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- ───────────────────────────────
- WADED v1.10
- DOOM Map WAD Editor
- ───────────────────────────────
- Programmed by Matthew Ayres
- ┌───┐────────────┐
- ──│ 0 │ Contents │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └───└────────────┘
- [1] Overview [11] SECTORS Definer
- [2] Features [12] Author's Notes
- [3] Main Functions [13] Registration
- [4] Keyboard Equivalents [14] Acknowledgments
- [5] About DOOM Map Editing [15] Upcoming Features
- [6] Editing THINGS [16] Contacting the author
- [7] Editing LINEDEFS [17] Distribution and where
- [8] Editing SECTORS to get the latest version
- [9] Map Drawing Utilities [18] Disclaimer
- [10] Smart Draw
- ┌───┐────────────┐
- ──│ 1 │ Overview │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └───└────────────┘
- WADED was designed to be an easy and decent DOOM map editor. It is
- completely mouse controlled, and run from DOS. The obvious goal was to write
- a good editor, so people would be able to create some good new DOOM levels
- from scratch that could be distributed in small patch .WAD (PWAD) files.
- WADED can be run from any directory on your hard drive. It needs no
- data files, nor does it create any configuration files. All WADED's
- information is kept within itself. It will attempt to locate your main .WAD
- file, but if it can't, you'll be prompted for one.
- Please read over the Main Functions before using WADED, you can't just
- enter a pitch-black forest without a flashlight. Hopefully it shouldn't be
- too hard for you get used to the interface. Once you've fiddled with it for a
- while, it's easy to use. All effort has been taken to make WADED easy and
- simple to use, but parts might not appear simple at first.
- I'd also suggest reading over the Map Editing Utilities part of the
- documentation, if you plan on building levels from scratch or adding to other
- levels. Please note, that this documentation doesn't yet go over the basic
- concepts of a level. In other words, it doesn't explain exactly what
- VERTEXES, LINEDEFS, and SECTORS are. If you aren't yet familiar with them,
- then I'd suggest reading the "UnOfficial DOOM Specs", or wait for a release of
- WADED that does explain them in its documentation.
- Tired of having to load Windows to use a map editor? Tired of
- programs that are hard to figure out, and offer little ease in designing
- levels? Tired of editors that don't use the mouse to it's fullest extent?
- Tired of editors incapable of generating the NODES? Tired of reading this?
- Then give WADED a try and see whatchya think.
- ┌───┐────────────┐
- ──│ 2 │ Features │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └───└────────────┘
- - Run from DOS, and requires only one .EXE, no data
- and configuration files
- - Very easy to use interface, with complete mouse support
- - No EMS or XMS needed, requires only VGA and a mouse
- - THINGS icons, 9 zoom levels
- - Load/Save PWADs
- - Load PWADs with multiple maps
- - Map drawing utilities
- - Start levels from scratch
- - Draw lines and have WADED
- handle the complicated stuff
- - Move/Add/Delete VERTEXES
- - Move/Delete/Flip LINEDEFS
- - Ability to define SECTORS
- (2 ways of doing it now)
- - Move/Add/Delete THINGS
- - THINGS divided into categories
- - Change thing attributes/direction
- - Change wall textures/attributes
- - Change LINEDEF/SECTORS triggers/types
- - Change Sector ceiling/floor altitudes
- - Change Sector attributes/brightness
- - Ability to change multiple LINEDEFS at once
- - View wall textures and ceiling/floor tiles
- - Properly save a PWAD file that DOOM
- can use, i.e. build the NODES, etc.
- - Support BBS
- - Much more...
- One of the main powers of WADED lies within the Map Drawing Utilities
- ("Draw Map" selection), the subselection "Smart Draw". You'll probably
- discover this to be very helpful when building levels from scratch. With it
- you can literally draw a level out, and WADED will handle creating the
- VERTEXES, LINEDEFS, SIDEDEFS, and SECTORS for you. Using some algorithms,
- WADED does a pretty good job of guessing what needs to be created, how and
- where. In the occasions that WADED can't figure out what you're doing (or
- guesses wrong), there is a SECTOR Definer to define LINEDEFS to the proper
- SECTOR. So read over the part of the documentation concerning these
- utilities.
