Labels:crt screen | dialog box | earth | land | reckoner | road | sky | window | windowpane OCR: Fom 7C6 {Rey .93 belcre completing iir vou will nee mkre thart DnE schedue. Estate Charl les Harvey CONTINUATION SCHEDULE Continuation of Schecule 1En:er .etter of schdui vou an contunung. numbe tem seunte5 give CUSiP Description number favaiable 3ch Lnt value vaiuation Alternals dato Alternate value ceath c: Value at Jae of aecuctiple aTour 800 shares Mini tronics corp Last knowr adress 14 Wildwpod Ave Monega Pa Incoriorated Del Laware 1974 Stock worthless and returned at n value Sec attached letter dated Oct 20 1993. from K.C sOuOr former Pres ident ard Treasurer of issuin Company Nore None TOtAL {Cary forward to main schedule. See the instruetions on the reverse side Continuation Scheduie- Page 40 Make cupie thschedule belore wilr need than schdu Charles schedui continuing tlem secunte5 ...