Welcome to the home of Azimuth Software, a small Mac Shareware software house. Not much here...yet. Don't worry, I'm working on it.
All of these programs can be found at your local Info-Mac mirror. They might not be the most recent version, however, so keep an eye out here for minor updates and the like.
My first piece of software, Farkle, can be found on the <A HREF="http://www.pht.com/mac/mac_cds/IM10.html">Info-Mac X</A> CD. A fun and addictive dice game involving pressing your luck in an attempt to beat your opponents to the goal. One to four players, including computer opponents.
I also have a simple encryption program, called FnsBorf. It encrypts any text file using a random seed, and decrypts it using the exact same seed. Quite nifty. Very useful if you want to encrypt a small file you wish to e-mail a friend.
My current project is a role-playing engine. I hesitate to call it a dungeon game, as I hope that the emphasis turns out to be on interaction and puzzles, rather than squishing monsters until you have UHL characters that don't think twice of spiting on Odin's feet. Don't get me wrong...you get to squish, just not every 10 seconds.
This is actually a combination program, as I am simultaneously developing the engine itself, as well as a module development program, so everyone who ever wanted to be a global DM can have a crack.
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