Igromania 2005 May
Text File
467 lines
26307 Roll &Up
26308 Roll &Down
26309 &About
26310 &Close
26311 A&rrange
26312 Arrange a&ll
26313 Rollup Dialogs ⌐ 1998 Dundas Software Inc.
26320 Length unit "%1" not recognized.
26321 Temperature unit "%1" not recognized.
26322 Angle unit "%1" not recognized.
26323 Time unit "%1" not recognized.
26341 An error occurred while browsing resource '%1' : %2
26354 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
26391 Add a new item\nAdd
26392 Delete this item\nDelete (Delete)
26393 Browse for a file\nBrowse
26394 Reserved 1\nReserved
26395 Reserved 2\nReserved
26421 Create a new item\nNew
26422 Delete the selected items\nDelete (Delete)
26423 Move the item one up\nMove Up (Alt+Up Arrow)
26424 Move the item one down\nMove Down (Alt+Down Arrow)
26430 Press Ctrl to prevent docking\n
26431 Allow docking
26432 Hide
26433 Float as MDI Window
26440 The directory specifiaction is invalid (%1)
26441 The specified directory (%1) does not exist. Do you want to create it ?
26442 Directory creation failed
26443 The specified directory does not exist
26510 Multiclipboard: %d pocket from %d
26530 Bitmap file (*.bmp;*.dib)|*.bmp; *.dib||
26531 Delete
26532 Appearance...
26533 Recently Used
26534 Put Separator Before
26535 Put Separator After
26536 Default
26537 Custom...
26538 Drag to make this menu float
26539 Floating bar
26540 Black
26541 Brown
26542 Dark Olive Green
26543 Dark Green
26544 Dark Teal
26545 Dark blue
26546 Indigo
26547 Dark grey
26548 Dark red
26549 Orange
26550 Dark yellow
26551 Green
26552 Teal
26553 Blue
26554 Blue-grey
26555 Grey - 50
26556 Red
26557 Light orange
26558 Lime
26559 Sea green
26560 Aqua
26561 Light blue
26562 Violet
26563 Grey - 60
26564 Pink
26565 Gold
26566 Yellow
26567 Bright green
26568 Turquoise
26569 Skyblue
26570 Plum
26571 Light grey
26572 Rose
26573 Tan
26574 Light yellow
26575 Pale green
26576 Pale turquoise
26577 Pale blue
26578 Lavender
26579 White
26580 Light green
26581 Grey - 40
26582 Browse for directory
26584 R:%d G:%d B:%d
26585 Delete
26586 Button Appearance...
26587 Image Only
26588 Image and Text
26589 Put Separator Before
26590 Put Separator After
26600 Custom command
26601 Custom commands
26602 Instance Manager
26603 Instance Manager allows you to limit the number of running instances
26604 Caption Painter
26605 Customize Caption Painter
26606 Shortkeys
26607 Customize accelerator tables
26608 Tabbed MDI
26609 Customize Tabbed MDI settings
26610 Toolbars
26611 Customize the appearance of application's toolbars
26612 Workspace State
26613 Customize Workspace State settings
26614 Background Painter
26615 Customize Background Painter
26616 Splash Window
26617 Tooltip for Splash Window
26618 Tray Icon
26619 Customize TrayIcon
26620 Commands
26621 Customize the contents of the toolbars and menus
26622 Picker Folder
26623 None
26624 User defined
26625 Open
26626 Print
26627 Explore
26628 E-mail
26629 Unknown error!
26630 Failed to execute unknown action!
26631 %s action failed!
