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- ====================
- Ch 12 − Script Files
- ====================
- Powerbase incorporates a script language which lets you control many
- features from a script file. Using script files you can automate jobs which
- need to be done frequently, print jobs being the most obvious example.
- Script files are plain text files (created with Edit, StrongEd etc.) and are
- executed by dragging them to the Powerbase record window. All commands in a
- script file must be in upper-case, preceded by “!”, and may be followed by
- parameters (which are not case-sensitive), separated from the command by a
- single space. A complete list of commands follows. Parameters in square
- brackets are optional. Where commands simply control the status of options
- switches (e.g. !CASE, !UPPER) the parameter is either ON or OFF.
- !SCRIPT Since scripts are just text files there has to be a way for
- Powerbase to recognise them. All script files must therefore start with a
- line beginning with !SCRIPT. Prior to v.8 !SCRIPT POWERBASE was required;
- you may still add POWERBASE but it is no longer necessary. You may use
- !SCRIPT END as the last line of the file but this is also optional since the
- script will terminate anyway when the end of the file is reached. You can
- make the command “chain” another script file by following it with the name
- of the new file, i.e. by using the form !SCRIPT <filename>. If you just give
- a leafname Powerbase will look for it in the database’s PrintRes directory.
- If it is stored anywhere else the full pathname must be supplied. This rule
- applies to all script commands (e.g. !DELETE, !INCLUDE) which can take a
- filename as a parameter. When a script file is dropped onto the record
- window its name will be displayed with a request for confirmation that the
- file is to be executed. To suppress this action use !SCRIPT QUIET as the
- first line.
- !COMMENT <string> may be used to insert comments in a script file. The rest
- of the line is ignored.
- !MESSAGE <string> will display a user-defined message in a small window to
- keep the user informed of what’s happening during execution of a script.
- !MESSAGE on its own closes the message window.
- !SELECTION is used to select fields for inclusion in a report. If a filename
- is given as a parameter Powerbase looks for a print Selection file of that
- name and loads it, just as if you had double-clicked on it or dragged it to
- the record window. (See !SCRIPT, above, for the interpretation of
- filenames.) Alternatively, you may supply a comma-separated list of the tags
- of the required fields and may include the record number, key and subfile
- number by placing RECORD, KEY and SUBFILE, respectively, in the list. If you
- supply no parameter at all the current selection will be cleared.
- !PRINTOPTS <filename> loads a Print options file, setting the options just
- as if the the file had been double-clicked or dragged to the record window.
- Without a filename it sets the default options.
- !SUBFILES <n>[,<n1>,<n2>...] selects the subfile(s) which will be searched
- in order to create a report.
- !CASE turns the Case switch on the Query panel ON and OFF.
- !QUERY [filename\]<search formula> is used to print a report. It returns the
- same result as entering a search formula in the Match window and clicking
- Print. If you first issue a !DESTINATION FILE command you can use a list of
- !QUERY commands to create a batch of reports as text files. If you omit the
- optional filename each file will be created in PrintJobs using the search
- formula (or part of it) as the filename. If you supply a name containing $
- it is assumed to be a full pathname and will be used to create the file. Any
- other name causes the file to be created in PrintJobs or in a subdirectory
- (which must exist) of Print Jobs. Note the backslash between the filename
- and search formula; this tells Powerbase where the one ends and the other
- begins. !CASE also affects the behaviour of this command if issued
- beforehand.
- !SAVE <filename> may be used to save a file which has been created in a
- window. It is only useful after a !QUERY command for which the destination
- is Window.
- !CSV [filename\]<search formula> is similar to !QUERY but produces a CSV
- file instead. The CSV option settings are observed. A prior !DESTINATION
- command is unnecessary in this case.
- !INCLUDE, !EXCLUDE, !CLEAR may conveniently be treated together. They have
- the same effects as the controls on the Mark pane attached to the bottom of
- the record window. !INCLUDE <key>[,<key>,<key>...] has exactly the same
- effect as ticking the check box on the Mark pane for records with the
- associated primary keys. !EXCLUDE (same syntax) has the same effect as
- marking with a cross, which is what happens when the alternative option from
- the pane’s pop-up menu is chosen. !CLEAR clears all marks. As an alternative
- to a comma-separated list of keys you may supply a filename. The file should
- be a plain text file with one primary key on each line. See !SCRIPT for the
- interpretation of filenames.
