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  1. General
  2. GRE study guide from A to E                                     
  3. abase
  4. lower; humiliate
  5. aberrant
  6. abnormal or deviant
  7. abbetor
  8. encourager
  9. abeyance
  10. suspended action
  11. abjure
  12. renounce upon oath
  13. abnegation
  14. repudiation; self-sacrifice
  15. abrade
  16. wear away by friction; erode
  17. abrogate
  18. abolish
  19. abstemious
  20. sparing in eating and drinking; temparate
  21. abstruse
  22. obscure
  23. accost
  24. approach and speak first to a person
  25. accoutre
  26. equip
  27. acerbity
  28. bitterness of speech and temper
  29. acclivity
  30. sharp upslope of a hill
  31. acidulous
  32. slightly sour; sharp; caustic
  33. acquiesce
  34. assent, agree passively
  35. acrimonious
  36. stinging; caustic
  37. acuity
  38. sharp
  39. acumen
  40. mental keenness
  41. adduce
  42. present as evidence
  43. adjunct
  44. something attached to but holding an inferior position
  45. adjuration
  46. solemn urging
  47. admonish
  48. warn; reprove
  49. admonition
  50. warning
  51. adroit
  52. skillful
  53. adulation
  54. flattery
  55. adventitious
  56. accidental; causal
  57. advert
  58. refer to
  59. aegis
  60. shield; defense
  61. affable
  62. courteous
  63. affected
  64. artificial; pretended
  65. affray
  66. public brawl
  67. alacrity
  68. cheerful promptness
  69. alimentary
  70. supplying nourishment
  71. allure
  72. entice; attract
  73. ambulatory
  74. able to walk
  75. ameliorate
  76. improve
  77. amenable
  78. readily managed; willing to be led
  79. amicable
  80. friendly
  81. amity
  82. friendship
  83. anachronism
  84. an error involving time in a story
  85. anathema
  86. solemn curse
  87. anathematize
  88. curse
  89. ancillary
  90. serving as an aid or accessory
  91. andirons
  92. metal supports in a fireplace for cooking utensils or logs
  93. animadversion
  94. critical remarks
  95. animus
  96. hostile feeling or intent
  97. anneal
  98. reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and cooling
  99. anodyn
  100. drug that relieves pain
  101. antediluvian
  102. antiquated
  103. aphasia
  104. loss of speech due to injury or illness
  105. aphorism
  106. pity maxim
  107. aplomb
  108. poise
  109. apocryphal
  110. not genuine
  111. apostate
  112. one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs
  113. apothegm
  114. pithy, compact sayings
  115. apotheosis
  116. deification
  117. appellation
  118. name, title
  119. apposite
  120. appropriate; fitting
  121. approbation
  122. approval
  123. appurtenances
  124. subordinate possessions
  125. apropos
  126. with reference to; regarding
  127. aquiline
  128. curved, hooked
  129. ardor
  130. heat; passion; zeal
  131. argot
  132. slang
  133. aria
  134. operatic solo
  135. array
  136. marshal; clothe
  137. arrears
  138. being in debt
  139. arrogate
  140. claim without reasonable grounds
  141. arroyo
  142. gully
  143. artifice
  144. deception; trickery
  145. artless
  146. without guile; open and honest
  147. ascendancy
  148. controlling influence
  149. asperity
  150. sharpness (of temper)
  151. aspersion
  152. slanderous remark
  153. assay
  154. analyze; evaluate
  155. assiduous
  156. diligent
  157. assuage
  158. ease; lessen (pain)
  159. astringent
  160. binding; causing contraction
  161. atavism
  162. resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents
  163. atelier
  164. workshop; studio
  165. attenuate
  166. make thin; weaken
  167. attrition
  168. gradual wearing down
  169. august
  170. impressive
  171. aureole
  172. sun's corona; halo
  173. aver
  174. state confidently
  175. avid
  176. greedy; eager for
  177. avocation
  178. secondary or minor occupation
  179. axiom
  180. self-evident truth requiring no proof
  181. badinage
  182. teasing conversation
  183. bagatelle
  184. trifle
  185. baleful
  186. deadly, destructive
  187. balmy
  188. mild; fragrant
  189. banal
  190. commonplace
  191. bantering
  192. good-natured ridiculing
  193. bate
  194. let down; restrain
  195. bedizen
  196. dress with vulgar finery
  197. bedraggle
  198. wet thoroughly
