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/ Fantazia Fonts 4 U / fantaziafonts4u1994.iso / wacky2 / truetype / y41i.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1994-08-03  |  96KB
Labels: bulletin board | monitor | newspaper | reckoner
OCR: The SUICH 10635 the taz9 The SUiCH FO SUNTPS The brouS iUmPS over the tazy 409. The WiCH jUmP5 srer the eazy 409. The TUiCH BTOLO jUmP5 orer the &azy The TUICH FON jvm 7PS over the &azy TUiCH BTOLUN FOK jUn TPS ouer 166305 553138 1a7y jUmPS BTOLU BTOLUS 8azy