Fanclub Das Freakmagazin 1
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Edit the FB.EXE file and change $1F2D to 909090 for inf lives.
~Supercheats, by Nasty Nigel.
Okay folks, I have some trainers by some american groups, but none
seem to work with my copy of flashback, so here's my better cheats
This allows you to teleport DOWN any no of screens that you specify
so it must be implemented using a Debugger or a program that lets
you edit memory (Gametools or softice will do nicely.)
(a) (b) (c)
Search memory for byte sequence 01 00 30 00 46 00 01 1b 05 at
start of game.
The byte we are interested in is (a) at DS:6AD5 (ds= data segment)
At Start of game, enter at ds:6AD5 any number in hex to scroll down
any no of screens. Be careful not to warp into space.
Allows you to walk accross a void.
Byte (b), DS:6AD7, 1Bhex changes as soon as you start 1st screen.
You can slot 1Bhex in again to make invisible platforms, to walk
across holes without anti-G belts.
Take as many hits as you like, but keep on ticking.
Enter at (c) DS:6AD8 FFhex for 254 hp`s. (not 255 as it`s 1 less
in this game)
( A ) (B)
for next 2 cheats, search for 01 FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF
~65535 CREDITS - yep, money.
At DS:7172 this word (2 bytes) should be changed to FFFF to give
65535 credz. Now you can buy that Pentium 9million Zillion mhZ
machine to play DOOM 2.
In case you warped without getting it.
The byte at (B) DS:7177 should be changed to 02 hex.
In Brief, using softice, the commands are:
E DS:7172 FF FF (for money)
E DS:6AD8 FF (For shield)
E DS:6AD5 X (Warp down X screens, where x= 1-5 )
E DS:6AD7 1B (Turn on invisible platform).
Easy, huh ?
Keep the fan mail coming..............