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Assembly Source File
226 lines
; (c) 1990 S.Hawtin.
; Permission is granted to copy this file provided
; 1) It is not used for commercial gain
; 2) This notice is included in all copies
; 3) Altered copies are marked as such
; No liability is accepted for the contents of the file.
; C startup file for the Amiga.
; This file must be linked as the first object module in any C program.
; it loads all the needed libraries, then calls __main to set up the
; command line parameters and the default FILE * structures.
; 12 Dec 1989 Created as simple startup S.Hawtin
; 17 Feb 1990 Added workbench drivers S.Hawtin
; 13 Apr 1990 Changed AmigaDOS library interface S.Hawtin
; 5 Aug 1990 Various optimisations from M.Combs S.Hawtin
; Macro definitions
INCLUDE clibdefs.i
section ONE,CODE
XREF __main
XREF initmem
XREF clearmem
XREF fp_open
XREF fp_close
XREF __WBConsole
XREF __AmiLibArray
XREF finalLib
; Define entry point
XDEF start
move.l sp,StkPtr ; Save stack pointer for EXIT
move.l d0,__cmndlen ; Save length of command
move.l a0,__cmndstr ; Save command buffer
; Open DOS library
move.l #dosname,a1
clr d0
call exec,OpenLibrary
move.l d0,dosLib
beq error_exit
; Set up malloc lists
jsr initmem
tst.l d0
beq error_exit
; Open the floating point library. The mathtrans library is only
; opened when it is required.
jsr fp_open
; Were we started from the workbench ?
move.l #0,a1 ; Find this tasks structure
call exec,FindTask
move.l d0,__Task
move.l d0,a2
tst.l PROC.CLI(a2) ; Is it a CLI task?
beq.s WBtask
; Find standard file handles
; This section has been removed because I cannot seem to find the
; command name.
; ; Get the command name here
; move.l PROC.CLI(a2),a0
; add.l a0,a0
; add.l a0,a0 ; Now points to CLI struct
; move.l CLI.COMMAND(a0),a1
; add.l a0,a0
; add.l a0,a0 ; Now points to command name
; moveq.l #0,d0
; move.b (a0)+,d0
; move.l d0,__cmndnlen
; move.l (a0),__cmndnam
; Now get the input and output handles
move.l #0,__fromWB ; Not from workbench
call dos,Input
move.l d0,__stdin
beq error_exit
call dos,Output
move.l d0,__stdout
beq error_exit
bra NowRun
; Called from the workbench
move.l #-1,__fromWB ; from Workbench
lea PROC.MSGPORT(a2),a0
call exec,WaitPort ; wait for the workbench message
lea PROC.MSGPORT(a2),a0
call exec,GetMsg
move.l d0,__WBmsg
; Find the directory the program is in
; This lot is dealt with in the cstartup file
; move.l d0,a2
; move.l SM.ARGLIST(a2),d0
; beq.s noDir
; move.l d0,a0
; move.l WA.LOCK(a0),d1
; call dos,CurrentDir
move.l __WBConsole,d1 ; Default console
move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
call dos,Open
move.l d0,__stdin ; Console becomes default
move.l d0,__stdout
beq error_exit
; Convert open console into 68000 address
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l __Task,a2 ; Link the console to the task
move.l FH.TYPE(a0),PROC.CONSOLE(a2)
; Call main C entry point via Cstartup
bsr __main
; If _main returns fall through to a normal (0) exit
move.l #0,a0
move.l a0,-(sp) ; Hide the return code
jsr clearmem ; Tidy up memory
tst.l __fromWB
beq.s exit1
move.l __stdout,d1 ; If stdout is still open, close it
beq.s exit1
call dos,Close
tst.l __WBmsg
beq.s exit2
call exec,Forbid ; Must do this before ReplyMsg
move.l __WBmsg,a1 ; or risk vanishing
call exec,ReplyMsg
; Close any libraries that have been left open
move.l #finalLib,a2
subq.l #4,a2
move.l (a2),a1
cmp.l #0,a1
beq.s exit4
call exec,CloseLibrary
cmp.l #__AmiLibArray,a2
bne exit3
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; Return code stored in d0
; Close with an error, we have no clue as to which one
move.l #100,a0 ; 100 seems like a nice error code
bra a0_exit
; void _exit(long num);
xdef __exit
move.l 4(sp),a0 ; Put the arg into a0
move.l StkPtr,sp ; Restore the stack
bra a0_exit ; and exit
section TWO,data
; DOS Library name
dosname dc.b 'dos.library',0
section THREE,bss
CharBuff ds.b 1
ds.b 1
StkPtr ds.l 1
xdef __cmndlen,__cmndstr,__cmndnam,__cmndnlen
__cmndnlen ds.l 1 ;Command name length
__cmndnam ds.l 1 ;Command name
__cmndlen ds.l 1 ;Command line length
__cmndstr ds.l 1 ;Command line buffer
xdef __stdin,__stdout
__stdin ds.l 1 ;input file handle
__stdout ds.l 1 ;output file handle
xdef __fromWB,__Task,__WBmsg
__fromWB ds.l 1 ; Zero if called from CLI
__Task ds.l 1 ; This tasks structure
__WBmsg ds.l 1 ; message from WB