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Assembly Source File
2,003 lines
* Disassemble one line module *
* Version 1.3 31.8.89 *
* *
* written by E. Lenz *
* Johann-Fichte-Strasse 11 *
* 8 Munich 40 *
* Germany *
* *
XDEF Disasm1
;Communication structure
SBegin equ 0
SRelAddr equ 4
SMicro equ 8
SOpCode equ $a
SType1 equ $c
SLen1 equ $e
SAddr1 equ $10
SType2 equ $14
SLen2 equ $16
SAddr2 equ $18
STotal equ $1c
SBuffer equ $1e
*** INPUT ***
; a0 pointer to communication structure
*** ON STACK *****
; word 0
; 1st address (long) [d7]
; length of 1st address (word) [d6]
; type of 1st address (word) [d5]
; 2nd address (long) [d4]
; length of 2nd address (word) [d3]
; type for 2nd address (word) [d2]
; 0=no address
; qualifier (word) [d0]
; 0=.b 1=no qualifier 2=.w 4=.l 6=.s
; pointer to opcode text (long) [a2]
; number of words to write - 1 (word) [d1]
; a3 displacement
; a5 second displacement for move <ea>,<ea>
**** ADDRESS TYPE ****
; 0 = no address
; 1 = Dn
; 2 = An
; 3 = (An)
; 4 = (An)+
; 5 = -(An)
; 6 = d(An)
; 7 = d(An,Rn)
; 8 = $xxxx
; 9 = $xxxx xxxx
; 10 = d(PC)
; 11 = d(PC,Rn)
; 12 = #$xxxx
; 13 = ccr
; 14 = sr
; 15 = sfc
; 16 = dfc
; 17 = usp
; 18 = vbr
; 19 movem stuff
Disasm1 movem.l d0-d7/a3-a6,-(a7)
bclr #0,SRelAddr+3(a0) make sure everything's even
bclr #0,SBegin+3(a0)
moveq #-1,d0
movea.l d0,a5 set second displacement to nothing
addq.l #1,d0
movea.l SBegin(a0),a1 begin address
move.l (a1),d7 first long word
move.w (a1)+,d3 first word
move.w d3,d0
lsr.w #8,d0 Get first byte
lsr.w #2,d0 First half byte
andi.w #$3c,d0
lea Group(pc),a2
move.l 0(a2,d0.w),a2
jmp (a2) jump to it's group
cmpchk1 moveq #0,d0
cmpchk cmpi.w #2,SMicro(a0)
blt.s what
movem.l d0/d7,-(a7)
bsr DecAddr1
movem.l (a7)+,d0/d4
cmpi.w #3,d5 no Dn,An
blt.s what
beq.s wok
cmpi.w #6,d5 no (An)+,-(An)
blt.s what
cmpi.w #12,d5 no #...
beq.s what
wok moveq #1,d1 two words
moveq #1,d2 assume Dn
btst #15,d4
beq.s issDn
moveq #2,d2 twas An
issDn lea TCmp2(pc),a2 assume cmp2
btst #11,d4
beq.s iscmp2
lea TChk2(pc),a2 twas chk2
iscmp2 move.w d4,d3
andi.w #$7ff,d3
bne.s what
ror.w #8,d4
ror.w #4,d4
andi.w #7,d4
bra Rewrite
cmpchk2 moveq #2,d0
bra.s cmpchk
cmpchk3 moveq #4,d0
bra.s cmpchk
what bra Undef
Group0 btst #8,d3
bne GBtst
lea TOri(pc),a2 'ori' opcode
cmpi.w #$3c,d3
beq Goccr
cmpi.w #$7c,d3
beq Gosr
cmpi.w #$bf,d3
bls.s Ggimm
cmpi.w #$ff,d3
bls cmpchk1
lea TAndi(pc),a2 'andi' opcode
cmpi.w #$23c,d3
beq Goccr
cmpi.w #$27c,d3
beq Gosr
cmpi.w #$2bf,d3
bls.s Ggimm
cmpi.w #$2ff,d3
bls.s cmpchk2
lea TSubi(pc),a2 'subi' opcode
cmpi.w #$4bf,d3
bls.s Ggimm
cmpi.w #$4ff,d3
bls.s cmpchk3
lea TAddi(pc),a2 'addi' opcode
cmpi.w #$6bf,d3
Ggimm bls Gimm
cmpi.w #$6ff,d3
bgt.s noMod
cmpi.w #2,SMicro(a0)
blt.s gnoi
lea TRtm(pc),a2 'rtm' opcode
moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
cmpi.w #$6cf,d3
bgt.s noRtm
moveq #0,d1 one word
moveq #0,d2 no 2nd address
moveq #1,d5 assume Dn
move.w d3,d7
btst #3,d7
beq.s wasDn
moveq #2,d5
wasDn and.w #7,d7
bra Rewr1
noRtm lea TCallm(pc),a2 'callm' opcode
bsr DecAddr2
cmpi.w #4,d3 no (An)+
beq.s gnoi
cmpi.w #5,d3 no -(An)
beq.s gnoi
cmpi.w #12,d3 no #...
beq.s gnoi
moveq #1,d1 two words
moveq #12,d5 type immediate
moveq #1,d6 byte
bra.s Ggrew
gnoi bra noi
noMod cmpi.w #$8ff,d3 bit operands with
blt GBtst bit number immediate
lea TEori(pc),a2 'eori' opcode
cmpi.w #$a3c,d3
bne.s Eorsr
Goccr move.w d7,d3
andi.w #$ff00,d3
bne.s gnoi
moveq #1,d6 1st length byte
moveq #13,d2 2nd address ',ccr'
bra.s Gsr
Eorsr cmpi.w #$a7c,d3
bne.s GEori
Gosr moveq #2,d6 Word
moveq #14,d2 ',sr'
Gsr moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
moveq #1,d1 write two words
moveq #12,d5 type immediate
bra.s Ggrew
GEori lea TEori(pc),a2 'eori' opcode
cmpi.w #$aff,d3
bls.s Gimm
cmpi.w #$cff,d3
bgt.s GMoves
lea TCmpi(pc),a2 'cmpi' opcode
Gimm bsr Imdt
cmpi.w #2,d2
beq.s Gof
cmpi.w #9,d2
bgt.s Gof
Ggrew bra Rewrite
GMoves tst.w SMicro(a0)
beq.s Gof
lea TMoves(pc),a2 moves opcode
move.w d7,d0
andi.w #$7ff,d0
bne.s Gof
move.w d7,d6
moveq #1,d5 assume Dn
btst #15,d6
beq.s wasd
moveq #2,d5
wasd lsr.w #8,d7
lsr.w #4,d7
andi.w #7,d7
moveq #1,d1 two words
bsr Size
bsr DecAddr2
cmpi.w #3,d2
bcs.s Gof no Dn or An as <ea>
cmpi.w #10,d2
bcc.s Gof nothing higher than $...