- ┌───┐──────────────────┐
- ──│ 3 │ Main Functions │────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └───└──────────────────┘
- WADED requires a mouse, VGA video card, and at least 550k of
- conventional memory free. Unless you're interested in watching WADED beep and
- then crash your computer, I'd suggest making sure you have that much memory.
- And if you don't, try to free up some things you have loaded in memory. For
- those of you who don't know, conventional memory is that 640k barrier people
- are always talking about. That extra 4 or 8 megs of extended or expanded
- memory you have is useless in this case.
- Throughout the editor, there are many buttons (like "+" and "-" or
- arrow buttons/selections). There is an important mouse feature to remember.
- That is, if you click the left mouse button on one of these screen
- buttons/selections, it will do nothing more than that operation once. Holding
- down the right mouse button will perform that operation until you let go.
- This is handy to scroll quickly through a set of numbers or a list of wall
- textures, etc. (There is one exception in Sector editing...)
- Another note about the mouse, sometimes a middle mouse button is
- mentioned. If you only have a two button mouse (like I), you can emulate the
- middle mouse button by hitting both the left and right mouse buttons at the
- same time.
- Yet another IMPORTANT NOTE about the mouse... If you're just coming
- out of Windows, the mouse cursor movement rate is set to like intervals of 8.
- Some other programs do this too. They for some reason don't reset the mouse
- upon exiting. WADED doesn't reset the mouse, and if it in that mode, the
- mouse will bounce around insanely when you try to move it. To counter this,
- exit by hitting "Q", then run the DOS program "EDIT" and exit that. That
- program will reset the mouse. Sorry for the inconvenience that WADED doesn't
- (YET) properly reset the mouse.
- Once WADED is run, on the right edge of the screen, there are many
- selections. The top four are: THINGS, LINEDEFS, SECTORS, and Draw Map.
- Editing features and commands for each are listed further on in this document.
- WADED starts out on the THINGS editing selection.
- Below these four selections are arrows that allow you to scroll the
- map view around. Also note that using the arrow keys on the keyboard will do
- this. Under the arrows are plus and minus buttons that will adjust the zoom
- level of the map view. The plus and minus keys on your keyboard will also do
- this.
- Next the current X and Y coordinates are displayed. They represent
- exactly where the mouse is currently pointing to on the map, while the mouse
- is in map view area. Under this is the "Grid" selection button. By clicking
- this you can toggle the grid on and off. Grid lines are every 128 units.
- Then come four more selections: Load Map, Load PWAD, Save PWAD, and
- Quit. The "Load Map" selection will load a map from the main DOOM WAD file.
- Once you select this, a selection box will appear asking what map to load.
- Use "Load PWAD" to load map WAD files created by WADED or any other map
- editor. "Save PWAD" obviously saves your map to a WAD file, and "Quit" exits
- The selection windows in the lower part of the screen, usually have
- four buttons, and a list of items, wall textures, etc. The top and bottom
- buttons will scroll the list one page up and down at a time. The middle two
- buttons will scroll the bar up and down one at a time. Also note you can
- select any item in the selection window by clicking on it.
- ┌───┐────────────────────────┐
- ──│ 4 │ Keyboard Equivalents │──────────────────────────────────────────────
- └───└────────────────────────┘
- For those of you who aren't mouse dependent (like me), here are the
- keyboard equivalents of most features:
- F1 » Edit THINGS
- F2 » Edit LINEDEFS
- F3 » Edit SECTORS
- F4 » Map Drawing Utilities ("Draw Map" selection)
- F5 » Smart Draw mode
- F6 » Norm Draw mode
- F7 » SECTORS Definer Method 1
- F8 » SECTORS Definer Method 2
- F9 » VERTEXES move/create/delete mode
- F10 » LINEDEFS move/create/delete mode
- DEL » Delete currently highlighted LINEDEF
- C » Clean up extra VERTEXES
- F » Flip currently highlighted LINEDEF
- G » Grid toggle on/off
- I » Info window on statistics of current map
- L » Load PWAD created by WADED or other map editor
- M » Load Map from main DOOM WAD file
- Q » Quit WADED
- S » Save PWAD (and builds everything needed, NODES, etc.)
