Fanclub Das Freakmagazin 1
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412 lines
Copyright 1994 by Frank Tinschert
This program is FreeWare.
It may freely be copied as long as all files remain unchanged.
Use this program on your own risk. I will not be liable for any damage
that may result directly or indirectly from running INSIDEPW.
"Gary Grigsby's Pacific War" is a copyright of Strategic Simulations,
"Second Front" is a copyright of Strategic Simulations, Inc.
1.0 Overview:
The idea behind INSIDEPW was born, when I downloaded the PWREPORT
created by Mr. Baldwin. PWREPORT is a very usefull tool to get a quick
overview on all units in the game and enables the user to easily modi-
fy the savegames of "Pacific War". However, it lacks the ability to get
some statistics on the current gameturn and to create a *handy*
(10 pages or less) printout for that turn.
So I remembered those old days when I was playing "Second Front" on
the Amiga. Bothered by the bad manual, I decided to write a program to
analize the savegame-files to get a deeper understanding of the game
mechanics. By the time, the programm grows to a fullsize Analysis,
which produced a 3- (7-) page printout with all the units data and
some statistics as well. The Programm was written in Basic, so the
execution took a while to finish.
For more than 1.5 years the programm offered a great help, when I
was playing two pbem-campaign-games with a friend. This positive
experience is now continued by INSIDEPW.
INSIDEPW offers a detailed report on *all* your units, the replacement
pool and your factories in the game. It also produces some statistics
about your units and compares them to the status of the last turn. You
may even compare them with any turn in history you have currently
INSIDEPW may create two reportfiles: "IPWlong.asc" or "IPWshort.asc".
The one created depends on wether you want a fullsize (10 pages) or a
short (3 pages) analysis.
To achieve such a compressed format, it was necessary to use a very
small printer-fontsize. Therefor the programm for now does only
support the HP Deskjet Printer Series. The reportfiles can be
adopted via ESC-Sequences or by using a "WINDOWS"-based TextEditor to
other printers as well. However theses printers must support a 24cpi
and 12 lpi fontsize as a minimum or be able to in "WINDOWS"-supported
graphic modes to get all the data onto the paper.
If you don't own such a printer you can still view the reportfile with
your favourite text-editor.
In Addition, the printout is formatted to Standard European Papersize.
(This is 297 mm x 210 mm). If you are using a different (smaller)
Papersize, you may experience slight problems in printing the reports.
The Option -a will strip away all those HP Deskjet specific <ESC>-
Codes. If you are using a "WINDOWS"-based Texteditor like
"WinWord" or "WordPerfect" (or whatever you own) you can try this:
1. Load IPWLONG.asc or IPWSHORT.asc as a Dos-Text.
2. Set your PaperSize to US Legal Letter (you probably use this
by default)
3. Set all PageBoundaries to 0 (or experience with it)
4. Change the Font to "NewCourier" (or if you don't own that
experience with other Fonts)
5. Set the FontSize to 5 (you have to type that, it will not be
offered by default)
6. If necessary, change the LineSpacing to Minimum (e.g. 2)
7. Insert some PageChanges on positions that will preserve the
the DataStructure.
8. Print the Text
I have tried those Settings and it worked fine for me. If you
still have problems, experience.
INSIDEPW will further create two Statistic-Files "weekly.chg" and
"old.chg" for internal use.
2.0 Getting started
To run INSIDEPW, it is necessary to put the programfile into your
pacwar-directory or whereever your savegames are located.
. Start INSIDEPW by typing
insidepw [-s] [-a] savegame
Replace savegame with the letter of your savegame-file. The Option
[-s] will produce a short analysis. If unused, the programm will do a
full analysis by default.
Example 1: insidepw -s a
This will do a short analysis of savegame a. To print this file type
copy pwishort.asc prn
or print pwishort.asc
Example 2: insidepw -a j
This will do a full analysis of savegame j. The results will be stored
in PWILong.asc. However, this time no ESC-Codes will be included, so
the file may be easily modified by a TextEditor.
To initialze INSIDEPW for a newly started game, run it twice. This will
reset the weekly change values to zero.
