.ZIP Additional background info on DSZ and Zmodem
DSZ0529.ZIP X/Y/Zmodem protocol file transfer pgm - 930529
DSZ0529N.ZIP What's new in the 930529 release of DSZ
DSZ0529X.ZIP X/Y/Zmodem file transfer, EXE version - 930529
DSZLOG10.ZIP DSZ log file analyzer
DSZTUTOR.ZIP Tutorial on how to use DSZ (Zmodem)
EZRECV10.ZIP Express Zmodem: Background Zmodem receive pgm
FUNCLR11.ZIP Set random transfer colors in ZCOMM or PRO-YAM
GSZ0529.ZIP Graphical version of DSZ X/Y/Zmodem file xfer
MOBYTRBO.ZIP Explanation of MOBYTurbo protocol in Zmodem
NZMOD993.ZIP Zmodem interface v.99.36 for DSZ.COM/DSZ.EXE
PCZ40690.ZIP External program for Zmodem, Ymodem, others
PHOMAST6.ZIP Michael Ash's starter scripts for Zcomm/ProYAM
SCRIPTS.ZIP ZCOMM/YAM phone/instant dwnload scripts 911015
SZMOD200.ZIP SZModem v2.00: Zmodem file xfer w/2 way chat
TAGGER37.ZIP Download interface for Zmodem and Comm pgms
TXZM220.ZIP Texas Zmodem: Fast/free Zmodem protocol driver
YAMDEMO.ZIP Pro-YAM communications SW demo - 930529
YAMHELP.ZIP Flash-up help processor+database for YAM
ZBUDDY23.ZIP DSZ shell to add ZModem to terminal programs
ZCOMMDOC.ZIP Documentation for ZCOMM communications pgm
ZCOMMEXE.ZIP Comm pgm w/Kermit, X,Y,ZModem, SEAlink. 930529
ZCOMMHLP.ZIP Flash-up help for ZCOMM communications program
ZDOC0814.ZIP Easy to understand docs & instructions for DSZ
ZMENU_V2.ZIP Menuing system for use with ZCOMM modem pgm
ZMOD810.ZIP Zmodem by author of Tmodem, graphic interface
ZYX.ZIP Shell interface between DSZ and comm program