- T » LINEDEF two-sided toggle
- V » View currently select wall texture or floor/ceiling tile
- ] » Go to next selection in lower right selection window
- [ » Go to previous selection in lower right selection window
- } » Go to next page in lower right selection window
- { » Go to previous page in lower right selection window
- + » Zoom in map
- - » Zoom out map
- ARROWs » Scroll map around
- ┌───┐──────────────────────────┐
- ──│ 5 │ About DOOM Map Editing │────────────────────────────────────────────
- └───└──────────────────────────┘
- Drawing and editing level maps for DOOM isn't as easy as one might
- think. A good sized, decent level can take 50 or more hours to complete. If
- you're already familiar with the basics of how DOOM maps work, you can skip
- this section.
- WADED has been designed so you don't have to worry about every aspect
- of a DOOM map, yet, there are still some things that you must understand. In
- brief, they are: THINGS, LINEDEFS, and SECTORS.
- I'd highly suggest reading over the "Unofficial DOOM specs" if you
- don't completely understand THINGS, LINEDEFS, and SECTORS. The latest version
- of the specs is 1.3, and is usually distributed in a file called DMSPEC13.ZIP.
- You should be able to find it wherever you found WADED.
- ┌───┐──────────────────┐
- ──│ 6 │ Editing THINGS │────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └───└──────────────────┘
- While the THINGS selection is highlighted, you can add, delete, and
- move THINGS. You can also change their attributes. Using the left mouse
- button to click on a Thing on the map view will bring up information about it
- in the lower left window.
- Clicking the left mouse button on a Thing, and then dragging the mouse
- around, will move the Thing around on the map accordingly. Clicking the right
- mouse button on a Thing will delete it off the map. Click the right mouse
- button while NOT on a Thing will add a Thing to the map.
- While adding THINGS, you can easily choose which Thing you want to add
- with the two bottom right windows. The right-most window let's you select the
- category of THINGS. The window to the left of it, let's you select the actual
- Thing to be added.
- A THINGS attributes can be changed in the lower left window by
- clicking on the appropriate buttons. There are 8 buttons in a circle that you
- can click on to choose the direction a THING faces (only effects THINGS that
- are enemies or player start positions). You can also toggle which difficulty
- levels the Thing will appear on, if it appears in deathmatches or not, and if
- the Thing is an enemy, you can pick if it's deaf or not.
- ┌───┐────────────────────┐
- ──│ 7 │ Editing LINEDEFS │──────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └───└────────────────────┘
- In WADED, while the LINEDEFS option is highlighted, the map view shows
- only lines, and THINGS are no longer shown. You can pick any line by moving
- the mouse to it and click the left mouse button to highlight it. You'll
- notice that the highlighted line has a little "stick" coming out of it,
- perpendicularly. LINEDEFS within DOOM can (but not always) have 2 sides to
- them. Each side can have a different texture.
- The side the "stick" comes out of let's you know which side is the
- front side of the line (also known as the "right" side). The side the "stick"
- doesn't come out of, is the back side of the line (also known as the "left"
- side). In DOOM, if any LINEDEF only has one side, it will always be the front
- side. If a LINEDEF in DOOM has two sides, then the other side must be
- somewhere the player can walk, and therefor another SECTOR a player can walk
- into (see SECTORS Editing below).
- Notice, on the right hand side of the lower left window, are six
- boxes. The left three describe what texture will be shown on the "left" side
- of a line (if there even is one for that line). The right three boxes, of
- course, describe what's on the "right" side. The middle boxes describe what
- will be on the main part of the wall for each side.
- Clicking the left mouse button on one of these boxes will put whatever
- wall texture is currently highlighted in the lower right window into it. The
- right mouse button will select the texture "-", which means that wall will be
- transparent.
- The top boxes describe what will be on upper part of a wall (the
- section of the wall starting from the ceiling of the adjacent sector upward).
- The bottom boxes describe what will be on the lower part of a wall (the
- section of the wall starting from the floor of the adjacent sector downward).
