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- =============================
- Ch 14 − Customising Powerbase
- =============================
- This chapter describes all the things you can do to influence the way
- Powerbase looks and functions.
- 14.1 Overall control of the database
- ---------------------------------------
- A Powerbase database is normally controlled in four ways:
- • mouse-clicks on the keypad
- • keystrokes which mimic the actions of the keypad
- • choices from the main menu
- • choices from the iconbar menu
- Each of these can be disabled by deselecting one of the option switches on
- the Password window (see 11.2). The main reason why you might want to do
- this is to provide limited facilities to someone else who is using your
- database. It doesn’t, on the face of it, make a lot of sense to disable
- both the keypad and the keystroke-equivalents as no browsing or editing
- would then appear to be possible. You can, however, place some or all of the
- keypad buttons on the record window itself (see 4.2.8) thus allowing you to
- choose what functions you want to allow access to. You might, for example,
- wish to provide only the “Next record”, “Previous record” and “Search”
- buttons. Define these as Button fields at the time the record is being
- designed then disable the keypad and keystroke equivalents. Other switches
- in the Password window enable you to stop the user printing reports or
- exporting data as CSV files or subsets.
- 14.2 Defining the function keys
- ----------------------------------
- Any button on the keypad may have its action duplicated by one of the keys
- F1-F11, with or without the use of Shift or Ctrl. Point at the button to
- which you wish to assign a key and click MENU to display the keypad menu.
- Assign leads to a window which shows the present key-assignment, if any. Use
- the “bump” icons to select the required function key and, if desired, select
- one of the switches for Shift and Ctrl. Click on the Assign button and you
- will now find that the assigned key exactly mimics the keypad button − even
- to the extent of actually “pressing” the button when you type the key.
- One important constraint should be noted. Whatever key you assign to
- the Search button, Powerbase will automatically assign the shifted version
- of this key to the “search all subfiles” function (see 2.3.1). For this
- reason you should assign an unshifted key to Find and avoid assigning the
- shifted version to any other keypad button. Similarly, assigning a key to
- the Add record button automatically assigns the shifted key to the Copy
- record function.
- You may save your key definitions by choosing Save choices from the
- keypad menu and you will find them operative next time you use Powerbase.
- Note that your definitions work with all the databases you use; there is no
- facility for saving separate assignments for each database. The default
- keystrokes (together with some which duplicate non-keypad actions) are
- listed in Appendix B. If they have been redefined you may restore the
- defaults by choosing Defaults from the keypad menu. If you wish to “lose”
- the redefined keystrokes permanently you should restore the defaults as
- described then Save choices.
- List keys on the keypad menu displays all the key definitions
- (including those for non-keypad functions) in a window from which the
- information may be saved as a text file.
- Function keys may also be used to enter data into record fields or
- writable icons in dialogue boxes. The actual programming of the keys is
- done at the command line which is accessed by pressing f12. This takes you
- temporarily out of the desktop and gives you a “star” prompt at the bottom
- of the screen. Suppose you want to program f3 to enter the word
- “Powerbase”. Type, at the star prompt:
- Key3 Powerbase
- and press Return twice to return to the desktop. The string assigned to the
- key may be entered by typing Ctrl Shift F3. Any of the keys F1-F9 may be
- programmed and the string is always entered by typing the key with Ctrl and
- Shift both held down.
- 14.3 CSV options
- -------------------
- It was explained in 8.2 how to access the CSV options window and what the
- pop-up menus and option switches are for. The buttons Save choices, as
- default, in database, Load default and Cancel work in a similar way to that
- described above for the Print options window − with one notable difference.
- - 58 -
- No Save box appears when you Save choices in database; the file is saved as
- a plain text file called CSVoptions. This more limited behaviour has been
- chosen because, although you might want several Print options files for
- different jobs, it is unlikely that you will have a use for several CSV
- options files.
- 14.4 Preferences
- -------------------
- Several previous references have been made to the Preferences window which
- is opened from the iconbar menu. A full description of the choices offered
- in this window follows.
- 14.4.1 Separators in date and time fields
- By default Date fields have the format dd-mm-yy or dd-mm-yyyy, i.e. they use
- a hyphen as a separator. Time fields have the form hh:mm:ss, i.e the
- separator is a colon. These defaults may be changed by entering your
- preferred separators in the two writable icons in the Separators section at
- the top of the Preferences window and clicking Accept.
- Note that when entering dates or times into these field types you
- may actually type any non-numeric character you wish as a separator. On
- moving to another field Powerbase will re-format the date or time to use the
- separator specified in Preferences.