  199. belie
  200. contradict
  201. benison
  202. blessing
  203. bicameral
  204. two-chambered, as a legislative body
  205. bibulous
  206. inclined to drink
  207. bifurcated
  208. divided into two brances; forked
  209. bilous
  210. suffering from indigestion; irritable
  211. bilk
  212. swindle; cheat
  213. blandishment
  214. flattery
  215. blazon
  216. decorate with a heraldic coat of arms
  217. blithe
  218. gay; joyous
  219. bombastic
  220. pompous; using inflated language
  221. boorish
  222. rude; clownish
  223. braggadocio
  224. boasting
  225. brazen
  226. insolent
  227. brindled
  228. tawny or grayish with streaks or spots
  229. brusque
  230. blunt; abrupt
  231. bucolic
  232. rustic; pastoral
  233. bumptious
  234. self-assertive
  235. cabal
  236. small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests
  237. cacophony
  238. discord
  239. cajole
  240. coax; wheedle
  241. calorific
  242. heat-producing
  243. calumniate
  244. slander
  245. calumny
  246. malicious misrepresentation
  247. canard
  248. unfounded rumor
  249. cant
  250. jargon of thieves; pious phraseology
  251. canto
  252. division of a long poem
  253. capacious
  254. spacious
  255. caprice
  256. whim
  257. capricious
  258. fickle; incalculable
  259. captious
  260. faultfinding
  261. carapace
  262. shell covering the back
  263. carillon
  264. set of bells capable of being played
  265. castigation
  266. punishment; sever criticism
  267. casuistry
  268. subtle or sohpisticated reaoning resulting in minute distinctions
  269. cataclysm
  270. deluge; upheaval
  271. catachism
  272. book for religious instruction
  273. catholic
  274. broadly sympathetic; liberal
  275. caustic
  276. burning; sarcastically biting
  277. cavil
  278. make frivolous objections
  279. celerity
  280. speed; rapidity
  281. censure
  282. blame; criticize
  283. cerebration
  284. thought
  285. chaffing
  286. bantering; joking
  287. chagrin
  288. vexation; disappointment
  289. chary
  290. cautiously watchful
  291. chattel
  292. personal property
  293. checkered
  294. marked by changes in fortune
  295. chimerical
  296. fantastic; highly imaginative
  297. choleric
  298. hot-tempered
  299. curlish
  300. boorish; rude
  301. ciliated
  302. having minute haris
  303. cipher
  304. nonentity; worthless person or thing
  305. circumlocution
  306. indirect or roundabout expression
  307. circumspect
  308. prudent; cautious
  309. clarion
  310. shrill, trumpetlike sound
  311. codicil
  312. supplement to the body of a will
  313. coeval
  314. contemporary; living at the same time
  315. cogent
  316. convincing
  317. cogitate
  318. think over
  319. cognomen
  320. family name
  321. collation
  322. a light meal
  323. collier
  324. worker in a coal mine; ship carrying coal
  325. colloquy
  326. informal discussion
  327. comestible
  328. something fit to be eaten
  329. comeuppance
  330. rebuke; deserts
  331. commodious
  332. spacious and comfortable
  333. complaisant
  334. trying to please; obliging
  335. complicity
  336. participation; involvement
  337. comport
  338. bear one's self; behave
  339. compunction
  340. remorse
  341. concordat
  342. agreement, usually between the papal authority and the secular
  343. condign
  344. adequate; deservedly severe
  345. congenital
  346. existing at birth
  347. conjugal
  348. pertaining to marriage
  349. connubial
  350. pertaining to marriage
  351. consanguinity
  352. kinship
  353. consonance
  354. harmony; agreement
  355. contentious
  356. quarrelsome
  357. continence
  358. self-restraint; sexual chastity
  359. contrite
  360. penitent
  361. contumacious
  362. disobedient; resisting authority
  363. conundrum
  364. riddle; difficult problem
  365. convivial
  366. festive; gay
  367. convoke
  368. call together
  369. coquette
  370. flirt
  371. cortege
  372. procession
  373. coruscate
  374. glitter; scintillate
  375. coterie
  376. group that meets socially; select circle
  377. countenance
  378. approve; tolerate
  379. countermand
  380. cancel; revoke
  381. cozen
  382. cheat; hoodwink
  383. crabbed
  384. sour; peevish
  385. cruet
  386. small glass bottle for vinegar, oil, etc.