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- !FORMAT <string> where <string> is Horizontal, Vertical, Label or Table sets
- the print format. If any other parameter is used, or !FORMAT is issued by
- itself, the Horizontal format is used.
- !DESTINATION <string> where <string> is Window, File or Printer sets the
- destination for report printing (see 3.1). If File is used the report is
- saved in PrintJobs unless a subsequent !QUERY command supplies an
- alternative pathname (see above).
- !EXPAND ON selects the the switch which causes fields to be expanded by
- reference to a linked validation table. !EXPAND OFF (or just !EXPAND by
- itself) deselects the switch.
- !DATE turns date and time stamping ON and OFF.
- !UPPER forces upper-case printing ON, normal upper/lower case printing
- otherwise.
- !HEADER, !FOOTER determine whether header/footer information (see 3.10) is
- printed on reports.
- !FIRST when followed by ON causes the header to appear on the first page
- only. (Footer information only appears on the final page anyway.)
- !SHRINK determines whether surplus “white space” is removed from between the
- columns of reports in Horizontal format.
- !HEADINGS D causes descriptors to be used as field identifiers in a report.
- !HEADINGS T, or without any parameter, causes tags to be used.
- !TITLE <string> uses <string> as a title on subsequently printed reports.
- !PAGE <n> sets the page length for reports to n lines. 64 is probably
- correct for A4 (but see 3.10).
- !SPACER <string> specifies the string to be used to separate columns of
- printed data in reports using Horizontal or Table format (see 3.10).
- !TEXTWIDTH <n> specifies the maximum width in characters for Memo and Text
- block fields in reports.
- !ORIENTATION <LANDSCAPE, SIDEWAYS> changes the paper orientation for
- hard-copy printing from the default: !ORIENTATION PORTRAIT or UPRIGHT turns
- it back again.
- !HEADERFONT, !BODYFONT <fontname> set the fonts for headers and footers and
- for body text in hard-copy printing. Names should be of the form
- Homerton.Medium, Trinity.Bold.Italic etc. The font must, of course, be known
- to the font-manager.
- !FONTSIZE sets the size, in points, of the fonts used for hard-copy
- printing.
- !LMARGIN, !RMARGIN, !TMARGIN, !BMARGIN <n> set the print margins for
- hard-copy printing. The units default to mm unless specified by appending
- mm, in or pt to the number.
- !PMARGINS cancels the margin settings in the Printer Setup window and uses
- the printer driver’s default margins instead.
- !LINESPACE <n> sets the spacing between the baseline of one line of printed
- text and the next as a percentage of the font size. The default is 120%. For
- Table format 150% looks neater.
- !TABLE <columns>,<width>,<rows> sets up the number and width of blank
- columns, and the number of blank rows at the end of the report, in Table
- format. Column width is in mm but may be changed as for margins (see above).
- You need not specify all the parameters; current values will be used if any
- are omitted. You may, for example, specify 6 blank rows and nothing else by
- using !LABEL ,,6. Note the commas.
- !LABEL <n>,<w>,<h>,<str1>,<str2>,<s>,<su>,<bl>,ON/OFF determines the setup
- for label-printing where: n=number of labels across the page, w and h are
- the width and height of label (units may be specified as for margins and
- column widths), str1 and str2 are the optional fixed first and last lines
- and s=number of label at which printing on first page is to start. su and bl
- are field tags. If field bl is blank then field su will be printed instead.
- The final parameter specifies whether the primary key is to be printed on
- the label. As with !TABLE you need only specify the values you wish to
- change, but watch those commas!
- !COPIES <n> specifies the number of copies to be printed
- !SORT <n> specifies a column on which the report is to be sorted before
- printing. The tag of a field included in the report may be specified instead
- of a column number. The !SORT must appear before !QUERY in the script file.
- It cannot be used when the output destination is File.