- 14.4.2 Wild-cards
- The use of wild-card characters is described in 2.5.5 and 3.5.3. By default
- “#” represents a single character and “$” a group of characters which need
- not be matched. You may change either or both wild-card characters if you
- wish in the same way as described above for date and time separators.
- 14.4.3 Option switches
- Record edits as CSV file when ON causes a CSV file called NewData to be
- created in PrintJobs. New and edited records are saved in this file which
- may then be used to enter data into another database.
- Launch new copy when ON causes another copy of Powerbase to be loaded when
- you double-click on a database, instead of closing the current database.
- This can be useful if you want to access several databases at once, as one
- copy of Powerbase only supports the use of a single database. If there is a
- dormant copy of Powerbase on the iconbar (i.e. one with “No data” under its
- icon) then double-clicking a database sends it to that copy rather than
- launching a new one. With the switch OFF double-clicking on a database
- closes down an already-open database before opening the new one. Even then
- you can load multiple copies of Powerbase by double-clicking on Powerbase
- itself and then open a different database in each by dragging the databases
- to the icons.
- Case-sensitive queries. You can choose the default state of the corresponding
- switch on the Query panel by setting this switch as required and saving the
- Preferences.
- Recalculate on opening affects Computed fields (see 6.1 and 6.2) whose
- associated formulae make use of the system variable TIME$ and also Stamp
- fields for which Update to now is set in the Field Definition window (see
- 4.2.10). With the switch OFF the contents of such fields are recalculated
- only when a record is displayed. This might not be good enough where, for
- example, TIME$ is used in a User function (see 6.3) to keep track of
- people’s current ages. Selecting the switch causes Powerbase to scan the
- whole file and update such fields when the database is first opened.
- Blank record on deletion. If this switch is OFF then deleting a record from
- the database merely removes all references to its key(s) from the index(es),
- leaving the actual record data untouched in the Database file. Although such
- “deleted” records will be overwritten when new records are entered, the
- situation may be deemed unsatisfactory from a security point of view since
- the “deleted” records can be examined by simply loading Database into Edit.
- If the switch is ON deletion causes the relevant record to be over-written
- with a blank record.
- Keep descriptor with data alters the behaviour of fields as they are dragged
- around the screen when designing the record layout. With the switch OFF you
- may drag the data field and the descriptor independently of one another.
- With the switch ON this is true only of the descriptor; if you drag the data
- field the descriptor jumps to its “normal” position to the left of the data
- field as soon as you release the mouse button.
- Validate input turns data validation (see Ch 5) ON and OFF. If you ever
- find yourself unable to escape from a field linked to a validation table you
- can bring up the Preferences window, deselect this switch and try again.
- Shift-F9 also will toggle validation ON and OFF. If the keypad is visible
- - 59 -
- you will see the List values button become shaded when validation is
- disabled.
- Display linked table data. Every time the caret enters a field with a link to
- a validation table a window showing data from the relevant validation table
- row appears to the right of the field if the switch is ON. This is either
- useful or infuriating, depending on your point of view. If turned OFF you
- can still call up the window for a specific field by double-clicking on the
- field with SELECT (see 5.5).
- Warn of external deletion. Since deleting data from an External field (see
- 2.6.3) involves the deletion of an actual file you will probably appreciate
- being warned when you are about to do it. With this switch ON you will be
- given a warning and the opportunity to change your mind.
- Warn of duplicates. The creation of records with identical primary keys can
- be prohibited if so desired (see 11.2.1). Normally, however, they are
- permitted. You may, if you wish, turn this switch ON to issue a warning that
- such a record is about to be created.
- Default action on Return. According to the Style Guide for RISC OS typing
- Return anywhere inside a dialogue box ought to have the same effect as
- clicking on the default action button (that’s the one with the yellow
- channel border) regardless of which writable icon the caret is in. If that’s
- what you want then turn this switch ON. Many users (including the author!)
- hate it and prefer the default action to take place only if the caret is in
- the last writable icon when Return is typed. Hence the default setting,
- which is OFF.
- Strip leading spaces is ON by default. Spaces at the beginning of data
- fields will be stripped before the record is written to the file. Turn the
- switch OFF if you actually want spaces in this position
- Strip trailing spaces should normally be left ON to avoid unwanted spaces at
- the right of data fields. It is easy to press the space-bar by accident when
- entering data quickly and you might not notice that a field has one or more
- spaces between the end of the last word and the caret.
- Balance every <n> records. The need to balance indices and the use of this
- option is explained in 10.6.
