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From Modula to Oberon
N. Wirth
The programming language Oberon is the result of a concentrated effort to
increase the power of Modula-2 and simultaneously to reduce its complexity.
Several features were eliminated, and a few were added in order to increase
the expressive power and flexibility of the language. This paper describes
and motivates the changes. The language is defined in a concise report.
The programming language Oberon evolved from a project whose goal was the
design of a modern, flexible, and efficient operating system for a
single-user workstation. A principal guideline was to concentrate on
properties that are genuinely essential and - as a consequence - to omit
ephemeral issues. It is the best way to keep a system in hand, to make it
understandable, explicable, reliable, and efficiently implementable.
Initially, it was planned to express the system in Modula-2 [1]
(subsequently called Modula), as that language supports the notion of
modular design quite effectively, and because an operating system has to be
designed in terms of separately compilable parts with conscientiously
chosen interfaces. In fact, an operating system should be no more than a
set of basic modules, and the design of an application must be considered
as a goal-oriented extension of that basic set: Programming is always
extending a given system.
Whereas modern languages, such as Modula, support the notion of
extensibility in the procedural realm, the notion is less well established
in the domain of data types. In particular, Modula does not allow the
definition of new data types as extensions of other, programmer-defined
types in an adequate manner. An additional feature was called for, thereby
giving rise to an extension of Modula.
The concept of the planned operating system also called for a highly
dynamic, centralized storage management relying on the technique of garbage
collection. Although Modula does not prevent the incorporation of a garbage
collector in principle, its variant record feature constitutes a genuine
obstacle. As the new facility for extending types would make the variant
record feature superfluous, the removal of this stumbling block was a
logical decision. This step, however, gave rise to a restriction (subset)
of Modula.
It soon became clear that the rule to concentrate on the essential and to
eliminate the inessential should not only be applied to the design of the
new system, but equally stringently to the language in which the system is
formulated. The application of the principle thus led from Modula to a new
language. However, the adjective "new" has to be understood in proper
context: Oberon evolved from Modula by very few additions and several
subtractions. In relying on evolution rather than revolution we remain in
the tradition of a long development that led from Algol to Pascal, then to
Modula-2, and eventually to Oberon. The common traits of these languages
are their procedural rather than functional model and the strict typing of
data. Even more fundamental, perhaps, is the idea of abstraction: the
language must be defined in terms of mathematical, abstract concepts
without reference to any computing mechanism. Only if a language satisfies
this criterion, can it be called "higher-level". No syntactic coating
whatsoever can earn a language this attribute alone.
The definition of a language must be coherent and concise. This can only be
achieved by a careful choice of the underlying abstractions and an
appropriate structure combining them. The language manual must be
reasonably short, avoiding the explanation of individual cases derivable
from the general rules. The power of a formalism must not be measured by
the length of its description. To the contrary, an overly lengthy
definition is a sure symptom of inadequacy. In this respect, not complexity
but simplicity must be the goal.
In spite of its brevity, a description must be complete. Completeness is to
be achieved within the framework of the chosen abstractions. Limitations
imposed by particular implementations do not belong to a language
definition proper. Examples of such restrictions are the maximum values of
numbers, rounding and truncation errors in arithmetic, and actions taken
when a program violates the stated rules. It should not be necessary to
supplement a language definition with a voluminous standards document to
cover "unforeseen" cases.
But neither should a programming language be a mathematical theory only. It
must be a practical tool. This imposes certain limits on the terseness of
the formalism. Several features of Oberon are superfluous from a purely
theoretical point of view. They are nevertheless retained for practical
reasons, either for programmers' convenience or to allow for efficient code
generation without the necessity of complex, "optimizing" pattern matching
algorithms in compilers. Examples of such features are the presence of
several forms of repetitive statements, and of standard procedures such as
INC, DEC, and ODD. They complicate neither the language conceptually nor
the compiler to any significant degree.
These underlying premises must be kept in mind when comparing Oberon with
other languages. Neither the language nor its defining document reach the
ideal; but Oberon approximates these goals much better than its
A compiler for Oberon has been implemented for the NS32000 processor family
and is embedded in the Oberon operating environment [8]. The compiler
requires less than 50 KByte of memory, consists of 6 modules with a total
of about 4000 lines of source code, and compiles itself in about 15 seconds
on a workstation with a 25MHz NS32532 processor.
