The Final Windows Shareware CD
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Have you ever lost an application buried under another pile of Windows?
If the answer to this question is yes, then Finder is the solution for you.
Finder is a program which allows you to swap between all of your active
applications with tremendous ease. Finder adds a control Icon to the title
bar of your currently active application, adjacent to the control menu Icon
(ie near the top left hand corner of your active window). Click this Icon
and you get a pull down list of your currently active applications. Simply
select the one you want and it will be activated and brought to the top of
the heap.
Finder is so much more convenient than the standard Windows features. For
example, the Switch To item of the Control Menu or double clicking the
desktop to invoke Task Manager (especially when your current application
is full screen).
Finder works very nicely indeed with BackMenu and some consider it an excellent
replacement for BigDesk because it consumes far fewer resources.
Place the file FINDER.EXE in any convenient directory. You can invoke Finder
in any one of four ways:
* Select the Run... dialog of Program Manager, File Manager or your
favorite application launcher.
* Select the New... dialog of Program Manager to create an application
Icon which you can double click to start Finder.
* Add FINDER.EXE to the [Load] command of your WIN.INI file to start
Finder automatically each time you enter Windows.
* If you are using MS Windows 3.1, add FINDER.EXE to the "StartUp Group".
Locate the Finder control Icon on your active Window Title Bar (the box with
the red/blue rectangles). Point the mouse at the Finder Control Icon and DRAG
it (ie hold down and keep holding down the left mouse button). A popup menu
will appear. The menu will display a list of running tasks (excluding the
currently selected task). Select the task or application you want and release
the left mouse button. The selected task will be activated (and, if Minimised,
it will be restored to 'normal' size). Those are the basics.
Finder can also be configured to display some additional useful status
information on the title bar of the active window. The amount of free memory
and resources can be displayed on the left and the current time of day on the
right. Finder automatically supresses these extra displays when the title bar
gets too crowded.
Additional Finder menu items include:
* Backmenu. If you use BackMenu (and I highly recommend it) then Finder
will recognise that it is active and present BackMenu as a menu
option. Selecting BackMenu will activate it (equivalent to Alt-F10).
* The Run... option is similar to that in Program Manager. However, it
maintains a list of the ten most recently commands. These are
automatically saved to a Finder.Ini file in the Windows directory
together with the other configuration options. Selecting Browse from
the Run dialog will enable you to select a program from a normal File
Open style window.
* The Config... option presents a simple dialog to enable or disable
the display of time and free memory information on the title bar.
These options are also saved in the Finder.Ini file. Please remember
that, regardless of these settings, Finder only displays this
information if there is sufficient space on the title bar.
* The Help... option invokes Help.
* The About... option will do the usual thing.
* The Close Current Window option will close the currently active
application (equivalent to File Exit).
* The Unload Finder option will unload Finder from Windows.
* The Exit Windows to DOS option will cause Windows to shutdown and
return to native DOS.
Finder is ShareWare. This means you can evaluate it for up to 30 days.
After this period you must decide that it is a pile of junk and delete
it from your hard disk or, that it is a useful tool in which case you
should send me some cash to fund future development of the product.
For a perpetual licence to use Finder on a single machine, please send
a modest twenty dollars to the author at the address shown below.
For a perpetual licence to use Finder on up to twenty machines, please
send two hundred dollars to the address shown below.
You may distribute Finder freely without charge provided that the Copyright
is acknowledged and this README file is included with the software.
Registration fees should be sent to the author:
Malcolm Hoar
2001, Oakley Avenue
Menlo Park
CA 94025
Users experiencing any difficulties or making enhancement suggestions are
encouraged to contact the author at the above address or via CompuServe
[100010,2761] or InterNet (MalcH @ MDLI.COM). I will endeavour to respond
to any such requests (but there are no promises !).
Copyright c 1991/92/93 Malcolm Hoar
All Trademarks are acknowledged.
02 Oct 91 Rev 1.00 Initial release uploaded to CompuServe & Mission
03 Oct 91 Rev 1.01 Fixed bug which caused occasional UAE's especially when
covering/uncovering the Finder About window and then
launching another application (Replaced all SendMessage
calls with PostMessage).
05 Oct 91 Rev 1.02 Fixed problem with MS Word which generates three
wm_NCLButtonDown messages when Finder Icon is selected
resulting in attempts to build 3 Finder Menus and
ultimately a system crash or hang.
13 Oct 91 Rev 2.00 Many new features including the Run, Config and Exit
Windows options together with the Time and Free Memory
displays. Significant internal restructuring.
19 Oct 91 Rev 2.01 Added full Help option.
20 Oct 91 Rev 2.02 Cosmetic changes.
28 Oct 91 Rev 2.03 Overcame Turbo Pascal bug which caused UAE's when making
Finder menu selections on TPW applications (used
WMCommand versus DefCommandProc).
29 Oct 91 Rev 2.04 Improved Config options.
03 Nov 91 Rev 3.00 Improved Run... option to support file associations
together with other internal changes.
02 Feb 92 Rev 3.10 Fixed compatibility issue with Windows 3.1. Make Finder's
own Window hidden so Window Tile works correctly. Fixed
problem with ScreenPeace. Added left/right mouse button
options. Added date display. Added Close Current Window.
Fixed Finder menu display problem.
06 Feb 92 Rev 3.11 Tidied up code.
19 Sep 92 Rev 3.12 Fixed problem with Run... Browse when Directory path
contained a period (program parsed the file extension
19 Dec 92 Rev 3.20 Updated to use Windows 3.1 Common Dialogs for Run Browse.
20 Dec 92 Rev 3.30 Internationalised the Finder Date Display. Rewrote the
Run code to solve problems with extra spaces and periods
in the command line.
24 Jan 93 Rev 3.40 Fixed problem with Finder crash if unloading Finder with
Run window active.
02 Oct 93 Rev 3.50 Reworked to display icon and text correctly on
non-standard resolution VGA monitors.
21 Oct 93 Rev 3.60 Modified to use Windows 3.1 GetFreeSystemResources.
25 Oct 93 Rev 4.00 Finally, made the Finder menu "sticky". Added a
Register screen (but no nags). Modified time of day
to display 12 or 24 hour clock times according to
user Control Panel selection. Other internal changes.