- Take note, the bottom and top parts of a wall only need to be defined if the
- wall has two sides (has a sector on either side of it). Depending on the
- floor and ceiling heights of the adjacent SECTORS of the line you're defining,
- some top and bottom parts need not be defined (since they can't be seen).
- WADED calculates the parts that can be seen, and highlights the appropriate
- boxes in red. You'll find this feature is very helpful.
- Even though WADED highlights in red what parts of walls should to be
- defined, there still might be more you need to fill in. For instance, if you
- have an elevator, crushing ceiling, or any other type of sector movement,
- sometimes the top or bottom part of the wall be become exposed. WADED doesn't
- figure this, and these need to be defined unless you want to see "wacko" walls
- while playing DOOM.
- LINEDEFS can be assigned to perform a special operation when they are
- crossed, shot, or spacebar is hit, while playing DOOM. There are quite a few
- of these special operations, and you can pick which special operation number
- you want in the left part of the lower left window. To bring up a list of
- these special operations (unless of course you've memorized them!) click on
- the "LIST" button. The map view is cleared, and a list of the special
- operations is shown. You can scroll through the list with the arrow buttons
- in the lower right part of the window. Simply click anywhere on a description
- to pick that one.
- Each special operation description has a (C) or (S) or (G) preceding
- it. A (C) means that this line has to be crossed (walked over) while playing
- DOOM, to trigger it. A (S) means that you must hit the spacebar to trigger
- this line. A (G) means that this line must be shot to be triggered.
- Most special operations effect one or more SECTORS. To pick which
- SECTORS are effected by that LINEDEF, (while that LINEDEF is highlighted),
- simply click the right mouse button within the sector on the map view. It
- will turn green. Clicking the right mouse button on it again will toggle it
- back again. Take note that most door operations don't need a Sector to be
- specified, DOOM automatically picks the Sector on the other side of the wall
- that you triggered.
- In the middle of the LINEDEFS attributes window, are 8 toggles for
- that LINEDEF. The small description near each will have to suffice for now,
- this documentation hasn't been completed.
- Here comes another very useful command... Below these attribute
- toggles are two buttons marked "MUTLI" and "APPLY". These have to be one of
- the most useful aspects of WADED. It will let you define information for
- multiple walls at once. First, you click on the "MULTI" button. All the
- attributes will then show up as "X"'s, meaning, "no change". Simply select
- all the LINEDEFS you want effected, using the left mouse button. You can
- toggle them off again by clicking on them again. Now you can alter the
- attributes or textures as you would with any other wall. Change only the
- THINGS you want edited for all the highlighted LINEDEFS, you can change
- anything, including the textures used. If you want something to go back to
- being a "X" (to tell WADED to perform no change on it), click the middle mouse
- button (or both the left and right at the same time). Once you're satisfied
- with your changes, and you've selected all the LINEDEFS you want effected,
- click on "APPLY" and all the LINEDEFS you selected will be changed
- accordingly. You'll also be taken out of "MULTI" mode. Also, to abort
- "MULTI" mode at any time, click on the "MUTLI" button again.
- ┌───┐───────────────────┐
- ──│ 8 │ Editing SECTORS │───────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └───└───────────────────┘
- SECTORS break a map down into small areas. They're useful in the
- sense that a single SECTOR defines the floor and ceiling texture and altitude
- for that SECTOR. They're made up of the lines of the map. LINEDEFS with only
- one side, will only be adjacent to one SECTOR. LINEDEFS with two sides will
- be adjacent to two SECTORS.
- SECTORS can easily be selected by clicking anywhere within one on the
- map. Information on that Sector will be shown in the lower left window and
- it's attributes can be changed there.
- Using the "+" and "-" toggles within the bottom window of the screen,
- you can select the floor altitude, ceiling altitude, and brightness of
- SECTORS. The special selection for a SECTOR can be set to accomplish a few
- things, click on the "LIST" option to bring up a list of special selections
- for SECTORS.
- To select a new ceiling or floor tile, simply click the left mouse
- button on the ceiling or floor box (to the right of the altitude gauges), and
- whatever tile is selected in the bottom-right window will be selected. If you
- click the right mouse button on a ceiling or floor box, the tile will become
- "F_SKY1" which is clear, so you can see out to the background.