After extensive experience in programming with Oberon, a revision was
defined and implemented. The differences between the two versions are
summarised towards the end of the paper. Subsequently, we present a brief
introduction to (revised) Oberon assuming familiarity with Modula (or
Pascal), concentrating on the added features and listing the eliminated
ones. In order to be able to start with a clean slate, the latter are taken
Features omitted from Modula
Data types
Variant records are eliminated, because they constitute a genuine
difficulty for the implementation of a reliable storage management system
based on automatic garbage collection. The functionality of variant records
is preserved by the introduction of extensible data types.
Opaque types cater for the concept of abstract data type and information
hiding. They are eliminated as such, because again the concept is covered
by the new facility of extended record types.
Enumeration types appear to be a simple enough feature to be
uncontroversial. However, they defy extensibility over module boundaries.
Either a facility to extend given enumeration types has to be introduced,
or they have to be dropped. A reason in favour of the latter, radical
solution was the observation that in a growing number of programs the
indiscriminate use of enumerations (and subranges) had led to a type
explosion that contributed not to program clarity but rather to verbosity.
In connection with import and export, enumerations give rise to the
exceptional rule that the import of a type identifier also causes the
(automatic) import of all associated constant identifiers. This exceptional
rule defies conceptual simplicity and causes unpleasant problems for the
Subrange types were introduced in Pascal (and adopted in Modula) for two
reasons: (1) to indicate that a variable accepts a limited range of values
of the base type and to allow a compiler to generate appropriate guards for
assignments, and (2) to allow a compiler to allocate the minimal storage
space needed to store values of the indicated subrange. This appeared
desirable in connection with packed records. Very few implementations have
taken advantage of this space saving facility, because the additional
compiler complexity is very considerable. Reason 1 alone, however, did not
appear to provide sufficient justification to retain the subrange facility
in Oberon.
With the absence of enumeration and subrange types, the general possibility
of defining set types based on given element types appeared as redundant.
Instead, a single, basic type SET is introduced, whose values are sets of
integers from 0 to an implementation-defined maximum.
The basic type CARDINAL had been introduced in Modula in order to allow
address arithmetic with values from 0 to 216 on 16-bit computers. With the
prevalence of 32-bit addresses in modern processors, the need for unsigned
arithmetic has practically vanished, and therefore the type CARDINAL has
been eliminated. With it, the bothersome incompatibilities of operands of
types CARDINAL and INTEGER have disappeared.
Pointer types are restricted to be bound to a record type or to an array
The notion of a definable index type of arrays has also been abandoned: All
indices are by default integers. Furthermore, the lower bound is fixed to
0; array declarations specify a number of elements (length) rather than a
pair of bounds. This break with a long standing tradition since Algol 60
clearly demonstrates the principle of eliminating the inessential. The
specification of an arbitrary lower bound hardly provides any additional
expressive power. It represents a rather limited kind of mapping of indices
which introduces a hidden computational effort that is incommensurate with
the supposed gain in convenience. This effort is particularly heavy in
connection with bound checking and with dynamic arrays.
Modules and import/export rules
Experience with Modula over the last eight years has shown that local
modules were rarely used. Considering the additional complexity of the
compiler required to handle them, and the additional complications in the
visiblity rules of the language definition, the elimination of local
modules appears justified.
The qualification of an imported object's identifier x by the exporting
module's name M, viz. M.x, can be circumvented in Modula by the use of the
import clause FROM M IMPORT x. This facility has also been discarded.
Experience in programming systems involving many modules has taught that
the explicit qualification of each occurrence of x is actually preferable.
A simplification of the compiler is a welcome side-effect.
The dual role of the main module in Modula is conceptually confusing. It
constitutes a module in the sense of a package of data and procedures
enclosed by a scope of visibility, and at the same time it constitutes a
single procedure called main program. A module is composed of two textual
pieces, called the definition part and the implementation part. The former
is missing in the case of a main program module.
By contrast, a module in Oberon is in itself complete and constitutes a
unit of compilation. Definition and implementation parts are merged; names
to be visible in client modules, i.e. exported identifiers, are marked, and
they typically precede the declarations of objects not exported. A
compilation generates in general a changed object file and a new symbol
file. The latter contains information about exported objects for use in the
compilation of client modules. The generation of a new symbol file must,
however, be specifically enabled by a compiler option, because it will
invalidate previous compilations of clients.
The notion of a main program has been abandoned. Instead, the set of
modules linked through imports typically contains (parameterless)
procedures. They are to be considered as individually activatable, and they
are called commands. Such an activation has the form M.P, where P denotes
the command and M the module containing it. The effect of a command is
considered - not like that of a main program as accepting input and
transforming it to output - as a change of state represented by global
The with statement of Modula has been discarded. Like in the case of
imported identifiers, the explicit qualification of field identifiers is to
be preferred. Another form of with statement is introduced; it has a
different function and is called a regional guard (see below).