- !IMPRESSION is used in conjunction with !QUERY to generate a report in
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- text-file format, allows you to insert Impression DDF* commands at the start
- of the text-file. A script may, for example, execute a series of !QUERY
- commands and the resulting files are to be all selected together and dragged
- into an Impression document. To make each file go into a new frame you need
- to make each begin with {nextframe}. This can be achieved by placing the
- script command !IMPRESSION {nextframe} before the first !QUERY. You do not,
- however, want {nextframe} to begin the first file created, or the Impression
- document will have a blank frame on its first page. To suppress the effect
- on the first file use: !IMPRESSION {nextframe} Not first. There must be a
- space between the “}” and the “N”, but the “Not first” string isn’t case
- sensitive.
- !DELETE <key>[,<key>,<key>...] deletes record(s) having the supplied primary
- key(s). As an alternative to the key or key-list you may supply the name of
- a text-file containing the required keys, one to a line. The filename will
- be interpreted as described above for !SCRIPT <filename>. The command can
- delete records in any or all of the six subfiles, not just the current
- subfile
- !INSERT is the counterpart of !DELETE. Useful in similar circumstances. In
- this case the command must occupy a line by itself and be followed by the
- record to insert, one field to a line. It is the user’s responsibility to
- ensure that the lines are not too long for the database fields into which
- they are placed and that the number of lines following each !INSERT is the
- same as the number of fields in the record. Don’t forget to leave blank
- lines for empty fields! Records will be inserted into the
- currently-selected subfile.
- !MOVE has the same syntax as !DELETE but moves records from their present
- subfile to the next in sequence, regardless of the currently-displayed
- subfile; e.g. a record in subfile 2 will be moved to subfile 3.
- !CHANGE <field tag>,<old contents>,<new contents>[,<search formula>] allows
- global changes to be made. The command functions like the Global changes
- menu choice (see 2.5.5).
- !OBEY <string> can be made to do anything which a *command can do. e.g.
- !OBEY Delete <filename> will delete the named file. !OBEY <filename> will
- attempt to *Run the file. By supplying the pathname of a Powerbase database
- you can close the existing database and open a new one.
- !KEY <index name> where the specified index name appears on the menu of
- loaded indexes will make that the currently active index. If no parameter is
- given the primary key index is selected.
- !INDEX <tag>[,<tag>,<tag>...] constructs an index on the field whose tag is
- first in the list and makes it the currently active index. If further tags
- are supplied each is treated in exactly the same way. Using the Elements
- database, for example, the command !INDEX Z,GP would index first on the
- Atomic number (Z), then on the Group field (GP) with the Z index active. The
- database is left with GP as the active index and a report of the whole
- database shows the records ordered by Group but, within each group, the
- records are in order of Atomic number; a sort within a sort. The whole field
- (with spaces ignored) is used as the key unless you specify a shorter key by
- placing a number before the tag, e.g. 5NAME for the leftmost five letters.
- Powerbase “remembers” the names of the indices created by the most recent
- !INDEX command and will delete them if you issue !INDEX with no parameters.
- !FILTER <search formula> has the same effect as entering a search formula in
- the Filter window. The Filter window isn’t opened but the Filter switch on
- the keypad (or on the record screen if there’s a Filter switch there) is
- turned on and the first matching record is displayed. !FILTER on its own
- cancels the filter.
- !STARTAT <tag> sets the field at which editing begins and places the caret
- in that field. If no parameter is given, or if the designated field doesn’t
- exist or isn’t writable, editing starts at the first writable field.
- Requesting user input from script files
- =======================================
- This is best illustrated with an example. !FILTER GP=1 will use GP=1 as a
- search formula. However, !FILTER Search formula? behaves quite differently.
- A small window pops up saying “Search formula?” with a writable icon into
- which you enter the formula then click OK or type Return. This applies to
- all script commands. Instead of putting the parameter itself in the script,
- supply a prompt followed by a question mark and the parameter and will be
- requested and used with the command. Why would you want to do this? You
- might use a script to print a report in Table format but not always want the
- same number of blank columns and rows. You can request these with !TABLE
- Columns?,,Extra rows?,. Note the double comma (column width is not changed)
- and the comma after “?”. Powerbase checks the parameter string for a
- concluding “?” which, if found, causes the whole string to be treated as a
- prompt. This is fine for commands like !TITLE which take only one parameter
- but those which take multiple parameters need the concluding comma.
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