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Pegasus Mail Manuals
Pegasus Mail is free software - it may be used on as many workstations and
servers as required without charge or obligation. If you wish, you can
purchase printed manuals for Pegasus Mail; we want to stress to you that
such a purchase is purely optional, although manual sales do contribute
directly to the ongoing support and maintenance of the system.
Separate manual sets are available for each version of Pegasus Mail (DOS,
Windows and Macintosh) and for the Mercury Mail Transport System. They
are sold as a single, high-quality loose-leaf printed manual supplied
with a license which permits you to make a certain number of duplicates
of the manual for use at your site. The available options are 5-copy
licenses (single-copy for Mercury), or site licenses permitting unlimited
copying at a single site. All manuals include a diskette containing the
matching version of the Pegasus Mail software at no charge. Site licensed
manuals include ASCII and RTF versions of the documentation on the
diskette as well.
For licensing purposes, a "site" is the extent of a single organization in
a single Metropolitan area; so, a University with three campuses in the
same town would be covered by a single site license, but a government
department with offices in four separate cities would require four
licenses. For the purposes of this definition, State, National and
Municipal Governments do not qualify as "organizations", nor do "umbrella"
institutions, such as a Board of Education covering all high schools in a
Special licensing arrangements: We are quite flexible about manual
licensing and will gladly consider proposals for special-case scenarios.
We also try to help charitable and environmental organizations where we
can. If you would like to discuss special-case licensing with us, please
send Internet e-mail to D.Harris@pmail.gen.nz.
Ordering: to order Pegasus Mail manuals, please fill out the order form
shown at the end of this file and return it by mail or fax with your
purchase order, cheque or credit card details to:
Pegasus Mail, c/- David Harris,
P.O. Box 5451,
New Zealand. (Fax: +64 3 453 6612).
We do not use postal codes in New Zealand.
*** If you fax your order to us, please DO NOT send the original by
*** mail as confirmation.
Please be sure that you actually complete and enclose our order form - we
will use it as the final authority for shipping and billing addresses,
since many organizational purchase orders have ambiguous addressing
Purchase orders and payment: we are happy to accept purchase orders
provided that our invoice is paid under normal credit terms (nett 30 days).
We can accept payment by VISA or Mastercard - in order to do so, we need
the card number, expiry date, the name exactly as shown on the card, and a
clear signature on our order form. Credit card payments attract a 2.5%
surcharge (the fee charged to us by the bank) and may not appear as an
exact amount on your statement because we have to submit our vouchers
converted to NZ dollars - we use the exchange rate prevailing on the date
of processing. If paying by credit card, please ensure that the details on
your order form are typed, not written.
Currency: all prices are shown in US dollars; we require payment in US
DOLLARS DRAWN ON A US BANK. The exception to this is for clients in New
Zealand, who are welcome to contact us for a New Zealand Dollar rate.
Please note the "US Bank" requirement carefully - payments in US Dollars
drawn on non-US banks attract considerable fees at this end and will be
returned unpresented.
Invoices: all manual purchases are properly invoiced. New Zealand clients
will receive a valid Tax Invoice (prices are inclusive of GST in NZ).
Payment by IMT (International Money Transfer): we are willing to accept
payment by money transfer, but recommend that you avoid this method of
payment because of serious weaknesses in the international banking system.
If you pay by IMT, your bank MUST remit the funds DIRECTLY to the National
Bank of New Zealand, Dunedin North Branch, account 060909-0106632-13. The
name of the account is "David Harris, Pegasus Mail". Please stress to your
bank the importance of the direct transfer - transfers sent to us via
other banks in New Zealand will attract a processing fee which we refuse
to accept; my bank has standing orders to reject such payments and return
them to the sender. Only transfers made directly to the National Bank of
New Zealand are acceptable. Please note that the "National Bank of New
Zealand" and the "Bank of New Zealand" are completely different
Fees and deductions: it appears to be common practice in parts of Europe
for banks to deduct fees from the amount remitted - we will not accept
such deductions and will return payments from which fees have been
deducted unpresented. We require the amount paid to us to be the amount
shown on the invoice.