26632 The operating system is out\nof memory or resources.
26633 The specified path was not found.
26634 The specified file was not found.
26635 The .EXE file is invalid\n(non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image).
26636 The operating system denied\naccess to the specified file.
26637 The filename association is\nincomplete or invalid.
26638 The DDE transaction could not\nbe completed because other DDE transactions\nwere being processed.
26639 The DDE transaction failed.
26640 The DDE transaction could not\nbe completed because the request timed out.
26641 The specified dynamic-link library was not found.
26642 There is no application associated\nwith the given filename extension.
26643 There was not enough memory to coplete the operation.
26644 A sharing violation occurred.
26645 mailto:
26650 Rotate
26651 Clockwise 90░
26652 180░
26653 Counterclockwise 90░
26654 Flip
26655 Vertically
26656 Horizontally
26657 Align
26658 Top/Left
26659 Center
26660 Bottom/Right
26780 EMF Files(*.emf)|*.emf|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
26782 No Caption!
26790 Out of memory!
26811 Zoom
26812 10%
26813 25%
26814 50%
26815 100%
26816 200%
26817 300%
26818 400%
26819 500%
26820 600%
26821 700%
26822 800%
26823 900%
26824 1000%
26825 Zoom to content
26826 Always fit window
26827 Use track zoom
26828 Smooth scrolling
26829 Ruler bars
26830 Horizontal
26831 Vertical
26832 Inches
26833 Centimeters
26840 Large Icons
26841 Small Icons
26842 Add New Group
26843 Remove Group
26844 Rename Group
26845 Remove Item
26846 Rename Item
26850 Undo
26851 Ctrl+Z
26852 Redo
26853 Ctrl+Y
26854 Today
26855 None
26860 Caption in active state
26861 Caption in inactive state
26862 Left
26863 Center
26864 Right
26865 Linear
26866 Square
26867 TopLeft
26868 TopCenter
26869 TopRight
26870 CenterLeft
26872 CenterRight
26873 BottomLeft
26874 BottomCenter
26875 BottomRight
26876 None
26877 End
26878 Path
26890 New Menu
26891 Separator
26892 Custom Buttons
26893 Menu or toolbar separator
26894 %s group
26895 New menu group
26896 Set of toolbars' Custom Buttons
26897 Custom Button
26898 Convert the following common controls
26900 Instance
26901 PID
26902 Status
26903 Instance %d
26904 Current
26905 Left button down
26906 Middle button down
26907 Right button down
26908 Left button up
26909 Middle button up
26910 Right button up
26911 Left button double click
26912 Middle button double click
26913 Right button double click
26914 %s group
26915 Currently assigned to the command:\nwith ID=%d
26916 Currently assigned to the command:\n<%s>
26917 Tab control settings
26918 Orientation
26919 Left
26920 Top
26921 Right
26922 Bottom
26923 Appearance
26924 Tab buttons
26925 Push buttons
26926 Flat buttons
26927 Display
26928 Positioning
26929 Display only one row of tabs
26930 Displays multiple rows of tabs, if necessary
26931 Items under the pointer are automatically highlighted
26932 Same width for all buttons
26933 Stretch tabs to fill the entire width of the control
26934 Unused tabs move to the opposite side of the control
26935 Aligns an icon with the left edge of a fixed-width tab
26936 Aligns a label with the left edge of a fixed-width tab
26937 Custom Toolbar %d
26938 Customize pages (check the page to be displayed)
26940 No error
26950 This item is already part of the list, please use another name
26961 ***Unknown error***
26962 Shell Namespace
26963 [ Root Folder -
26964 Desktop
26965 Dock window
26966 Menu
26967 WMF - Aldus Format
26968 Windows 3.x MetaFile
26969 *** Unknown Error ***
26970 Mono
26971 Stereo
26972 %s\nSample rate: %d kHz
26973 Preview
26974 Preview selected file
26975 Preview not available.
26980 Must preceed character before.
26981 Unexpected special char has been found.
26982 Not allowed sequence has been found
26983 Must follow by character.
26984 Unexpected end of string has been reached.
26985 Only digit allowed.
26986 Unexpected end of the ASCII sequence.
26987 No ASCII value.
26988 Invalid ASCII number.
26989 No ending slash has been found while processing ASCII value.
26990 No values between parentheses.
26991 Too many commas in the sequence. Only one allowed.
26992 No closing parentheses has been found.
26993 Unexpected end of string.
26994 Second value must be greater first one.
