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/* xsbayes - Lisp interface to laplace approximation stuff */
/* XLISP-STAT 2.1 Copyright (c) 1990, by Luke Tierney */
/* Additions to Xlisp 2.1, Copyright (c) 1989 by David Michael Betz */
/* You may give out copies of this software; for conditions see the */
/* file COPYING included with this distribution. */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "xlisp.h"
#include "osdef.h"
#ifdef ANSI
#include "xlproto.h"
#include "xlsproto.h"
#include "xlfun.h"
#include "xlsfun.h"
#endif ANSI
#include "xlsvar.h"
#ifdef ANSI
void callLminfun(LVAL,int,RVector,double *,RVector,RVector,int *),meminit(void),
double2list(int,double *,LVAL),seq2double(int,LVAL,RVector),
makespace(char **,int),seq2pchar(int,LVAL,LVAL *),setinternals(LVAL,LVAL),
call_scaled_Lfun(RVector,double *,RVector,RVector);
LVAL newipars(MaxIPars),newdpars(MaxDPars),makecallarg(int),numderiv(int),
MaxIPars getMaxIPars(LVAL);
MaxDPars getMaxDPars(LVAL);
void callLminfun(),meminit(),double2list(),seq2double(),
LVAL newipars(),newdpars(),makecallarg(),numderiv(),
MaxIPars getMaxIPars();
MaxDPars getMaxDPars();
#endif ANSI
/** **/
/** Definitions and Globals **/
/** **/
#define MAXALLOC 20
static char *mem[MAXALLOC], memcount;
static LVAL arg;
/* in xlsdef.h JKL
typedef struct {
int n, m, k, itnlimit, backtrack, verbose, vals_suppl, exptilt;
int count, termcode;
} MaxIPars;
typedef struct {
double typf, h, gradtol, steptol, maxstep, dflt, tilt, newtilt, hessadd;
} MaxDPars;
typedef struct {
MaxIPars max;
int full, covar;
} MomIPars;
typedef struct {
MaxDPars max;
double mgfdel;
} MomDPars;
/** **/
/** Fake Replacements for S Interface **/
/** **/
static void meminit()
static inited = FALSE;
int i;
if (! inited) {
for (i = 0; i < MAXALLOC; i++) mem[i] = nil;
inited = TRUE;
memcount = 0;
static void makespace(pptr, size)
char **pptr;
int size;
if (size <= 0) return;
if (*pptr == nil) *pptr = calloc(size, 1);
else *pptr = realloc(*pptr, size);
if (size > 0 && *pptr == nil) xlfail("memory allocation failed");
#ifdef SBAYES
char *S_alloc(n, m)
int n, m;
char *result;
if (memcount >= MAXALLOC) result = nil;
else {
makespace(mem + memcount, n * m);
result = mem[memcount];
#endif SBAYES
void call_S(fun, narg, args, mode, length, names, nvals, values)
LVAL fun; /* type changed JKL */
char /* *fun,*/ **args, **mode, **names, **values;
long narg, nvals, *length;
int n = length[0], derivs;
static double *fval = nil, *grad = nil, *hess = nil;
makespace((char **)&fval, 1 * sizeof(double)); /* casts added JKL */
makespace((char **)&grad, n * sizeof(double));
makespace((char **)&hess, n * n * sizeof(double));
callLminfun(fun, n,(RVector)args[0], fval, grad, hess, &derivs);
values[0] = (char *) fval;
values[1] = (derivs > 0) ? (char *) grad : nil;
values[2] = (derivs > 1) ? (char *) hess : nil;
void Recover(s, w)
char *s, *w;
/** **/
/** Callback and Copying Function **/
/** **/
static void callLminfun(fun, n, x, fval, grad, hess, derivs)
LVAL fun;
int n, *derivs;
RVector x, grad, hess;
double *fval;
LVAL result, seq;
/* arg does not realy have to containt the function; this is a carryover */
double2list(n, x, car(cdr(arg)));
rplaca(arg, fun);
result = xlapply(pushargs(car(arg), cdr(arg)));
if (realp(result)) {
