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207 lines
/* adapted from DQRDC of LINPACK */
/* XLISP-STAT 2.1 Copyright (c) 1990, by Luke Tierney */
/* Additions to Xlisp 2.1, Copyright (c) 1989 by David Michael Betz */
/* You may give out copies of this software; for conditions see the */
/* file COPYING included with this distribution. */
#include "xlisp.h"
#include "osdef.h"
#ifdef ANSI
#include "xlsproto.h"
#include "xlsfun.h"
#endif ANSI
#ifdef ANSI
double NORM2(int,int,int,double **),DOT(int,int,int,int,double **);
void AXPY(int,int,int,int,double,double **),
SCALE(int,int,int,double,double **),SWAP(int,int,int,double **);
double NORM2(),DOT();
void AXPY(),SCALE(),SWAP();
#endif ANSI
#define SIGN(a, b) ((b) >= 0.0 ? fabs(a) : -fabs(a))
static double NORM2(i, j, n, x)
int i, j, n;
double **x;
int k;
double maxx, sum, temp;
for (k = i, maxx = 0.0; k < n; k++) {
temp = fabs(x[k][j]);
if (maxx < temp) maxx = temp;
if (maxx == 0.0) return(0.0);
else {
for (k = i, sum = 0.0; k < n; k++) {
temp = x[k][j] / maxx;
sum += temp * temp;
return(maxx * sqrt(sum));
static double DOT(i, j, k, n, x)
int i, j, k;
double **x;
int l;
double sum;
for (l = i, sum = 0.0; l < n; l++) sum += x[l][j] * x[l][k];
static void AXPY(i, j, k, n, a, x)
int i, j, k, n;
double a, **x;
int l;
for (l = i; l < n; l++) x[l][k] = a * x[l][j] + x[l][k];
static void SCALE(i, j, n, a, x)
int i, j, n;
double a, **x;
int k;
for (k = i; k < n; k++) x[k][j] *= a;
static void SWAP(i, j, n, a)
int i, j, n;
double **a;
int k;
double temp;
for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
temp = a[k][i];
a[k][i] = a[k][j];
a[k][j] = temp;
void qrdecomp(x,n,p,v,jpvt,pivot)
int n, p, pivot;
/* int * */ IVector jpvt; /* changed JKL */
/* double ** */ RMatrix x, v;
int i,j,k,jp,l,lp1,lup,maxj;
double maxnrm,tt,*qraux,*work;
double nrmxl,t;
if (n < 0) return;
work = v[0];
qraux = rvector(p);
* compute the norms of the free columns.
if (pivot)
for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
jpvt[j] = j;
qraux[j] = NORM2(0, j, n, x);
work[j] = qraux[j];
* perform the householder reduction of x.
lup = (n < p) ? n : p;
for (l = 0; l < lup; l++) {
if (pivot) {
* locate the column of largest norm and bring it
* into the pivot position.
maxnrm = 0.0;
maxj = l;
for (j = l; j < p; j++)
if (qraux[j]>maxnrm) {
maxnrm = qraux[j];
maxj = j;
if (maxj!=l) {
SWAP(l, maxj, n, x);
qraux[maxj] = qraux[l];
work[maxj] = work[l];
jp = jpvt[maxj];
jpvt[maxj] = jpvt[l];
jpvt[l] = jp;
qraux[l] = 0.0;
if (l != n-1) {
* compute the householder transformation for column l.
nrmxl = NORM2(l, l, n, x);
if (nrmxl != 0.0) {
if (x[l][l] != 0.0)
nrmxl = SIGN(nrmxl, x[l][l]);
SCALE(l, l, n, 1.0 / nrmxl, x);
x[l][l] = 1.0+x[l][l];
* apply the transformation to the remaining columns,
* updating the norms.
lp1 = l+1;
for (j = lp1; j < p; j++) {
t = -DOT(l, l, j, n, x) / x[l][l];
AXPY(l, l, j, n, t, x);
if (pivot)
if (qraux[j]!=0.0) {
tt = 1.0-(fabs(x[l][j])/qraux[j])*(fabs(x[l][j])/qraux[j]);
if (tt < 0.0) tt = 0.0;
t = tt;
tt = 1.0+0.05*tt*(qraux[j]/work[j])*(qraux[j]/work[j]);
if (tt!=1.0)
qraux[j] = qraux[j]*sqrt(t);
else {
qraux[j] = NORM2(l+1, j, n, x);
work[j] = qraux[j];
* save the transformation.
qraux[l] = x[l][l];
x[l][l] = -nrmxl;
/* copy over the upper triangle of a */
for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) v[i][j] = 0.0;
for (j = i; j < p; j++) {
v[i][j] = x[i][j];
/* accumulate the Q transformation -- assumes p <= n */
for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
x[i][i] = qraux[i];
for (k = 0; k < i; k++) x[k][i] = 0.0;
for (i = p - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i == n - 1) x[i][i] = 1.0;
else {
for (k = i; k < n; k++) x[k][i] = -x[k][i];
x[i][i] += 1.0;
for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (x[j][j] != 0.0) {
t = -DOT(j, j, i, n, x) / x[j][j];
AXPY(j, j, i, n, t, x);
free_vector((Vector)qraux); /* cast added JKL */