The elimination of the for statement constitutes a break with another long
standing tradition. The baroque mechanism of Algol 60's for statement had
been trimmed significantly in Pascal (and Modula). Its marginal value in
practice has led to its absence from Oberon.
Low-level facilities
Modula makes access to machine-specific facilities possible through
low-level constructs, such as the data types ADDRESS and WORD, absolute
addressing of variables, and type casting functions. Most of them are
packaged in a module called SYSTEM. These features were supposed to be
rarely used and easily visible through the presence of the identifier
SYSTEM in a module's import list. Experience has revealed, however, that a
significant number of programmers import this module quite
indiscriminately. A particularly seductive trap is the use of Modula's
type transfer functions.
It appears preferable to drop the pretense of portability of programs that
import a "standard", yet system-specific module. Type transfer functions
denoted by type identifiers are therefore eliminated, and the module SYSTEM
is restricted to providing a few machine-specific functions that typically
are compiled into inline code. In particular, it does not contain any data
types, such as ADDRESS and WORD. Individual implementations are free to
provide appropriate versions of the module SYSTEM, but their facilities do
not belong to the language definition. The use of SYSTEM declares a program
to be patently implementation-specific and thereby non-portable.
The system Oberon does not require any language facilities for expressing
concurrent processes. The pertinent rudimentary features of Modula, in
particular the coroutine, were therefore not retained. This exclusion is
merely a reflection of our actual needs within the concrete project, but
not on the general relevance of concurrency in programming.
Features introduced in Oberon
In contrast to the number of eliminated features, there are only a few new
ones. The important new concepts are type extension and type inclusion.
Furthermore, open arrays may have several dimensions (indices), whereas in
Modula they were confined to a single dimension.
Type extension
The most important addition is the facility of extended record types. It
permits the construction of new types on the basis of existing types, and
establishes a certain degree of compatibility between the new and old
types. Assuming a given type
extensions may be defined which contain certain fields in addition to the
existing ones. For example
define types with fields x, y, z and x, y, w respectively. We define a type
declared by
T' = RECORD (T) <field definitions> END
to be a (direct) extension of T, and conversely T to be the (direct) base
type of T'. Extended types may be extended again, giving rise to the
following definitions:
A type T' is an extension of T, if T' = T or T' is a direct extension of an
extension of T. Conversely, T is a base type of T', if T = T' or T is the
direct base type of a base type of T'. We denote this relationship by T' .
The rule of assignment compatibility states that values of an extended type
are assignable to variables of their base types. For example, a record of
type T0 can be assigned to a variable of the base type T. This assignment
involves the fields x and y only, and in fact constitutes a projection of
the value onto the space spanned by the base type.
It is important to allow modules which import a base type to be able to
declare extended types. In fact, this is probably the normal usage.
This concept of extensible data type gains importance when extended to
pointers. It is appropriate to say that a pointer type P' bound to T'
extends a pointer type P, if P is bound to a base type T of T', and to
extend the assignment rule to cover this case. It is now possible to form
data structures whose nodes are of different types, i.e. inhomogeneous data
structures. The inhomogeneity is automatically (and most sensibly) bounded
by the fact that the nodes are linked by pointers of a common base type.
Typically, the pointer fields establishing the structure are contained in
the base type T, and the procedures manipulating the structure are defined
in the same (base) module as T. Individual extensions (variants) are
defined in client modules together with procedures operating on nodes of
the extended type. This scheme is in full accordance with the notion of
system extensibility: new modules defining new extensions may be added to a
system without requiring a change of the base modules, not even their
As access to an individual node via a pointer bound to a base type provides
a projected view of the node data only, a facility to widen the view is
necessary. It depends on the ability to determine the actual type of the
referenced node. This is achieved by a type test, a Boolean expression of
the form
t IS T' (or p IS P')
If the test is affirmative, an assignment t' := t (t' of type T') or p' :=
p (p' of type P') should be possible. The static view of types, however,
prohibits this. Note that both assignments violate the rule of assignment
compatibility. The desired assignment is made possible by providing a type
guard of the form
t' := t(T') (p' := p(P'))
and by the same token access to the field z of a T0 (see previous examples)
is made possible by a type guard in the designator t(T0).z. Here the guard
asserts that t is (currently) of type T0. In analogy to array bound checks
and case selectors, a failing guard leads to program abortion.
Whereas a guard of the form t(T) asserts that t is of type T for the
designator (starting with) t only, a regional type guard maintains the
assertion over an entire sequence of statements. It has the form
WITH t: T DO StatementSequence END
and specifies that t is to be regarded as of type T within the entire
statement sequence. Typically, T is an extension of the declared type of t.
