I wrote this application 4 years ago to let my 5-years old daughter, Marianna, to play with my computer. She liked very much ╥BachMan╙, but it was a bit too difficult and fast to play for her. So, as her birthday was approaching, and I was at home ill, I decided to write her this simple game, with the help of my wife Laura, who draw the animations. It is a simple B/W game, as I had got only an old and glorious Mac SE, and I have written it in THINK Pascal. It should run on any macintosh running system 6.04 or later. I used a lot of icon in the menus in order to make them easy to understand to a child. It╒s possible to customise it changing its sounds using resEdit. I used some sounds found here and there, since my computer hadn╒t got a built-in microphone.
It is even possible to add made-by-yourself animation. To make your one follow the instructions in ╥Customising╙ file, enclosed with the game.
Now some years are passed. I received many letters, e-mails, postcards and fees (once it was shareware) and some nice animations. So, even if it is old and just in B&W I decided to enclose the new animations and put it again on the net as freeware, even because I am working on a new colour version (stay tuned!) in my few free time.
I would like to thank all the people who gave me feedback in those years communicating me the appriciation of this simple work.
The enclosed animation come from many different people and I lost the addresses of some of them (I apologize for this with them) so I decided to omit the names of all the authors. I anyway thank all of them for the work they made.
This game is ChildWare:
Ñ if you wrote some entertainment or didactic application for your children, send it to me.
Ñ if you haven't any application to send me, then make your child send a postcard to my daughter Marianna, or at least send me an e-mail.
our address is :
Simone and Marianna Bettini, and Laura Cesaro
via Umberto I, 20/a
35040 S.Margherita d╒Adige (PD)
my internet E-Mail addresses are :
I have even a www page (from wich you can fetch my other mac game: "Invaders!"):