Labels:cabinet | chat room | crt screen | field | fountain | person | plant | reckoner | road | sky | skyscraper | windowpane OCR: Forn [Rev 8-93] Estate of: Charl les T. Harvey SCHEDULE Charitable Public, and Similar Gifts and Bequests Yas NO Ta If the transfer was made by will. has any actior been instituted to have interpreted orto cantest the will or any of its provisions affecting the chartable Ceductions claimed IC. tris schecule' it "Yes full details must be sub:Titted with this schedule According to the information pue belref of the person or ersons filing this feturn, is any such action planned? ifYes tull details must be sub mitted with this schedule PKO any aroperty pass to charity as the result at a qualified disclaimer? IYes attach a COPY of the written disclaimer required Dy section 251 8{b} item number Name anc atdess neneficiary Cha:acter JO institut-on Amount Creenpark School for Children with Learnin ...