You can view any of the template sets provided with Indexer, as well as their related icons,
by following the links on this page. The primary menu items are the names of the template sets ("Default," "Golf," "Books," etc.).
Under each name you will find two menu items, "Icons" and "Templates." Choosing "Icons" will take you
to a page in which all the icons from the template set are laid out on a single page. This allows for an
easy side-by-side comparison of the icons in the event you would like to reassign their functions.
Choosing "Templates" will take you to the template for the Index Page of the selected set. The templates like the final output pages
except that they are missing the actual output data and clicking on the buttons will not work. These sample output pages are simply to show you what the
Index Pages will look like after the images have been inserted. Though the letters, buttons, and index entries might look hot-linked, they are not.
If you click on anything in the sample Index Pages, nothing will happen (you might get an error message).