bchg #11,d6
btst #11,d6
bra.s trys
Gof bra.s noi
GBtst move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$38,d0
cmpi.w #8,d0
beq.s GMovep
move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$c0,d0
bne.s GBchg
lea TBtst(pc),a2
bra.s GBit
GBchg cmpi.w #$40,d0
bne.s GBclr
lea TBchg(pc),a2
bra.s GBit
GBclr cmpi.w #$80,d0
bne.s GBset
lea TBclr(pc),a2
bra.s GBit
GBset lea TBset(pc),a2
GBit bsr Bit
GRew bra Rewrite
noi bra Undef
GMovep lea TMovep(pc),a2 movep
moveq #1,d1 two words
moveq #2,d0 assume .w
btst #6,d3
beq.s solong
moveq #4,d0
solong moveq #6,d5 d(An)
move.w d7,a3
move.w d3,d7
andi.w #7,d7
moveq #1,d2 data reg
move.w d3,d4
lsr.w #8,d4
lsr.w #1,d4
andi.w #7,d4
btst #7,d3
trys beq.s GRew
bsr Swapreg
bra.s GRew
Group1 moveq #0,d0 byte
bra.s gotqual
Group2 moveq #4,d0 long
bra.s gotqual
Group3 moveq #2,d0 word
gotqual move.w d3,d1
andi.w #$1c0,d1 now get destination mode
cmpi.w #$40,d1
beq.s GMovea movea command
lea TMove(pc),a2
moveq #-1,d1
movea.l d1,a3
addq.l #1,d1
move.w d3,-(a7)
bsr DecAddr2
bsr Swapreg
move.w (a7)+,d3
cmpa.l #-1,a3
beq.s na3
movea.l a3,a5
suba.l a3,a3
na3 lsr.w #3,d3
andi.w #$1f8,d3
move.w d3,d4
lsr.w #6,d4
andi.w #7,d4
or.w d4,d3
bsr DecAddr2
exg a3,a5
cmpi.w #10,d2 check destination address
bge.s rub2
tst.l d0
bne.s gGrew
cmpi.w #2,d5 no move.b An,...
bne.s gGrew
rub2 bra Undef
GMovea lea TMovea(pc),a2
tst.w d0 no byte qualifier
beq.s rub1
bsr Dnea
moveq #2,d2
gGrew bra Rewrite
Group4 btst #8,d3
bne GLea
cmpi.w #$40ff,d3
bgt.s GMoveccr
cmpi.w #$40c0,d3
blt.s GNegx move from status register
moveq #14,d5 sr,
bra.s Wmove
GNegx lea TNegx(pc),a2 'negx' opcode
GNeg move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$c0,d0 get size bits 7,6
lsr.w #5,d0
move.w d0,-(a7)
Gbcd moveq #0,d1
bsr DecAddr1
move.w (a7)+,d0
cmpi.w #2,d5
beq.s rub1
cmpi.w #10,d5
bcc.s rub1
bra Rewr1
GMoveccr cmpi.w #$4200,d3
blt.s rub1
cmpi.w #$42ff,d3
bgt.s GMovtccr
lea TClr(pc),a2
cmpi.w #$42c0,d3
blt.s GNeg
tst.w SMicro(a0) move from ccr
beq.s rub1
moveq #13,d5 ccr,
Wmove moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
moveq #0,d1 one word
lea TMove(pc),a2 'move' opcode
bsr DecAddr2
bra.s Rew1
rub1 bra Undef
GMovtccr cmpi.w #$4400,d3
blt.s rub1
cmpi.w #$44ff,d3
bgt.s GMovtsr
lea TNeg(pc),a2
cmpi.w #$44c0,d3
gGNeg blt.s GNeg
moveq #0,d1 move to ccr
bsr DecAddr1
moveq #13,d2
bra.s Movreg
GMovtsr cmpi.w #$4600,d3
blt.s rub1
cmpi.w #$46ff,d3
bgt.s GNbcd
lea TNot(pc),a2
cmpi.w #$46c0,d3
blt.s gGNeg
moveq #0,d1 one word
bsr DecAddr1
moveq #14,d2
Movreg moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
lea TMove(pc),a2 move to ccr
Rew1 bra Rewrite
GNbcd cmpi.w #$4800,d3
grub1 blt.s rub1
cmpi.w #$483f,d3
bgt.s GSwap
lea TNbcd(pc),a2
Gtobcd moveq #1,d0
move.w d0,-(a7)
bra Gbcd
GSwap cmpi.w #$4847,d3
bgt.s GBkpt
lea TSwap(pc),a2
bra.s Gtobcd
GBkpt cmpi.w #$484f,d3
bgt.s GPea
cmpi.w #2,SMicro(a0) 68020+
blt.s grub1
lea TBkpt(pc),a2 bkpt #n
bra VecWrt
GPea cmpi.w #$487f,d3
bgt.s GExt
lea TPea(pc),a2 'pea' opcode
moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
bra.s Godec
GExt cmpi.w #$49c7,d3
bgt.s GMovm
move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$38,d0 Bits 5 4 3 must be 000
bne.s GMovm
move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$1c0,d0 get qualifier
lsr.w #6,d0
cmpi.w #2,d0 .w
beq.s Qok
cmpi.w #3,d0 .l
bne.s Pot
moveq #4,d0
Qok lea TExtn(pc),a2
Godec bra dec1
Pot cmpi.w #7,d0
bne.s notis
cmpi.w #2,SMicro(a0)
blt.s notis
moveq #4,d0
lea TExtb(pc),a2
bra.s Godec
GMovm cmpi.w #$48ff,d3 movem reg_list,<ea>
bgt.s GIllegal
lea TMovem(pc),a2 'movem' op code
moveq #2,d0
moveq #1,d1
btst #6,d3
beq.s mwd
moveq #4,d0 qualifier
mwd move.w (a1)+,d7
moveq #19,d5 movem stuff type
bsr DecAddr2
cmpi.w #3,d2 no Dn,An
blt.s notis
cmpi.w #4,d2 no (An)+
beq.s notis
cmpi.w #5,d2 is it -(An)?
