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~Doom 2
Doom II Cheats
Contributed By James Robertson.
Secret levels
On Level 15 there are 2 exits,1 exit (marked with an exit sign)
takes you to Level 16 but in the bottom left corner of the map
there is a building that contains a hidden exit that takes you
to a secret level.In this building simply follow the underground
tunnel and half way along there should be an exit to the south
that leads to the secret exit.The exit is behind a hidden door
that only opens after you've been in a secret room on the right
hand side of the map,this room contains 2 of those red flying
eyes and an invulnerability bonus.
On the Secret level (Wolfenstein level) when you get to the room
that contains the exit there is a secret door on the right hand
wall just inside the door and then there is another secret door
on the right hand side of this new hidden room.Follow the
corridor and you'll find another secret exit and this will take
you to the super secret level.Wolfenstein fans will find this
all very familiar because it's exactly the same as the hidden
elevator in Wolf 3d.
Cheat codes
Well here's a quick guide to the cheat modes for Doom II which
must be the most disappointing game of 1994.All the cheats are
the same as Doom....
Type the following codes during the game:
IDCLEVxx Where xx is a 2 digit number of the level you wish
to jump to. So level to jump to level 9 type
IDCLEV09. There are 30 levels plus 2 secret
levels (31+32) which look like Wolf 3D
IDCHOPPERS Gives you the chainsaw
IDKFA Happy ammo.Gives all weapons,keys & max. ammo
IDDQD Makes you invincible
IDDT Type this on map screen to reveal whole map and
repeat the code to see where all the objects and
monsters are
IDMYPOS Gives your exact position as a hex co-ordinate
IDBEHOLD Allows you to toggle some effects.After the code
press 1 of the following:
R-Radiation suit V-Invulnerability
A-Show all map L-Night vision
S-Super strength I-Invisibility
New codes
The only cheat that does not work is the code IDSPISPOPD which
used to turn off the clipping mode.Clipping mode can still be
turned on/off but it needs a different code which is......
IDCLIP Turn No Clipping Mode on/off ie. you can walk
through walls
IDMUSxx Change music.Where xx is a 2 digit number from 01-34
There is at least 1 more cheat code but I can't find it. All it
does is give you maximum ammo which you can already do with
Happy ammo.
Saved game hacks
Save the game in slot 1 then exit back to DOS and edit the file
DOOMSAV0.DSG. As usual change the following offsets....
$E0=Max bullets
$E4=Max shells
$E8=Max cells
$EC=Max rockets
All of the above values use 2 bytes. The maximum setting for
all of them is 999 (in hex E7,03).
Example - For 999 bullets set offset $D0=E703 and you'll also have
to change max bullets at offset $E0=E703.
Set the following offsets equal to 01 if you want the
object/feature or change it to 00 to lose the object/feature.
$70=Show all of map
$80=Red key
$84=Blue key
$88=Yellow key
$B8=Chain gun
$BC=Rocket launcher
$C0=Plasma rifle
$C4=BFG 9000
$CC=Super shotgun
Change the following offsets to the default values shown
below,if you want the power-ups to last for a very long time
then use the values FF,FF instead.
$60=C2,03 - Invulnerabilty
$64=2D,00 - Super strength
$68=0A,08 - Invisibility
$6C=0E,08 - Radiation suit
$74=33,10 - Light amplification - You can see in the dark
Cheat Flag
Changing this flag is the same as typing the cheat codes
mentioned earlier, this flag may be useful if in later version
the in-game cheat keys are disabled.
$F8=0 - No cheats active
$F8=1 - No clipping mode on - You can walk through walls
$F8=2 - Degreesless mode on - Invulnerable
$F8=3 - No clip mode on & Degreesless mode on
You can also start the game by typing special commands at the
DOS prompt to give different options,they are all listed below:
Command line options
Here is a list of all the command line options for Doom II, as
with the cheats you'll find that all the command line options
for Doom work as normal but there are a few extras.
-DEVPARM starts the game in Development mode.Not sure what this does
except you get a series of dots in the bottom left corner
and you can do a screen dump of the game by hitting the
F1 key.
-NODES starts DOOM2 as a network game and sets the number of
players who are going to play. If you don't specify the
number of nodes, the default is 2.
-nodes <# of players>
-PORT sets the port from which to play DOOM2 multiplayer on
the network. By setting a different port, more than one
group of players can play DOOM2 on a single network.