*fval = makedouble(result);
*derivs = 0;
else if (consp(result)) {
*fval = makedouble(car(result));
*derivs = 0;
if (consp(cdr(result))) {
seq = compounddataseq(car(cdr(result)));
if (seqlen(seq) != n) xlerror("bad gradient", car(cdr(result)));
seq2double(n, seq, grad);
*derivs = 1;
if (consp(cdr(cdr(result)))) {
seq = compounddataseq(car(cdr(cdr(result))));
if (seqlen(seq) != n * n)
xlerror("bad hessian", car(cdr(cdr(result))));
seq2double(n * n, seq, hess);
*derivs = 2;
else xlerror("bad function result", result);
static LVAL makecallarg(n)
int n;
LVAL carg;
carg = mklist(n, NIL);
carg = consa(carg);
carg = cons(NIL, carg);
static void seq2pchar(n, x, p)
int n;
/*char **/LVAL *p;/* changed JKL */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
p[i] = /*(char *)*/ getnextelement(&x, i);/* changed JKL */
static void seq2double(n, x, dx)
int n;
/*double **/RVector dx; /* changed JKL */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
dx[i] = makedouble(getnextelement(&x, i));
static void double2list(n, dx, x)
int n;
double *dx;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n && consp(x) ; i++, x = cdr(x))
rplaca(x, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dx[i]));
/** **/
/** Numerical Derivatives **/
/** **/
static LVAL numderiv(order)
int order;
LVAL f, x, scale, result, data;
double h, fval;
static double *dx = nil, *grad = nil, *hess = nil, *typx = nil;
int n, i, all;
f = xlgetarg();
x = xsgetsequence();
scale = (moreargs()) ? xsgetsequence() : NIL;
h = (moreargs()) ? makedouble(xlgetarg()) : -1.0;
all = (moreargs() && xlgetarg() != NIL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
n = seqlen(x);
makespace((char **)&dx, n * sizeof(double)); /* casts added JKL */
makespace((char **)&grad, n * sizeof(double));
if (order > 1) makespace((char **)&hess, n * n * sizeof(double));
makespace((char **)&typx, n * sizeof(double));
seq2double(n, x, dx);
if (scale != NIL) seq2double(n, scale, typx);
else for (i = 0; i < n; i++) typx[i] = 1.0;
arg = makecallarg(n);
evalfront(&f, &n, dx, &fval, grad, (order > 1) ? hess : nil, &h, typx);
if (order == 1) {
result = mklist(n, NIL);
double2list(n, grad, result);
else {
result = integer_list_2(n, n);
result = newarray(result, NIL, NIL);
data = arraydata(result);
for (i = 0; i < n * n; i++)
setelement(data, i, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) hess[i]));
if (all) {
result = consa(result);
result = cons(mklist(n, NIL), result);
double2list(n, grad, car(result));
result = cons(cvflonum((FLOTYPE) fval), result);
LVAL xsnumgrad() { return(numderiv(1)); }
LVAL xsnumhess() { return(numderiv(2)); }
/** **/
/** Maximization Interface **/
/** **/
#define INTLEN 12
#define F_POS 0
#define G_POS 1
#define C_POS 2
#define X_POS 3
#define SCALE_POS 4
#define FVALS_POS 5
#define CVALS_POS 6
#define CTARG_POS 7
#define IPARS_POS 8
#define DPARS_POS 9
#define TSCAL_POS 10
#define MULT_POS 11
#define getffun(i) getelement(i, F_POS)
#define getgfuns(i) getelement(i, G_POS)
#define getcfuns(i) getelement(i, C_POS)
#define getx(i) getelement(i, X_POS)
#define getscale(i) getelement(i, SCALE_POS)
#define getfvals(i) getelement(i, FVALS_POS)
#define getcvals(i) getelement(i, CVALS_POS)
#define getctarget(i) getelement(i, CTARG_POS)
#define getipars(i) getelement(i, IPARS_POS)
