Labels:cabinet | crt screen | reckoner | road | windowpane OCR: Fonm 709 (Rev 11- -93] Page SCHEDULE Computa ation 1f taxable Gifts Part 1-Gifta Subject Only to Gift Tax, Gifts tess political oranzation medicat, a educational exciusions se0 instructions nuthe Iteu namo qitt t donor and address Donar' asis of : adjusted Date fjo Value date of gft Relationshio Description of f the qifl was maxte by mgan Df trusr enter trust's iderrifying and attach a py the trust nstramen If the qifl was ot fecurities Cive CUSIP number SEE ATTACHED SHEET in that Part are 2-Gifs chranolosioal subiect Tahr ornly ordar are to the Direct Gifts GST tess Skips tax 12 patical PUB this are time organzation Subject the resuft medicat, Both of the Gift and Tax ierminatron an aducational of Goneration- an exclusions "estate -Skipping tax -see MCIUSIOn instructians Transfer perod. T ...