- The "Make DOOR" option will turn a SECTOR into a door. Be careful
- only to use this in such a place that'd it make sense to use it. In other
- words, some of the LINEDEFS of that highlighted SECTOR should be two-sided,
- and some should be one-sided. WADED will do the rest for you in creating this
- door.
- ┌───┐─────────────────────────┐
- ──│ 9 │ Map Drawing Utilities │─────────────────────────────────────────────
- └───└─────────────────────────┘
- To enter the Map Drawing Utilities, simply select the "Draw Map"
- selection from the top right of the screen. Once selected, the lower left
- window of the screen will appear with several more options. Each is described
- below. 5 of the options in this window define what you're currently editing
- within the map view. They are: VERTEXES, Lines, Draw, and Sec Definer. The
- other options are either one-time operations or selections.
- "Scratch" will allow you to start a level from scratch. Thus erasing
- all information about a level. It's THINGS, VERTEXES, LINEDEFS, SIDEDEFS, and
- SECTORS are all cleared. From here you can build your own level from the
- ground up. Which, isn't always a piece of cake.
- "Clean" will effectively remove all extra VERTEXES in a level. Extra
- VERTEXES are those that aren't part of a LINEDEF, left out in the middle of
- the open. They're formed from a user deleting a line or placing an unused
- Vertex. Also, some extra VERTEXES are formed after the NODES are built (and
- are necessary for DOOM to run properly). If you're going to be saving, and
- aren't going to be rebuilding the NODES, DO NOT clean out the extra VERTEXES
- created by a previous generation of the NODES, either from WADED, another
- editor, or an original level.
- "Check" is going to be the consistency checker. It is fairly simply
- right now though. After you click on it, WADED will search for a LINEDEF that
- hasn't yet been defined to a SECTOR. If there is none, nothing will happen.
- If there is one, then you'll be brought to it right away. This feature is
- planned to be expanded in the future.
- The selection, "Grid", can be adjusted from 1 to 512. This option
- takes effect any time a Vertex is being moved or placed. An example is the
- easiest way to explain this option. If it's set at, say 16, then when moving
- or placing a Vertex, they can only be set at intervals of 16 units on the map.
- A setting of 1 would be how most other editors work, and how one would
- logically perceive the editor to work. But other setting could be useful when
- trying to line VERTEXES up. The default is 16, since I've found it to work
- out the best. However 8 and 32 are also useful. Realize this setting effects
- placement and movement of LINEDEFS also (since a LINEDEF is connected from one
- Vertex to another).
- If "VERTEXES" is selected for editing, then the VERTEXES in the map
- view will be shown as red boxes. Clicking the left mouse button on a Vertex
- and dragging it around will permanently move it to where you leave it.
- Clicking the right mouse button on an existing Vertex will delete it. And
- clicking the right mouse button away from existing VERTEXES will create a new
- one there.
- If "LINEDEFS" is selected for editing, then you can click the left
- mouse button on a line and highlight it. Once highlighted, some information
- about it will appear in the bottom left of the screen. If you continue to
- hold the left mouse button down, and drag the mouse, you'll move the line
- around on the map accordingly. The right mouse button is used to delete
- Below the information in the bottom left of the screen, are a "Two
- Sided" toggle, and a "Flip" option. The "Two Sided" box will be lit (red) if
- the currently highlighted LINEDEF is two sided, and blue if it isn't.
- Clicking on this will toggle the LINEDEF from being two sided or not. The
- "Flip" option will flip the line around, thus "flipping" the little pointy
- thing sticking out of the LINEDEF perpendicular to the other side. Why flip a
- LINEDEF? Well doors can only be activated from the right side of a LINEDEF.
- (So put the "right" side of a LINEDEF facing outward from a door). Other uses
- of flipping a LINEDEF? I don't know of any, but I haven't looked into it too
- deeply.
- The "Smart Draw" command instructions are listed below. The "Norm
- Draw" command works in almost the say way as the "Smart Draw" command expect
- that it will not do any automatic sector defining for you, or create two-sided
- walls, etc. when needed. The "Sec Definer" command also has it's own section
- below on how to utilize it.
