Windows Graphics Programming
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199 lines
// Windows Graphics Programming: Win32 GDI and DirectDraw //
// ISBN 0-13-086985-6 //
// //
// Written by Yuan, Feng www.fengyuan.com //
// Copyright (c) 2000 by Hewlett-Packard Company www.hp.com //
// Published by Prentice Hall PTR, Prentice-Hall, Inc. www.phptr.com //
// //
// FileName : proxy.cpp //
// Description: API hacking gluing routines //
// Version : 1.00.000, May 31, 2000 //
#define NOCRYPT
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "..\..\include\Decoder.h"
#include "..\..\include\atom.h"
#include "Function.h"
#include "Stack.h"
// para n
// para n-1
// ...
// para 1
// return address
// func_id
// ecx = this
unsigned OverHead = 0;
long Lock = 0;
void ProxyInit(void)
__asm _emit 0x0F // read Pentium clock cycle into EDX:EAX
__asm _emit 0x31
__asm shrd eax, edx, 8 // EAX = EDX:EAX >> 8
__asm mov OverHead, eax
Lock = 0;
void _stdcall ProxyExit(ExitInfo *info, unsigned leavetime)
int depth;
KRoutineInfo * routine = pStack->Lookup(depth);
if ( routine )
pFuncTable->FuncExitCallBack(routine, info, leavetime, depth);
info->m_rslt = routine->rtnaddr;
_declspec(naked) void ProxyEpilog(void)
// placehold for return address
__asm push eax // placehold for return address
// save common registers
__asm push eax
__asm push ebx
__asm push ecx
__asm push edx // 4*4=16
__asm pushfd // 4
// read cpu clock cycles
__asm _emit 0x0F // read Pentium clock cycle into EDX:EAX
__asm _emit 0x31 // time3
__asm shrd eax, edx, 8 // EAX = EDX:EAX >> 8
// push leaving clock, leaving time on stack
__asm push eax // leaving clock
__asm sub eax, OverHead
__asm push eax // leaving clock - overhead
// while (Lock); // wait for lock
// InterlockedIncrement(& Lock);
// pushing pointer to return address placehold, call ProxyExit
__asm lea eax, [esp+28] // offset for eax(placehold) on stack
__asm push eax
__asm call ProxyExit
// read cpu clock cycle, update Overhead
__asm pop ecx // ecx = entering clock
__asm _emit 0x0F // time4
__asm _emit 0x31
__asm shrd eax, edx, 8 // EAX = EDX:EAX >> 8
__asm sub eax, ecx // new overhead by ProxyEpilog
__asm add OverHead, eax
// InterlockedDecrement(& Lock);
// restore common registers
__asm popfd
__asm pop edx
__asm pop ecx
__asm pop ebx
__asm pop eax
// return to address stored in placehold, the original caller
__asm ret
void _stdcall ProxyEntry(EntryInfo *info, unsigned entertime)
int id = info->m_funcid;
KRoutineInfo * routine = pStack->Push();
if ( routine )
routine->entertime = entertime;
routine->funcid = id;
routine->rtnaddr = info->m_rtnads;
pFuncTable->FuncEntryCallBack(routine, info);
// if pushing is succeful, patch return address such that original
// function will go to our epilog code before returning to caller
info->m_rtnads = (unsigned) ProxyEpilog;
// make sure controls goes to original function when ProxyProlog returns
info->m_funcid = (unsigned) pFuncTable->m_func[id].f_oldaddress;
// ProxyProlog inline assembly naked
// ProxyEntry C++ stdcall
// Original Callee
// ProxyEpilog inline assembly naked
// ProxyExit C++ stdcall
// Original caller
_declspec(naked) void ProxyProlog(void)
// funcid already pushed on stack by stub code
// generated by KFunction::InitStub
// funcid already on stack, place hold for original callee address
// save common registers
__asm push eax
__asm push ebx
__asm push ecx
__asm push edx // edx, ecx, ebx, eax, funcid, rtnadr, p1..pn
__asm pushfd // 4 bytes EFLAGS
// read cpu clock cycle count
__asm _emit 0x0F // read Pentium clock cycle into EDX:EAX
__asm _emit 0x31 // time1
__asm shrd eax, edx, 8 // EAX = EDX:EAX >> 8
// pushing entering clock, entering time
__asm push eax // entering clock
__asm sub eax, OverHead
__asm push eax // entering clock - overhead
// while (Lock);
// InterlockedIncrement(& Lock);
// push offset to common registers, call ProxyEntry
__asm lea eax, [esp+8] // offset for flag on stack
__asm push eax
__asm call ProxyEntry
// read cpu clock cycle count, update overhead
__asm pop ecx // ecx = entering clock
__asm _emit 0x0F // time2
__asm _emit 0x31
__asm shrd eax, edx, 8 // EAX = EDX:EAX >> 8
__asm sub eax, ecx // new overhead by ProxyEntry
__asm add OverHead, eax
// InterlockedDecrement(& Lock);
// restore common registers
__asm popfd
__asm pop edx
__asm pop ecx
__asm pop ebx
__asm pop eax
// switch control to original callee
__asm ret // control continues to original callee