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Tagged Image File Format  |  1995-07-11  |  82KB  |  2321x3030
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OCR: Form 712 QMB No 1545 -0022 (Raw Novanber 1001 Life Insurance Statement U**X*Q Trotsury Expirs 11-3094 P*YWAN S+vip* Docodont- mourod To Bo Filed With Untted States Estate Tax Roturn, Fom 706) Dococent'a frst and mIdla nitia Docedont's rame Decodont'a aoclal scurity Date death Charles T Harvev known} 106- 17-4283 Apri 9 Nwn* and addreas of noran COTOATOY Equa lity 1i fe Irsurance canpany 250 Broadway New York. 10071 Type polcy Policy number Groip Groum N 6287 Fnplovee Cert No. 1724 Owner amo dececent is rot Dato iaued 10 Asalgnor's narmio PWM attach 11 Date asoknad ploa: attach copy appation. copy aonment Brookte ale Inc May 1987 Char .ec Harvey June 1987 Yalue the oCy at the 113 Amout premium inatruct(ons) Narro banaficiarios timo tgomont N/A David R Harvey 1 Faco artunt D policy 50. .000 ...