bne.s trypct
movem.l d3-d5,-(a7)
moveq #15,d5
moveq #0,d4 reverse the register list
moveq #0,d3
mwd1 btst d5,d7
beq.s noset
bset d4,d3
noset addq.w #1,d4
subq.w #1,d5
bpl.s mwd1
move.w d3,d7
movem.l (a7)+,d3-d5
trypct cmpi.w #9,d2 no d(PC) etc
bgt.s notis
tst.w d7
bne Rewrite Reg mask may not be zero
notis bra Undef
GIllegal cmpi.w #$4a00,d3
blt.s notis
cmpi.w #$4afc,d3
bne.s GTst
lea TIllegal(pc),a2
bra OneByte
GTst cmpi.w #$4abf,d3
bgt.s GTas
move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$c0,d0
lsr.w #5,d0
lea TTst(pc),a2
dec1 bsr DecAddr1
cmpi.w #2,d5 no An
beq.s notis
bra.s Rew12
GTas cmpi.w #$4aff,d3
bgt.s GMovem
moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
lea TTas(pc),a2
bra.s dec1
GMovem cmpi.w #$4c80,d3 movem <ea>,reg_list
blt.s notis
cmpi.w #$4cff,d3
bgt.s GTrap
lea TMovem(pc),a2
moveq #2,d0
btst #6,d3
beq.s mwwd
moveq #4,d0
mwwd move.w (a1)+,-(a7)
bsr DecAddr1
addq.w #1,d1
moveq #19,d2 movem stuff type
move.w (a7)+,d4
cmpi.w #3,d5 no Dn,An
blt.s notok
cmpi.w #5,d5 no -(An)
beq.s notok
cmpi.w #11,d5
bgt.s notok
tst.w d4
beq.s notok Reg mask may not be zero
Rew2 bra Rewrite
notok bra Undef
GTrap cmpi.w #$4e40,d3
blt.s notok
cmpi.w #$4e4f,d3
bgt.s GLink
lea TTrap(pc),a2
VecWrt bsr Vector
Rew12 bra Rewr1
GLink cmpi.w #$4e58,d3
bgt.s GUnlk
moveq #1,d0
moveq #1,d1
move.w d7,d4
move.w d3,d7
andi.w #7,d7 register
moveq #1,d6
moveq #2,d5 An
moveq #12,d2 immediate data
moveq #3,d3 signed word
lea TLink(pc),a2
bra.s Rew2
GUnlk cmpi.w #$4e5f,d3
bgt.s GMovesp
andi.w #$ffef,d3
moveq #1,d0
lea TUnlk(pc),a2
bsr DecAddr1
bra.s Rew12
GMovesp cmpi.w #$4e6f,d3
bgt.s GReset
lea TMove(pc),a2
moveq #1,d0
moveq #0,d1
andi.w #$f,d3
cmpi.w #7,d3
bgt.s Fromusp
moveq #2,d5
moveq #1,d6
move.w d3,d7
moveq #17,d2
bra.s Rew2
Fromusp move.w d3,d4
andi.w #7,d4
moveq #2,d2
moveq #1,d3
moveq #17,d5
bra Rewrite
GReset lea TReset(pc),a2
cmpi.w #$4e70,d3
beq.s OneByte
lea TNop(pc),a2
cmpi.w #$4e71,d3
beq.s OneByte
cmpi.w #$4e72,d3 'stop' operand
bne.s SRte
lea TStop(pc),a2
Xstop moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
moveq #1,d1 2 words
moveq #0,d2 no second address
moveq #12,d5 immediate address
moveq #2,d6 word operand
move.w (a1)+,d7
bra Rew13
SRte lea TRte(pc),a2
cmpi.w #$4e73,d3
beq.s OneByte
lea TRtd(pc),a2
cmpi.w #$4e74,d3
bne.s SRts
tst.w SMicro(a0) only 68010+
bne.s Xstop
bra.s Jmpf
SRts lea TRts(pc),a2
cmpi.w #$4e75,d3
beq.s OneByte
lea TTrapv(pc),a2
cmpi.w #$4e76,d3
beq.s OneByte
cmpi.w #$4e77,d3
bne.s GMovec
lea TRtr(pc),a2
OneByte moveq #0,d5 no operand
moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
moveq #0,d1 write one word
bra Rewr2
Jmpf bra Undef
GMovec cmpi.w #$4e7a,d3
beq.s ismovec
cmpi.w #$4e7b,d3
bne.s GJsr
ismovec tst.w SMicro(a0)
beq.s Jmpf
move.w d7,d0
andi.w #$7fe,d0
bne.s Jmpf
lea TMovec(pc),a2
moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
moveq #1,d1 two words
moveq #15,d2 assume sfc
btst #0,d7
beq.s noinc
addq.w #1,d2
noinc btst #11,d7
beq.s nocni
addq.w #2,d2
nocni moveq #1,d5 2nd address type An or Dn
btst #15,d7
beq.s noicn
addq.w #1,d5
noicn lsr.w #8,d7
lsr.w #4,d7
andi.w #7,d7
btst #0,d3
beq.s gnom
bsr Swapreg
gnom bra Rewrite
GJsr cmpi.w #$4e80,d3
Jjmpf blt.s Jmpf
cmpi.w #$4ebf,d3
bgt.s GJmp
lea TJsr(pc),a2
XJmp moveq #1,d0
bsr DecAddr1
cmpi.w #3,d5 jsr (An) is ok
beq.s Rew13
cmpi.w #6,d5 nothing below $XX(An)
bcs.s goodno
cmpi.w #12,d5 no #$XXXX
beq.s goodno
Rew13 bra Rewr1
goodno bra Undef
GJmp cmpi.w #$4eff,d3
bgt Jmpf
lea TJmp(pc),a2
bra XJmp
GLea move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$fff8,d0
cmpi.w #$49c0,d0
beq GExt
cmpi.w #$4180,d3
blt.s Jjmpf
btst #6,d3
beq.s GChk
lea TLea(pc),a2
moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
bsr Dnea
bsr Check2
moveq #2,d2 lea ...,An
nomrel bra Rewrite
GChk move.w d3,-(a7)
bsr DecAddr1
move.w (a7)+,d4
tst.l d0
bmi.s NoChk
cmpi.w #2,d5
beq.s NoChk no chk.x An,Dm
move.w d4,d0
andi.w #$e00,d4
lsr.w #8,d4
lsr.w #1,d4
moveq #1,d2
andi.w #$180,d0
cmpi.w #$180,d0 .w
bne.s Cmpl
moveq #2,d0
lea TChk(pc),a2
bra.s nomrel
NoChk bra Undef
Cmpl cmpi.w #$100,d0 .l only on 68020
bne.s NoChk
cmpi.w #2,SMicro(a0)
bcs.s NoChk