Note that assignments to t within the region therefore require the assigned
value to be (an extension) of type T. The regional guard serves to reduce
the number of guard evaluations.
As an example of the use of type tests and guards, consider the following
types Node and Object defined in a module M:
TYPE Node = POINTER TO Object;
Object = RECORD key, x, y: INTEGER;
left, right: Node
Elements in a tree structure anchored in a variable called root (of type
Node) are searched by the procedure element defined in M.
PROCEDURE element(k: INTEGER): Node;
VAR p: Node;
BEGIN p := root;
WHILE (p # NIL) & (p.key # k) DO
IF p.key < k THEN p := p.left ELSE p := p.right END
END element
Let extensions of the type Object be defined (together with their pointer
types) in a module M1 which is a client of M:
TYPE Rectangle = POINTER TO RectObject;
RectObject = RECORD (Object) w, h: REAL END ;
Circle = POINTER TO CircleObject;
CircleObject = RECORD (Object) rad: REAL; shaded: BOOLEAN END
After the search of an element, the type test is used to discriminate
between the different extensions, and the type guard to access extension
fields. For example:
p := M.element(K);
IF p IS Rectangle THEN ... p(Rectangle).w ...
ELSIF (p IS Circle) & ~p(Circle).shaded THEN ... p(Circle).rad ...
The extensibility of a system rests upon the premise that new modules
defining new extensions may be added without requiring adaptations nor even
recompilation of the existing parts, although components of the new types
are included in already existing data structures.
The type extension facility not only replaces Modula's variant records, but
represents a type-safe alternative. Equally important is its effect of
relating types in a type hierarchy. We compare, for example, the Modula
T0' = RECORD t: T; z: REAL END ;
which refer to the definition of T given above, with the extended Oberon
types T0 and T1 defined above. First, the Oberon types refrain from
introducing a new naming scope. Given a variable r0 of type T0, we write
r0.x instead of r0.t.x as in Modula. Second, the types T, T0', and T1' are
distinct and unrelated. In contrast, T0 and T1 are related to T as
extensions. This becomes manifest through the type test, which asserts that
variable r0 is not only of type T0, but also of base type T.
The declaration of extended record types, the type test, and the type guard
are the only additional features introduced in this context. A more
extensive discussion is provided in [2]. The concept is very similar to the
class notion of Simula 67 [3], Smalltalk [4], Object Pascal [5], C++ [6],
and others, where the properties of the base class are said to be inherited
by the derived classes. The class facility stipulates that all procedures
applicable to objects of the class be defined together with the data
definition. This dogma stems from the notion of abstract data type, but it
is a serious obstacle in the development of large systems, where the
possibility to add further procedures defined in additional modules is
highly desirable. It is awkward to be obliged to redefine a class solely
because a method (procedure) has been added or changed, particularly when
this change requires a recompilation of the class definition and of all its
client modules.
We emphasise that the type extension facility - although gaining its major
role in connection with pointers to build heterogeneous, dynamic data
structures as shown in the example above - also applies to statically
declared objects used as variable parameters. Such objects are allocated in
a workspace organized as a stack of procedure activation records, and
therefore take advantage of an extremely efficient allocation and
deallocation scheme.
In Oberon, procedure types rather than procedures (methods) are connected
with objects in the program text. The binding of actual methods (specific
procedures) to objects (instances) is delayed until the program is
executed. The association of a procedure type with a data type occurs
through the declaration of a record field. This field is given a procedure
type. The association of a method - to use Smalltalk terminology - with an
object occurs through the assignment of a specific procedure as value to
the field, and not through a static declaration in the extended type's
definition which then "overrides" the declaration given in the base type.
Such a procedure is called a handler. Using type tests, the handler is
capable of discriminating among different extensions of the record's
(object's) base type. In Smalltalk, the compatibility rules between a class
and its subclasses are confined to pointers, thereby intertwining the
concepts of access method and data type in an undesirable way. In Oberon,
the relationship between a type and its extensions is based on the
established mathematical concept of projection.
In Modula, it is possible to declare a pointer type within an
implementation module, and to export it as an opaque type by listing the
same identifier in the corresponding definition module. The net effect is
that the type is exported while all its properties remain hidden (invisible
to clients). In Oberon, this facility is generalized in the sense that the
selection of the record fields to be exported is arbitrary and includes the
cases all and none. The collection of exported fields defines a partial
view - a public projection - to clients.