#define getdpars(i) getelement(i, DPARS_POS)
#define gettscale(i) getelement(i, TSCAL_POS)
#define getmults(i) getelement(i, MULT_POS)
#define getderivstep(i) getflonum(getelement(getdpars(i), 1))
#define setx(i, v) setelement(i, X_POS, v)
#define setscale(i, v) setelement(i, SCALE_POS, v)
#define setmults(i, v) setelement(i, MULT_POS, v)
#define setfvals(i, v) setelement(i, FVALS_POS, v)
#define setcvals(i, v) setelement(i, CVALS_POS, v)
#define setipars(i, v) setelement(i, IPARS_POS, v)
#define setdpars(i, v) setelement(i, DPARS_POS, v)
#define setderivstep(i, v) setelement(getdpars(i), 1, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) (v)))
static LVAL getinternals(minfo)
LVAL minfo;
return(slot_value(minfo, xlenter("INTERNALS")));
static void setinternals(minfo, internals)
LVAL minfo, internals;
set_slot_value(minfo, xlenter("INTERNALS"), internals);
static LVAL newipars(ip)
MaxIPars ip;
LVAL result;
result = newvector(10);
setelement(result, 0, cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) ip.n));
setelement(result, 1, cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) ip.m));
setelement(result, 2, cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) ip.k));
setelement(result, 3, cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) ip.itnlimit));
setelement(result, 4, cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) ip.backtrack));
setelement(result, 5, cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) ip.verbose));
setelement(result, 6, cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) ip.vals_suppl));
setelement(result, 7, cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) ip.exptilt));
setelement(result, 8, cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) ip.count));
setelement(result, 9, cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) ip.termcode));
static LVAL newdpars(dp)
MaxDPars dp;
LVAL result;
result = newvector(9);
setelement(result, 0, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dp.typf));
setelement(result, 1, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dp.h));
setelement(result, 2, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dp.gradtol));
setelement(result, 3, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dp.steptol));
setelement(result, 4, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dp.maxstep));
setelement(result, 5, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dp.dflt));
setelement(result, 6, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dp.tilt));
setelement(result, 7, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dp.newtilt));
setelement(result, 8, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dp.hessadd));
static MaxIPars getMaxIPars(internals)
LVAL internals;
LVAL ipars = getipars(internals);
MaxIPars ip;
ip.n = getfixnum(getelement(ipars, 0));
ip.m = getfixnum(getelement(ipars, 1));
ip.k = getfixnum(getelement(ipars, 2));
ip.itnlimit = getfixnum(getelement(ipars, 3));
ip.backtrack = getfixnum(getelement(ipars, 4));
ip.verbose = getfixnum(getelement(ipars, 5));
ip.vals_suppl = getfixnum(getelement(ipars, 6));
ip.exptilt = getfixnum(getelement(ipars, 7));
ip.count = getfixnum(getelement(ipars, 8));
ip.termcode = getfixnum(getelement(ipars, 9));