moveq #4,d0
noml bra.s nomrel
Group5 move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$c0,d0
cmpi.w #$c0,d0
beq.s GDbcc
lea TSubq(pc),a2
btst #8,d3
bne.s GSubq
lea TAddq(pc),a2 addq
GSubq move.w d3,d7 subq
andi.w #$e00,d7
lsr.w #8,d7
lsr.w #1,d7
bne.s no8
moveq #8,d7
no8 moveq #1,d6
moveq #12,d5
lsr.w #5,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr DecAddr2
cmpi.w #10,d2 no #$... or higher
bcc.s gf
tst.l d0
bne.s noml
cmpi.w #2,d2 no addq.b #$X,An
bne.s noml
gf bra.s fff
GDbcc move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$38,d0
cmpi.w #8,d0
bne.s GScc
move.w d3,d0 dbcc
lea Branch(pc),a2
andi.w #$f00,d0
lsr.w #8,d0
mulu #5,d0
cmpi.w #5,d0
bgt.s Readd
subq.l #5,d0
Readd adda.l d0,a2
moveq #1,d1 no of words = 2
moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
btst #0,d7 displacement must be even
bne.s fff
move.l SRelAddr(a0),d4
ext.l d7
add.l d7,d4
addq.l #2,d4
move.w d3,d7
andi.w #7,d7
moveq #1,d5
moveq #8,d2
moveq #4,d3
bra Rewrite
GScc cmpi.w #$38,d0
beq.s fff
lea Setcc(pc),a2 scc
moveq #0,d0
move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$f00,d0
lsr.w #6,d0
adda.l d0,a2
moveq #1,d0
bsr DecAddr1
cmpi.w #8,d5
beq.s eadr
cmpi.w #9,d5
bne.s neadr
eadr btst #0,d7 Address must be even
beq.s neadr
fff bra Undef
Group6 moveq #0,d0
move.w d3,d0
lea Branch(pc),a2
andi.w #$f00,d0
lsr.w #8,d0
mulu #5,d0
addq.l #1,d0
add.l d0,a2
moveq #0,d1 assume no of word = 1
moveq #1,d0 assume no qualifier
moveq #8,d5
moveq #4,d6
move.l d7,d4 displacement
move.l SRelAddr(a0),d7
addq.l #2,d7
moveq #0,d2
tst.b d3 8 bit displ 0 then 16 bit displ
beq.s Trywrd
cmpi.b #$ff,d3 8 bit displ ff then 32 bit displ
beq.s Trylng
moveq #6,d0 qualifier = .s
andi.l #$ff,d3
ext.w d3
move.l d3,d4
bra.s bext
Trywrd moveq #1,d1
andi.l #$ffff,d4
bext ext.l d4
add.l d4,d7
bra.s bccr
Trylng cmpi.w #2,SMicro(a0) long offsets only
blt.s fff for >= 68020
moveq #4,d0 qualifier = .l
moveq #2,d1 3 words
move.l 2(a1),d4
add.l d4,d7
bccr btst #0,d7 branch address even
bne.s fff
neadr bra Rewr1
Group7 lea TMoveq(pc),a2
btst #8,d3
bne.s fff
move.w d3,d7
andi.w #$ff,d7
moveq #12,d5
moveq #0,d6
move.w d3,d4
andi.w #$e00,d4
lsr.w #8,d4
lsr.w #1,d4
moveq #1,d2
moveq #1,d0
moveq #0,d1
bra.s Rew4
; OR group 8 7 6
; OR 0 0 0
; 0 0 1 if bit 8 is 1 then 5 4 3
; 0 1 0 0 0 0
; 1 0 0 0 0 1
; 1 0 1 are not allowed
; 1 1 0
; 8 7 6 5 4
; 0 1 1 divu
; 1 0 0 0 0 sbcd
; 1 0 1 0 0 pack (68020)
; 1 1 0 0 0 unpk (68020)
; 1 1 1 divs
Group8 move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$1c0,d0
cmpi.w #$c0,d0 test if 876 = 011
beq.s GDivu
cmpi.w #$1c0,d0 test if 876 = 111
beq.s GDivs
btst #8,d3 test if bit 8 set
beq.s isor
move.w d3,d1
andi.w #$30,d1 test if 54 = 00
beq.s GSbcd
isor move.w d3,-(a7) or command
bsr Size qualifier
lea Tor(pc),a2
bsr DecAddr1
movea.l d4,a4
move.w (a7)+,d4
cmpi.w #2,d5
beq.s nondef
btst #8,d4
beq.s nextG
move.w d4,d7
move.l a4,d4
andi.w #$e00,d7
lsr.w #8,d7
lsr.w #1,d7
move.w d5,d2
moveq #1,d5
Rew4 bra Rewrite
GDivu lea TDivu(pc),a2
bra.s GDiv
GDivs lea TDivs(pc),a2
GDiv move.w d3,-(a7)
bsr DecAddr1
moveq #1,d0
move.w (a7)+,d4
cmpi.w #2,d5 no divy.x An,Dm
beq.s nondef
cmpi.w #12,d5 no divy.x ccr,Dn and higher
bgt.s nondef
nextG andi.w #$e00,d4
lsr.w #8,d4
lsr.w #1,d4
moveq #1,d2
bra.s Rew4
nondef bra Undef
GSbcd cmpi.w #$100,d0
bne.s GPack
lea TSbcd(pc),a2
moveq #1,d0
bra DnDm
GPack cmpi.w #2,SMicro(a0) if micro <2 undefined
blt.s nondef
cmpi.w #$140,d0
bne.s GUnpk
lea TPack(pc),a2
GUnpk lea TUnpk(pc),a2 >>>>> not implemented >>>>
bra.s nondef
Group9 move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$c0,d0
cmpi.w #$c0,d0
beq GSuba
btst #8,d3
beq.s GSub
move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$30,d0
bne.s GSub
lea TSubx(pc),a2
moveq #0,d1
move.w d3,d7 subx
andi.w #7,d7
move.w d3,d4
andi.w #$e00,d4
lsr.w #8,d4
lsr.w #1,d4
bsr Size
moveq #1,d2
moveq #1,d5
btst #3,d3
beq.s GGR
moveq #5,d2
moveq #5,d5
GGR bra Rewrite
GSub lea TSub(pc),a2
bsr Size
move.w d3,-(a7)
bsr DecAddr1
movea.l d4,a4
move.w (a7)+,d4
btst #8,d4
bne.s Slong
andi.w #$e00,d4 sub.x <ea>,Dn
lsr.w #8,d4
lsr.w #1,d4
moveq #1,d2
cmpi.w #2,d5 is it An?
