Labels:text | poster OCR: 17 for Y BANK 07 DEAL 201 F Homu Ala 40830 Storm C Compiler 4877-133/7-18 3 -062 LISTE 口 11677 KON IBOUDO 30 na boj Sho All you need to program your own killer applications kuios V-30 in REWOLGA 17) (07584e2 Turbo Print 5 Lite Àres 979 01 ENT 7121 Utilities High quality 24-bit print enhancement package Graphics Plus Modules Games Dogfight LOSH Wild two-player shoot 'em up action Fonts PLUS R Demos CD Tools Reader Contributions Offline Web Surfing From CD Exclusive audio track For 052.0+ Amigas with CD-ROM drives using Workbench. Will autoboot on 053.0+ Amigas and CD32 (mouse required for CD32" "Because of their nature many applications and games will only work with keyboard, extra RAM, hard drive or other specific requirements. ANUL KAA VIFU A Pas