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File List
76 lines
NOTE: This list was created on Wed Mar 2 02:28:51 EST 1994
Some files may have been added or deleted since that date.
See file pub/msdos/filedocs/aaaread.me for additional information.
NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII
Directory pub/msdos/zmodem/
Filename Type Length Date Description
astr201.zip B 70231 910521 ANSI text view & strip utility for YAM/ZCOMM
atz220.zip B 42561 890513 Front end for using DSZ in terminal mode
avgz20.zip B 17133 911004 DSZ log analyzer displays file xfer statistics
bbs_tee.zip B 21947 880312 YAM-Host micro-BBS & Tee filter for scrn/modem
cexyz100.zip B 57078 930819 Free FOSSIL or direct XYZmodem protocol module
classicz.zip B 103301 940216 Classic non-graphic vers. of ZCOMM.EXE. 940202
dialers.zip B 30929 940216 Modem dialing scripts for ZCOMM & YAM. 940118
dlscr.zip B 2299 871114 Instant download MACROS
dsz-ansi.zip B 1833 900520 Adds color to DSZ modem pgm (needs ANSI.SYS)
dsz-bats.zip B 2123 880829 Collection of DSZ batch files
dsz-paz.zip B 15706 881023 Zmodem, Jmodem, other protocol manager
dsz-read.me A 516 890115 Explains what DSZ program is
dsz-zap6.zip B 15484 880407 Shell interface between DSZ and comm program
dsz0127b.zip B 37291 940216 Background hints & info for DSZ, GSZ. 940127
dsz0203.zip B 86760 940216 X/Y/Zmodem protocol file transfer pgm - 940203
dsz0203n.zip B 2523 940216 What's new in the 940203 release of DSZ & GSZ
dsz0203x.zip B 38855 940216 X/Y/Zmodem file transfer, EXE version - 940203
dszboot.zip B 17641 880303 Set up for DSZ Zmodem module
dszhowto.zip B 2371 870905 Tips on using DSZ for file transfers
dszlog10.zip B 42986 910909 DSZ log file analyzer
dszop3.zip B 8563 880829 DSZ options clearly explained w/examples
dsztroj.zip B 3911 890303 Messages discussing DSZ deleting files problem
dsztutor.zip B 17756 910418 Tutorial on how to use DSZ (Zmodem)
dzhost17.zip B 16323 890224 Host mode for DSZ - instant BBS for up/downld
external.zip B 11659 880223 Install external protocols to comm program
ezrecv10.zip B 83095 921120 Express Zmodem: Background Zmodem receive pgm
funclr11.zip B 6796 910912 Set random transfer colors in ZCOMM or PRO-YAM
gsz0203.zip B 107648 940216 X/Y/ZMODEM driver with graphic file xfer displ
gt_dsz.zip B 978 880312 BAT files for use with DSZ and GT Powercomm
hotk-z60.zip B 38570 890419 Menu driven front-end for DSZ
mobytrbo.zip B 3097 910112 Explanation of MOBYTurbo protocol in Zmodem
mpmod154.zip B 92465 931006 DESQview-aware X/Y/Zmodem file transfer pgm
nzmod993.zip B 6604 900518 Zmodem interface v.99.36 for DSZ.COM/DSZ.EXE
pcz40690.zip B 68515 901223 External program for Zmodem, Ymodem, others
phomast6.zip B 68228 920116 Michael Ash's starter scripts for Zcomm/ProYAM
pips05.zip B 20240 890111 Zcomm/ProYAM script/support for PC Pursuit
ptest.doc A 5721 880222 Comparisons of various file transfer protocols
runzy.zip B 10544 891210 DSZ shell for Smart Communications
scripts.zip B 111900 940216 ZCOMM/YAM phone/instant dwnload scripts 940123
szmod200.zip B 203427 920629 SZModem v2.00: Zmodem file xfer w/2 way chat
tagger37.zip B 31299 900624 Download interface for Zmodem and Comm pgms
txzm225.zip B 41921 931021 Texas Zmodem: Fast/free Zmodem protocol driver
uft2.zip B 124874 880923 Unattended file xfer system (uses DSZ)
updown.zip B 36224 890207 DSZ upload/download interface to comm programs
windsz.zip B 3993 880809 Zmodem for MS Windows
xfi1.zip B 31381 880809 Menu-driven DSZ front-end for comm programs
yamdemo.zip B 177950 940131 Pro-YAM communications SW demo - 940127
yamhelp.zip B 90940 931130 Flash-up help processor+database for YAM
yzmodem.zip B 59065 881021 YMODEM and ZMODEM specs
zbuddy23.zip B 47255 901223 DSZ shell to add ZModem to terminal programs
zcommbar.zip B 25341 880227 Lotus Type Menu for ZCOMM Modem Program
zcommdoc.zip B 228154 940216 ZCOMM user's manual line printer edition
zcommexe.zip B 192101 940216 Comm pgm w/Kermit, X,Y,ZModem, SEAlink. 940203
zcommhlp.zip B 88538 940216 Flash-up help for ZCOMM communications program
zcpbqnow.zip B 21062 890105 ZCOMM scripts for PCBoard and Q manager
zdoc0814.zip B 27607 910816 Easy to understand docs & instructions for DSZ
zintro.zip B 5896 880728 Graphic intro to ZMODEM protocol
zload45.zip B 30419 881101 Front end menu for DSZ (Zmodem file transfer)
zmenu-v2.zip B 39644 910122 Menuing system for use with ZCOMM modem pgm
zmod-snp.zip B 2176 891224 Automate insertion of serial number for DSZ
zmod810.zip B 38893 910820 Zmodem by author of Tmodem, graphic interface
zmodhost.zip B 2835 880801 Menu-driven DSZ interface to ProComm
zpack.zip B 11620 880829 BAT files & instr. how to use DSZ with comm pg
zrun20.zip B 5315 880809 Front end menu for DSZ (Zmodem file transfer)
zstart13.zip B 2112 880809 v1.3 ZSTART - run DSZ Zmodem w/Telix, ProComm
zyx.zip B 7050 900714 Shell interface between DSZ and comm program