- ┌────┐──────────────┐
- ──│ 10 │ Smart Draw │───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └────└──────────────┘
- If "Smart Draw" is selected, then you can define VERTEXES, LINEDEFS,
- and SECTORS all at once. On the map, you can click the left mouse button to
- begin a LINEDEF (this also places a Vertex here). Let go of the mouse button,
- and drag the mouse to the point on the map where you want the LINEDEF to end
- (and thus place another Vertex). The length of the line will be shown at the
- bottom left of the screen as you drag the mouse around.
- Once you've decided where the end of the LINEDEF will be, click the
- left mouse button again. If you click somewhere where there wasn't already a
- Vertex, you'll begin the process again. In other words, you'll be starting
- another LINEDEF from the place you ended the previous one. To cancel placing
- an ending to a LINEDEF (and thus never creating that LINEDEF altogether), hit
- With this feature, you can build a room, or whatever, creating new
- LINEDEFS, end on end. TAKE NOTE: the little pointy thing sticking out of the
- LINEDEF perpendicularly, SHOULD ALWAYS FACE INWARD when building new rooms.
- This process of creating new LINEDEFS, end on end, will continue until
- you either hit SPACEBAR, or end on another existing Vertex. Ending on an
- existing Vertex is recommending, because from there WADED will try to place
- SECTORS for you. For example, if you build a room off of an already existing
- room, the LINEDEF combining the two rooms will automatically become Two Sided,
- transparent, and SECTORS will be assigned accordingly. Also, WADED will
- detect you building within another Sector, and automatically make all the
- lines Two Sided, transparent, and assign the SECTORS accordingly.
- To further aid (complicate?) the map drawing process, at any time,
- clicking the right mouse button on a LINEDEF (other than the one you're
- currently creating, if you are) will highlight it. Click the right mouse
- button on it again to un-highlight it. When a LINEDEF is highlighted, the
- next end of a LINEDEF you make, where a Vertex is placed, that Vertex will
- split the highlighted LINEDEF into two pieces. This effectively lets you
- create rooms out of the sides of other rooms, without using pre-existing
- Vertex edges (eh? make sense?). The highlighted LINEDEF is then
- un-highlighted, since you probably won't want to split that LINEDEF again.
- WADED does most of what you need here, but not everything (at least
- not yet). What it can't do, you can check up on it using the "Sec Def"
- command described below.
- ┌────┐───────────────────┐
- ──│ 11 │ SECTORS Definer │──────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └────└───────────────────┘
- The command option "Sec Definer" stands for SECTORS Definer. This is
- probably one of the hardest parts to understand and actually do when creating
- a map. WADED now has two ways to define SECTORS. Hopefully with those two
- ways, and with the first one improved, SECTORS defining shouldn't be as hard
- as it used to be. However, keep in mind that almost all of this SECTOR
- defining can be avoided be using the "Smart Draw" feature (meaning the main
- purpose of the SECTORS definer should be to fix or define something the "Smart
- Draw" feature couldn't handle).
- You can choose to define SECTORS using "Method 1" or "Method 2".
- Method 2 can't be used alone, but is helpful at times to get things set
- properly. Mainly you should use Method 1.
- Once in "Method 1" mode, you can click anywhere on the map, with the
- right mouse button, to pick what Sector to edit. Or you can click on the "+"
- and "-" buttons on either side of the indicator that tells what Sector you're
- currently editing.
- The SECTOR you're currently defining will be highlighted. To add a
- LINEDEF to this current SECTOR, click on it with the left mouse button. If
- the LINEDEF has never been defined to a SECTOR, then the front side of it will
- automatically be chosen. Otherwise you'll be prompted as to which side of the
- LINEDEF you want to become part of the currently highlighted SECTOR.
- In the "Method 2" mode, you can click on any LINEDEF with the left
- mouse button. The SECTOR that the front side of the LINEDEF is attached to
- will be shown in red, the back side (if there is one) in blue. In the lower
- left hand part of the screen you can change what SECTOR is assigned to each
- the front and back sides of the LINEDEF. The back side selection may have a
- "-1", meaning that LINEDEF has no back side.