bne.s GGR
tst.l d0 ok if not .b
bne.s GGR
defno bra Undef
Slong move.w d4,d7 sub.x Dn,<ea>
move.l a4,d4
andi.w #$e00,d7
lsr.w #8,d7
lsr.w #1,d7
move.w d5,d2
moveq #1,d5
cmpi.w #3,d2 no Dn or An
bcs.s defno
tsthi cmpi.w #10,d2 nothing above $...
bcc.s defno
bra.s GGR
GSuba lea TSuba(pc),a2
moveq #4,d0
btst #8,d3
bne.s Sublng
moveq #2,d0
Sublng bsr Dnea
moveq #2,d2
bra.s GGR
Groupb move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$c0,d0
cmpi.w #$c0,d0
beq.s GCmpa
btst #8,d3
beq.s GCmp
move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$38,d0
cmpi.w #8,d0
beq.s GCmpm
lea TEor(pc),a2
bsr Dneasize eor
exg d4,d7
exg d5,d2
cmpi.w #2,d2
defnot beq.s defno
bra.s tsthi
GCmpa lea TCmpa(pc),a2 cmpa
bra XCmp
GCmp lea TCmp(pc),a2 cmp
bsr Dneasize
tst.l d0
bne.s Rew5
tstAn cmpi.w #2,d5 no cmp.b An,Dm
beq.s defnot
Rew5 bra Rewrite
GCmpm lea TCmpm(pc),a2 cmpm
ori.w #$10,d3
bsr Dneasize
moveq #4,d2
moveq #4,d5
bra.s nofix
Groupc move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$1c0,d0
cmpi.w #$1c0,d0
beq.s GMuls
cmpi.w #$c0,d0
beq.s GMulu
btst #8,d3
beq.s GAnd
move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$38,d0
beq.s exgabcd
cmpi.w #8,d0
beq.s exgabcd
GAnd lea TAnd(pc),a2 and
bsr Xdneasize
bra.s tstAn
GMuls lea TMuls(pc),a2 muls
bra.s GMul
GMulu lea TMulu(pc),a2 mulu
GMul moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
bsr Dnea
cmpi.w #2,d5 no mul An,Dm
beq Undef
bra.s nofix
exgabcd moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
move.w d3,d1
andi.w #$c0,d1
beq.s GAbcd
lea TExg(pc),a2 exg
move.w d3,a4
bsr Dnea
move.w a4,d3
and.w #$f8,d3
cmpi.w #$48,d3
bne.s nofix
moveq #2,d2
nofix bra Rewrite
GAbcd lea TAbcd(pc),a2 abcd
DnDm bsr Dnea
bra.s fixan
; if bits 7,6 = 11 then its adda
; if bit 8 is 1 and bits 5,4 = 00 then its addx
; else its add
Groupd move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$c0,d0
cmpi.w #$c0,d0 bits 7,6=11
beq.s GAdda
btst #8,d3
beq.s GAdd if bit 8=0 its add
move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$30,d0 now if bits 5,4<>00 its add
bne.s GAdd
lea TAddx(pc),a2 addx
bsr Dneasize
fixan cmpi.w #2,d5
bne.s nofix
moveq #5,d2 fix addressing mode
moveq #5,d5
bra.s nofix
GAdda lea TAdda(pc),a2 adda
XCmp moveq #2,d0
btst #8,d3
beq.s addword
moveq #4,d0
addword bsr Dnea
moveq #2,d2
bra.s nofix
GAdd lea TAdd(pc),a2 add
bsr Xdneasize
bra.s nofix
* logical group
Groupe lea TAsr(pc),a2
btst #8,d3
beq.s addrok
addq.w #5,a2
addrok move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$c0,d0
cmpi.w #$c0,d0
bne.s nomem
move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$600,d0
lsr.w #8,d0
cmpi.w #4,d0
beq.s nox
addq.l #1,a2
nox mulu #5,d0
adda.w d0,a2
moveq #1,d0
bsr DecAddr1
cmpi.w #3,d5 no Dn or An
bcs.s Undef
cmpi.w #10,d5 no #$... or higher
bcc.s Undef
bra Rewr1
nomem move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$18,d0
lsr.w #2,d0
cmpi.w #4,d0
beq.s noxx
addq.l #1,a2
noxx mulu #5,d0
adda.w d0,a2
move.w d3,d7
andi.w #$e00,d7
lsr.w #8,d7
lsr.w #1,d7
moveq #1,d5 data register
btst #5,d3
bne.s isdata
moveq #12,d5 immediate
moveq #1,d6
tst.w d7
bne.s isdata
moveq #8,d7
isdata bsr Size
move.w d3,d4
andi.w #7,d4
moveq #0,d1
moveq #1,d2
bra.s Rewrite
Undef lea nodef(pc),a2 non defined opcode
moveq #0,d2
movea.l SBegin(a0),a1 1st address
move.w (a1),d7
moveq #0,d2 type of 2nd address
moveq #2,d6 1st length = 2
moveq #8,d5 1st type = absolute
moveq #2,d0 .w qualifier
moveq #0,d1 write one word
bra.s Rewr1
Rewrite tst.l d0
bmi.s Undef
cmpi.w #1,d0
ble.s rere
cmpi.w #8,d2
beq.s dotest
cmpi.w #9,d2
bne.s rere
dotest btst #0,d4 make sure there are no (long) word
bne.s Undef operations on odd addresses
rere move.w #0,-(a7) no 3rd address
move.l d4,-(a7) 2nd address
move.l d4,SAddr2(a0)
move.w d3,-(a7) 2nd length
move.w d3,SLen2(a0)
Rewr1 tst.l d0
bmi.s Undef
move.w d2,-(a7) 2nd type
move.w d2,SType2(a0)
move.l d7,-(a7) 1st address
move.l d7,SAddr1(a0)
move.w d6,-(a7) 1st length
move.w d6,SLen1(a0)
Rewr2 move.w d5,-(a7) 1st type
move.w d5,SType1(a0)
move.w d0,-(a7) qualifier
move.l a2,-(a7) opcode text
move.w d1,-(a7) number of words
***** FILL BUFFER ****
WriteBuf move.l a0,d1 get buffer start
addi.w #SBuffer,d1
movea.l d1,a1
move.l d1,d7
addi.w #42,d7
movea.l a1,a2 clear buffer
move.l #$20202020,d0
moveq #20,d1
clear move.l d0,(a2)+
dbra d1,clear
move.l SRelAddr(a0),d1 get relative address
moveq #1,d5
bsr address write relative address
addq.l #1,a1 blank
moveq #0,d3
move.w (a7)+,d3
movea.l SBegin(a0),a2
move.l d3,d1 correction to addresses
addq.l #1,d1
lsl.l #1,d1
move.w d1,STotal(a0)
move.l a2,d0
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,SBegin(a0)
move.l SRelAddr(a0),d0
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,SRelAddr(a0)
*** HEX BYTES ***
Bloop move.w (a2)+,d1 write hex header
bsr words
addq.l #1,a1
dbra d3,Bloop
movea.l d7,a1
*** OPCODE ***
movea.l (a7)+,a2
move.l a2,d0
subi.l #nodef,d0
move.w d0,SOpCode(a0)
move.w d0,d6
moveq #10,d0 Write op code
opcod move.b (a2)+,(a1)+
dbeq d0,opcod
subq.l #1,a1
move.b #$20,(a1)
moveq #0,d4
move.w (a7)+,d4
cmpi.b #1,d4 No qualifier?