3.0 Description of "PWILong.asc":
3.1 The Ship/TF - Status Report
These first 3 Pages summarize all ships/shipunits and TFs that appear
in the game. They are listed as follows:
Type: Abbreviation of the ShipClass
CV - Aircraft Carrier
DD - Destroyer
AO - Fleet Oiler
Shipname: Shipname or # of MinorShips in ShipUnit
Class: ClassName of the Ship (only 5 characters)
Nat: Nationality of the Ship
Dm: Current Damage
Sp: Max. Speed of the Ship
Flak: FlakValue of the Ship/ShipUnit
Location: Current Base/TF (if Ship active)
Arrival Turn (if inactive)
Sunk (if destroyed)
Capac: Load Capacity of Ship/ShipUnit
Cargo: Supply, Fuel, Mixed, Airgroup, etc.
This Listing is followed by an ShipStatus-Overview. It shows how many
Ships are currently active, damged, etc. on each Side.
Type: as above
ActShips: # of *all* active Ships (ShipUnits brokendown)
ActUnits: # of all active ShipUnits
Pool: # of ships of that type currently in the Pool
% Damage: # of ships of that type currently damaged
SunkUnit: # of destroyed ShipUnits so far
ToArShip: # of *all* ships still to come
ToArUnits: # of ShipUnits still to come
The next part on page 3 is the TF-Summary broken down for both Sides.
TF: TF-#
Mission: defines the Mission of that TF
Headqurtr: The controlling HQ of that TF
HomeBase: Current TF HomeBase
DestinationB: Current TF Destination
Shp: # of Ships in the TF
Sp: Speed of the TF
Leader: TF-Leader (Now hopefully correct V1.05)
x7,x8: still unknown to me.
3.2 The SquadronStatus Report
The following 2 Pages list all available Squadrons in the game broken
down by side.
Squadron: Squadron-Name
Nat: Squadron Nationality
Aircraft: Aircraft used by the Squadron
Typ: Aircrafttype
Rg: Range of the Aircraft
Op: Operational Aircraft in the Squadron
Dm: Damaged Aircraft in the Squadron
Ex: Experience of the Squadron
Location: Current Base/TF (ifactive)
Arrival Turn (if inactive)
Tr: This Squadron was transferred to another Base
x2: Still unknown
At the Bottom of each page is a summary of all Squadrons of a side
broken down by Aircraft-type and Nationality.
AcS: # of Active Squadrons
InS: # of Inactive Squadrons
Plane: # of *all* planes
φPl: Mean-# of planes/Squadron
φEx: Mean-Exp/Squadron
The last line totals all above lines.
3.3 The LCU-Status Report
The next 2 pages lists all LCU in the game sorted by side.
LCU-Name: Name of the LCU
Nat: Nationality
Inf: # of Infantry
Art: # of Artillery
AFV: # of AFVs
Ex: Experience
Rd: Readiness
E: Entrench-Level
Size: Size of the Unit if to be transported by sea
HQ: Controlling HQ
Location: where to find the LCU
x3,x4,x5,x6: still unknown
At the Bottom of each page is a summary of all LCUs of a side broken
down by UnitSize and Nationality.
Active: # of Active LCUs of that size
InAct: # of Inactive LCUs
Exp: Mean-Exp/LCU
Read: Mean-Readiness/LCU
The last line totals all above lines.
3.4 The BaseStatus Report
The following page summarizes all Bases in the game.
###: running ID-Number of the Base
Base: Basename
Nat: Controlling Side (Jap or Allied)
A: Airfield
P: Port
T: Terrain
Oi: Oil
Re: Resource
Suppl: Supply on Base
Fuel: Fuel on Base
Path: All Land-Connections of the Base
HQ: Controlling HQ
The last 2 lines total the above Data. On the left are the numbers for
all Japanese controlled Bases, on the right all allied numbers. The
second line lists the changes since last turn.
3.5 The ReplacementPool/Factory-Status Report
Page 9 offers an insight into the replacement-pool and the
The upper half page shows the replacement pool of each side. It is
further devided into a general section, a Aircraft section and the
total section.