26995 No such back reference.
26996 Unknown error
27002 Could not alloc timer!
27003 Desktop
27004 Name
27005 Size
27006 Type
27007 Modified
27008 *** Unknown Error ***
27009 Function returned (Boolean) FALSE
27010 Mouse enter
27011 Mouse leave
27012 Left button down
27013 Left button up
27014 Left button double click
27015 Right button down
27016 Right button up
27017 Right button double click
27018 Middle button down
27019 Middle button up
27020 Middle button double click
27021 Sound File
27022 Event Info
27023 Loop
27024 Event
27025 Play sound events
27026 Stop playing events
27027 (Read Only)
27028 Opened CFile object
27029 Resource: ID=%d
27030 Undefined
27031 Infinitely
27032 One time
27033 %d time%s
27034 s
27035 Specified %s sound file doesn't exist or is not valid WAV object
27036 Specified %s event wasn't defined
27037 Specified %s event is already registered as start playing event
27038 Specified %s event is already registered as stop playing event
27039 <Force to start playing> has to be assigned TRUE or FALSE value
27040 You are currently editing a sound event.\n Would you like to save changes before exit?
27041 <UNKNOWN>
27042 <UNKNOWN>
27043 *** Unknown Error ***
27050 Rowid
27051 Display name
27052 Addrtype
27053 Email address
27054 Comment
27055 Depth
27056 Provider display
27057 Creation time
27058 Last modification time
27059 Resource flags
27060 Provider dll name
27061 Search key
27062 Provider uid
27063 Provider ordinal
27064 Container flags
27065 Folder type
27066 Content count
27067 Content unread
27068 Create templates
27069 Details table
27070 Search
27071 Selectable
27072 Subfolders
27073 Status
27074 Anr
27075 Contents sort order
27076 Container hierarchy
27077 Container contents
27078 Folder associated contents
27079 Def create dl
27080 Def create mailuser
27081 Container class
27082 Container modify version
27083 Ab provider id
27084 Default view entryid
27085 Assoc content count
27086 Display type
27087 Templateid
27088 Primary capability
27089 7bit display name
27090 Account
27091 Alternate recipient
27092 Callback telephone number
27093 Conversion prohibited
27094 Disclose recipients
27095 Generation
27096 Given name
27097 Government id number
27098 Business telephone number
27099 Home telephone number
27100 Initials
27101 Keyword
27102 Language
27103 Location
27104 Mail permission
27105 Mhs common name
27106 Organizational id number
27107 Surname
27108 Original entryid
27109 Original display name
27110 Original search key
27111 Postal address
27112 Company name
27113 Title
27114 Department name
27115 Office location
27116 Primary telephone number
27117 Business2 telephone number
27118 Mobile telephone number
27119 Radio telephone number
27120 Car telephone number
27121 Other telephone number
27122 Transmitable display name
27123 Pager telephone number
27124 User certificate
27125 Primary fax number
27126 Business fax number
27127 Home fax number
27128 Country
27129 Locality
27130 State or province
27131 Street address
27132 Postal code
27133 Post office box
27134 Telex number
27135 Isdn number
27136 Assistant telephone number
27137 Home2 telephone number
27138 Assistant
27139 Send rich info
27140 Wedding anniversary
27141 Birthday
27142 Hobbies
27143 Middle name
27144 Display name prefix
27145 Profession
27146 Preferred by name
27147 Spouse name
27148 Computer network name
27149 Customer id
27150 Ttytdd phone number
27151 Ftp site
27152 Gender
27153 Manager name
27154 Nickname
27155 Personal home page
27156 Business home page
27157 Contact version
27158 Contact entryids
27159 Contact addrtypes
27160 Contact default address index
27161 Contact email addresses
27162 Company main phone number
27163 Childrens names
27164 Home address city
27165 Home address country
27166 Home address postal code
27167 Home address state or province
27168 Home address street
27169 Home address post office box
27170 Other address city
27171 Other address country
27172 Other address postal code
27173 Other address state or province
27174 Other address street
27175 Other address post office box
27250 System Idle Process
27251 System
27280 Cannot divide by zero
27281 Result is too large
27282 OK
27283 Cancel
27284 Cool Controls
27285 Tooltip for Cool Controls
27286 IntelliMouse Support
27287 Tooltip for IntelliMouse Support