static MaxDPars getMaxDPars(internals)
LVAL internals;
LVAL dpars = getdpars(internals);
MaxDPars dp;
dp.typf = getflonum(getelement(dpars, 0));
dp.h = getflonum(getelement(dpars, 1));
dp.gradtol = getflonum(getelement(dpars, 2));
dp.steptol = getflonum(getelement(dpars, 3));
dp.maxstep = getflonum(getelement(dpars, 4));
dp.dflt = getflonum(getelement(dpars, 5));
dp.tilt = getflonum(getelement(dpars, 6));
dp.newtilt = getflonum(getelement(dpars, 7));
dp.hessadd = getflonum(getelement(dpars, 8));
static LVAL newinternals(f, x, scale, h)
LVAL f, x, scale;
double h;
LVAL result;
int n, i;
MaxIPars ip;
MaxDPars dp;
n = seqlen(x);
ip.n = n; ip.k = 0; ip.m = 0; ip.itnlimit = -1; ip.backtrack = TRUE;
ip.verbose = 0; ip.vals_suppl = FALSE; ip.exptilt = TRUE;
ip.count = 0; ip.termcode = 0;
dp.typf = 1.0; dp.h = h; dp.gradtol = -1.0; dp.steptol = -1.0;
dp.maxstep = -1.0; dp.dflt = 0.0; dp.tilt = 0.0; dp.newtilt = 0.0;
dp.hessadd = 0.0;
result = newvector(INTLEN);
setelement(result, F_POS, f);
setelement(result, X_POS, x);
if (scale != NIL) setelement(result, SCALE_POS, scale);
else {
scale = newvector(n);
setelement(result, SCALE_POS, scale);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) setelement(scale, i, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) 1.0));
setelement(result, IPARS_POS, newipars(ip));
setelement(result, DPARS_POS, newdpars(dp));
LVAL xsminfo_isnew()
LVAL myinfo, f, x, scale, step;
double h;
myinfo = xlgaobject();
f = xlgetarg();
x = xsgetsequence();
if (! xlgetkeyarg(xlenter(":SCALE"), &scale)) scale = NIL;
if (xlgetkeyarg(xlenter(":DERIVSTEP"), &step)) h = makedouble(step);
else h = -1.0;
setinternals(myinfo, newinternals(f, x, scale, h));
LVAL xsminfo_maximize()
LVAL minfo, internals, f, g, c, x, scale, verbose, tiltscale, result, mults;
MaxIPars ip;
MaxDPars dp;
int n, m, k;
RVector dx = nil, typx = nil; /* changed JKL */
static double /* *dx = nil, *typx = nil, */ *fvals = nil, *tscale = nil;
static double *cvals = nil, *ctarget = nil;
/* static char *gg = nil, *cc = nil;*/
static LVAL gg = nil, cc = nil;/* changed JKL */
char *msg;
minfo = xlgaobject();
verbose = (moreargs()) ? xlgafixnum() : NIL;
internals = getinternals(minfo);
f = getffun(internals);
g = getgfuns(internals);
c = getcfuns(internals);
x = getx(internals);
scale = getscale(internals);
ip = getMaxIPars(internals);
dp = getMaxDPars(internals);
tiltscale = gettscale(internals);
mults = getmults(internals);
m = ip.m;
k = ip.k;
if (verbose != NIL) ip.verbose = getfixnum(verbose);
n = seqlen(x);
ip.n = n;
makespace((char **)&gg, m * sizeof(char *)); /* casts added JKL */
makespace((char **)&cc, k * sizeof(char *));
makespace((char **)&dx, (n + k) * sizeof(double));
makespace((char **)&typx, n * sizeof(double));
makespace((char **)&fvals, (1 + n + n * n) * sizeof(double));
makespace((char **)&tscale, m * sizeof(double));
makespace((char **)&cvals, (k + k * n) * sizeof(double));
makespace((char **)&ctarget, k * sizeof(double));
seq2pchar(m, g, &gg); /* pointers added JKL */
seq2pchar(k, c, &cc);
seq2double(n, x, dx);
seq2double(n, scale, typx);
if (ip.vals_suppl) {
seq2double(1 + n + n * n, getfvals(internals), fvals);
seq2double(k + k * n, getcvals(internals), cvals);
seq2double(m, tiltscale, tscale);
seq2double(k, getctarget(internals), ctarget);
