You, many wild Jur and their eggs, all in an endless cavern. Sounds like Your job is to stay alive, which is only accomplished by evading the slavering Jur and stomping on their eggs before they can become full grown, slavering Jur.
Run. Pretty simple.
If a Jur catches up to you...the game is over. However, you do have a slight advantage. You see, the Jur have been without fresh meat for a great while, and are all too jealous of losing you. If you can cause two or more Jur to run into each other, they will slaughter each other until only one survives.
If you happen upon an egg...stomp on it. If you happen upon a recently hatched Jur...stomp on it. If you happen upon a fully grown Jur...oops.
The game will start upon opening the application. If you wish to start a new game, whether you have died or just want to start fresh, you can choose 'New Game' from the file menu any time. Choose 'Quit' to do just that.
Your goal is to make your way to the stairs (noted on the map by a gray square) to the next level of the cavern, while avoiding the Jur (black circles) and stomping on as many eggs (white dots) and recently hatched Jur (black dots) on the way as possible.
The preset direction keys are:
8 Up
4 Left
6 Right
2 Down
If you wish to change them, select 'Preferences' from the File menu.
Two other settings are in the 'Preferences' dialog:
The 'Maze Type' buttons change the general maze layout.
'Cave' produces varying designs, from nearly empty to just a single passage.
'Dungeon', in theory, produces a series of rooms connected by passages. In general it will simply make a level somewhere between sparse and full. Choosing a 'Space' value of 1 will produce a simple maze of corridors. Very difficult to hunt the eggs, and just as difficult to evade the Jur in such confined quarters. A 'Space' value of 10 will produce a more manueverable dungeon.
The 'Sounds' check box turns the sounds on/off.
The Jur only sense you when you come within a few paces, so you can skulk around them in the shadows.
Watch out for hatched Jur (black dots). They will be up and moving quicker than you think. If you stomp a hatched Jur, it is worth more points...but can you reach it before it gets hungry?
You get more points for causing Jur to attack one another than for stomping eggs. Something to think about....
Finishing Level 1pt.
Stomping Egg 5pts.
Stomping Hatched Jur 10pts.
Jur Slaughter 15pts.
1.5.2 (Feb.8, 1997)
Ñ You're soaking in it. New 'High Scores' listings. Now keeps high scores for both types of maze generators by score as well as by level reached, with the names of the Master Squishers. Sorry, but any old high scores had to go. Also added a 'Today's High'.
Ñ Minor update to the new maze generator. It worked ok, but I wanted it a bit better.
Ñ Changed 'Space' preference to scroll bar instead of text-box. Also added a 'Random' choice.
Ñ Jur now take a random amount of time to go from hatched to walking. Adds a bit of chance to trying to stomp on that newborn Jur!
Ñ Fixed the squish, stairs animation. They were always there, just too fast to notice.
1.5.1 (Feb.6, 1997)
Ñ Fixed the new maze generator. A simple boolean variable caused all sorts of havoc (stairs in blocked areas, starting out surrounded by walls, etc.). Cleaned it up, and it should now work properly.
Ñ Added a barometer for 'space-ness' of the new design.
Ñ A few new sounds.
1.5 (Feb.3, 1997)
Ñ New maze building routine put in, to produce a less, um, sparce world.
Ñ Added new preferences for sounds, as well as the maze structure.
Ñ Fixed the disappearing stairs/monsters problem, as well as my limited window updating procedure. (Thank you, Jacob)
1.2 (Oct.25, 1996)
Ñ Added a dialog to change the movement keys. This one's for you, Hugo.
1.1.1 (Oct.24, 1996)
Ñ Changed icons. That smiley face just didn't cut it anymore.
1.1 (Oct.23, 1996)
Ñ Minor repairs. Updated these docs to reflect my other programs out 'there'.
1.0 (Oct. 22, 1996)
Ñ First public release.
Other Programs
Ñ Farkle - A fun and addictive dice game involving pressing your luck in an attempt to beat your opponents to the goal. One to four players, including computer opponents.
Ñ MazeBuilder - I was so proud of the improved maze generator from Jur, that I created a stand alone program for it. No wild Jur, no eggs. Just a maze. Simple...yet engaging.
Ñ FnsBorf - A small encryption program.
Typical ending statements here: if you like this program...please let me know! I wrote this game quite a while ago, and just now decided to share it with the world. I would hate to think that the world didn't want it :)
Tell me what you like. What you hate. What you would add/change/remove/etc. I _really_ want to know.
You may distribute this game freely, as long as this document is with it.
I retain all rights to the program and this document.