The general section lists the Pool of all Squads, Artillery, AFVs,
ConstructionPoints, Oil Reserve and Resource Reserve. It also shows
the amount of Squads, Artillery and AFVs currently active in LCUs. All
Data is compared to the last turn in the wklchg-column. There is a
further Pool called (by me) Other. I am still unsure what it is.
The Aircraft section shows all available Aircrafttypes. It lists the
current replacement-pool and all aircraft in the active squadrons.
These numbers are compared to last week. The number of Squadrons using
a specific aircraft is listed under the Sqdr-column. This is followed
by a summary of the aircraft capabilities. The last column list the
Date when an aircraft-type becomes available for production.
The total section summarizes the above. Fighter includes Fighters and
Fighterbombers, Other includes Patrols and Transports, Bomber includes
all the rest.
The lower half of the page lists all factories in the game.
### Running ID-Number of the Base
Factory Base-Name, where the factory is located
Product what is produced
Type only for Aircraft-Factories
Co Aircraft-Production-Costs
## weekly Production
wklChg Change to last week
Delay Production starts at Turn ##
The last lines are the total values of all factories.
3.6 The LeaderStatus Report
Finally, page 10 lists all leaders in the games devide by side.
Leader: LeaderName
Nat: Nationality
A: AirRating
L: LandRating
N: NavalRating
Ag: Aggressiveness
Exp: Experience (I am 90% sure)
Assignment: what the leader is currently doing
4.0 Description of "PWIShort.asc"
Generally, the short version consists of all TOTALS of the long
Version plus the ReplacementPool plus the FactoryOverview. It also lists
the TF-Summary.
5.0 Known Problems
I have tested the program extensively. However, sometimes strange
things may happen.
In the 1941 Campaign Rear Adm Flechter is listed to be the commander
of TF 54, which does not exist. This also happens if you use PWReport,
so its a bug in the savegame.
Also in the 1941 Campaign, the Indish 19th Inf Div has a very strange
Location listed. I didn't found the unit on the map, so I think there
may be some corrupt data in the savegame file.
1941 Campaign: At the beginning, the game lists some MCS in the Pool
which do not appear in the INSIDEPW list. On the other Hand, there are
2 DDs in the INSIDEPW listing, that do not appear in the game. Later
on the Pool seems to be ok. I don't know the reason for this yet.
Generally, the scheduled ArrivalTurns for Ships and Squadrons may vary
by 1 Turn. However, at times I found that Ships scheduled to arrive the
next turn did not appear. That may have to do with the current
construction points, but I am not sure.
I would be very pleased to receive some respond regarding INSIDEPW. If
you experience bugs, problems, etc. please let me know. I will try to
fix them.
Another word about the FOG OF WAR. In my Second Front games, much of
the fun derives from the open discussion with my friend about losses,
wrong tactics, bombing production, etc. So we decided, to freely
exchange the printout-files.
In Pacifc War this questions is a bit more tricky to answer. If your
opponent knows, that there are no more enemy Aircraft Carriers around,
he might be a bit more aggressive then he would be otherwise. On the
other hand, if you *really* want to know wether a particular ship is
sunk, you can always cheat. So for me there is no great problem in
having a complete printout. If you are using a kind of honor system
not to *intensively* search all the printout data for the locations of
your opponents units, you will still experience most of uncertainty of
Pacific War. Another positiv reason is that you can recognize silly
computer moves in a solitaire game and try to correct it, in order to
maintain a challenging play. So finally I decided to give all the
Information to each Player regardless of Side played.
Please note my E-Mail Addresses:
GEnie: S.Tinschert
CompuServe: 100270,3147
PS.: I am sorry for my rough English. I am still on Training.
7.0 History:
V1.02: Minor Changes
V1.03: Minor Changes
V1.04: Fixes the Bug with the Japanese Leaders, which did not
appear on the TaskForce Overview
V1.05: Adds Option -a to generate output files without ESC-Codes
V1.06: Adds the Squadrons Missions (e.g. Training, etc.)
fixes the wrong ESC-Sequences for the HP Deskjet