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┌─────────How to Register AceComm──────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐
│ Send $ 34.95 US to: MGP Software (AceComm) │ Credit Card orders │
│ (includes shipping) Box 301 C Route 3 │ PSL part # 10805 │
│ (+$10.00 for manuals) Detroit Lakes, MN 56501│ 800-242-4775 or 713-524-6394 │
│─────────Registered Ace/DOS Package───────────┴──────────────────────────────┤
│ │
│ * Licensed copy of Ace/DOS on disk, printed bound manuals, software Key │
│ * Access the latest executable files for download from AceComm BBS │
│ * Unlock all future versions with your software KEY │
│ * Your Ace/Dos registration makes you eligible for Ace/Win for just $29.95 │
├─────────Price Plans─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ 1) Disk and software KEY $ 34.95 (includes shipping) │
│ $ 44.95 (includes printed manuals) │
│ 2) Site License (see REGISTER.DOC for pricing, call for custom code) │
│ 3) Pay BBS? Distribute unlimited copies to your subscribers at $500.00/year │
│ You will receive a master registered disk for duplication and a 1 year │
│ license. Major updates will be mailed to you automatically. │
│ Advertise your Pay BBS (this screen is your screen) │
│ (See REGISTER.DOC for complete details) │
│ │
└───see the order forms and REGISTER.DOC for complete plan descriptions───────┘
AceComm for Windows is also available!
AceComm Registration is required to use the software past it's 30 day trial
Your registration will buy you the following:
- A license to use the AceComm software package (ALL FUTURE VERSIONS)
- The latest AceComm package sent to you on disk, printed manuals
- A software KEY providing all future upgrades FREE
- Access to the AceComm support BBS. Here the latest code is always available
to registered users, this in addition to the upgrades in the mail, sample
scripts, tips from power users, ACECOMM message forum, the latest support
files. The AceComm BBS provides yet another form of software support.
Register by Credit Card
As a service to AceComm customers who want to register by credit card,
arrangements have been made with the Public Software Library (PSL) to handle
all credit card registrations. PSL accepts Visa, Master card, American Express,
and Discover Card.
Non-U.S. residents are encouraged to register by credit card. In many cases,
paying by credit card will be easier than acquiring U.S. funds.
PSL will take the order information and forward it to the AceComm author, MGP
Programming Services & Michael G Phelps for processing and shipping.
AceComm & Utilities (Tm) Version 3.0
Telephone (602) 846-4563 MGP Software (AceComm)
AceComm BBS (602) 846-2940 Box 301 C Route 3
CompuServe 75120,3306 Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Individual Registration Licensing use of AceComm and Utilities
1 Registration................$34.95 x number of copies Total $______ ___
(disk, 1 software KEY for all future versions, shipping)
Up to date manuals (set of 2).$10.00 x number of copies Total $______ ___
Competitive upgrade...........$26.95 x number of copies Total $______ ___
(requires reg. disk from competitor, recent release 12 months)
Site license up to _______ computers Total $______ ___
PAY-BBS license $500.00 Total $______ ___
TOTAL PRODUCTS $______ ___
Sales tax for Minnesota residents 6.75% $______ ___
TOTAL ORDER $______ ___
For payment by non-USA BANK CHECK, add $40.00 $______ ___
Payment method: TOTAL ENCLOSED $______ ___
( ) Check ( ) Cash
( ) Money order
( ) Credit card (See ordrform.doc)
Diskette format 3.5" disk unless specified otherwise