  387. cull
  388. pickout; reject
  389. culpable
  390. deserving blame
  391. cupidity
  392. greed
  393. curmudgeon
  394. miserly individual
  395. cursory
  396. casual; hastily done
  397. cynosure
  398. the object of general attention
  399. debacle
  400. breaking up; downfall
  401. decant
  402. pour off gently
  403. declivity
  404. downward slope
  405. decollete'
  406. having a low necked dress
  407. defalcate
  408. misuse money held in trust
  409. demagogue
  410. person who appeals to people's prejudice; false leader of people
  411. demesne
  412. domain
  413. demotic
  414. pertaining to the people
  415. denizen
  416. inhabitant of
  417. denouement
  418. outcome; final development of the plot of a play
  419. depilate
  420. remove hair
  421. deprecate
  422. disapprove regretfully
  423. descant
  424. discuss fully
  425. descry
  426. catch sight of
  427. desideratum
  428. that which is desired
  429. desuetude
  430. discussed condition
  431. desultory
  432. aimless; jumping around
  433. detraction
  434. slandering; aspersion
  435. devolve
  436. deputize; pass to others
  437. dialectic
  438. art of debate
  439. diaphanous
  440. sheer; transparent
  441. diatribe
  442. bitter scolding; invective
  443. diffidence
  444. shyness
  445. dilatory
  446. delaying
  447. dint
  448. means; effort
  449. dipsomaniac
  450. one who has a strong craving for  booze
  451. disabuse
  452. correct a false impression
  453. disapprobation
  454. disapproval; condemnation
  455. discomfit
  456. put to rout; defeat; disconcert
  457. dishabile
  458. in a state of undress
  459. disingenuous
  460. not naive; sophisticated
  461. disport
  462. amuse
  463. disquisition
  464. a formal systematic inquiry or the explanation of such
  465. dissemble
  466. disguise; pretend
  467. dissipate
  468. squander
  469. distaff
  470. female
  471. distrait
  472. absentminded
  473. diurnal
  474. daily
  475. divers
  476. several; differing
  477. doctrinaire
  478. unable to compromise about points of doctrine; dogmatic
  479. doggerel
  480. poor verse
  481. dogmatic
  482. positive; arbitrary
  483. dolorous
  484. sorrowful
  485. dotage
  486. senility
  487. doughty
  488. courageous
  489. dowdy
  490. slovenly; untidy
  491. dross
  492. waste matter
  493. duenna
  494. attendent of young female
  495. dulcet
  496. sweet sounding
  497. duress
  498. forcible restraint, especially unlawfully
  499. dyspeptic
  500. suffering from indigestion
  501. ebullient
  502. showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm
  503. eclat
  504. brilliance; glory
  505. educe
  506. draw forth; elicit
  507. efface
  508. rub out
  509. effete
  510. worn out; exhausted; barren
  511. effluvium
  512. noxious smell
  513. effusion
  514. pouring forth
  515. effusive
  516. pouring forth; gushing
  517. egregious
  518. gross; shocking
  519. elysian
  520. relating to paradise; blissful
  521. emend
  522. correct; correct by a critic
  523. emendation
  524. correction of errors; improvement
  525. emetic
  526. substance causing vomiting
  527. emolument
  528. salary; compensation
  529. encomiastic
  530. praising; eulogistic
  531. encomium 
  532. praise; eulogy
  533. enervate
  534. weaken
  535. engender
  536. cause; produce
  537. enjoin
  538. command; order; forbid
  539. ensconce
  540. settle comfortably
  541. epaulet
  542. ornament worn on the shoulder (of a uniform, etc.)
  543. ephemeral
  544. short-lived; fleeting
  545. epicure
  546. connoisseur of food and drink
  547. epicurean
  548. person who devotes himself to pleasures of the senses, especially to food
  549. episodic
  550. loosely connected
  551. epistemologist
  552. philosopher who studies the nature of knowledge
  553. equable
  554. tranquil; steady; uniform
  555. equanimity
  556. calmness of temperament
  557. errant
  558. wandering
  559. erudite
  560. learned; scholarly
  561. eugenic
  562. pertaining to the improvement of race
  563. euphony
  564. sweet sound
  565. evanescent
  566. fleeting; vanishing
  567. evince
  568. show clearly
  569. eviscerate
  570. disembowel
  571. exchequer
  572. treasury
  573. excoriate
  574. flay; abrade
  575. exculpate
  576. clear from blame
  577. execrable
  578. very bad
  579. execrate
  580. curse; express abhorrence for
  581. exegesis
  582. explanation
  583. exigency
  584. urgent situation
  585. exiguous
  586. small; minute
  587. expatiate
  588. talk at length
  589. expiate
  590. make amends for (a sin)
  591. expostulation
  592. protest; reproof
  593. extemporaneous
  594. not planned; impromptu
  595. extirpate
  596. root up
  597. factious
  598. inclined to form factions
  599. factotum
  600. handyman
  601. fallow
  602. plowed but not sowed; uncultivated