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/ Fantazia Fonts 4 U / fantaziafonts4u1994.iso / wacky3 / truetype / y8l.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1994-08-04  |  61KB
Labels: box | bulletin board | fence | field | grandstand | monitor | person
OCR: abttefohuk A3GDEFAHT JKLMNOPORSTUVWKYZ 0173455789 10457 The qulek arown tox lumps over the lazy dog. The qulek brown tox lumps over the lazy dop The qulek tox juwps DVer the lazy dos. The qutek br SWW tox luwps the lazy doe. The qutck huwps the Tazy Tae quick bYOWR THe tuick uwps 0173456789 browr Azey sultk broww brow SVEr AZEl BVer buick