beq.s Qualno
lea pointb(pc),a0 Write qualifier
adda.w d4,a0
bsr wrbuf
Qualno addq.l #1,a1
moveq #0,d0
move.w (a7)+,d0 type of address
beq endaddr no address
NAddress moveq #0,d5
move.w (a7)+,d4 get length
move.l (a7)+,d1 get address
cmpi.w #1,d0
bne.s nodreg Address mode Dn
lea RegText(pc),a0
bsr Dreg
bra.s endad1
nodreg cmpi.w #2,d0
bne.s noareg Address mode An
bsr Areg
bra.s endad1
noareg cmpi.w #3,d0
beq.s a_reg Address mode (An)
cmpi.w #4,d0
bne.s no_aa_r Address mode (An)+
bsr Aareg
move.b #'+',(a1)+
bra.s endad1
no_aa_r cmpi.w #5,d0 Address mode -(An)
bne.s no_ba_r
move.b #'-',(a1)+
bra.s a_reg
no_ba_r cmpi.w #6,d0 Address mode d(An)
bne.s no_da_r
move.w d1,d7
move.w a3,d1
bsr sword
move.w d7,d1
a_reg bsr Aareg
bra.s endad1
no_da_r cmpi.w #7,d0 Address mode d(An,Rn)
bne.s no_dar_r
move.w d1,d7
move.w a3,d1
bsr sbyte Write byte
move.b #$28,(a1)+ Write "("
move.w d7,d1
bsr Areg Write register
bra Xpc
no_dar_r cmpi.w #12,d0
bne.s tryabs
move.b #'#',(a1)+
subq.w #4,d0 Change mode to absolute
tryabs cmpi.w #9,d0 8,9
bgt.s trydpc
tst.w d4 signed byte
bne.s trybyte
bsr sbyte
endad1 bra endad2
trybyte move.b #'$',(a1)+
cmpi.w #1,d4
bne.s tryword Byte absolute
bsr byte
bra.s endad1
tryword cmpi.w #2,d4
bne.s trysw Word absolute
tst.w d6
bne.s noform
bsr format
bra.s endad1
noform bsr word
bra.s endad1
trysw cmpi.w #3,d4 signed word
bne.s trylw
subq.l #1,a1
bsr sword
bra.s endad1
trylw cmpi.w #4,d4
bne.s endad1
bsr long Long word absolute
bra.s endad1
trydpc cmpi.w #10,d0
bne.s trypc d(PC)
cmpi.w #4,d4
beq.s pclng
move.w a3,d1
bsr sword
bra.s pcsht
pclng move.b #'$',(a1)+
bsr long
pcsht bsr wrpc
bra.s endbra
trypc cmpi.w #11,d0
bne.s tryccr d(PC,Rn)
move.w a3,d1
bsr sbyte
bsr wrpc
Xpc move.b #',',(a1)+
move.w a3,d1
lsr.w #8,d1
lsr.w #4,d1
lea RegText(pc),a0
bsr Dreg
lea pointw(pc),a0
move.w a3,d1
andi.w #$f00,d1
beq.s isword
addq.l #2,a0
isword bsr wrbuf
endbra move.b #')',(a1)+
bra endad2
tryccr cmpi.w #13,d0 to ccr
bne.s trysr
lea Tccr(pc),a0
bra.s wrbuf3
trysr cmpi.w #14,d0 to sr
bne.s tryusp
lea Tsr(pc),a0
bsr wrbuf
bra.s endad2
tryusp cmpi.w #18,d0 to sfc/dfc/usp/vbr
bgt.s smovem
lea Tsfc(pc),a0
subi.w #15,d0
mulu #3,d0
ext.l d0
adda.l d0,a0
wrbuf3 bsr wr3
bra.s endad2
smovem cmpi.w #19,d0
bne.s endad2
moveq #0,d4
move.w d1,d5
moveq #0,d6 first loop flag
floop btst d4,d5 find first nonzero bit in d1
bne.s first
addq.w #1,d4
cmpi.w #16,d4
bne.s floop
beq.s endad2 no more nonzero bits
first move.w d4,d2 save first reg
bra.s mnext
lloop btst d4,d5
beq.s islast
mnext addq.w #1,d4
cmpi.w #16,d4
bne.s lloop
islast tst.l d6
beq.s ffst
move.b #'/',(a1)+
ffst moveq #1,d6
lea RegText(pc),a0
move.w d2,d1
bsr.s Dreg
move.w d4,d1
subq.w #1,d1
cmp.w d1,d2
beq.s lstlp
move.b #'-',(a1)+
lea RegText(pc),a0
bsr.s Dreg
lstlp cmpi.w #16,d4
bne.s floop
endad2 move.w (a7)+,d0 next type
beq.s endaddr no more
move.b #',',(a1)+
cmpa.l #-1,a5
beq.s MAD
movea.l a5,a3
MAD bra NAddress Second address
endaddr movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a3-a6
; Write (An)
Aareg move.b #'(',(a1)+
bsr.s Areg
move.b #')',(a1)+
; Write An
Areg lea RegA(pc),a0
Dreg lsl.w #1,d1
add.w d1,a0
wrbuf move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
; Write (PC
wrpc lea PCtext(pc),a0
wr3 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bra.s wrbuf
; Conversion to hex
; a1 buffer (incremented)
; d0 lost
; d1 binary to write (unchanged)
; d2 lost
sword tst.w d1
bpl.s sw1
neg.w d1
move.b #'-',(a1)+
sw1 move.b #'$',(a1)+
bra.s word
sbyte tst.b d1
bpl.s sb1
neg.b d1
move.b #'-',(a1)+
sb1 move.b #'$',(a1)+
bra.s byte
; Write long word
long tst.l d1
beq.s null
cmpi.l #9,d1
bhi.s llong
subq.l #1,a1
llong move.l d1,d0
swap d0
lsr.w #8,d0
bsr.s byte1 1st byte of long
; Write address
address move.l d1,d0
swap d0
bsr.s byte1 1st byte of address
bra.s words
; Write hex word
word tst.w d1
beq.s null
cmpi.w #9,d1
bhi.s words
subq.l #1,a1
words move.w d1,d0
lsr.w #8,d0
bsr.s byte1 1st byte of word
bra.s bight
byte tst.b d1
beq.s null
cmpi.b #9,d1
bhi.s bight
subq.l #1,a1
bight move.w d1,d0
; Convert byte to ASCII and write into buffer
byte1 move.b d0,d2 save byte
lsr.b #4,d0 high half byte
bsr.s byte2
move.b d2,d0 restore byte
; Convert half byte to ASCII and write into buffer
byte2 andi.b #$f,d0 take lower half byte
bne.s write
tst.w d5
beq.s nowrite
write moveq #1,d5
addi.b #'0',d0 convert to "0" - "9"
cmpi.b #$3a,d0 above "9"?