- Remember place in subfile. With this switch OFF a change of subfile leads to
- the display of the first record in the new subfile. If you are doing a lot
- of hopping back and forth between subfiles to inspect specific records you
- might want to select the switch. It is then just as if you had bookmarks in
- separate chapters of a book; when you return to a subfile you have
- previously visited you will see the same record you were viewing when you
- left that subfile.
- 14.4.4 Save indices (Default: Manual)
- Indices are always saved whenever you close a database or quit Powerbase and
- only fear of power cuts or system failure (which includes some kind person
- switching off your computer!) need make you concerned about saving them
- yourself. With the Manual setting nothing happens during normal working
- unless you click Force update on the keypad. Selecting Automatic or Warn
- only allows you to type in a suitable time interval (default = 10 min) at
- which Powerbase will either issue a warning to save your indices (using
- Force update) or actually save them for you.
- 14.4.5 Start editing at
- When a record is displayed the caret is placed, by default, in the first
- editable field. Editing may be made to start at a different field by
- choosing Start editing from the Field submenu (see 2.5.4) or, alternatively,
- by placing the caret in the required field and typing Ctrl S. The tag of
- the relevant field is stored in this writable icon in the Preferences window
- and can be saved along with the other preferences.
- 14.4.6 Application for ImpulseII data-merging
- As noted elsewhere (9.2) Powerbase can merge directly into a
- suitably-formatted Impression document by simply dropping the document icon
- onto the record window. The dialogue box which then appears contains a
- writable icon which shows the application with which Powerbase will merge.
- This name is, by default, “Impression”, but may be altered by users for
- their own purposes. An application which will receive data from Powerbase in
- this way must make use of the ImpulseII protocols as defined by Computer
- Concepts. Even if you are using Style or Publisher the name to which these
- applications respond is still “Impression”.
- 14.4.7 Save choices
- This section of the window works exactly as it does for CSV options (see
- 14.4) as do the Load default and Cancel buttons.
- - 60 -
- 14.5 Colours of key fields and table-linked fields
- -----------------------------------------------------
- These may be selected in a window reached by choosing Colours from the
- Miscellaneous submenu. The following default colours are used:
- Type Foreground Background
- ---- ---------- ----------
- Descriptor of key field (inactive) dark blue light grey
- Descriptor of key field (active) red light grey
- Data icon of primary key field(s) black pale yellow
- Data icon of field linked to validation table dark green white
- Data icon of mandatory field red white
- Clicking with SELECT on the descriptor and data icons within this window
- makes either the foreground or background (depending on the setting of the
- two radio buttons) cycle through the available colours. Clicking with ADJUST
- cycles through the colours in the opposite direction.
- The effect of the changes can be seen immediately and Save choices allows
- you to save them in the database as a file called Colours. Different
- databases can have different colours. Defaults enables you to return the
- colours to what they were before by loading Powerbase’s own Colours file,
- but you can overwrite this too if you wish by selecting in Powerbase before
- clicking Save choices. The Close button merely closes the window.
- 14.6 Config files
- --------------------
- Inside the Powerbase application directory is a sub-directory called
- Resources. The file Config, which will be found there, determines certain
- aspects of the program’s operation which will seldom need changing. Changes
- made to Config take effect only when Powerbase is next loaded. Each
- attribute is identified by a token word and there is a comment line
- describing each. The attributes in Config are as follows:
- Fields Maximum number of fields per record (default=100, maximum=127)
- Keys Maximum number of subsidiary indices (default = 10)
- Tabs Maximum number of validation tables (default = 10)
- Cols Maximum number of columns in a validation table (default = 20)
- Scrolls Maximum number of scrollable lists (default=5)
- BTime Number of seconds for which start-up banner (for a registered
- copy) is displayed (default = 2)
- LeftOpen Whether submenus off the iconbar menu open on the left instead of
- on the right as normal. This avoids the overlapping submenus
- which can occur but many users hate it! (Default: NO)
- BackGnd Background colour of record window. Default=1 (pale grey).
- Upper Whether password entry is forced to uppercase. (Default: NO)
- DirOpts Display option for directories opened by buttons on the record
- window. Default is -si (small icons). This may be changed to -li
- or -fi (large icons and full information respectively). The
- options to sort by name, type, date and size (-sn, -st, -sd, -ss)
- may also be added after a space.
- ExtFiles (default=NEW) Method used for storing Text, Sprite and Draw files
- which are linked to External fields. You should normally leave
- this set at the default (NEW). A description of the old and new
- methods is given below (14.6.1).
- Query Default query method. Default: SF (Search Formula), alternative:
- QBE (Query-By-Example).