- ┌────┐───────────────────┐
- ──│ 12 │ Authors's Notes │──────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └────└───────────────────┘
- Well, another new version is here again! Once again, I'm sorry it's
- taking so long to progress on WADED. However, I don't always have all that
- much time on my hands to work on WADED. That, and sometimes I'm just not in
- the mood for programming!
- I'm doing my best to work on it though. With ideas from other people,
- and a ton more I have in mind, you should be seeing plenty more versions of
- WADED. There just seems to be an endless river of things to add to it, but
- someday they'll all be added. And some (later?) day all the bugs will be
- gone. But now I'm starting to dream on...
- WADED was completely programmed by me (Matthew Ayres). The only
- information I have used in creating WADED is from the "Unofficial DOOM WAD
- Specs" released by Hank Luekart and written by Matt Fell (very helpful!). And
- also I'd like to mention, I've obtained some information from Alistair Brown
- regarding NODES, SEGS, and SSECTORS. Of course I've gotten a few ideas from
- other DOOM editors, and I'd like to thank those authors for writing such
- excellent programs. Also thanks everyone else that has pestered me to
- continue writing this.
- I'd like to mention that Kirk Yokomizo helped me out with the
- documentation, and helped contribute to the special LINEDEFS types. He was
- also the person that did the most pestering. =)
- Uhhh, I would like to note, that the NODES generation algorithm was a
- MAJOR pain to write. It took me 5 straight days to get it working like it
- does now. Yet, it does work, with one minor glitch, that occurs rarely. At
- certain places within the game, you might not be able to walk through empty
- space. To avoid/correct this problem for now, just move, a little bit, any
- LINEDEFS that fall along the same vertical or horizontal line that you can't
- walk through (these impassable walls in the middle of no where always occur
- along the edges of a nodebox which are always vertical or horizontal).
- Meanwhile, I'll try to weed out this annoyance.
- Oh yeah, for those of you who are interested in knowing, I'm 18 years
- old. Why am I telling you this? I don't know, it just seems every time I
- read the documentation to someone else's program, I would just like to know
- how old the person is. Strange isn't it? Maybe not... or maybe...
- ┌────┐────────────────┐
- ──│ 13 │ Registration │─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └────└────────────────┘
- Please register WADED! I've tried to be nice about unregistered
- copies of WADED, and haven't crippled the software in any way. I didn't want
- to be mean about it, so I put in a simple delay, along with a message to con
- you into registering, when you run WADED. Otherwise, WADED has NOT been
- hindered in any other way because of it being unregistered. Mainly so you can
- get a good taste of the editor. (However, pre-fab map drawing utilities,
- which haven't yet been implemented, will only work in the registered version).
- I can't demand that you pay, I can only hope you're willing to help
- out. Registering is what keeps up my will to program this, it isn't always a
- bundle of joy. As you could have probably guessed, this program has taken
- quite a bit of my time, and I think that I only rightfully deserve some
- compensation.
- Registration is only $10. It entitles you to a personal copy of
- WADED, without the beginning delay. Your name will be placed on the opening
- screen in a graphical font. You only have to register WADED once.
- Thereafter, you can obtain the latest registered version from my BBS.
- Registered copies of the latest version will be released a few days before the
- unregistered release. Above all, I'll be much happier in that another decent
- person out there has helped me out by registering WADED. There might also be
- other future benefits of registering WADED early.
- If you'd like WADED sent to you via mail, please add an extra $5
- (making the total $15). Every major release of WADED will be sent to you in
- the mail on a 3.5" diskette, maximum 3 times (if there are that many more
- major released after 3 times, you'll have to send another $5 to cover the
- costs of the disks again).
- Send, in an envelope, your full name and voice phone number (it's
- important that you do so), along with cash or check to the address listed
- below. Be sure to tell me if you want WADED sent to you via mail, or if you
- plan on downloading the latest releases from my BBS. The address listed below
- is similar to a P.O. Box, but from a private company (Mail Boxes Etc.).
- Please be sure that you get all the information on the envelope correctly.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────
- Matthew Ayres
- 977 E. Stanley Blvd., Unit 349
- Livermore, CA 94550
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────
- Thanks to all those who register and I hope you enjoy WADED.