blt.s nocorr
addq.b #7,d0 convert to "A" - "F"
nocorr move.b d0,(a1)+ write into buffer
nowrite rts
null subq.l #1,a1
move.b #'0',(a1)+
; write word or ASCII
format cmpi.b #'''',d1
beq.s word
cmpi.b #' ',d1
blt.s word
cmpi.b #$7e,d1
bgt.s word
move.w d1,d0
lsr.w #8,d0
cmpi.b #'''',d0
beq.s word
cmpi.b #' ',d0
blt.s word
cmpi.b #$7e,d0
bgt.s word
subq.l #1,a1
move.b #'''',(a1)+
move.b d0,(a1)+
move.b d1,(a1)+
move.b #'''',(a1)+
; Decode <ea>,Dn or Dn,<ea>
Xdneasize move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$100,d0
movea.w d0,a4
bsr.s Dneasize
cmpa.w #0,a4
beq.s noswap
Swapreg exg d2,d5
exg d3,d6
exg d4,d7
noswap rts
; Decode Dn,<ea>
Dneasize bsr.s Size
Dnea move.w d3,-(a7)
bsr DecAddr1
move.w (a7)+,d4
andi.w #$e00,d4
lsr.w #8,d4
lsr.w #1,d4
moveq #1,d2
; Get size of operand
Size move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$c0,d0
lsr.w #5,d0
cmpi.w #6,d0
beq rubbish
; Get vector address
Vector moveq #1,d0
moveq #0,d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #12,d5
moveq #1,d6
andi.w #7,d3
move.w d3,d7
; Decode address for bit operation
Bit move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$100,d0
bne.s Rdata
move.w d3,d0
andi.w #$e00,d0
cmpi.w #$800,d0
bne.s rubbish
move.w (a1)+,d7
cmpi.w #31,d7 data must be 0..31
bhi.s rubbish
moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
moveq #1,d1 two words
moveq #12,d5 immediate
moveq #1,d6 byte
bra.s EndBit
Rdata moveq #1,d0 no qualifier
moveq #0,d1 one word
moveq #1,d5 type Dn
move.w d3,d7
lsr.w #8,d7
lsr.w #1,d7
EndBit bsr.s DecAddr2
cmpi.w #2,d2
beq.s rubbish no ",An"
cmpi.w #9,d2
bgt.s rubbish
; Decode address for immediate opcode
Imdt move.l d3,d6
andi.w #$c0,d6
lsr.w #5,d6 length of 1st operand
move.l d6,d0 qualifier
moveq #12,d5 type of 1st operand
moveq #1,d1 number of words - 1
cmpi.w #6,d0
beq.s rubbish
cmpi.w #4,d0
beq.s longop
move.w (a1)+,d7
tst.w d0
bne.s nolong
moveq #1,d6 byte operand
cmpi.w #$ff,d7 check if high byte = 0
bgt.s rubbish
bra.s nolong
longop move.l (a1)+,d7
moveq #2,d1
nolong bsr.s DecAddr2
cmpi.w #2,d2
beq.s rubbish no ",An"
; DecAddr1 decode second address and make it first
DecAddr1 tst.l d0
bmi.s rubbish
moveq #0,d1
bsr.s DecAddr2
move.w d2,d5
move.w d3,d6
move.l d4,d7
moveq #0,d2
; DecAddr2 decode |effective address| as second address
; | mode |register|
; mode reg if mode = 7
; 0 = Dn 000 = $xxxx
; 1 = An 001 = $xxxx xxxx
; 2 = (An) 010 = d(PC)
; 3 = (An)+ 011 = d(PC,Rn)
; 4 = -(An) 100 = #$xxxx
; 5 = d(An) 101 - 111 reserved
; 6 = d(An,Rn)
rubbish moveq #-1,d0
DecAddr2 move.w d3,d2 type of second operand
andi.w #$38,d2
lsr.w #3,d2
addq.w #1,d2 mode
move.w d3,d4 address of second operand
andi.w #7,d4 register number
cmpi.w #8,d2
beq.s second
cmpi.w #6,d2
blt.s nodisp
bne.s fix7
getsec addq.l #1,d1 increment no of words
move.w (a1)+,a3 displacement
cmpi.w #10,d2 is it d(pc)?