- PathLen Maximum pathlength for Remote filer objects (default 255; max.
- prior to RISC OS 4)
- FontAdj Whether width of data fields takes account of desktop font
- (default: YES)
- Multi Whether Powerbase multi-tasks when printing lists, indexing etc.
- (default: NO)
- Markpane Whether pane for marking records for printing etc. appears
- attached to record window. (default: YES).
- NameLen Maximum filename (i.e. leafname) length (default: 10). If you
- regularly use something like LongFiles or raFS, or if you have
- RISC OS 4, you might want to increase this value but beware if
- you give someone one of your databases containing saved files
- with names longer than 10 characters!
- ButtonAtts Attributes of Directory and Run file buttons when used on record
- window (see 4.2.11). The default (42) is the width in pixels (not
- - 61 -
- OS units). The sprite will be vertically, as well as
- horizontally, centred on the button unless you add L to the
- number. If you do so then the leafname of the attached file or
- directory will appear on the button underneath the sprite. You
- will probably need to make the button much wider to accommodate
- the leafname.
- DialDelay Double-clicking with SELECT on a field containing a phone number
- whose tag or descriptor contains the string TEL (case
- insensitive) will attempt to produce dial-tones through the
- internal speaker. If you hold a telephone handset where it can
- “hear” the tones the number will be dialled. This Config option
- allows you to specify the delay in second between the
- double-click and the tones. (Default=5)
- TimeFirst determines the interpretation of incomplete entries in Time
- fields (see 4.2.5) Default=H (hours first), alternative=S
- (seconds first)
- FullTime Either always display as hh:mm:ss (default=YES) or allow mm:ss
- for times under 1 hour (NO)
- Output If 1 (default) send output for Printer destination directly to
- printer. If 2 write first to file, then copy to printer. The
- latter may be needed to overcome problems with certain
- combinations of hardware and versions of !Printers.
- Individual databases may be provided with their own Config files but Fields,
- Keys, Tabs, Cols, BTime and LeftOpen may only be set in Powerbase’s own
- Config file and will affect all databases. BackGnd may be set for an
- individual database but will affect only the background colours of field
- descriptors, not the window colour itself. Where choices are valid they
- override Powerbase’s own settings.
- 14.6.1 Pathnames for External file objects
- The OLD method of deriving the pathname for the stored file object is as
- follows:
- (a) Divide the record number by 4900. The integer part of the result is
- used as the name of the top-level directory.
- (b) Divide the record number by 70. The integer part of the result is
- used as the name of the second-level directory.
- (c) The integer remainder of dividing the record number by 70 is used as
- the actual filename.
- This is an awkward system if you are in the habit of using the filer windows
- to sift through the files rather than relying on Powerbase to display them.
- To calculate the number of the record to which the file belongs you have to
- take the number forming the name of the file’s parent directory, multiply by
- 70 and add the number corresponding to the filename itself.
- The new system improves on this. Steps (a) and (b) are identical. The
- filename itself, however, uses the whole record number preceded by Rec, e.g.
- a file associated with record 275 will be called Rec275. You can therefore
- use the RISC OS filer’s Find command to locate and examine the file. Under
- the OLD system such a file would be called 65.
- The default setting in Config is NEW. Users should be aware that the
- earliest version of Powerbase to support this feature is v. 6.94, dated
- 02-03-96. This and later versions understand both methods of storage and
- will rename files according to the Config setting when a record is
- displayed. Thus, a database created under an earlier version in which record
- 275 is represented by a file called 65 will have that file renamed to Rec275
- simply by displaying the record, even if the file itself is not loaded.
- Once this has happened the file cannot be found by an earlier version of
- Powerbase. Under most circumstances this should not cause any difficulty;
- just make sure you are using v. 6.94 or later. Should you wish to run a
- database under an earlier version and access the External file objects from
- the record window you must first convert the filenames to the OLD format.
- To do so place OLD in the Config file as described above, then load
- Powerbase. Open your database and click on the Play button. Click on Stop
- when all records have been displayed. If you use more than one subfile you
- will need to do this for each occupied subfile. OLD may be converted to NEW
- pathnames in a similar way.
- 14.7 The Messages file
- -------------------------
- This text file in the Resources sub-directory contains all the error and
- warning messages used by Powerbase including those for Acorn’s interactive
- Help application. The wording may be altered if you wish. Many error
- messages contain the string “%0” and possibly “%1” and “%2”. Data items are
- substituted for these when the message is printed so don’t omit them or
- alter their logical placement within the message.
- - 62 -