Labels:crt screen | dialog box | laptop | monitor | plant | sky | window OCR: Zero Hour Mod Manager Tools Websites Help Available Mods Activated Mods Mod Readme Fire Power Gives you the option to play Wars as the Boss General. The Superbos General boss general powers drawn from the GLA USA pue China all neatly paipund into one package you wan play as the other factions deactivate this mod get normal gameplay (Unless you wan Auror bombs pue permanently stealthed Pathfinder) Mod author: Anonumous ZHMM Version1.1 Uninstall Deactivate Parameters How make amod work http://commandandconguer filefront com/ Start ZH Mod Pack aging About ZHMM Locate My Documents Manaeer Superboss bundled Ifyou want 2Aurora epue Anoumous Uninstal powe