US Taxpayer information requests: we periodically receive requests from US
companies and organizations asking us to provide "FEIN" numbers, or Social
Security Numbers which are needed by the client for compliance with US Tax
Laws. We have contacted the US Commerce Attache in Sydney, Australia, and
advise on their recommendation that the vendor is NOT a US Citizen, and is
not resident in the USA for taxation purposes. We cannot provide the
information requested (we have neither a FEIN nor an SSN) and requests for
such information will not receive a reply. We suggest you record that the
vendor is a foreign national not subject to US taxation laws.
Quotes, bids, pro-forma invoices and acknowledgments: because of the sheer
volume of paperwork we have to process, we regret that we are unable to
provide quotes, bids, pro-forma invoices or acknowledgments of receipt of
orders (other than by e-mail on specific request). The most recent version
of this file retrieved from us by e-mail may be taken as a firm quote - we
will honour the prices shown provided this form is used.
VAT and import taxes: when we ship manuals, we enclose a commercial
invoice for customs purposes, itemized as US$11 for materials and the
remainder of the fee as a license charge. We are not responsible for taxes
or import duties levied on entry to your country and suggest you contact
your customs service in advance for information on any fees which might be
Freight charges: all manual prices include courier shipment via EMS
(Express Mail Service) anywhere in the world. EMS usually provides a four-
day service to any destination. We can ship via airmail on specific
request, but are unable to ship via other carriers (such as FedEx, UPS or
Delivery times: the usual processing time for an order is 8-10 days plus
the time required for shipment. Occasionally the time required will be
longer than this, and if a new version of the manual is due in the near
future, we reserve the right to hold your order until it is released, so
that you get the most up-to-date product.
for Pegasus Mail Manuals
Ship To: Bill To:
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
Date this order was mailed [ ] Day [ ] Mon [ ] Year
What is your purchase order number [ ]
or: Credit card type (tick one) [ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard
Card number (print carefully) [ ] exp: [ ]
Name shown on card [ ]
Number of invoice copies required [ ]
Manual format required (tick one) [ ] A4 [ ] US-Letter
Internet e-mail address of contact [ ]
Fax number of contact [ ]
Please supply the following items:
--------- New Manual Licenses: --------------------------
[ ] 5-copy manual set, Pegasus Mail/DOS @US$175 . . . . US$ [ ]
[ ] 5-copy manual set, Pegasus Mail/Windows @US$175 . . US$ [ ]
[ ] 5-copy manual set, Pegasus Mail/Mac @US$150 . . . . US$ [ ]
[ ] Single manual set, Mercury System @US$150 . . . . . US$ [ ]
[ ] Site-licensed set, Pegasus Mail/DOS @US$350 . . . . US$ [ ]
[ ] Site-licensed set, Pegasus Mail/Windows @US$350 . . US$ [ ]
[ ] Site-licensed set, Pegasus Mail/Mac @US$300 . . . . US$ [ ]
[ ] Site-licensed set, Mercury System @US$300 . . . . . US$ [ ]
[ ] Site bundle, Pegasus Mail/DOS and WinPMail @US$525 US$ [ ]
[ ] Site bundle, Pegasus Mail/DOS and Mac @US$500 . . . US$ [ ]
[ ] Site bundle, Pegasus Mail/Mac and WinPMail @US$500 US$ [ ]
[ ] Site bundle, DOS, Windows & Mac @US$750 . . . . . . US$ [ ]
--------- Upgrades: -------------------------------------
Any previous DOS license to current version @US$125 . . US$ [ ]
Any previous Mac license to current version @US$125 . . US$ [ ]
Any previous Windows license to current version @US$125 US$ [ ]
Any previous Mercury license to current version @US$125 US$ [ ]
(Please quote your current license number for upgrades).
---------- Discounts: -----------------------------------
If you order or hold a SITE license for one Pegasus Mail
platform (DOS, Win, Mac) you can claim $75 off each sub-
sequent SITE license platform purchase (EXCLUDES BUNDLES).
Total discount . . . . . . . US$ [ ]
(NOTE: discounts do NOT apply if you hold a 5-copy license,
or are purchasing a 5-copy license, upgrade or site bundle)