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/ Fantazia Fonts 4 U / fantaziafonts4u1994.iso / wacky2 / truetype / y46l.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1994-08-03  |  65KB
Labels: bag | bulletin board | earth | person | reckoner | sky
OCR: cbedefohnkmnopqrstuvuyy2 ARCDE CINIJKLMNOFOASTUUXYZ 0123456784 = KOON Yive foy jeaps oe toe The quick broun jumos over the 1621 dou The quick jemos over the 162y dog The quick broun foy yumps over the 1a2y dog. The quick brown fox yumps over the Yazy The quick broun yumps over the lazy dog. The quick broum tox Jumps over the lazy 0123456739 jemps brour 1azy