seq2double(k, mults, dx + n);
arg = makecallarg(n);
meminit(); /* pointers added JKL */
maxfront(&f, &gg, &cc, dx, typx, fvals, nil, cvals, ctarget, &ip, &dp, tscale, &msg);
result = mklist(n, NIL);
setx(internals, result);
double2list(n, dx, result);
result = mklist(1 + n + n * n, NIL);
setfvals(internals, result);
double2list(1 + n + n * n, fvals, result);
if (k > 0) {
result = mklist(k + k * n, NIL);
setcvals(internals, result);
double2list(k + k * n, cvals, result);
result = mklist(k, NIL);
setmults(internals, result);
double2list(k, dx + n, result);
setipars(internals, newipars(ip));
setdpars(internals, newdpars(dp));
/** **/
/** Laplace Interface **/
/** **/
LVAL xsminfo_loglap()
LVAL minfo, internals;
MaxIPars ip;
MaxDPars dp;
int n, k, detonly;
double val;
static double *fvals = nil, *cvals = nil;
minfo = xlgaobject();
detonly = (moreargs()) ? (xlgetarg() != NIL) : FALSE;
internals = getinternals(minfo);
ip = getMaxIPars(internals);
dp = getMaxDPars(internals);
n = ip.n;
k = ip.k;
/* casts added JKL */
makespace((char **)&fvals, (1 + n + n * n) * sizeof(double));
makespace((char **)&cvals, (k + k * n) * sizeof(double));
seq2double(1 + n + n * n, getfvals(internals), fvals);
seq2double(k + k * n, getcvals(internals), cvals);
loglapdet(fvals, cvals, &ip, &dp, &val, &detonly);
return(cvflonum((FLOTYPE) val));
/** **/
/** Scaled Evaluation and Numerical Derivatives **/
/** **/
#ifdef DODO
/**** function objects; exact derivatives; NIL values ****/
static struct scaled_Lfun_info {
LVAL arglist, value;
RVector scaling, z;
int dim, in_range, num_derivs, cached;
double cached_value;
} Lfun_info;
static LVAL scaled_eval(order)
int order;
struct scaled_Lfun_info old_info;
LVAL Lfun, Lx, Lscaling, Lvalue, space, hspace, Ldata;
RVector x, fsum, grad;
RMatrix hess;
double value, h;
int k, i, j, all;
old_info = Lfun_info;
Lfun = xlgetarg();
Lx = xsgetsequence();
Lscaling = xsgetsequence();
if (order > 0) h = makedouble(xlgetarg());
if (order == 2) all = (moreargs() && xlgetarg() != NIL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
k = Lfun_info.dim = seqlen(Lx);
space = newadata(sizeof(double), 2 + k * (2 * k + 5), FALSE);
Lfun_info.scaling = (RVector) getadaddr(space);
Lfun_info.z = Lfun_info.scaling + 2 + k * (k + 1);
x = Lfun_info.scaling + 2 + k * (k + 2);
fsum = Lfun_info.scaling + 2 + k * (k + 3);
grad = Lfun_info.scaling + 2 + k * (k + 4);
Lfun_info.arglist = mklist(2, NIL);
rplaca(Lfun_info.arglist, Lfun);
rplaca(cdr(Lfun_info.arglist), mklist(k, NIL));
Lfun_info.in_range = TRUE;
if (order == 2) {
hspace = newadata(sizeof(double *), k, FALSE);
hess = (RMatrix) getadaddr(hspace);
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
hess[i] = Lfun_info.scaling + 2 + k * (k + 5 + i);
else hess = nil;
Lfun_info.cached = FALSE;
Lfun_info.num_derivs = 0;
seq2double(2 + k * (k + 1), Lscaling, Lfun_info.scaling);
seq2double(k, Lx, x);
call_scaled_Lfun(x, &value, grad, hess);
switch (order) {
case 0:
if (Lfun_info.in_range) Lvalue = cvflonum((FLOTYPE) value);
else Lvalue = Lfun_info.value;
case 1:
if (Lfun_info.num_derivs < 1)
numergrad(k, x, grad, fsum, call_scaled_Lfun, h, nil);
if (Lfun_info.in_range) {
Lvalue = mklist(k, NIL);
double2list(k, grad, Lvalue);
else Lvalue = NIL;
case 2:
