Direct my computer, writing, and art skills toward a career in computer animation and multimedia production.
Pentium PC and 486 systems 1994-present
Extensive: Amiga 1000 through 4000 (production quality video and animation computers). 1987-present
Dec Alpha systems 1995-present
Familiarity and frequent use of the University of Massachusetts computer network and BBS. Tutored students on network use; computer students on PCs; art students on Apple Macintosh, Atari and Amiga.1990-1993
BASIC and PASCAL programming of IBM PC, Amiga, and Commodore-64 computers.
LightWave 3D on the Amiga and IBM PC platforms. 3d animation/modeling for Amiga, PC, & SGI 1993-present
In depth training in character animation, modeling, compositing, and advanced techniques - SIGGRAPH 1995
Adobe Photoshop on IBM PC and Macintosh platforms.
Sculpt-Animate 4D - an early 3d modeler and animation package. 1987-present
Scenery Maker and Animator - Dual package for construction and animation of landscapes. 1989-present
Caligari 24 - 3D modeler and animation package for Amiga and PC (TrueSpace) 1993-present
DCTV - 24 bit paint program, video display device, and digitizer for Amiga. 1993-present
DeluxePaint vs. I-IV - Powerful paint and 2D animation program indispensable for Amiga work. 1987-present
Photomorph, Picture Publisher, Paintshop Pro - Image conversion and paint programs on PCs. 1995
Literature - Extensive reading of AmigaWorld, 3d Artist, Video Toaster User, LightWave Pro, Digital Video, and Computer Graphics World monthly magazines for desktop video and computer graphics in order to remain current on software & hardware.
Had letter published in June 1995 issue of LightWave Pro as a review of LightWave 4.0 pre-release version, featured in the new Reader Speak column by editor John Gross.
Lead Animator position - recently completed an international project collaboratively with Cambridge Studios in Newton, MA entitled, The Power of Place. Involving 8 production and television companies world wide, this is an educational series on world regional geography that will be distributed internationally to 14 countries in Europe and Asia in 1996 and to PBS television for broadcast in the U.S. in late spring. The project involves many technically and geographically accurate animations of the earth (spinning with extensive camera zoom into an actual satellite composite texture images of the globe) and forces of nature, targeting specified countries to introduce segments within the series. Major work involves Lightwave 3d animation program for creation of animated globes, rivers and roads, erupting volcanoes, weather pattern movements, flying arrows for trade and airtraffic routes, animated elevation depiction, various ôfree styleö animations and a title sequence for the entire series. Other work includes heavy use of Photoshop for image processing/map design, and voice work for narration. 1995-1996
Currently freelancing for an as yet to be titled PBS documentary on Chinese and Tibetan children forced to seek education in India by crossing the Himalayas unescorted. Produced by Traveling East Productions of Brooklyn, NY. Project includes animated maps, image processing, and possible title sequence. 1996
Completed animated logo design on Amiga and Pentium systems for the International Programs Office at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst for an informational video that will be broadcast, submitted to video contests, and distributed to high schools throughout New England to generate interest in the IPO program of studying abroad. 1995
Created 3D animation for home movie and video transfer project for Herbert F. Roberts. Work included "book end" animations to introduce and exit from the video. 1993
Created 2D cell animations on the Amiga, emphasizing alphabet skills for children, submitted to childrenÆs television programming. 1992
Authored an aid program to generate player-characters for role-playing games, saving time and avoiding the frustration of manually calculating player stats (strength, dexterity, etc...) and skills. The program also utilized a self-made extensive database of hundreds of possible attributes. Submitted to Dungeon Magazine. 1988
"A Walk Through the Acropolis". Authored and illustrated an educational presentation program allowing high school arthistory students to graphically ôtourö the temples of the Acropolis and read accompanying descriptions of structure, history,and architectural specifications. 1985
Cover Design for Project Prism, a $975,000 grant proposal under Dr. Catherine Ann Roberts for the University of Rhode Island mathematics department. Work included ink and pastel drawings, as well as hand drawn calligraphy. 1993
Developed preliminary cover design for H.O.L (Human Occupied Landfill), a role-playing game by Dirtmerchant Games limited partnership with White Wolf publishing. 1992-1993
Various T-shirt designs for production and sale. 1987-present
University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA
Bachelor of Arts Degree received in December 1992
Major: English Concentration: Creative Writing
Other Coursework:
Computers - programming in PASCAL and BASIC; Lotus 1,2,3; Microsoft Word; dBASE III. Fine Arts - 2D & 3D design using IBM, Apple, Atari, and Amiga computers. Extensive use of computer art lab. Acting for cinema