- ┌────┐───────────────────┐
- ──│ 14 │ Acknowledgments │──────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └────└───────────────────┘
- Kirk Yokomizo (internet: kirk@wc.cdrom.com)
- Handles distributing WADED on the internet, and should be able to
- answer most general questions about WADED. He's also very good at
- pestering me to work on it.
- Alistair Brown (internet: a.d.brown@bradford.ac.uk)
- Great deal of help with the NODES. My node generating algorithm is
- almost completely based on information from him. Also came up with
- some very good ideas to add.
- "Unofficial DOOM Specs"
- Written by: Matt Fell (internet: matt.burnett@acebbs.com)
- Released by: Hank Leukart (internet: ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu)
- Nothing was possible without these specs that explain the structure of
- the WAD file DOOM uses.
- iD Software
- A group of Gods that somehow managed to get something that looks
- impossible, to work, and smoothly, on an IBM compatible.
- "Quantum Leap" TV program on TBS
- I did most of the work on WADED at midnight, while watching this on
- the tube. Basically, I had to have something else to occupy my brain
- at the same time, or I'd most likely fall into a trance working on
- WADED and never come out until it was totally complete...
- Thanks to all the original beta testers of the early, buggy, prerelease's
- of WADED, and to all of those who have tested the public beta and reported
- back to me.
- ┌────┐─────────────────────┐
- ──│ 15 │ Upcoming Features │────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └────└─────────────────────┘
- - Write maps to PWADs that already contain one or more maps
- - Sector mover/deleter
- - UNDO feature!
- - Complete on-line help and support
- - MULTI feature for moving VERTEXES, LINEDEFS, and SECTORS
- - MULTI feature for Sector Editing
- - A lot of new map editing utilities, including
- really easy and quick ways to add: doors, elevators,
- stairs, square rooms, circle rooms, semi-circle
- rooms, x-sided rooms, and more.
- - Enhanced Texture and Ceiling/Floor viewer
- - Ability to import GIFs into existing textures/tiles
- and add more textures/tiles
- - Of course more features to make the editor
- easier to use and understand
- - Anything else I think of, or anyone else
- thinks of, that is a good idea
- - More... more... more... more?
- ┌────┐─────────────────────────┐
- ──│ 16 │ Contacting the author │────────────────────────────────────────────
- └────└─────────────────────────┘
- I can be contacted through my BBS, or through the Internet:
- BBS: Lithium BBS (510)455-0425
- 2 nodes, call hunting
- 28.8k V.FAST support
- Internet: matthew.ayres@intellisoft.com
- ┌────┐────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- ──│ 17 │ Distribution and where to get the latest version │──────────────────
- └────└────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- The latest version of WADED can always be found on my BBS, the name
- and number for it are listed above. Hopefully it will get spread around on
- other fine boards. It can also be found on the Internet at:
- Address: wuarchive.wustl.edu
- Directory: /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games/doomstuff
- Address: ocf.unt.edu
- Directories: /pub/incoming/editors
- /pub/doom/wad_edit
- Address: ftp.uwp.edu
- Directories: /pub/games/incoming/id
- /pub/games/id/home-brew
- WADED will be always be distributed in a ZIP file, and it's filename
- will always be the format of: WADEDxxx.ZIP of course the "xxx" standing for
- the version number (i.e. 099 means version 0.99, duh). The files within the
- and FILE_ID.DIZ. If you're going to distribute WADED, please leave it in its
- original format. Do not add nor delete any files from the archive. Do not
- tamper with or otherwise modify any of the files. Thanks.
- ┌────┐──────────────┐
- ──│ 18 │ Disclaimer │───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- └────└──────────────┘
- Usage of WADED is at your own risk. Running it is at your own will,
- and therefore you are completely responsible for anything that happens after
- you run WADED. Anything you do or create with WADED is your responsibility,
- and not the author's. Any damage caused to any person, computer, software,
- hardware, company, or business by running WADED is your responsibility, and
- not author's liability, since you have chosen to run it.
- If you don't understand these terms, or are not sure of something, or
- are afraid something bad might come of using WADED, don't use it. You are
- here forewarned.
- DOOM is a registered trademark of iD Software
- WADED is (c)1994 by Matthew Ayres