Bangin╒ Thing is an application designed especially for very young kids. I wrote it for my children, who both started playing with it from about the time they were able to sit up. My youngest is now about a year-and-a-half and can╒t get enough of it.
With Bangin╒ Thing, your kids can bang on the Mac╒s keyboard till heart╒s content while getting a nifty, random mix of graphics and sounds for their efforts. I like it because it lets them feel like they╒re computin╒ but keeps them from rearranging my hard drive and renaming my files. My daughter would rather play Bangin╒ Thing than watch Barney! How╒s that for an endorsement?!
There╒s not much to Bangin╒ Thing really...just double-click its icon and show your kid what happens when you push a few keys or click the mouse button. He╒ll/She╒ll get the hang of it in no time. Bangin╒ Thing should work just fine with its 800k memory setting. If you get any errors or have problems, try bumping up the memory a little.
Bangin╒ Thing should run on any Mac with System 7.x and a minimum of 256 colors. It should also completely cover the screen regardless of your monitor size (to keep the youngin╒s from clicking outside the window and getting to the desktop). I╒ve tested it on a IIci, Quadra 900, 8100 and a PowerBook 540 and it ran with no problems. If you╒re wondering why the Bangin╒ Thing application is so big (800k) it╒s because of all those picts and sounds. The picts are all 8 bit and I down-sampled the sounds as much as possible without degrading the quality too much.
If your little rug rat finds out how ╥neat╙ the Mac╒s power key is, just download and install a copy of the ╥NoPowerOffKey╙ extension. It╒s a mere 16k and will put a quick end to that ╥watch this, Daddy╙ nonsense. You can find the NoPowerOffKey extension at:
Just drag it to your System Folder and click on the OK button or place it directly in your extensions folder.
Bangin╒ Thing should never cause any damage to your computer or the data on your hard drive. It doesn╒t write anything to the disk, no preference file, no invisible files, etc. But, by using this software you agree to absolve John Solomito from any and all liability for problems or loss of data caused directly or indirectly by this software. You╒re on your on, as they say.
If you wish to include Bangin╒ Thing with any shareware software collection sold for profit or bundled with a book or magazine, you have my permission. It╒d be nice if you╒d email me the details of your project. It╒d be really nice if you send me a copy of your CD.
Shareware Notice
Bangin╒ Thing is Shareware. I spent a lot of time creating Bangin╒ Thing and hope that you╒ll recognize my efforts by sending me $5 (check or US currency).
John Solomito
285 German Oak, Suite 5
Memphis, TN 38018
Feel free to email me with your suggestions, comments, etc.