bne.s nodisp
moveq #4,d3 write long address
move.w a3,d4
ext.l d4
add.l SRelAddr(a0),d4 get relative address
addq.l #2,d4
nodisp rts
fix7 bsr.s getsec for d(An,Rn)
tst.l d0
beq.s is.b
move.w a3,d2 if the qualifier is not .b the
andi.w #1,d2 displacement must be even
bne.s rubbish
is.b move.w a3,d2 d must be X0YZ
andi.w #$f00,d2 or X8YZ
cmpi.w #$800,d2
beq.s fixed
tst.w d2
bne.s rubbish
fixed moveq #7,d2
second moveq #2,d3 assume length of word
move.w d4,d2
addq.w #8,d2 get address type
cmpi.w #10,d2
beq.s getsec d(PC)
cmpi.w #11,d2
beq.s getsec d(PC,Rn)
cmpi.w #9,d2
bne.s secwrd
secl addq.w #2,d1
moveq #4,d3
move.l (a1)+,d4 $xxxx xxxx/ #$xxxx xxxx
secwrd cmpi.w #12,d2
bgt.s trash reserved
bne.s sec2 the #... address is determined
cmpi.w #4,d0 by the qualifier of the command
beq.s secl
tst.w d0
bne.s sec2
move.w (a1),d4 test if really is byte
* As far as I can tell this test is formally not correct, *
* ie. eg. $000041EE is interpreted exactly the same as *
* $000000EE namely ori.b #-$12,d0 by the processor. *
* I know of no assembler or complier which produces *
* anything else for the redundant byte XX in $0000XXEE *
* other than 00 or FF. For this reason I believe this test *
* helps to discriminate code from data. *
andi.w #$ff00,d4
beq.s byteok
cmpi.w #$ff00,d4
bne.s trash
byteok moveq #1,d3
sec2 addq #1,d1 $xxxx / #$xxxx / #$xx
move.w (a1)+,d4
; d2 <> 2, 12
Check1 cmpi.w #2,d2
beq.s trash
cmpi.w #12,d2
ccc bne.s ok
trash moveq #-1,d0
ok rts
; d5 <> 1, 2, 4, 5, 12
Check2 cmpi.w #1,d5
beq.s trash
cmpi.w #2,d5
beq.s trash
cmpi.w #4,d5
beq.s trash
cmpi.w #5,d5
beq.s trash
cmpi.w #12,d5
bra.s ccc
Group dc.l Group0,Group1,Group2,Group3,Group4,Group5,Group6
dc.l Group7,Group8,Group9,Undef,Groupb,Groupc,Groupd
dc.l Groupe,Undef
******* OP CODE TEXTS *******
nodef dc.b 'dc',0
TAbcd dc.b 'abcd',0
TAdd dc.b 'add',0
TAdda dc.b 'adda',0
TAddi dc.b 'addi',0
TAddq dc.b 'addq',0
TAddx dc.b 'addx',0
TAnd dc.b 'and',0
TAndi dc.b 'andi',0
TBchg dc.b 'bchg',0
TBclr dc.b 'b'
TClr dc.b 'clr',0
TBfchg dc.b 'bfchg',0
TBfclr dc.b 'bfclr',0
TBfexts dc.b 'bfexts',0
TBfextu dc.b 'bfextu',0
TBfffo dc.b 'bfffo',0
TBfins dc.b 'bfins',0
TBfset dc.b 'bfset',0
TBftst dc.b 'bfset',0
TBkpt dc.b 'bkpt',0
TBset dc.b 'bset',0
TBtst dc.b 'b'
TTst dc.b 'tst',0
TCallm dc.b 'callm',0
TCas dc.b 'cas',0
TCas2 dc.b 'cas2',0
TChk dc.b 'chk',0
TChk2 dc.b 'chk2',0
TCmp dc.b 'cmp',0
TCmpa dc.b 'cmpa',0
TCmpi dc.b 'cmpi',0
TCmpm dc.b 'cmpm',0
TCmp2 dc.b 'cmp2',0
TDivs dc.b 'divs',0
TDivsl dc.b 'divsl',0
TDivu dc.b 'divu',0
TDivul dc.b 'divul',0
TEor dc.b 'e'
Tor dc.b 'or',0
TEori dc.b 'e'
TOri dc.b 'ori',0
TExg dc.b 'exg',0
TExtn dc.b 'ext',0
TExtb dc.b 'extb',0
TIllegal dc.b 'illegal',0
TJmp dc.b 'jmp',0
TJsr dc.b 'jsr',0
TLea dc.b 'lea',0
TLink dc.b 'link',0
TMove dc.b 'move',0
TMovea dc.b 'movea',0
TMovec dc.b 'movec',0
TMovem dc.b 'movem',0
TMovep dc.b 'movep',0
TMoveq dc.b 'moveq',0
TMoves dc.b 'moves',0
TMuls dc.b 'muls',0
TMulu dc.b 'mulu',0
TNbcd dc.b 'nbcd',0
TNeg dc.b 'neg',0
TNegx dc.b 'negx',0
TNop dc.b 'nop',0
TNot dc.b 'not',0
TPack dc.b 'pack',0
TPea dc.b 'pea',0
TReset dc.b 'reset',0
TRtd dc.b 'rtd',0
TRte dc.b 'rte',0
TRtm dc.b 'rtm',0
TRtr dc.b 'rtr',0
TRts dc.b 'rts',0
TSbcd dc.b 'sbcd',0
TStop dc.b 'stop',0
TSub dc.b 'sub',0
TSuba dc.b 'suba',0
TSubi dc.b 'subi',0
TSubq dc.b 'subq',0
TSubx dc.b 'subx',0
TSwap dc.b 'swap',0
TTas dc.b 'tas',0
TTrap dc.b 'trap',0
TTrapv dc.b 'trapv',0
TUnlk dc.b 'unlk',0
TUnpk dc.b 'unpk',0
dc.b 'dbt ',0
Branch dc.b 'dbra',0
dc.b ' bsr',0
dc.b 'dbhi',0
dc.b 'dbls',0
dc.b 'dbcc',0
dc.b 'dbcs',0
dc.b 'dbne',0
dc.b 'dbeq',0
dc.b 'dbvc',0
dc.b 'dbvs',0
dc.b 'dbpl',0
dc.b 'dbmi',0
dc.b 'dbge',0
dc.b 'dblt',0
dc.b 'dbgt',0
dc.b 'dble',0
Setcc dc.b ' st',0
dc.b ' sf',0
dc.b 'shi',0
dc.b 'sls',0
dc.b 'scc',0
dc.b 'scs',0
dc.b 'sne',0
dc.b 'seq',0
dc.b 'svc',0
dc.b 'svs',0
dc.b 'spl',0
dc.b 'smi',0
dc.b 'sge',0
dc.b 'slt',0
dc.b 'sgt',0
dc.b 'sle',0
TAsr dc.b ' asr',0
dc.b ' asl',0
dc.b ' lsr',0
dc.b ' lsl',0
dc.b 'roxr',0
dc.b 'roxl',0
dc.b ' ror',0
dc.b ' rol',0
******* QUALIFIERS ******
pointb dc.b '.b'
pointw dc.b '.w'
dc.b '.l'
dc.b '.s'
RegText dc.b 'd0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7'
RegA dc.b 'a0a1a2a3a4a5a6a7'
Tccr dc.b 'ccr'
Tsr dc.b 'sr'
PCtext dc.b '(pc'
Tsfc dc.b 'sfc'
dc.b 'dfc'
dc.b 'usp'
dc.b 'vbr'