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- Welcome back! (For those that played Showdown, that is...) This file was
- originally intended to contain the file SHDN2.WAD, which would have been
- a combination patch with both the Showdown and Paradox levels played in
- sequence as replacements for levels 1 and 2 of "Knee Deep in the Dead".
- However, as Paradox grew, it became obvious that such a file would have
- probably exceeded 100K. If anyone can appeciate the hazzards of making
- large downloads on a pay-as-you-go basis, it's me.
- So here it is: Paradox, E1M2. Where Showdown only included my favorite four
- of the baddies, Paradox has them all. (With the exception of the bosses.)
- Also present are some interesting plays on the usual constructs. As before,
- I spent exhaustive (No joke there!) man hours playing and playing to bring
- the difficulty to just the right point. It CAN BE WON, providing you bear
- in mind the following points:
- 1: DOOM has a save game feature...
- 2: Monsters shoot too, so watch your ass!
- 3: What sometimes looks peaceful and innocent is probably a trap! Spare no
- caution!
- 4: Ammo is quite transient; use only what you have to and be careful what
- type you use.
- 5: Moving objects are much harder to hit than ones that just stand there and
- let themselves be shot...:)
- Once again, this level gets much easier with practice, making it fun to come
- in on a fleshing rampage once you get good at it!
- To play, just copy or move the PARADOX.WAD file to your DOOM directory and
- call up doom like so: doom -file paradox.wad (followed by pressing enter)
- This level has no multi-player mode, but if you have DEU you can solve that
- yourself. Once in the game select "Knee Deep in the Dead", skill level won't
- matter. (Only real men beyond this point!) Now you can either play out level
- one, or go directly to level two (Paradox) by typing IDCLEV12. Enjoy and be
- cautious!
- ---------------------------------Credits-------------------------------------
- Extreme thanks to Raphael Quinet and Brendon Wyber for creating DOOM EDITOR
- UTILITIES and to id Software for creating that awesome gaming experience;
- Special thanks to Colin Reed, who created BINARY SPACE PARTITIONER. Without
- this, Paradox would have indeed been an unsolvable puzzle.
- Thanks to the creators of "Hellraiser II" for inspiration on the 3-D
- labyrinth and to the creators of "Star Trek-The Next Generation" for
- inspiring me to create the "Holographic Wall".
- Thanks also to Ian Surhstedt for creating such an impressive work (EVIL_E) and
- inspiring me to push on and create this level.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Well, that's about it. Any comments, questions, or suggestions may be sent
- via E-Mail to me at:
- Rick DeMar 74354,1421 (CompuServe)
- Remember :"Real heroes don't use cheat codes!"
- DOOM:HELL ON EARTH this summer!! Yeah!!!