In client modules as well as in the module itself, it is possible to define
extensions of the base type (e.g. TextViewers or GraphViewers). Of
importance is also the fact that non-exported components (fields) may have
types that are not exported either. Hence, it is possible to hide certain
data types effectively, although components of (opaquely) exported types
refer to them.
Type inclusion
Modern processors feature arithmetic operations on several number formats.
It is desirable to have all these formats reflected in the language as
basic types. Oberon features five of them:
LONGREAL, REAL (real types)
With the proliferation of basic types, a relaxation of compatibility rules
among them becomes almost mandatory. (Note that in Modula the numeric types
INTEGER, CARDINAL, and REAL are incompatible). To this end, the notion of
type inclusion is introduced: a type T includes a type T', if the values of
type T' are also values of type T. Oberon postulates the following
The assignment rule is relaxed accordingly: A value of type T' can be
assigned to a variable of type T, if T' is included in T (or if T' extends
T), i.e. if T J T' or T' . T. In this respect, we return to (and extend)
the flexibility of Algol 60. For example, given variables
the assignments
k := i; x := k; x := 1; k := k+i; x := x*10 + i
conform to the rules, whereas the statements i := k; k := x are not
acceptable. x := k may involve truncation.
The presence of several numeric types is evidently a concession to
implementations which can allocate different amounts of storage to
variables of the different types, and which thereby offer an opportunity
for storage economization. This practical aspect should - with due respect
for mathematical abstraction - not be ignored. The notion of type inclusion
minimises the consequences for the programmer and requires only few
implicit instructions for changing the data representation, such as sign
extensions and integer to floating-point conversions.
Differences between Oberon and Revised Oberon
A revision of Oberon was defined after extensive experience in the use and
implementation of the language. Again, it is characterized by the desire to
simplify and integrate. The differences between the original version [7]
and the revised version [9] are the following:
1. Definition and implementation parts of a module are merged. It appeared
as desirable to have a module's specification contained in a single
document, both from the view of the programmer and the compiler. A
specification of its interface to clients (the definition part) can be
derived automatically. Objects previously declared in the definition part
(and repeated in the implementation part), are specially marked for export.
The need for a structural comparison of two texts by the compiler thereby
2. The syntax of lists of parameter types in the declaration of a
procedure type is the same as that for regular procedure headings. This
implies that dummy identifiers are introduced; they may be useful as
3. The rule that type declarations must follow constant declarations, and
that variable declarations must follow type declarations is relaxed.
4. The apostrophe is eliminated as a string delimiter.
5. The relaxed parameter compatibility rule for the formal type ARRAY OF
BYTE is applicable for variable parameters only.
The language Oberon has evolved from Modula-2 and incorporates the
experiences of many years of programming in Modula. A significant number of
features have been eliminated. They appear to have contributed more to
language and compiler complexity than to genuine power and flexibility of
expression. A small number of features have been added, the most
significant one being the concept of type extension.
The evolution of a new language that is smaller, yet more powerful than its
ancestor is contrary to common practices and trends, but has inestimable
advantages. Apart from simpler compilers, it results in a concise defining
document [9], an indispensible prerequisite for any tool that must serve in
the construction of sophisticated and reliable systems.
It is impossible to explicitly acknowledge all contributions of ideas that
ultimately simmered down to what is now Oberon. Most came from the use or
study of existing languages, such as Modula-2, Ada, Smalltalk, and Cedar,
which often taught us how not to do it. Of particular value was the
contribution of Oberon's first user, J. Gutknecht. The author is grateful
for his insistence on the elimination of dead wood and on basing the
remaining features on a sound mathematical foundation. And last, thanks go
to the anonymous referee who very carefully read the manuscript and
contributed many valuable suggestions for improvement.
1. N. Wirth. Programming in Modula-2. Springer-Verlag, 1982.
2. N. Wirth. Type Extensions. ACM Trans. on Prog. Languages and Systems,
10, 2 (April 1988) 204-214.
3. G. Birtwistle, et al. Simula Begin. Auerbach, 1973.
4. A. Goldberg, D. Robson. Smalltalk-80: The Language and its
Implementation. Addison-Wesley, 1983.
5. L. Tesler. Object Pascal Report. Structured Language World, 9, 3
(1985), 10-14.
6. B. Stroustrup. The Programming Language C++. Addison-Wesley, 1986.
7. N. Wirth. The programming language Oberon. Software - Practice and
Experience, 18, 7 (July 1988), 671-690.
8. J. Gutknecht and N. Wirth. The Oberon System. Software - Practice and
Experience, 19, (1989)
9. N. Wirth. The programming language Oberon (Revised Report). (companion
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