-port <# of the port>
-DIAL tells the program which number to dial, if you're going to do
the calling.
-dial <phone number>
-ANSWER puts your modem into Answer mode so someone can call
you and play DOOM2.
-COM1, -COM2, -COM3, -COM4 specifies which COM port your modem
or serial cable is connected to. Very important!
-8250 tells SERSETUP to set the UART to 8250. Just in case your
16550 UART is acting up at the higher speed.
-IRQ sets the IRQ for the COM port.
-irq <irq number>
-PORT sets the COM I/O port that SERSETUP uses to communicate
with your modem. To use hexadecimal, such as the number
0x3f8, you would type "-port 0x3f8".
-port <port number>
-<#> sets the baud rate of your COM port, overriding the value in
the MODEM.CFG if you're running a modem game. Legal values
are 9600, 14400, 38400, 57600.
Example: -14400
-LOADGAME allows you to start DOOM II from a specified save
game. Instead of using the saved game name, simply
enter the number that corresponds to the slot you saved
the game to on the SAVE GAME screen (0-5).
-loadgame <# of the game>
-DEATHMATCH starts DOOM II as a DeathMatch game. If you don't
enter DEATHMATCH as a command line parameter, DOOM II
will default to the Cooperative mode.
-ALTDEATH specifies respawning items during DEATHMATCH.
NOTE: Invulnerability and Invisibility do not respawn.
-deathmatch -altdeath
-SKILL sets the skill level (1-5) you wish to play. Only useful
with -warp -- see below.
-skill <# of skill level>
-CONFIG allows you to use your configuration file from any
directory you choose. This is primarily for diskless
workstations that don't have a C: drive to save config
information to. You need to rename the default.cfg file
created by the SETUP program to a directory and name of
your choosing to avoid conflicts.
-config <pathname> ex. -config f:\DOOM2\data\myconfig.cfg
-NOMONSTERS allows you to start playing with NO MONSTERS running
around! This is great for DeathMatch where, really,
the monsters just get in the way. Only useful with
-warp -- see below.
-NOJOY isn't what it sounds like. It just disables your joystick.
-NOMOUSE disables your mouse.
-NOSOUND turns off the sound while DOOM II is playing.
-NOMUSIC turns off the music while DOOM II is playing.
-NOSFX turns off special effects sounds (like monsters growling,
guns firing, etc.) while DOOM II is playing.
-PLAYDEMO runs a demo you've previously recorded, using -RECORD.
-playdemo <filename>
-RECORD tells DOOM II to record as a demo the game you are
starting. Demo files will be saved as <filename>.lmp.
-record <filename>
-MAXDEMO xxx If you want to record a demo bigger than 128k, use
this option. xxx will be the size (in kilobytes) of the
demo. example -MAXDEMO 1024 will record a 1 megabyte demo.
-record <filename> -maxdemo xxx
-RESPAWN tells DOOM II that, yes, you are Bad, and yes, you want
all the monsters to respawn around 8 seconds after you kill
them. The NIGHTMARE skill level already does this. Note
that using -respawn and -nomonsters at the same time is a
dumb thing to do. Only useful with -warp -- see below.
-TURBO xxx gives you a speed boost. This is great in DeathMatch!
The value xxx can be from 0 to 250. The other player(s)
will be notified of your speed increase! THIS IS CONSIDERED
-turbo xxx
@<filename> will allow you to specify a Response file that DOOM II
will read additional command-line parameters from. For example,
typing 'DOOM2 @MYPARMS' will tell DOOM II to look in the MYPARMS
file for additional command-line parameters. The file format is
simply one parameter per line with a carriage return to terminate
the line. Each parameter is typed exactly as you would type it on
the DOS command-line.
-FAST will make the monsters move and shoot up to 3 times faster,
just as if you were playing in Nightmare mode, but without
the respawning. Only useful with -warp -- see below.
-TIMER <# of minutes> will make DOOM II exit the current level
after the specified amount of minutes, when it goes to
the intermission. This option is only useful in
DeathMatch mode.
-timer xxx
-WARP <# of level> starts DOOM II out right at the level you specify.
For instance, to start at the first level, you'd type "-warp 1".
The following command-line parameters are ONLY available while using
the -WARP parameter: -fast, -nomonsters, -skill, -respawn.
-warp xx
An example line for entering the above information would be:
DOOM2 -loadgame 3 -deathmatch -skill 4 -timer 10