/* currently uses second differences even for analytic gradient */
if (Lfun_info.num_derivs < 2) {
numergrad(k, x, grad, fsum, call_scaled_Lfun, h, nil);
/* Lfun_info.cached_value = value;
Lfun_info.cached = TRUE;*/
numerhess(k, x, hess, value, fsum, call_scaled_Lfun, h, nil);
if (Lfun_info.in_range) {
Lvalue = integer_list_2(k, k);
Lvalue = newarray(Lvalue, NIL, NIL);
Ldata = arraydata(Lvalue);
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
setelement(Ldata, i * k + j, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) hess[i][j]));
if (all) {
Lvalue = consa(Lvalue);
Lvalue = cons(mklist(k, NIL), Lvalue);
double2list(k, grad, car(Lvalue));
Lvalue = cons(cvflonum((FLOTYPE) value), Lvalue);
else Lvalue = NIL;
Lfun_info = old_info;
static void call_scaled_Lfun(x, value, grad, hess)
RVector x, grad, hess;
double *value;
LVAL temp, Lvalue, Lgrad, Lhess;
double center, scale;
RVector mean, sigma, z;
int i, j, k;
/* cheat to avoid recalculating function value in Hessian evaluation */
if (Lfun_info.cached && Lfun_info.num_derivs == 0) {
Lfun_info.cached = FALSE;
*value = Lfun_info.cached_value;
k = Lfun_info.dim;
center = Lfun_info.scaling[0];
scale = Lfun_info.scaling[1];
if (scale == 0.0) xlfail("division by zero");
mean = Lfun_info.scaling + 2;
sigma = Lfun_info.scaling + 2 + k;
z = Lfun_info.z;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
z[i] = mean[i];
for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
z[i] += sigma[i * k + j] * x[j];
double2list(k, z, car(cdr(Lfun_info.arglist)));
temp = xlapply(pushargs(car(Lfun_info.arglist), cdr(Lfun_info.arglist)));
Lfun_info.num_derivs = (consp(temp)) ? seqlen(temp) - 1 : 0;
Lvalue = (consp(temp)) ? car(Lvalue) : temp;
Lgrad = (consp(temp) && consp(cdr(temp))) ? car(cdr(temp)) : NIL;
Lhess = (consp(temp) && consp(cdr(temp)) && consp(cdr(cdr(temp))))
? car(cdr(cdr(temp))) : NIL;
if (fixp(Lvalue) || floatp(Lvalue)) {
*value = (makedouble(Lvalue) - center) / scale;
if (grad != nil && Lgrad != NIL) {
seq2double(k, Lgrad, grad);
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
z[i] = 0.0;
for (j = i; j < k; j++) z[i] += sigma[j * k + i] * grad[j];
grad[i] = z[i] / scale;
if (hess != nil && Lhess != NIL) {
if (! matrixp(Lhess)) xlerror("not an a matrix", Lhess);
seq2double(k * k, arraydata(Lhess), hess);
/* rescale */
else {
*value = 0.0;
Lfun_info.in_range = FALSE;
Lfun_info.value = Lvalue;
LVAL xsscaled_c2_eval() { return(scaled_eval(0)); }
LVAL xsscaled_c2_grad() { return(scaled_eval(1)); }
LVAL xsscaled_c2_hess() { return(scaled_eval(2)); }
#endif DODO
LVAL xsaxpy()
LVAL result, next, tx, a, x, y;
int i, j, n, start, end, lower;
double val;
a = arraydata(xsgetmatrix());
x = xsgetsequence();
y = xsgetsequence();
lower = (moreargs() && xlgetarg() != NIL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
n = seqlen(x);
if (n * n != seqlen(a) || n != seqlen(y)) xlfail("dimensions do not match");
result = mklist(n, NIL);
for (i = 0, start = 0, next = result; i < n; i++, start += n, next = cdr(next)) {
val = makedouble(getnextelement(&y, i));
end = (lower) ? i : n - 1;
for (j = 0, tx = x; j <= end; j++) {
val += makedouble(getnextelement(&tx, j))
* makedouble(getelement(a, start + j));
rplaca(next, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) val));